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HPPD, anyone?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion IJesusChrist
  • Date de début Date de début

Ever have Long term (days/weeks) visual effects?

  • Yes (After coming down)

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 66.7%

  • Nombre total d'électeurs
And by the fucking way - who the FUCK cares what a psychologist diagnoses you with, like he knows what you are actually thinking / seeing / relating anyways?

Don't argue about fucking being diagnosed or not.
idk, i think this arguement is purposeless. i have attained a point in my meditation where i can produce these effects eyes wide. after i've gotten into the groove of meditation (eyes closed meditation for about 10-15min) and im relaxed and not scatterbrained, i can then focus on a pattern and retain to an extent (obviously not to the same precision) some of the distortions that i experienced while hallucinating, ie: the "breathing effect", and color appearance or white appearance on the edge of objects.. this is especially noticeable while using patterns as my canvas. but at the same time i can "turn them off" by not devoting as much attention to it.

but there's no real set of words i can use to describe this to you accturately, or simply unless you've "been there" yourself, so this is just unnecessary. i would be interested to hear what you have to say if you were to study meditation, and then perhaps repeat this excercise with yourself. im not trying to sound elite to you, but this is something i think you could experiment with yourself, sucessfully. i just have this sort of duality in opinion on this topic, i can see it from both sides from experience if you know what i mean..
Mad-max i think you have a psychosis and that you should go and get profesional help .

"there is nothing else to call it"

Bollocks . Its called drug war propoganda and the musings of a hypocondriac . There are enough names and definitions for the phenomenen your talking about and for confused people who make false self diagnosies .

Jesus , the point is not about the definition of mad-maxes illness its about him spreading evil drug war propoganda and falsly claiming that psychedelics cause physical damage or mental problems like the ones he obviously has and boasts about .
GOD a dit:
falsly claiming that psychedelics cause physical damage or mental problems

i already explicitly said several times that it is NOT physical damage, or a disorder, perhaps you didn't read those posts?

It can certainly be a very distressing condition though, because it can make it seem as if the world is constantly on the brink of falling apart and that can be a source of intense anxiety and paranoia. But nothing is damaged, it is a heightening, rather than a diminishing, of mental activity. And it needn't be distressing, many people refer to it as a 'free trip', it can be very interesting and enjoyable

it does have some very fascinating philosophical implications though, HPPD can shed light on philosophical issues such as the nature of visual perception

GOD a dit:
There are enough names and definitions for the phenomenen your talking about

There are no other names for it except HPPD, unfortunately
I don't see any link between HPPD and drugwar propaganda... Almost no one knows HPPD. I've never read about it in newspapers/ saw nothing on tv about it.. If it was propaganda, every one would have known it.. Like the LSD-myths, that every one knows about..

The name hppd is maybe not perfect, it'd better called SVD (slightly visual distorion) or something...

People, everything has positive and negative aspects, even psychedelics.. Yin and yang, remember.
Shamanita a dit:
I don't see any link between HPPD and drugwar propaganda... Almost no one knows HPPD. I've never read about it in newspapers/ saw nothing on tv about it.. If it was propaganda, every one would have known it.. Like the LSD-myths, that every one knows about..

Even if there is a link between HPPD and drugwar propaganda, that is certainly no reason to lie about the existence of HPPD, it is a fairly common experience among psychedelic drug-users

I dont think HPPD is linked to propaganda myself, but there is a fairly similar (but distinct) condition called 'flashbacks' which have certainly been used to demonize psychedelics, ive heard all kinds of bullshit in propaganda about flashbacks, i remember in school hearing a talk where some guy said that a pilot who had used LSD as a youth, had a flashback when he was in the middle of a plane journey, and crashed the plane into the sea because he thought he was a dolphin, or some shit like that, it was total bullshit. But again, just because flashbacks have been used to bolster propaganda effortts, does not mean that psychonauts who are talking about theior experience should lie and say that flashbacks don't exist, that makes no sense, if we do that then we are no better than the propagandisers

Shamanita a dit:
The name hppd is maybe not perfect, it'd better called SVD (slightly visual distorion) or something...

i totally agree with that, any name is better than 'HPPD@, but unfortunately there is no way for us to change a name that has become so widely used and recognised. I think a good name for it would be something like "EVP" - enhanced visual perception, or something like that

Shamanita a dit:
People, everything has positive and negative aspects, even psychedelics.. Yin and yang, remember.

exactly, just as a trip can be wonderful or hellish, there are pleasant and unpleasant aspects to HPPD 8)
"i already explicitly said several times that it is NOT physical damage, or a disorder, perhaps you didn't read those posts? "

I read all your posts . Stop being a dickhead . Its called a disorder and if it existed it could only be a form of mental illness or physical damage caused by hallucinogens . Or is it the fairys from B-sirius . You keep quoteing wiki and the definition of what HPPD is suposed to be is stated very clearly there so all your saying is total shit .
GOD a dit:
Its called a disorder and if it existed it could only be a form of mental illness or physical damage caused by hallucinogens

it has nothing to do with brain damage or any kind of physical damage, and again nobody has ever claimed that it is. Nothing is 'damaged' for HPPD to occur

GOD a dit:
You keep quoteing wiki and the definition of what HPPD is suposed to be is stated very clearly

i havent quoted wiki even once, read my posts more carefully.

