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Drugs in the bibles

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion GOD
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"We are one in the sense of being of the same nature, but we're not one in the sense of being or ever becoming one singular entity, or merging with either the source, God or nothingness."

This true. This delusion is a shame for mankind. Actually, the not believing in unity or not believing in the possiblity is just stupid imho.

"This world is not an illusion, it is real. It's just our perception of it which is illusory."

This true, too. But the ilusory perception is real, too in a way. The problem is the taking the wrong perceptions for real... the wrong interpretation of the ilusory perception.
But the illusory perception is real, too in a way.
Yes. It's one reality. Temporary, ever changing, misleading (e.g. identifying self with the body, name, voice in the head etc.) but all really happening on some level of experience. The experiencing is what it's all about. Awareness is the only constant, what never ends. One could argue that only that which lasts and doesn't change is real, and in that case only awareness would be real. What is experienced is temporary and thus unreal. We may have no choice but to be aware of and interact with temporary things for all of eternity, so I'm kind of wary about some buddhist, mayavadi or nihilistic slogans, namely that this world is an illusion and that we have to get out. There may not be a permanent way out. So better play the game of life (accept the illusory representations like the body etc.), while remaining aware that death cannot end that game, for awareness never ceases. Psychedelics and dreams allow us to experience realities other than those concerned with the survival of the body. Maybe it's OK if psychedelics are used by us for all of eternity. Maybe that's part of the big plan, the nature of reality.
just out of curiosity
GOD, You have been in prison?

is that how you know of all you wrote previously? or is it from some one you know who described it?

ps i've been following the post between you three guys from12:00 to 4:00
i'm on vacation:P
It's all just interpretation. That’s all that needs to be said.
Religion isn’t bad; organised religion is however. There is no 'one' way to revere the world and love it and all its inhabitancy but as long as that supreme emotion is entailed with meaningless dogma and cultural boundaries, true love will never be expressed within the confines of the church rhetoric.

CaduceusMercurius: “The experiencing is what it's all about. Awareness is the only constant, what never ends. One could argue that only that which lasts and doesn't change is real, and in that case only awareness would be real…
I liked your answer...but this i liked better:
buffachino a dit:
and when death arrives, one merely translates their felt experiences into the language of creation and joins the greater body of consciousness in the universe. A cosmic recycling of perceived information.

I have been years trying to explain my view in the fewest words possible, of course your short answer can be subject to interpretation, but it's brilliant! you managed to write the concept of my view in a few sentences! thank you Buffachino!! :D
This is so fucking true!!!! I felt this so intensely yesterday after chewing 20 coughing pills!!! :mrgreen: DXM!!!!

I saw the ignorance in myself and i saw the ignorance, that is created by all the EGOS!!!!!!!!! FUCKING SCARY!!!
The problem is that so many people can't see it, because their ego prevents themselves from seeing it.... in other ways their self-image.

But not this is the problem, the problem is the that it is a false self, the ego...
which is derived from external things or internal things, too and a clinging to it. Which becomes trapped life energy then and can evolve to pain. Either emotionally felt, mentally or bodily.

---Another thing i want to add here: stupidity and ignorance can be created by being the other side, too...only awareness. But as i see it only when there's some kind of ego still involved. A false sense of self. But still it is a "better stupidity" :mrgreen: created by "false" full consciousness [or better not complete consciousness of "yourself"], because you still see more than while more unconscious than conscious. ---

In other words: They are not only awareness, but think they can perceive the truth through their ego but that's entirely not possible.....The bad thing about all egos and therefore people is that they haven't experienced the pure consciousness and don't know it.....this creates all illusions.... and it's sad, because if it is done without knowing and i mean what can you do if you're thinking things and therefore making them for yourself real unconsciously without knowing??? it can be so hard for humans...

The possiblity what to do against it: If you feel stuck, you can let go..... I call it: wisdom at the cost of self (maybe false-self). You can reflect it too and then after let it go...or elaborate it while reflecting and then keep it. There are many possiblities!!!!

