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Drugs in the bibles

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion GOD
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Heartcore you just said it all... AGAIN ....... Did you eat a T.McKenna book or something ??? I think you and me are very , very near on this evolution to love , to be god .......??????? You are touching on / talking about THE secret . I shall write more when it becomes clear to me how to say it .

"What do you expect though? You come across to many as an arrogant German prick, and in some ways, I can agree with them (just making fun Razz )but I love you anyhow and personally I havent ANY problems with you. But what you sow is what you get, more than you put in there usually. Be provocative, expect reaction, simple "

BINGO !!!! Me 3 . Except im not german ???? The rant was aimed at someone . Someone on another thread . Thanx for the advice though , i know you are trying to help me . But think about the the bit i said about sand , about not betraying my god and about varying my tactics later in this post please ........ There are many ways to skin a cat ?

"but it seems even the most hardheaded assholes on the planet, can awaken to be true love"

My ears got hot and started itching when i read that ????
( What does LOL) mean ? )

Daytripper ,

" i prefer to know what you think before i say anything about it."

Holy smoking shit batman another one with a brain !!!! Does this mean i have been out manovered and cant take the piss any more ????

IT WAS A FAKE CUP . But it was a good example , normaly at football matches they kick the shit out of each other ?

"there's no way we can get rid of them."

They will go one way or the other . I think that a day will come when humanity will out grow those people . I think its near . If i didnt i would fight with weapons to be free . I think they will become unnesescery . You can fool some of the people all of the time , all of the people some of the time , but you cant fool all of the people all of the time . The internet has opened new posibilities to comunicate , to inform and help each other . Look at how computers have changed our world and think about the way they will change our future . Is "eremit" portugese ??? I dont mean to critisise but i think what you have said sounds a bit helpless and hopeless , as though you have acepted humanitys defeat , the defeat of the human spirit ? I do often say i think the best thing for the planet would be if most of the humans died . The next 50 years will show us , either humanity sinking into the bigest hole that it has ever been in and wipe it self out , or uniting and fighting to save the whole organism ( = mom ) .

"will those people trade all of it to be love ? or even to have an ego death ?"

No . Not at the moment . And all of them never will . As you say they are products of their "education" . They dont know any better . But i do know that if you give humans the chance , show them the benefits for them , that they will change . They had to be trained for thousands of years to be as dumb as they are now .

"people don't want knowledge. they want to have fun, earn some money and fuck a lot."

Yes . Me 3 . But not all the time . That is a phase for humans and for humanity . We just had a few thousand years of shit and need to party a bit first . Not every one wanted to grow up and not every one will ever grow up .

" i'm just uninterested, ignorant and forgetful they exist."

I dont believe that . I can see that from what you say and how you say it that you are an honest , decent , loving person . I can see that you have been hurt . Dont give up . Just because most people are to blind or dumb to see me ofering my love , and throw it back in my face with shit on it , i will not give them up , i will not betray my god . I will fight to the bitter end . I`m prepared to go the long way , the whole way , if i must i will line up and count every grain of sand on every beach in the universe if that is what it takes . You have learned a lot , maybe this , the way you feel and react , is a test for you , the last hurdle before going up the next step .

"evoluted" sounds german to me ?

Thats one of the shity bits about religeon they want to sell paradise back to us . THIS IS THE GARDEN OF EDEN . I realy liked your posts . It was longer and more detailed than the other posts i have seen from you . I think you and me and heartcore are quite similar in many ways . Especialy how we get hurt sometimes about what we are doing to each other and the whole planet .

Getaphix.....what the FUCK have you been smoking ???????? I want some , maybe i can eat 15 grams ????? Of cource on film !!!!
I agree , if the bastards had had a guided trip a la timothy leary they would not be such scum .

Soulcatcher ,

Wow ! are we all good today or what ?

"Point is, you can't force people to experience these things. They have to do it for themselves. All that is important is that they have the chance to do it, and some knowledge of it."

No but we can be shining lights and show them the way , by example . When i was a kid trips were rare , only very few people new about our world . Now millions do . We are at the start of the return to the old religeon of universal respect and love and WE ARE THE PRIESTS .

"But hey, if that's your cup of tea."

I vary my tactic acording to the efect i want to achive , and up till now it was like taking candy from babys , blind babys .
I asure you i weigh every word i say and am aware of the possible consequences / reactions .

