Shamanita, you are indeed right that psilocybin is transformed into psilocin inside the body - while muscimole of amanitas is almost left intact, almost unmetabolised. But psilocin is the brain-active chemical anyway in psiloshrooms - psilocybin cannot be active by itself it has to metabolise - so some psylocin is supposed to be drained out through piss. Not a surprise actually!
But not every chemical has the same proceedure till it archieves psychoactivity, I am not really knowledgable in neurochemistry biology etc, but I remember reading that psiloshrooms and mescaline can be recycled too through urine, propably not in the same percentage like amanitas, somewhat 70% I remember. So, it's propable that a good quantity of psilocin / mescaline is pissed intact! I cannot give link right now, but these were knowledgeable and serious people
Also note that amanita piss is said to be more clean experience than straight ingestion, and there's a reason for this:
because no ibotenic acid is left - it's all metabolised into muscimole INSIDE you, and so the piss contains only muscimol , not ibotenic acid.
yep, overdose on lsd

look up heroic doses. look up thumbprints. I regard those doses overdoses. People usually have you believe lsd is totally harmless, just because its toxicity is minimal. But you might get your psych poisoned if you have venom inside you....
it's doses a normal recreational or just curious user wouldn't logically do, at least not in his first attempts, and most people would 'break' if they did anyway. Such an overdose could induce a religious , extreme, total, absolute experience, but also could induce an extreme traumatic event or most likely combinations of 'good' and 'bad' parts
can't we talk about HPPD?
Don't you 'like' what I am saying??

What is it that you want to know about hppd??
PS: Just read some parts of trolling-related articles.

I guess I am kind of like that, I like to extract answers from others through controvarsial opinions, but fuck, these are really my opinions, and fuck so does everyone in a forum : he wants to have answers to his posts, why the fuck would he post in a forum if he didnt? I also find it very creative and revelatory for those who can understand either the approach or the results. Also the term is very loose.
"...with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response[1] or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.[2]"
I am not like that. people often react emotionally when I write my shit, but that's not the main goal, at all. And of course I dont wanna disrupt any discussion.