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Drugs in the bibles

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion GOD
  • Date de début Date de début
GOD a dit:
1 does not = 1 , every 1 is a different 1 . If 1 =s 1 we would not be here . The anomalies that happened at the start of our universe wouldnt have ocured if 1 had =ed 1 ? What about algebra....I and I = I . = us . = I am you as you are me as we are alltogether . Or eye and eye when 2 3rd "I"s see better than 1 ?


well in consept dearest dear god.. GOD himself the whole conspept is mad up of two... good an evil you and the devil..
Therefore religion = 2

There for (God and the evil) or religion + the human involved = 3.

(1) + 1= 3
Getaphix a dit:
GOD a dit:
1 does not = 1 , every 1 is a different 1 . If 1 =s 1 we would not be here . The anomalies that happened at the start of our universe wouldnt have ocured if 1 had =ed 1 ? What about algebra....I and I = I . = us . = I am you as you are me as we are alltogether . Or eye and eye when 2 3rd "I"s see better than 1 ?


well in consept dearest dear god.. GOD himself the whole conspept is mad up of two... good an evil you and the devil..
Therefore religion = 2

There for (God and the evil) or religion + the human involved = 3.

(1) + 1= 3

Everything greater than 1 is basically part of the illusion.
I love you!
you got the whole concept!!
What the fuck !!! When do you lot get up in the morning ??? 8.24 ??? 10.22 ??? 13.05 ???? I go to bed at +/- 8 in the morning and get up at 2 - 3 oclock !!! The only time i get up before that is when i am depressed ( = every time i read "news" papers or watch "news" on TV ) . I then ride the underground for a few stations , watch the slaves going to "work" and laugh myself stupid !!! Then i go home and sleep like a baby .

I have problems with the way the miracle ( miracle = a wonder that we cant explain ) of "the" "big bang" is understood by most people . My explenation would be to long and detailed for me to bore you all with . But basicaly it is a set of theorys that can be seen in diferent ways .

"why do we have to picture a start and an end to everything ? why can't the universe be eternal, and never started ?"

This is one of the interprerations , that the universe has a start and an end . ( alles hat ein end aber der wurst hat zwei ??? ) It could have had lots of starts and ends = maybe it is a pulsing phenomenem ? There is a diference between "the" = our universe and the theoretical 11th(?) "dimension" = quanten soup , quanten schaum(?) , or maybee what one could call the string perspective where the other 10 "dimensions" "live" . A place where time is non linial = wich is eternal . This theoretical multi / over universe has no begining and no end . The dimensions are mathematical not physical / geometrical = some are spacial and some would better be described as qualities . Our "universe" could also be a condition of the 11th "dimension" = it must exist . = it is a condition of the results of the effects of the other 10 "dimensions" . SO IS CONSCIOUSNESS = the 11th "dimension" is conscious of itself !!! I agree with the bit about scientific theorys having to be "orthodox" to be acepted by most "scientists" . Its like the string theory . Ask most experts about it and they get to a point where they shut up and start talking about Ed whitton , that he understands it . There were 5 theorys and all the experts argued that their own personal theory was right , wich they said cant be true . Untill Ed whitton pointed out that they were all the same but from diferent view points ( that was very simplified ) . These dumbos thought that a string had 2 ends , = /\/\/\ . = A section of a "piece" of energy . As if someone had cut a piece of energy out of a wavelength depiction . Energy flows wich means that , simply said the energy of the string would disipate = fall of the end !!! So then they had to find a diferent way of looking at it so they turned it from its side to take it from being /\/\/\ to being 0 . They are still to stupid to do the same thing again and look at the strings as being multi dimensional = having / with up to 10(?) "dimensions" . They are still spending their time looking under stones and behind trees at the moment for the other 10 "dimensions" HERE in our universe !!!

"science today is the greatest religion on earth. but just like other religions, it is very beautiful ON THE PAPER. and don't tell me that science is very advanced, please. we still don't know what energy, mass and time are."