Monochromatic_Knight ,

Yes , i totaly agree ? I`m positively surprised how this thread is developing . I am you as you are me as we are all together . There is only one consciousness , every life form just taps into it . Is a station that recieves the signal and every life form expresses that it in a diferent way .


GOD a dit:
Yes , i totaly agree ? I`m positively surprised how this thread is developing . I am you as you are me as we are all together . There is only one consciousness , every life form just taps into it . Is a station that recieves the signal and every life form expresses that it in a diferent way .

"I think that a day will come when humanity will out grow those people."

And if we are all one, what does it matter that some are on a "path" and others are not? I don't mean to say that we shouldn't bother to pursue what interests each of us, but that it makes little sense in distinguishing between us and them. Also, with the acceptance of a non-dual perspective (if that's your cup of tea) you'll see that even the spectrum itself seems to dissipate.

Love Bush?

GOD a dit:
"The next 50 years will show us , either humanity sinking into the bigest hole that it has ever been in and wipe it self out , or uniting and fighting to save the whole organism."

I don't deny that it seems there will be rough times ahead. But regarding the immediacy of your post, keep in mind that every previous generation in which man was able to keep record there existed prophecies of the end times. And every prophet that claimed the end was near has been proven wrong, for we are still here.

It may be interesting to ponder why this is so. Perhaps we must add another psychological condition to the list which Leary, McKenna, Wilson, Watts, Grof, and so many other have encouraged us to explore, overcome, and control. This is the psychological anxiety resulting from the awareness of our own mortality. Perhaps from here comes our desire for our generation to be unique, to be the last before the final unveiling, the apocalypse. If such a thing even exists...
GOD a dit:

Getaphix.....what the FUCK have you been smoking ???????? I want some , maybe i can eat 15 grams ????? Of cource on film !!!!
I agree , if the bastards had had a guided trip a la timothy leary they would not be such scum .

2- cb. not yet but i will hehe
daytripper a dit:
why do we have to picture a start and an end to everything ? why can't the universe be eternal, and never started ?
i don't listen to that science bs. i spent many years in a scientific career, and then i realized that it is all garbage: the theories are accepted pollitically (and i don't refer to GOOD politics), the theories are always replaced by new ones, then the new ones are replaced by the old ones, like in this big bang theory. science today is the greatest religion on earth. but just like other religions, it is very beautiful ON THE PAPER. and don't tell me that science is very advanced, please. we still don't know what energy, mass and time are. 8)

Sorry but this has been buzzing in my mind for a while

we have to picture a start and an ending to everything because this is what we whitness everday, not only on earth but in space there are stars who are born and stars who are dieing (shit i don't remember how to spell it)...therfore for stupid creatures such as humans it's obvious to extrapolate that also the universe had a beginning and an end...of course also the eternal and unchanging is as viable as the previous but since our minds are too little , even if put together they'll never reach the knowledge necessary to understand the real laws of the universe and understanding the universe itself until directly experiencing it, i.e. in full communion with the/a creator of the universe.
knowledge really is what you make of it...religion is a form of knowledge
religious institutions indoctrinate thus knowledge is not acheived
science is not garbage and it CAN'T be religion religion CAN'T be based on a set of theories. religion is based on FAITH and on what people think
besides...nothing that can be considered knowledge is garbage as long as it helps the individual to grow and understand
i don't consider the legend of Father Christmas garbage, when i was little i believed in him and believed that it was him who brought presents at night, now i realize how ingenuous i was but i don't consider the legend garbage at all...it was part of my growth as an individual and i axcept it.
if you can't accept a part of you as something that happened and helped you grow you will never understand who you really are because you'll be concentrated on new perspectives and will never learn from your present perspective because deep inside you xpect it to betray you...every step is usefull in the growth of the individual and humanity it is up to us tu understand weather is good or bad (and even if it is not good accept it as part of yourself and respect it..otherwhise you won't be able to respect yourself)
we can also say that science is advanced indeed because the depth of knowledge that it brings is amazing , considering how stupid human beings are, science as a tool to aceive knowledge is a very sharp one and it gives insight in life and the universe more than we have been able with religion it has expanded our horizons and taught us how to interact with matter and energy.
think of the ability to sytnthetize molecules...particularly the molecules that we are so in love with and allow us to get in touch with the god inside of us
think about it before replying
then tonight before going to bed pray to the great intelligence that allows us to see, feel, hear and move and ask for forgiveness.
Nah dude, relgion creates this illusion that is doing all this good, when its responsible for so much more destruction than its really affiliated with!,