Hope anyone can make sense out of this. :P

My respect to your posts!! Amazing!!! I feel you are really wise people. :)

PS: One more thing i'd like to say. If you figured such a thing out in yourself, reflect a lot on it, that will make it easier. If you realized it in yourself and afterwars forget about it again, the pain or the false self can come back again.
What you don't fill in yourself is filled by nature, which involves your false sense of self, because it was made real before.
From Michael Hoffman (http://www.egodeath.com):

Does saying that drug-free meditation is 'bunk' mean that there is no value
to the practice of meditating?

As a religious method, drug-free meditation is bunk in that it has no
*religious* efficacy, for all practical purposes.

The ultimate religious experience and most definitive religious dynamic is
triggering your personal control-system to hang, in the dissociative
cognitive state. This dynamic is not something other than the disappearance
of the self in nondual consciousness. This dynamic is the most forcefully
attracting and cognitively interesting hallmark aspect of experiencing the
disappearance of the self in nondual consciousness. The most simple model
of time is frozen timeless block-universe determinism, a model which acts as
a useful tool to most quickly trigger the hanging of one's personal

If you want to trigger your personal control-system to hang (which is the
ultimate religious experience and most definitive religious dynamic), and to
discover interesting cognitive dynamics, you have to trigger them and probe
them. The popular Western version of Buddhism (or Western spiritual
contemplation) is based on a neutered system of meditation that's designed
to perpetually delay and avoid this triggering of the hanging of one's
personal control system: it pursues instead a vague and watered-down
conception of what it's like to experience and undergo Nonduality
consciousness -- amounting to, in practice, "Nonduality lite", which fails
to constitute an adequate exploration of the most interesting and most
characteristic religious dynamics potential, in terms of experiential
cognitive phenomenology.

What feedback loop is going to hang itself more effectively? The drug-free
version of meditation has less of a control-power 'hang' factor, a self-hang
self-loop, self-looping factor.

Don't catch yourself up in a control-feedback loop. Don't get caught in a
feedback loop. Don't get hung up in a mental loop about personal control

Drug-free meditation is merely more of the same official-culture
authoritarian propaganda that is encouraged through filtering-mechanisms;
these mechanisms work through producing a popular but shallow consensus.
Official dogma and biased, self-serving propaganda coerces and persuades
people to "like" and buy-into a conception of religion, including the goals
and standards of religion and religious norms, which is designed to
perpetually delay and thereby avoid actual, primary religious experiencing.

Official religion in the modern era, whether Eastern, Western, or Shamanic,
is the devil's or the ego's religion: it is a neutered version of religion
that is specifically designed to omit that which would kill and
short-circuit the egoic delusion. Religion in the modern era is selectively
filtered so as to protect and preserve egoic delusion.

This strategic filtering and suppression of the one thing that has serious
potency and ability to short-circuit the ego, is found not only in the field
of "religion", but is an evil fog that has the same fishy smell that is
found across some 20 domains, including the modern fuzzy
conception of what mythology is about, and the modern-era fuzzy conception
of what New Testament Christianity meant in its cultural context, and the modern-era
fuzzy and uncritical, muddled conception of what drugs are about and what
their role was historically.

What is the relevance of the ahistoricity of Jesus to the ego-death theory?

It's as relevant as the maximal entheogen theory, and as relevant as Eastern
religious myth and Nonduality, and as relevant as Western Esotericism and
Gnosticism. All these fields and alternative interpretations and hypotheses
that are assembled to form the Egodeath theory are mutually reinforcing,
forming together a kind of Zion (real-world alternative) to the Matrix
(broadly false picture of reality).

Does the Egodeath theory (as a model of time and control, or as a broader
explanation spanning some 20 fields) stand or fall with the maximal
entheogen theory? or with the no-Jesus/no-Paul theory?

The core Egodeath theory is a modern, straightforward worldmodel of the
relations of personal control power and time and the part/whole relationship
in terms of subjectively experienced personal control agency -- that core
theory is immune to the historicity of Jesus, and is immune to Eastern
philosophy, and is immune to the maximal entheogen theory. The broader
Egodeath theory, including revisionist explanations that run across many
fields, also is not vulnerable to being wrong regarding any single field: if
you disproved its view on any one field, such as the maximal entheogen
theory of religion & culture, or the ahistoricity of Jesus & Paul, the
Egodeath theory would, to a proportionate extent, still remain a powerful,
useful, valid model and tool and research paradigm.

