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GOD a dit:
1 does not = 1 , every 1 is a different 1 . If 1 =s 1 we would not be here . The anomalies that happened at the start of our universe wouldnt have ocured if 1 had =ed 1 ? What about algebra....I and I = I . = us . = I am you as you are me as we are alltogether . Or eye and eye when 2 3rd "I"s see better than 1 ?
well in consept dearest dear god.. GOD himself the whole conspept is mad up of two... good an evil you and the devil..
Therefore religion = 2
There for (God and the evil) or religion + the human involved = 3.
(1) + 1= 3
Everything greater than 1 is basically part of the illusion.
wait a min are you calling yourself an illusion or religion itself??
you ar quite apparent in this sphere however relgion is part of a realily you perseve.. therefore you have to have an understanding of the illusion and illusion which is in consept a checmical/eletrical impulse in the brain.. or placed impulse as thought. therefore the religion is indeed the illusion hoever you ar the interprter of what has been placed threw our own matter form or existance.
mmm so religion- or the thory of religion is indeed illusion.
therefore 1 =0.. there for the fundemntal part of your equation is
or is it that 1=1
2 = 1+1.. and for three you gotta add 1 to the equation.so religion is therefore a covered or illusioned (1)on the equasion.
mmm so then religion is indeed used to cover infomation as i said in another forum topic. the understanding that these theories have been placed into your mind allone would have an impact on this theory.mmm, yes this would prove the thoery of black holes in a sence.. because i have already studyed theat light travels in straight line and can be bent to it may travel backwards... therefore it has proved that 0 is a recognised number in a numberline .. proving that the basis of numbers starts on 0
mm then 1+1=4
= 2=4
= 1=2
mm yes i see what you say .. so time is intinite? or religion covers the answer to the explination on the end of days thoery. this is truely bait.. so unless you can stop time then what... pffffttttt. so what is religion covering?, i say religion should be open scource, if not then we wont get the answer to the equation.. and if we dont then it indeed would be the end of days and things would invert. mmm so stupid that means religion is evil.. and good. therefore anthiesm is ''better'' than religion/ in the consept that it dosent have any backing evil.
and yes indeed understanding that these thoughts are not basically my own and i have a deeper understanding to this, it is the placement of these thoughts that i dont stand for. Yes i probaly could go on and on about this, however this comes down to the vital concusion that for there to be a creation we understand here and now there has had to be god.. has had to be being the fundemental claws here, god being an impulse signals of understanding.
I belive in the consequnce of moving forward that each religion should be studied and revealed- open scourceed - so that this wall of illusion can be passed and this evolutionary clause can be passed. Because its been placed it is nothing but a tool to be used for suggested purpose.
does GOD agree?
- gods not directing me to question and you to ask. -
however i am being controlled to answer, as you are asking.
This is the fundemental reason religion should be open scorced, contol of
the essence of thought form individual basis is indeed eden. so post world religion is indeed evolution. no disrespect to any and all religions, this would still stand as a basis of understanding the process but after time the next part would need to build on this basis as history has done so.
Huh, love? thats what you would want it to boil it down to. This consept is to based on chemical and thought process and is consequintial. you can be to parts of this as you could take the religious pov... and say you either love or hate? no not that.. athiesm were you have the choise to have mutuality or to love. hence the number 0 and higher. So in essance, religion can be throw out once the ''hate'' factor in understood that in athiesm doenst carry that side of theorm or that control.
So getting back to the point the illusion that religion creates id divions that create/perpeuate violence and hate that is then covered by something that was there in the first place (For some, when the understanding of the consept of ''love'' is placed into context) in this after evolution a base understanding that humans that are connected in athesim with religion as the carrier of a idear that is in a globel language. After this Religion has no premis base and in athiesm there are no based illusions from birth as such.
therfore it is better to be and athiest learn (religion)* in a broader context/under a blanket clause and then stay athiest. This way a Globel religion can be created, a convergance of all religions and therefore the exclusion in process evolution.