Y the hell would i pray to religion when it in its self is evil. No i wont do that.

i come from africa and have used this quote so many times and the truth resounds threw time across many continents : when the people came from across the seas they told the people( who lived in peace and natural harmony on thier vast land) to take this book, read about this god. Then they told the people to close thier eyes and pray, when that opened their eyes they had the book indeed,however they had no peace and no land.

dont tell me whom to pray to or to pray at all, eva.
for there is nothing after this life and in this vast nothingness peace is the equilibrium.
Agreement/comments to Dantes most recent reply.

Terence Mckenna:

"The bigger you create the campfire, the more darkness is revealed."


"There is no closure."

The life of a star is a desert compared to our lives, half a grain of sand maybe ;) But science makes it somehow understandable for us while in fact of course, it isnt. At least, not from a scientific point of view. Don't get me wrong, I am in no way antiscience and I fully respect and honor the place it should have in our lives: Knowledge for toolmaking to improve the quality of our lives.

Somewhere along the way, we lost track of what we all in our deepest selves, define as improved quality of life and have replaced it with the cliché example of consumer goods. We all know it, most of us are not really AWARE of it though but I have high hopes for the future myself ;)

We are not stupid creatures at all, if you believe that, you are letting science disempowering you. You let science decide about the issue of your life and death, we are all together on deathrow actually. Instead of making a conscious choice to follow your heart (we all KNOW this but are often afraid to LIVE it), you let science decide that life is utterly useless and happened by chance, "but we are still looking to tie a few loose ends."

Yea right
fucking right
No way José ;)

As long as you are not in some scientific career trip I can assure you all that it's safe to let go of wanting to solve the puzzle by science. Its not possible, there is no closure, only more darkness to be revealed. Most of you know this and have experienced by heart (our beloved ancient golden teacher :)) how everything you learned your life, can actually make you blind for a lot of truths. Naturally then, learning more before you really understand, will only keep you from the solution ;)

i liked your post a lot. let me explain what i meant. (i will talk about it in small topics)

- eternal time vs. finite time

we have to picture a start and an ending to everything because this is what we whitness everday, not only on earth but in space there are stars who are born and stars who are dieing (shit i don't remember how to spell it)...therfore for stupid creatures such as humans it's obvious to extrapolate that also the universe had a beginning and an end...of course also the eternal and unchanging is as viable as the previous but since our minds are too little , even if put together they'll never reach the knowledge necessary to understand the real laws of the universe and understanding the universe itself until directly experiencing it, i.e. in full communion with the/a creator of the universe.

imho, we have to picture a start and an end because that's what our logic tell us to do. we live and we die, and all living things do the same. inanimate objects still do the same (the exist and they dissapear). is this so ? i'd like to get a little attention to this matter. nothing dissapears and nothing is created, as you may know from chemistry (lavoisier principle) - everything is transformed. let's link this with some greek philosophy (my personal favourite). democritus was the first one to speak about the atom, that a body contained millions of them, and after the body died, they would dissipate into another objects. we know for a fact that this is true. plants use the soil, light and o2 to grow, and when you snort a big line of cocaine you can tell that something's different. now comes the big one: before you snort the line of cocaine, you can say: "this is the line of coke, this is me"...two separate "identities". and when you snort the line, the cocaine becomes you, and you become the cocaine, right ? it is in you. if you say it isn't so, then, you must say that your organs aren't you. expanding this idea, if the cocaine is you before you inhaled it, why can't it be always you ?
imo, everything is us, and we are everything. there are no "us" and no "I", no "you". i'd like to present some "cientific" evidence to you. as you said, and right,
there are stars who are born and stars who are dieing
where did the earth came from ? from a nebular cloud that also formed all the other planets from the solar system, and also the sun. you and I (better, our atoms) existed in this cloud. everyone that lived and is yet to come lived on this cloud. the rocks, the sun, the light that we get from the sun lived in this cloud. even the music that musicians have created, the paintings, movies, etc, etc, lived on this cloud. do you agree ? if you write a text, the text was inside you, and you just wrote it. you cannot create something, remember ? we all come from this nebular cloud. true ?
no, it is false. where did this nebular cloud came from ? from a exploding supernova. where did it came from ? -fast foward- from the big bang, or a fundamental cause to everything, that mathematicaly has to be. we are all the same, cientifically explained.
(the nice thing is that you may have just farted a Charlie Chaplin's arm, or ate the toilet water from george bush)
where does time come in this ? first of all, some say that time is movement, some say that time does not exist except in our minds. some say that time is a fundamental property of the universe. if the universe "ends", as you say, and you see the picture from inside, time will stop in the "big crunch" (as the actual theories say), as time started in the big bang. if you see from the outside, you see a universe starting and ending, but time continues. time, as we know it, cannot be stopped, even if it seems so on acid. if it cannot be stopped, it cannot end. then, even if it began (and i say it again...EVEN), it will not end from our perspective. our atoms will continue, and form another living beings, another planets, perhaps in a long, long time ahead, in a far, far galaxy. do you know that the gold atoms are only formed inside the core of a supernova ? the gold that you see was once inside a star.

