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HPPD, anyone?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion IJesusChrist
  • Date de début Date de début

Ever have Long term (days/weeks) visual effects?

  • Yes (After coming down)

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 66.7%

  • Nombre total d'électeurs
GOD a dit:
Misfit go and see a psychiatrist you are more than confused

lol you say that to everyone who disagrees with you! What is so great about psychiatrists? All they ever do is give poisonous ineffective drugs to vulnerable people

GOD a dit:
kept denying it and changeing his stand point .

i have never denied anything i said, and my position has remained completely the same throughout the whole conversation

to recap my position:

many entheogen users experience persisting visual effects following entheogen experiences - that is ALL that i am saying
toogoodforyou a dit:
Call it HPPD or call it temporary visuals or any shit. But yep, the answers to those Questions are what we would all like to know.

call it whatever you want, it doesnt matter what you call it, it just is what it is

i think that a new thread should be started to address those questions, since this thread is so heavily polluted with bullshit

'the philosophical implications of psychedelic visuals' :D
GOD a dit:
Misfit go and see a psychiatrist you are more than confused .

Shamanita if you have nothing constructive to say dont say it , your comment was dumb .

I totaly agree with Fork .

Mad-max has made unfounded and unproved statements and then kept denying it and changeing his stand point . Just argueing for argueings sake and is obviously not capable of admiting when he is wrong .


your posts are always very constructive indeed :lol:

Just stop the argueing about the name... That's argueing for argueing.
As i already said some pages ago: a coconut is called a nut, but it is in fact a drupe, and not a nut at all... So just stop the BS about the name

in my opinion this thread has gone batty. this is quite typical when a thread gets longer, veers off completely from the original meaning as people jump in, and we have to start the discussion all over again each time, and at some point we aren't even all discussing the same thing anymore and are wondering why there is confusion

some are arguing about personal experience, which is always difficult enough. we have people who are actually agreeing with each other in a lot of ways thinking they are disagreeing, because they are making assumptions and misinterpreting each other. meanwhile some are trying to argue about the research that has been done in the field while others won't look at it and hence there is lots of confusion... and flaming is just in my opinion completely without value... hence this thread will spiral in circles endlessly....

yeah, fuck this thread, it's dagerous to our 'precious' :P

anyone who is saying psychedelics bare any danger should be banned or killed!

Ignorant dogmatic idiots.

GOD, man you are clueless, remember when you insisted that amanitas do not recycle through the piss??? You are the worst type of idiot - the arrogant one... And I bet you do have persisting visuals. Or persisting shit of the drugs you have taken, only you cant afford to admit!

Tell us again your datura experiences and how they lead you to believe it's the devils plant so nobody should ever ingest it, because you tell us so...

Oh, btw, yesterday, I smoked Hyoscyamus again. Along with cannabis and alcohol... It was great. I also had a vision that HPPD is real and that god is non-existant... I mean the user God, you don't exist man, you're a null...

You can't handle the truth, so you believe in your precious...

Mirror Mirror........ :lol: :lol:

you're fun.
Hes the sort of person who one doesnt need to argue or reason with because he shows who he is in every post he posts . Someone whos still to cowardly to eat datura and someone who gets his pseudo knowledge from other pseudo experts out of the web who like him have no practical knowledge . Hes still talking shit about amanita and is still to disshonest to try drinking his own amanita piss . Just an empty wind bag and bad looser .
1. at least I am fun. some people here are really pathetic
2. the piss thing also works with psilocybin and mescaline, not only amanitas, idiot
3. what's a troll supposed to do? [trying to suit my role]
4. why take datura orally? because of idiots or kiddos who do and get fucked up? To be considered 'brave' and drug accomplished?? Nuh - I will stick with my method whitch doesn't include overdoses on ANY 'psychedelic', be it datura, or lsd.
5. What is Mirror mirror?
mutant a dit:
overdoses on ANY 'psychedelic', be it datura, or lsd.

overdose on lsd?
:| :? wtf?
maxfreakout a dit:
can't we talk about HPPD? :cry:

hell no!

It's drugwar propaganda :lol: , there cannot be a 'bad' thing about psychedelics, lolz

mutant a dit:
2. the piss thing also works with psilocybin and mescaline, not only amanitas, idiot

I think that's not right.; WIkipedia says the following:
"Psilocybin is metabolized mostly in the liver where it becomes psilocin. It is broken down by the enzyme monoamine oxidase. MAO inhibitors have been known to sustain the effects of psilocybin for longer periods of time; people who are taking an MAOI for a medical condition or are seeking to potentiate the mushroom experience may experience
highly potentiated effects."

The psychoactive substances in Amanitas stay untouched when they leave the body (aren't broken down), but that isn't the case with psilo...
Shamanita, you are indeed right that psilocybin is transformed into psilocin inside the body - while muscimole of amanitas is almost left intact, almost unmetabolised. But psilocin is the brain-active chemical anyway in psiloshrooms - psilocybin cannot be active by itself it has to metabolise - so some psylocin is supposed to be drained out through piss. Not a surprise actually!

But not every chemical has the same proceedure till it archieves psychoactivity, I am not really knowledgable in neurochemistry biology etc, but I remember reading that psiloshrooms and mescaline can be recycled too through urine, propably not in the same percentage like amanitas, somewhat 70% I remember. So, it's propable that a good quantity of psilocin / mescaline is pissed intact! I cannot give link right now, but these were knowledgeable and serious people

Also note that amanita piss is said to be more clean experience than straight ingestion, and there's a reason for this: because no ibotenic acid is left - it's all metabolised into muscimole INSIDE you, and so the piss contains only muscimol , not ibotenic acid.

overdose on lsd?
yep, overdose on lsd :P look up heroic doses. look up thumbprints. I regard those doses overdoses. People usually have you believe lsd is totally harmless, just because its toxicity is minimal. But you might get your psych poisoned if you have venom inside you.... ;)

it's doses a normal recreational or just curious user wouldn't logically do, at least not in his first attempts, and most people would 'break' if they did anyway. Such an overdose could induce a religious , extreme, total, absolute experience, but also could induce an extreme traumatic event or most likely combinations of 'good' and 'bad' parts

can't we talk about HPPD?
Don't you 'like' what I am saying?? :P What is it that you want to know about hppd??

PS: Just read some parts of trolling-related articles. :) I guess I am kind of like that, I like to extract answers from others through controvarsial opinions, but fuck, these are really my opinions, and fuck so does everyone in a forum : he wants to have answers to his posts, why the fuck would he post in a forum if he didnt? I also find it very creative and revelatory for those who can understand either the approach or the results. Also the term is very loose.

"...with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response[1] or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.[2]"
I am not like that. people often react emotionally when I write my shit, but that's not the main goal, at all. And of course I dont wanna disrupt any discussion.