Yes . I agree with you . Creationism versus "science" for example . Again , take off the blinkers and one sees that they are not oposits . For people with a brain they are just explenations of the same thing from a diferent perspective . = Science says the universe and everything is an unexplained phenomenem , religion calls that phenonem GOD . It reminds me a bit of the dark ages where religion was suposed to be science . = people not being objective . I dont worship science or religeon . I think a scientific middle way , a sort of subjective objectivity is the best way to go . Mass is an expression of energy and time represents its movement . Energy is movement . The only thing that i think is not explainable , for scientists , is WHY DOES THE ENERGY FORM ITSELF TO BE OBJECTS , UNIVERSES and ??? What determines the organisation ? How and why does it diferentiate itself from itself ? ............ could it be "GOD" ??? )

"i just read the last post from HC on "two hours and counting"...and i decided i'm not gonna say anything...people belive what they want...besides the title of this topic is Drugs in the Bibles and we are some aeons away from that. How about going back on topic?"

It seems that not only me but that othere people also got high when Heartcore had his apointment with god !!! WOW !!! And i`m SO glad that people have stoped slaging me off (?) , and are writing so good posts here now that as far as i`m concerned we can do both = talk about all the drugs in the bibles and about religion / physics(?) . I am quite surprised at how little
people have talked about actual references to drugs in the bibles . I have tried to provoke people to think for themselves , but obviously they have not got as far as one of the / their last tabus , the bibles , yet . Another thing is that nobody has noticed that i`m a sly bugger = i`m not just slaging of christians ..... moslems , christians , catholics and jews all worship the old testament !!! I just didnt want to be called an anti semitic nazi or be beheaded by confused people . I am 110% anti semitic = semetism is the religeon , and islam , christianity , judeism and catholicism are the diferent sekts of it . I am against their atempts at world domonation that have caused most(?) of the problems in the world for the last few thousand years . Inspite of their main / central rule / s = the 10(?) comandments = thou shalt not kill , bear false wittness or covert thy neighbours ox . The same reasons that i am 110% anti nazi .

I am also very impressed at the standard of the enlish that you all show on this site . Most of you can articulate yourselves in english better than the most native english speaking people i "know" . ( you can all spell better than me ) It is a joy to see what people can do when the nazis / governments are not involved . Did anyone else notice that the whole world just got together at the world cup and had a party , inspite of the governments of the world permanently trying to cause problems and play us all off against each other ? WHY DONT WE GET RID OF THE BASTARDS ?


"Everything greater than 1 is basically part of the illusion."

We are now getting very near !!! I was saving this for later , but if we are that close i supose i can try it now .

There is only one "fact" in the universe . What is it ? And explain it in as few words as possible ?

I can do both with 5 words .

God and the devil are human ( semitic(?) ) concepts . "The" devil does not exist , unless "YOU" give "him" substance , and god is the unexplained phenomenem of existence . "I" and"I" are the eyes of god ? This might all sound a bit strange , i`m trying to find out how far you all are . That was the reason that i chose the name GOD . To see who would project their blindness on to me , who would get upset , who would think i think i am god , or that i`m a big headed cunt . Do you now see why some people have problems with me ? I thought that psychoactive sacraments usualy lead a person to get on to the road to god . To look for truthes and to develop their personalities . To heal themselves . I was extremely dissapointed till Heartcore had his erleuchtung . The only other traces of god were brewmaster in yosemite , and the last few posts in this thread . Comunication across all the bariers that we have been trained that we have between us .

Love you GOD!

Also love your 'explanation' about the birth of the universe and that I am completely at peace with it (in other words: I don't give a fuck anymore LOL). But I do love mathematics and when you say the world is made of mathematics instead of geology, I could not agree more with you. I guess everybody has their own symbols when realizing deep concepts like this in their lifes and 'the mushroom' to me, always uses metaphors from computer world. Matrix like but forget the movie for a sec ;) To me it's become clear that this body, this spaceship that I consider 'mine' is an avatar, a way of representing I into here and now.

Anyone who has done some deep 3D digital development will at some point realize that the only limitation in simulating a digital world as real as the 'real world', is just a matter of computer power. Everything can be described by mathematics. Heavy animation studio software like Alias Maya, have countless of those formulae build in which you can use to photorealistically, simulate nature in a very complex way.

We are all ONE, for me thats a fact, deep truth. I don't 'need' it to be a written fact in a lot of religions. So in that light, there is only 1, all the rest is complexity (reality) build upon that one into many, defining reality as we know it using mathematics.

1+1=3 is something else though because it seems to escape mathematic laws. If you take it in the most simple form, 1 object + 1 object = 3, its just prepostorous. And I could care less about hard to follow wizkid mathematical explanations to make this work, thats not the point, to me concepts like this should be simple and easy to understand.