-knowledge and religion

knowledge really is what you make of it...religion is a form of knowledge
religious institutions indoctrinate thus knowledge is not acheived

i belive you are confusing religion with catholicism. let's see what the encyclopedia britannica has to say:

religion - human beings' relation to that which they regard as holy, sacred, spiritual, or divine. Religion is commonly regarded as consisting of a person's relation to God or to gods or spirits.

religion does not mean that you have to follow any directions. catholic church does. and also most (if not all) of the organized religions. does science indoctrinate their knowledge ? (i think this is the important question)
did you had to memorize any biology book to have a good grade on biology ?
did you had to know the chemical reactions of the sodium and potasse on water to get a good grade on chemistry ?
can you have a degree in any science if you hadn't memorized countless books in school ?
can you practice science if you don't have a degree ? (this is, if having an underground lab counts as practicing science)
will most people agree with you ? (that you are practicing science)
can you call yourself a scientist this way ?

i guess that science sure can indoctrinate a lot. but it also leaves some space to skepticism and open talking (sometimes). that's was the church's mistake. and that's why i say science is religion version 1.2.
why did science (in the iluminism) really thrived in europe and not in the rest of the world ? because of luther, calvin and many others that started to demolish the vatican. because church began to lose the power. people need to belive in something, and since the chuch was obviously a (bad) comedy, people were not dumb and started beliving in what they SAW rather then what they FELT. they belived in science, and still belive.
why wasn't science born in the aborigens in australia ? because they have a serious religion. in haiti ? the same. in western africa ? the same. we can go on and on about this. but i guess you understood my point. let's move on, i have to take a bath and get a blowjob.

besides...nothing that can be considered knowledge is garbage as long as it helps the individual to grow and understand

i did not said that knowledge was garbage. science is garbage, since it masks knowledge with axioms. an axiom is like the bible. it cannot be changed. and we all know that a conclusion is something you reach when you got tired of thinking. real knowledge, as you said, helps one to grow and explore new paths. science does that just to reach the equation of equations - the unified theory. you don't do the exploring for the fun, the "alive" feeling and the curiosity that we have as humans. you do that to get the "we have tamed nature" feeling. we can't tame nature, because we can't even tame ourselves. besides that, we are nature, and there's no "we" or "nature". are all the same, like a shroom-growing cake. you are a shroom, i am another shroom. venus and alpha-centaury are another shroom. we are all on the same cake. you get an infection, i get ill. maybe not imediattly, but soon.

we can also say that science is advanced indeed because the depth of knowledge that it brings is amazing , considering how stupid human beings are, science as a tool to aceive knowledge is a very sharp one and it gives insight in life and the universe more than we have been able with religion it has expanded our horizons and taught us how to interact with matter and energy.

if i made a magic trick, would you call me a magician ? science can do many things...nice things, like killing your flu, and restoring your broken arm. you can even synthetize LSD, make a circle or understand why the water boils.
now, tell me...can you tell me how our brain works ? how to cheat death ? why are we here ? (this question should be answered by science, don't you think ? if you say no, then you must admit that science is not an explanation for nothing...like saying: "i made this great experiment about a tree: i looked a leave in the microscope and saw some cells")why did i woke up smelling coffee ? why does weed feel so good ? (don't tell me is because the serotonin! why does serotonin feel good, then?)

