i liked your post a lot. let me explain what i meant. (i will talk about it in small topics)
- eternal time vs. finite time
we have to picture a start and an ending to everything because this is what we whitness everday, not only on earth but in space there are stars who are born and stars who are dieing (shit i don't remember how to spell it)...therfore for stupid creatures such as humans it's obvious to extrapolate that also the universe had a beginning and an end...of course also the eternal and unchanging is as viable as the previous but since our minds are too little , even if put together they'll never reach the knowledge necessary to understand the real laws of the universe and understanding the universe itself until directly experiencing it, i.e. in full communion with the/a creator of the universe.
imho, we have to picture a start and an end because that's what our logic tell us to do. we live and we die, and all living things do the same. inanimate objects still do the same (the exist and they dissapear). is this so ? i'd like to get a little attention to this matter. nothing dissapears and nothing is created, as you may know from chemistry (lavoisier principle) - everything is transformed. let's link this with some greek philosophy (my personal favourite). democritus was the first one to speak about the atom, that a body contained millions of them, and after the body died, they would dissipate into another objects. we know for a fact that this is true. plants use the soil, light and o2 to grow, and when you snort a big line of cocaine you can tell that something's different. now comes the big one: before you snort the line of cocaine, you can say: "this is the line of coke, this is me"...two separate "identities". and when you snort the line, the cocaine becomes you, and you become the cocaine, right ? it is in you. if you say it isn't so, then, you must say that your organs aren't you. expanding this idea, if the cocaine is you before you inhaled it, why can't it be
always you ?
imo, everything is us, and we are everything. there are no "us" and no "I", no "you". i'd like to present some "cientific" evidence to you. as you said, and right,
there are stars who are born and stars who are dieing
where did the earth came from ? from a nebular cloud that also formed all the other planets from the solar system, and also the sun. you and I (better, our atoms) existed in this cloud. everyone that lived and is yet to come lived on this cloud. the rocks, the sun, the light that we get from the sun lived in this cloud. even the music that musicians have created, the paintings, movies, etc, etc, lived on this cloud. do you agree ? if you write a text, the text was inside you, and you just wrote it. you cannot create something, remember ? we all come from this nebular cloud. true ?
no, it is false. where did this nebular cloud came from ? from a exploding supernova. where did it came from ? -fast foward- from the big bang, or a fundamental cause to everything, that mathematicaly has to be. we are all the same, cientifically explained.
(the nice thing is that you may have just farted a Charlie Chaplin's arm, or ate the toilet water from george bush)
where does time come in this ? first of all, some say that time is movement, some say that time does not exist except in our minds. some say that time is a fundamental property of the universe. if the universe "ends", as you say, and you see the picture from inside, time will stop in the "big crunch" (as the actual theories say), as time started in the big bang. if you see from the outside, you see a universe starting and ending, but time continues. time, as we know it, cannot be stopped, even if it seems so on acid. if it cannot be stopped, it cannot end. then,
even if it began (and i say it again...
EVEN), it will not end from our perspective. our atoms will continue, and form another living beings, another planets, perhaps in a long, long time ahead, in a far, far galaxy. do you know that the gold atoms are only formed inside the core of a supernova ? the gold that you see was once inside a star.
-knowledge and religion
knowledge really is what you make of it...religion is a form of knowledge
religious institutions indoctrinate thus knowledge is not acheived
i belive you are confusing religion with catholicism. let's see what the encyclopedia britannica has to say:
religion - human beings' relation to that which they regard as holy, sacred, spiritual, or divine. Religion is commonly regarded as consisting of a person's relation to God or to gods or spirits.
religion does not mean that you have to follow any directions. catholic church does. and also most (if not all) of the organized religions. does science indoctrinate their knowledge ? (i think this is the important question)
did you had to memorize any biology book to have a good grade on biology ?
did you had to know the chemical reactions of the sodium and potasse on water to get a good grade on chemistry ?
can you have a degree in any science if you hadn't memorized countless books in school ?
can you practice science if you don't have a degree ? (this is, if having an underground lab counts as practicing science)
will most people agree with you ? (that you are practicing science)
can you call yourself a scientist this way ?
i guess that science sure can indoctrinate a lot. but it also leaves some space to skepticism and open talking (sometimes). that's was the church's mistake. and that's why i say science is religion version 1.2.
why did science (in the iluminism) really thrived in europe and not in the rest of the world ? because of luther, calvin and many others that started to demolish the vatican. because church began to lose the power. people need to belive in something, and since the chuch was obviously a (bad) comedy, people were not dumb and started beliving in what they SAW rather then what they FELT. they belived in science, and still belive.
why wasn't science born in the aborigens in australia ? because they have a serious religion. in haiti ? the same. in western africa ? the same. we can go on and on about this. but i guess you understood my point. let's move on, i have to take a bath and get a blowjob.
besides...nothing that can be considered knowledge is garbage as long as it helps the individual to grow and understand
i did not said that knowledge was garbage. science is garbage, since it masks knowledge with axioms. an axiom is like the bible. it cannot be changed. and we all know that a conclusion is something you reach when you got tired of thinking. real knowledge, as you said, helps one to grow and explore new paths. science does that just to reach the equation of equations - the unified theory. you don't do the exploring for the fun, the "alive" feeling and the curiosity that we have as humans. you do that to get the "we have tamed nature" feeling. we can't tame nature, because we can't even tame ourselves. besides that, we are nature, and there's no "we" or "nature". are all the same, like a shroom-growing cake. you are a shroom, i am another shroom. venus and alpha-centaury are another shroom. we are all on the same cake. you get an infection, i get ill. maybe not imediattly, but soon.
we can also say that science is advanced indeed because the depth of knowledge that it brings is amazing , considering how stupid human beings are, science as a tool to aceive knowledge is a very sharp one and it gives insight in life and the universe more than we have been able with religion it has expanded our horizons and taught us how to interact with matter and energy.
if i made a magic trick, would you call me a magician ? science can do many things...nice things, like killing your flu, and restoring your broken arm. you can even synthetize LSD, make a circle or understand why the water boils.
now, tell me...can you tell me how our brain works ? how to cheat death ? why are we here ? (this question should be answered by science, don't you think ? if you say no, then you must admit that science is not an explanation for nothing...like saying: "i made this great experiment about a
tree: i looked a leave in the microscope and saw some cells")why did i woke up smelling coffee ? why does weed feel so good ? (don't tell me is because the serotonin! why does serotonin feel good, then?)
then tonight before going to bed pray to the great intelligence that allows us to see, feel, hear and move and ask for forgiveness.
for a person that hates religion so much, you really can sound like a priest.