1+1=3 could be described as the God factor on top of 'normal' mathematics. Symbioses: combines effort of more than 1 lifeform, to become something greater than the sum of totals. You can observe this in nature a lot, but also in human relations/social contact.

Btw, yea I love the way discussions are going GOD, its like a viral infection, love it ;)

Edit: was posting this when you wrote your last reply GOD but we are cool ;)
first of all, let me thank you for letting me laugh, i think humour is the greatest thing that we can encounter. i'm talking about the
alles hat ein end aber der wurst hat zwei

please tell me more about the bigbang theories that you omitted. you left me curious, and i prefer to know what you think before i say anything about it.

Did anyone else notice that the whole world just got together at the world cup and had a party , inspite of the governments of the world permanently trying to cause problems and play us all off against each other ? WHY DONT WE GET RID OF THE BASTARDS ?

the world cup was nice indeed. but how true was it ? was it a true WORLD cup or a fake cup, with money being paid "under the table" (dirty money) ? refrees can be blackmailed (in portugal there's a big network of football mafia..the problem is that also the judges can also be bought, as we all know). my problem is that i don't belive in nothing that the TV plays. if it airs in a station, it can and will be controlled. censorship is far from gone.
we won't get rid of them, because even if we picked up a gun and enjoyed the wall covered in their brains, another man with the same affiliation and contacts would replace his/her place. it is like trying to drink all the water in the world: the more you drink, the more you have to piss.

and i do belive they control the world. they can control us, and they do. i've told this somewhere in this forum, but i'll say it again: if you are brought up learning that something is right and something is wrong, and that something is forbidden, the majority of the people will do the right thing. and the rest ? will brake the "law". it happens that the "infractions" of this "law" is what we are expected to do. we are playing right where they want us to play. "be against the system and we will thank you. don't forget to buy that "fuck the system" shirt and that ripped jeans that cost 60€. you want to be a renegade, you pay".
we, as psychonauts, don't fit into this category. we are the minority of the minorities. we defend personal growth, freedom and egoless exploration.
from now on, this is my opinion.
we should fight for a better world, but first we should fight for our neighbourhood. we are bound to live with the best that each one has to offer. if everbody cleaned their house, the whole world would be clean (can't remember who said that). i don't care very much about the high leaders - because they are not the leaders, they are the puppets from the oil industry, the tobacco, the cotton, and every other little thing that we don't need, but, still, we have to get so we won't be an eremit. they are just the illusion that we are being watched and ruled with great power. i prefer to dishwash than to kill bush. i would prefer to write a poem then to fight the system. there's no way we can get rid of them.

there's a way, and i am hoping for this since i am a little thinking person: the day the world ends and no human being escapes. this would be the best thing in our history. the cleansing and healing of the universe. the first moment we would set a base on mars, or whatever, will be the saddest moment in my life. we should stop thinking as a human being, but like the egoless psychonauts that we should be. universe would be a better place without us.

and don't get me started if the earth would benefit from our dissapearing.
HeartCore a dit:
Getaphix a dit:
GOD a dit:
1 does not = 1 , every 1 is a different 1 . If 1 =s 1 we would not be here . The anomalies that happened at the start of our universe wouldnt have ocured if 1 had =ed 1 ? What about algebra....I and I = I . = us . = I am you as you are me as we are alltogether . Or eye and eye when 2 3rd "I"s see better than 1 ?


well in consept dearest dear god.. GOD himself the whole conspept is mad up of two... good an evil you and the devil..
Therefore religion = 2

There for (God and the evil) or religion + the human involved = 3.
(1) + 1= 3

Everything greater than 1 is basically part of the illusion.

wait a min are you calling yourself an illusion or religion itself??

you ar quite apparent in this sphere however relgion is part of a realily you perseve.. therefore you have to have an understanding of the illusion and illusion which is in consept a checmical/eletrical impulse in the brain.. or placed impulse as thought. therefore the religion is indeed the illusion hoever you ar the interprter of what has been placed threw our own matter form or existance.

mmm so religion- or the thory of religion is indeed illusion.

therefore 1 =0.. there for the fundemntal part of your equation is


or is it that 1=1

2 = 1+1.. and for three you gotta add 1 to the equation.so religion is therefore a covered or illusioned (1)on the equasion.