then tonight before going to bed pray to the great intelligence that allows us to see, feel, hear and move and ask for forgiveness.

for a person that hates religion so much, you really can sound like a priest. :lol:
Now we're getting there
i had to throw a bomb to see some reactions here
still Getaphix doesn't get it
i honour your antisemitic approach to religions and your adversity for people who tell you what to pray for but i actually think HC is closer
you can't demonize science
for science is but a tool to empower the self
scientists on the other hand are like communists (all is good as long as it remains on paper...but that is because paper preserves the ideal from everyday life influence) they try to rationalize everything eliminating god (not the one in this forum :P ) when we in the first place are not rational beings
thus these people become the extremists of their movement making it a religious institution, when it is but a tool to gain knowledge.

besides Getaphix.........Africans never lived in harmony, where does that come from?

the only africans who lived in harmony where the bushmen from the centre and the few non belligerous tribes in the south of africa
those are the only ones who were really in harmony
the other tribes were allways bothering eachother for territoriality
they still do but now with religion they kill eachother in the name of god
and i don't think the books have made much of an impact since traditions such as infibulation and circumcision (which was born in africa, wherelse would you need a sanitary practice such as this?) and cannibalism are still well alive?
besides ...if it wasn't for the books you wouldn't have Rastafarians now.
daytripper a dit:
for a person that hates religion so much, you really can sound like a priest. :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I love to sound like a priest!!
no seriously i was being ironic

"thou shalt not do unto me what i do unto you"
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

in reality i am on the way to become a being of light and peace

i'm gonna become a lightbulb :idea:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
i'd rather reach HC's enlightenment
I probably need it :wink:
This thread is one the greatest things I've read in my short life. There's not even the need to post, everyone is in the (almost) exact same wavelenght (and more with each post) and thoughts just unfold\evolve for themselves. Pretty amazing!

Thank you all =)

BTW, what are we supposed to believe the "mana" is?
Jesus didnt die on the cross . In the new testament there are two conflicting versions of a part of the crusifiction story . in one place it says the romans tried to give him wine ( Mark 15:23 ) , and in another they were suposed to have given him vinegar on a sponge ( mathew 27:34 , Mark 15:36 , Luke 23:36 , John 19:29 ) . Wich he refused at first , but later as he was on the cross they tried it again and he took it . Both cant be true . The first four books of the new testament were writen in greek , the word that was falsely translated as wine / vinegar was "rosh" wich means opium . In the bible "wine" is described as wine , fresh wine , strong wine and new wine . Strong wine meant wine that had been fortified with things like opium and other drugs / medicins . To concentrate them the wine was poured into a dish , and every time it evaporated they filled it up again untill the dish was full of extract . Sometimes they put a sponge in the dish first and with each filling the sponge absorbed more concentrated drug extract . The romans sometimes crucified thousands of people in a day , in rows on hill tops , or along the roads into towns , so every one could see , and learn . Can you imagine the scene , thousands of people waiting to be crucified , having to dig their own graves and the holes to put the cross in ? Can you imagine the whining and moaning , the pleading , the praying , the begging and screaming . Can you imagine the smell of thousands shitting themselves , puking their guts out in pain and fear ? Imagine the romans who had to do it , the guards , the four BIG men it took to hold them down while a fifth and sixth hit nails through their wrists and feet , imagine their feelings . Imagine having to stay there and guard everything for the three to six days that it took the people who had been crucified to die , so that no one would cut them down . They gave the people who were about to be crucified a wine / opium ( morphine / codeine ) extract to shut them up , and after a few hours they often broke their legs so that they could not support their own weight anymore and die quicker ( John 19:31 - 34 ) . Joseph of arimathaea was a rich merchant who payed a bribe to pontius pilat to take jesus body of the cross after only SIX hours .

Vinegar is wine that has gone off , it is an acid that can be used to extract things just like wine . It is acetic acid , when you boil opium / morphine base with acetic anhydride , acetilation , you get heroin . If you acetilate hash oil it works much better . it becomes THC acetate . If i`ve made any mistakes please tell me . There are LOTS of other references to drugs in the bible , canabis is definate and the evidence for DMT is undenyable , an ayahuasca analog is also probable . Most of the plants mentioned in the bible can have psychoactive effects .