'HPPD' refers to the condition of persisting visual distortions in conjunction with taking psychedelics.
"it has nothing to do with brain damage or any kind of physical damage,"

You left out mental illness . Or is it the fairys ?
GOD a dit:
"i already explicitly said several times that it is NOT physical damage, or a disorder, perhaps you didn't read those posts? "

I read all your posts . Stop being a dickhead . Its called a disorder and if it existed it could only be a form of mental illness or physical damage caused by hallucinogens . Or is it the fairys from B-sirius . You keep quoteing wiki and the definition of what HPPD is suposed to be is stated very clearly there so all your saying is total shit .

It needs to have a name, or else people cant talk about it..
Forget about the name... a coconut is called a nut, but in fact it isn't a nut. Its a drupe :) ...

have a look a this site: not only wikipedia talks about hppd, also the leading website of neutral druginformation, erowid:
For it to have a name it would have to exist . The phenomenen that are being talked about have names and realistic definitions .

Dont give me crap about because some sites talk about HPPD it must exist and dont try to sell all the things in erowid as facts . There is a lot there that isnt fact . Do some research and look at the original definition and look where and how it came from .

If the fantasy condition HPPD isnt caused by left over drugs in the system , physical damage from takeing psychedelics or mental illness what is the cause ? And dont give me shit about you dont know . Those are the only posibilitys .
GOD a dit:
For it to have a name it would have to exist . The phenomenen that are being talked about have names and realistic definitions .

Dont give me crap about because some sites talk about HPPD it must exist and dont try to sell all the things in erowid as facts . There is a lot there that isnt fact . Do some research and look at the original definition and look where and how it came from .

If the fantasy condition HPPD isnt caused by left over drugs in the system , physical damage from takeing psychedelics or mental illness what is the cause ? And dont give me shit about you dont know . Those are the only posibilitys .

i'm not just believing everything on erowid. I speak about my own experience with visual distortions...

I do have a mild form of HPPD... When i'm very tired or drunk, objects are floathing. When i look and concentrate at an object for 20 seconds, it starts waving... I see the "visual snow" every time... When i'm smoking a joint in the sun, i get very sensitive to light. When i read a book, the letters are floathing.......
These are all things that i haven't encountered BEFORE i used hallucinogens.

But it's not big deal, i have a normal life :p
GOD a dit:
If the fantasy condition HPPD isnt caused by left over drugs in the system , physical damage from takeing psychedelics or mental illness what is the cause ?

When you take a psychedelic like LSD, the mind temporarily enters into a state of super-enhanced turbo-charged cognitive processing, which is characterized by loosened associations between mental constructs. Ordinarily, when the trip finishes, the mind fully returns to the state of tightly-bound associations which characterizes the state of everyday un-drugged consciousness. But in HPPD this is not the case, the mind does not fully return to its ordinary state, and there is a vague after-effect of partially loosened associations. Nobody knows the precise neuro-chemical cause of HPPd, but it certainly isnt anything to do with a residue of drugs left in the system, because the body is very effective at metabolising drugs.

I think that asking what is the cause of HPPD, is much like asking what is the cause of memories, both memories and HPPD are an after-effect of a certain experience which does not completely disappear from consciousness
it seems like every post in general section has turned into a cat fight about someone being wrong, and someone being right. You guys need to chill out a bit
IJesusChrist a dit:
it seems like every post in general section has turned into a cat fight about someone being wrong, and someone being right. You guys need to chill out a bit

cat fights are great !


ive got floaters in my field of vision. idk y tho, isnt it some bllod cells or somethin?
I think there are a lot of causes, including bits of the retina detaching, and yes, blood cells. Basically any crap that gets in the fluid in your eye.

I noticed my first and only big floater a few years ago when i was sitting in an airplane.. looking at the clear bright sky. It's not particularly bothersome, occasionally I just see a shadow flicker by my vision when i move my eye around. come to think of it, i hardly even notice it now compared to how I used to
I remember seeing floathing spots of colour my whole life.
I always told my mom about them when i was young. I asked her what they where, and she couldn't see them.

The stuff i am talking about is produced by the eyes. Not hallucination like visuals.
floaters are just things on the inside of your eyeballs. I remember finding them when i was about 7 and thought they were awesome.