mmm so then religion is indeed used to cover infomation as i said in another forum topic. the understanding that these theories have been placed into your mind allone would have an impact on this theory.mmm, yes this would prove the thoery of black holes in a sence.. because i have already studyed theat light travels in straight line and can be bent to it may travel backwards... therefore it has proved that 0 is a recognised number in a numberline .. proving that the basis of numbers starts on 0


mm then 1+1=4
= 2=4
= 1=2

mm yes i see what you say .. so time is intinite? or religion covers the answer to the explination on the end of days thoery. this is truely bait.. so unless you can stop time then what... pffffttttt. so what is religion covering?, i say religion should be open scource, if not then we wont get the answer to the equation.. and if we dont then it indeed would be the end of days and things would invert. mmm so stupid that means religion is evil.. and good. therefore anthiesm is ''better'' than religion/ in the consept that it dosent have any backing evil.

and yes indeed understanding that these thoughts are not basically my own and i have a deeper understanding to this, it is the placement of these thoughts that i dont stand for. Yes i probaly could go on and on about this, however this comes down to the vital concusion that for there to be a creation we understand here and now there has had to be god.. has had to be being the fundemental claws here, god being an impulse signals of understanding.

I belive in the consequnce of moving forward that each religion should be studied and revealed- open scourceed - so that this wall of illusion can be passed and this evolutionary clause can be passed. Because its been placed it is nothing but a tool to be used for suggested purpose.

does GOD agree?

- gods not directing me to question and you to ask. -
however i am being controlled to answer, as you are asking.

This is the fundemental reason religion should be open scorced, contol of
the essence of thought form individual basis is indeed eden. so post world religion is indeed evolution. no disrespect to any and all religions, this would still stand as a basis of understanding the process but after time the next part would need to build on this basis as history has done so.

Huh, love? thats what you would want it to boil it down to. This consept is to based on chemical and thought process and is consequintial. you can be to parts of this as you could take the religious pov... and say you either love or hate? no not that.. athiesm were you have the choise to have mutuality or to love. hence the number 0 and higher. So in essance, religion can be throw out once the ''hate'' factor in understood that in athiesm doenst carry that side of theorm or that control.

So getting back to the point the illusion that religion creates id divions that create/perpeuate violence and hate that is then covered by something that was there in the first place (For some, when the understanding of the consept of ''love'' is placed into context) in this after evolution a base understanding that humans that are connected in athesim with religion as the carrier of a idear that is in a globel language. After this Religion has no premis base and in athiesm there are no based illusions from birth as such.

therfore it is better to be and athiest learn (religion)* in a broader context/under a blanket clause and then stay athiest. This way a Globel religion can be created, a convergance of all religions and therefore the exclusion in process evolution.
and don't get me started if the earth would benefit from our dissapearing.[/quote]

i do beleive we have been prepared for the use of our space in the most effective manner when we do indeed leave here, if not our guidelines have been flawed and they have not been done so yet. I would hope. If mathamatics are indeed what the fabric of the universe is based on we are indeed counting toward a spesific point. Thing is if not for our evolutionary push/ in a free/open scorce manner there will come the time for us to explore this space and the introducers of this technology will have a hand up on us.

Viva la revolution!

Evolution = Revolution
Revolution - the R
R= religion.

But this is just ''my'' opinion .. of course.
i understand what heartcore says.
i don't belive that there's a reason for everything, but you sure can find reasons if you want. let's say we have the goal as a species to overcome ourselves and to "be love", as you often post. it is indeed the ultimate goal, and the knowledge one must have to fully understand that state is a thing that many people will not even grasp.

now, let's see the real people in the outside world. the people that don't do drugs, and the people that work, and have a family and the people that ARE what they have been taught. will those people trade all of it to be love ? or even to have an ego death ?
in my profession, i have an IMMENSE contact with the "regular crowd" (like common people), and i can bet my own life that if they wouldn't like to experience an ego death. now imagine if they would trade the money that interplanetary expeditions (like mines, prisions, new animals, etc, etc) would give. if our planet is small and we are "few", and the differences between rich people and poor people are so many, now imagine if we grow 100000%. and i'm not talking about europe. look at somalia, ruanda, brasil, indonesia, sri lanka, india, china, even russia or even my own country, portugal, which is supposed to be a "evoluted" country, has many people starving. i know plenty of them. i live in one of the most remote regions of it, and i was born in the poorer region. people don't want spirit group. people don't want knowledge. they want to have fun, earn some money and fuck a lot.
i understand what you say and i respect it. fun for me is being alone and writing. fun is having a paradigm shift. i would love to one day wake up and see that the world was a beautiful place, with order, future and love. what i see is a chaotic, uninteresting and hateful world. i try to change this, i really do. i try to give some order, say things that might get people into thinking, try just to hug, kiss and be friendly to people. you know what happened ? i got sued. now tell me that i should belive in people. tell me that i should go on and preach from the highest mountain that humankind is one, and the more people that we add to it, the result will always be one. because we understand each other, because we feel for each other, and because i breath when you can't.
and don't think that i hate mankind. i'm just uninterested, ignorant and forgetful they exist.