This thread is getting like a "denial of service" attack !!!!! I´m having dificulty to keep up with you all , BUT ITS FUN THANX .
You should read John Allegros the secret mushrooms and the cross.

If you like I can send you a copy in pdf.

Edit: btw, Allegro said basically: Look, all you amateurs have been translating all these all texts wrong (he was THE most respected scholar in the field of, among other things, bible translations if I remember correctly. UNTILL his translations were going too much away from the 'official' scripture.

Another great book is 'the Jesus Mysteries' by Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy (what's in a name ;)). They argue very convincinlgy that Jesus never existed. The entire book is about that and I put it away halfway in chapter 3. Not because it was a bad book but because the evidence was already overwhelming enough at the half of chapter two for not NEEDING to read more ;)

The Jesus story is, among MANY other things. a direct copy of the story of Dionysus.

Anyone trying to prove anything about Jesus and using the christian scriptures for it, is basically just blinding their own eyes. The bible is so far removed from the actual meaning, that its almost inrecognizable, certainly if you compare it to translations Allegro (for example) made.

Christians are blind because they look at only the bidle for truth. How ironic that many of us, are doing the same in some respect ;)
Vinegar is wine that has gone off , it is an acid that can be used to extract things just like wine . It is acetic acid , when you boil opium / morphine base with acetic anhydride , acetilation , you get heroin .

in china, they carefully heat this solution, so it doesn't boil, over two hours. the solution is stirred, until the morphine is dissolved.

"acetic anhydride reacts with the morphine to form diacetylmorphine (heroin). this acetilation process will work either with morphine hydrochloride or p'i-tzu (crude morphine base)", according to book i can rely on. it seems that heroin is probable, but i doubt they could transform raw opium into morphine base...i don't have much knowledge of chemistry, but it seems that this process is fairly complicated, no ?
Hello world ,

Thanks that you are all so concerned that the thread should not be hijacked . It seems to have found its own , very interesting cource , wich i am very pleased about , swaping ideas , a sort of international brainstorming .

Heartcore ,

I have read John Alegro and read about his theorys . I dont like the thought that the bible is full of references to fly agaric . I dont think that there were enough fly agaric in the area to base a cult on . Plus i dont think it would be possible to hide a jewish cult from the jews for thousands of years ??? As you said the bible is a collection of stolen storys wich have been falsely translated . Thanx for the offer , i havent got the book and would apreciate it if you could beam it over to me . Because its you saying that , i will then read it again , to see what you mean and comment on it later .

" I call myself myself, and I call I, I, and you, you. But as a matter of fact, I is looking through both our eyes at this moment."

That was perfect . There is only one consciousness , the universe / probability soup is conscious of itself . Thats what i mean with "I" and "I" , and "I am you as you are me as we are alltogether" . That was the other reason why i chose the name god . "I" AM GOD .

"we are all together on deathrow actually"

Yes , we are born , we die and in between we are standing in a que to the slaughter house , pretending that we are filmstars .

"As long as you are not in some scientific career trip I can assure you all that it's safe to let go of wanting to solve the puzzle by science. Its not possible, there is no closure, only more darkness to be revealed"

"There are more questions than answers and the more i find out the less i know" Desmond Decker . Thats the main impetus to learning , evolution . I think science and religeon say , and are looking for , the same things . That we will find a middle way between science and religeon . Both have the same goal , solving the mystery . Every thing is a part of the same whole .

Daytripper ,

I wasnt realy sugesting anything about morphine / heroin , i just thought it interesting and worth a chemist thinking about if the vinegar could have any potentiating / transforming effects because of acetylation . If you read what you have said again you will see that it contradicts it self , it says that the acetilation process will work with "crude morphine base" and later " but i doubt they could transform raw opium into morphine base " . It is very easy to make opium from raw opium and then make a mixed alkaloidal extract ( = crude morphine base ) . All base / acid plant extraction methods are the same . To make pure morphine from opium is easy , you need opium , a little alcohol , calcium chloride , hot water , sodium sulphite , sodium acetate , calcium hydroxide and amonium chloride . Farmers that live in an afghani sort of stone / middle age society very similar to biblical palestine make it .