but i have a question for all of the positive people. until now, many religions and many thinkers say that "the happiness is to come in the other world" (or anything like that). the earliest philosophers, like Anaxágoras, Anaximandro, Tales de Mileto (i don't know this names in english, sorry) from greece say that they had the same problems we do (material people vs. spiritual people, rationalism vs. empirism, etc). plato says the same, even to a bigger degree...he speaks about fascism, communism and so on in "the republic". we are on the same step now. no more, no less. the only difference is that we have more things to keep us blind. the proper question is this: when will it change ?
i am always open to answers.
People who take drugs do it for variety of reasons. Finding themselves, curing something, a spiritual experience, ego death, or just a good time. The normal people that you speak of do other things to be happy. I don't consider myself higher than them, I just know certain things and achieved things that they don't. And perhaps they know or achieved something totally different i don't.

In the end everybody is trying to be happy. The people on this forum have their own ways. Point is, you can't force people to experience these things. They have to do it for themselves. All that is important is that they have the chance to do it, and some knowledge of it.
It's not about what you should of need or want.

people don't want knowledge. they want to have fun, earn some money and fuck a lot.

Is only true untill you set your standards higher. Something like: Sublime fun, earn more than enough money to have that fun and increase the quality of your sex life to levels you never imagined possible. You tell me, what would you choose? If only you KNEW it was real. I never believed it, positive bullcrap to fool yourself but it seems even the most hardheaded assholes on the planet, can awaken to be true love ;)

So I believe it's only a matter of showing people how happy you can be, without sacrificing anything but winning all instead. The world really is you reflecting your state of being constantly. Therefor, the quality of what you experience, is greatly (I even go as far as completely), influenced by who you are and how you choose to be. For me there can be only one choice, and a lot of people I know around me share that vision: love is the answer because it fuels a chain reaction in your life that will make you a caring earth citizen. It's as simple as that :D

Don't want to hijack this thread really ;)

wait a min are you calling yourself an illusion or religion itself??

No I said all there is is 1, all the rest is illusion. We are all one, there is no dualism. no separateness, none of that all. Those are only parts of reality, the world we have been learned is real since we opened our eyes in this world. I call myself myself, and I call I, I, and you, you. But as a matter of fact, I is looking through both our eyes at this moment. Me being different than you, is simply not true. Not trying to prove anything here mathematically so you can go easy on the formuleas ;)
Dearly beloved SORRY FOR THE FOLLOWING RANT i will think about answers to the latest posts tomorow .

I got a private message asking me to explain what i meant when i said i`m anti semitic and what i meant by HEIL BUSH . so to clear up any missunderstandings about me maybe being a secret nazi , and to have söme FUN .

I am not anti semitic in the way of hurting anyone . I am not a nazi . I just think that most of the trouble in the world in the last few thousand years was caused by people abusing these sekts of the same "religion" . They lie to their children in "religeous" education . Negative lies about other religeons and "positive" lies about their own . They are not religeons but political movements . Alternative hierarchys . Power bases . They preach one thing and do another . Their own god told them "thou shalt not kill" , and they seem to think that means lie , cheat , steal , bomb , kidnap and murder. They have taken the lords name in vain and murdered each other in gods name day in and day out for thousands of years . The same god . The one god . And god didnt tell any one to cut bits off childrens dicks , only very confused people do things like that . I think that if we had real religeous education the problem would solve itself very quickly .

The heil bush had nothing to do with the crime the one sekt did against their brothers , the other sekt , the jews . There are no holy cows for me . If the spot hurts squeeze it till it bursts . If you see a wound put your hand in it . It was meant so people would ask questions . After all my provocations , after laying trails of crumbs for people to follow in every second post . The heil bush was designed to make people think what sort of world do i "live" in ? Can i live with what is going on in the world at the moment without at least protesting loud ? What am i going to tell my grand children when they ask about america , why no one did anything about their nazi holocaust , AGAIN . Those people are rubing shit in gods face in gods name . I also thought it might cause a response from our friends in america , as we know that the american people are also against him . That we talk about mass murdering , lying faschist DICTATORS who got into power by manipulating their own elections after cheating in two states so that they got 13% of the vote and WON !!!! About the fact that the american people have been draged down by the same treacherous military / industrial / secret service / mafia complex / clique around rumsfeld since at the latest vietnam , bechtel , the carlisle syndicat , haliburton and co. made the profit , the american people paid for the weapons , had to do the fighting and got KILLED . One of the keys to a healthy world future is that the american people must emancipate themselves . That the OLD AMERICA dies . That THEY kill it . That they forget the sickening holywood style cheap b movie ilusion that they are inflicting on themselves and the rest of the world and start thinking about the ethnic cleaning they have just had in new orleans . From black to white in 3 days , 300.000 black people GONE . Are all the soldiers in iraq black ? Have all black people from new orleans akne and are over weight like we saw on CNN ? Or why if it is so free and equal and democratic do most of them seem to live in caravans and wooden huts that seem to get blown away every 5 minutes ? Or rich peoples gettos with hightech fences and armed guards with dogs ? Why a so called civilised nation has murdered hundreds of inocent , black , people by publicly frying them ? Why the american people have lost every war that their own government has ever caused including their own civil war ? Why they can be beaten by 2 iranian shepards or a hand full of somalie children ? Why a country like vietnam can beat them , after they have bombed it and all its neighbours into the stone age ? Why the american people didnt wake up when their own government masacred 3200 of them in pearl harbour and all the people on 911 ? Why they were on both sides in the 2nd world war in europe , untill the russians started to win it ? Why they are causing the terror in dafur ? Why they dont wake up and at least come up to the forest gump level and realise "Nazi is he who says and does nazi" ? Why they keep their own , black , people inprisons that are no better than concentration camps like guantanamo bay ? How good clean christian boys from ohio or kansas can comit atrocitys from south america to asia on inocent civilians over and over again ? And nothing happens ? How donald rumsfeld can anounce the american plans to massacre 8000 students live in CNN and get away with their murder ?

I hope that that cleared that up . If not i have lots more salt to rub in foolish peoples wounds .


GOD a dit:
If not i have lots more salt to rub in foolish peoples wounds

Well you sure seem to enjoy that.
I don't really get why you want to keep provocating people. It's ok for a couple of times.. even good to get people thinking. But that doesn't mean you could think over your actions a bit more before you undertake them. This is not the first time you get these reactions.

But hey, if that's your cup of tea..
Hectic movie consept, Fight club 2 - they round up the united nations, and get the all of the gorverning leaders to drop an acid trip. Leads me to wonder how many of them actually have? blair and bush on acid.. hehe. might just get some peice around here... will get back on your answer l8er GOD.
I hope that that cleared that up . If not i have lots more salt to rub in foolish peoples wounds .

No, the only wounds you are rubbing are yours. The wounds you choose to display when you came here and decided to check out 'how far we all are'. My best friend shared a Tibetan proverb recently which now makes a lot of sense to me personally:

'It's better to NEVER depart on 'the' spiritual path but once started, one better FINISH it.'

Everything you put energy in, grows, simple fact of life. If you say in a forum that you are anti semit and then continue to explain why that's actually ok, you are just creating the situation that emerged now: people not understanding you (or not WANTING to understand you), telling you you should watch your mouth.

What do you expect though? You come across to many as an arrogant German prick, and in some ways, I can agree with them (just making fun :P )but I love you anyhow and personally I havent ANY problems with you. But what you sow is what you get, more than you put in there usually.

Be provocative, expect reaction, simple ;)

by the way

GOD| a dit:
I then ride the underground for a few stations , watch the slaves going to "work" and laugh myself stupid !!! Then i go home and sleep like a baby .

Youre a loony.
In response to the initial idea of this post:

You'll find in a holy text whatever you hope to find, be it the use of drugs or justification for genocide.

Regarding laughing at others for their "spiritual ineptitude":

There are no others.
Monochromatic_Knight a dit:
There are no others.