"nothing dissapears and nothing is created, as you may know from chemistry (lavoisier principle)"

= the same as E=MC2 = there is no death , just a change . Very easily said god / the conscious universe got bored with endless nothing so it devised a game where it could play hide and seek with itself . The game being us , life and the universe .

"the nice thing is that you may have just farted a Charlie Chaplin's arm, or ate the toilet water from george bush"

This is the problem trying to rationalise the probability soup . It is a way of describing something , a sort of algebra where all the terms are variables . All things theoreticaly have a mathematical probability = its always something to one , like horse racing . All those things dont exist , the theoretical mathematical probability for them does .

"as time started in the big bang."

"Our" linear time . Not time itself .

"i belive you are confusing religion with catholicism"

That is what i am often talking about , the diference between real religeon and organised , hierachical , pseudo religeons . = political organisations .

"that's why i say science is religion version 1.2."

I agree again , but we are talking about the same thing again . The diference between real science and the sort of pseudo science that was responsible for the dark ages . Blind faith . Psychology and mental religeous placebos . Faith as compaired to knowledge .

"and get a blowjob"

Did you know that 1 in a 140.000 men can suck their own dicks . They must have long necks . I cant stretch my neck high enough to suck mine ???

What is an axiom ?????

".can you tell me how our brain works ? how to cheat death ? why are we here ?"


I like what you have to say , what we all have said , provoking each other to think , define and clarify . Aint we cool !!!

Monochromatic_Knight ,

"But regarding the immediacy of your post, keep in mind that every previous generation in which man was able to keep record there existed prophecies of the end times. And every prophet that claimed the end was near has been proven wrong, for we are still here." "This is the psychological anxiety resulting from the awareness of our own mortality. Perhaps from here comes our desire for our generation to be unique, to be the last before the final unveiling, the apocalypse. If such a thing even exists"

I understand what you mean.... but the coming katastrophy is undenyable , its not an apokalitic nightmare from pseudo religeous fanatics . The temperature at the poles has already risen 11c . I hope you dont have rose coloured glasses on ?.......(and that you can swim good . I have had my bags packed for the last 30 years !!!!! HONESTLY )

"This is the psychological anxiety resulting from the awareness of our own mortality" ?????????????

There is no death . E=MC2 / the lavoisier principle ( lavoisiere sounds like a french toilet cleaner to me ) I am not frightened of death , i`m a bit concerned about dying in pain but thats all . I am looking forwards to dying , its the only experience that is mine personaly . I will be the star . I have died before , in this life . I once spent 6 weeks in a room where people are brought to die and watched myself go blind and dieing . I have had white light experiences from eating hash , meditation and near death experiences . I have met god face to face and been shown everything . There is no death .

Dantediv86 ,

You are talking about the linear time of our universe , the probability soup is in us , around us and over us and is non linear . I like most of what you are trying to explain although i dont agree with everything , but i think the diferences are more missunderstood comunication than diferences .

"you can't demonize science"

Yes . But it should be a sort of subjective objectivity . Not blind faith .

" eliminating god (not the one in this forum)"


Male circumsision comes from lands where there is not so much water that people can wash regularly enough to prevent mold . I have seen pictures of blue mold that was growing under a forskin . Female circumsision is realy female castration . ( a major crime that must be stoped NOW ) Impotent men trying to stop their women geting sexual pleasure somewhere else .

"in reality i am on the way to become a being of light and peace ,i'm gonna become a lightbulb"

HA ! HA! A bit of obvious humor , wow! something new(?) here . I think that the light that most human beans think that they can see at the end of their tunnel is the fires of hell !!!!

Getaphix ,

"for there is nothing after this life"

??????? After is a linear time concept . The univers that we live in is linear the probability soup is not . I think you mean the organised religeons are evil . Not religeon itself . The rest of what you say is in my opinion cool .

forgetoz ,

"This thread is one the greatest things I've read in my short life. There's not even the need to post, everyone is in the (almost) exact same wavelenght (and more with each post) and thoughts just unfold\evolve for themselves. Pretty amazing!
Thank you all =) "

ME 3 . 1+1=3.....

"BTW, what are we supposed to believe the "mana" is?"

Another good question . The "supposed to believe" was very good . In the bible it describes clearly what "mana" is / looks like . I dont want to explain more about what manna IS , yet , but it is a drug ?????