The official culture systemically convinces people that they can pay
attention only to revising a single domain, because the domains are
separate. Actually, the manner of thinking that's involved in the
assumption that Jesus existed as a historical individual, is just one more
instance of the false reality-tunnel of the Matrix. The assumption of
historicity of Jesus and Paul prevents people from thinking clearly about
the *meaning* of the mytheme of the 'king on the cross',
which concerns the mystic dissociative state revelation of nullity of personal control
power in relation to the Ground that produces oneself and all one's thoughts,
and which is a polemical rebuttal to Roman Imperial ideology.

Once you understand the latter, there's no need, in forming an explanation
of Christian origins and the original meaning of New Testament Christianity,
for Jesus as a historical, founding individual, and the lack of such
historical Jesus and Paul uniquely enables, for the first time, a ready,
simple explanation of many problems of Christian origins. Either you have
to believe all sorts of muddled and improbable and hazy propositions that
are involved in every variant of the historicity assumption-set, or, believe
(or, that is, utilize as an explanatory tool) the simple and
straightforward, clear and comprehensible model of ahistoricity per the
Egodeath theory.
I believe that religion interpretations or various creations of religion are founded under influence of psychoactives.

Virginity and such aspects and many 'holy words' got a powerful profound meaning when I studied them while high. And I have adopted many religious 'conditions' in my lifestyle. Such as no alcohol, not eating pigmeat, moderation in showing skin, time on your own to contact yourself. Learned to be happy with just myself being alive etc.

But I will always stay an atheist for sure. And define God as emotions in our own inner life. Caused by our senses and awareness as a human being.
And I have adopted many religious 'conditions' in my lifestyle. Such as no alcohol, not eating pigmeat, moderation in showing skin,
You mean you have an affinity with Islam?

I became a vegetarian (about 16 years ago) when I was high on acid, turned on my TV, and lo and behold: images of a slaughterhouse on MTV! I still remember many details of that scene, which lasted 2 or 3 seconds. I had no idea of either the holy cow or the untouchable pig. Nor do I make such distinctions today.

I also decided in one of my earliest sessions that being drunk was a useless state of mind, and so I have been moderate in my alcohol consumption ever since.

But moderation in showing skin, I don't see the point in that. When I got high on acid for the very first time, I immediately took a shower, but when I was done I didn't feel like dressing myself anymore.

I still feel anyone who dresses him- or herself more than the climate requires, is living a very unnatural life, possibly based on self limiting emotions like shame. However, I do think overt sexual arousal must take place in private, not in public. That may include kissing, between either hetero- or homosexuals, and also includes much of today's advertising and TV programs.
Maybe its a good idea to stop thinking of god as an old man with a white beard , a sort of cosmic godfather that we can blindly trust and give responsibility to and blame for our problems , and start to think in a more scientific , objective way about god as an unexplained theory / phenomenem . To try to define it , pin it down with a scientificaly aceptable theory . Which i think i have . The universe is undenyably aware of itself through us . It is an organism . I am an organism that is made of inorganic chemicals that some how formed to be organic chemicals that became aware of itself . My brain is aware of my finger nail but is my finger nail aware of my brain ?

"but we're not one in the sense of being or ever becoming one singular entity"

I dont agree , i wonder if skin cells think that ?

"just out of curiosity GOD, You have been in prison?"

Yes i have been in prison 3 times for "drugs". I smugled my own drugs in , other people brought me drugs in and i have shared / bought drugs from other people . I have also smugled drugs into prisons when i visited friends .

"The experiencing is what it's all about"

Yes . Imagin how old the universe is and then try to imagin how boring it must have been till the game , the cosmic dance started .

After having experiencing a full LSD trip how can anyone define what is real or illusion ?

"and when death arrives, one merely translates their felt experiences into the language of creation and joins the greater body of consciousness in the universe. A cosmic recycling of perceived information."

Haleluja . Bingo .

"they haven't experienced the pure consciousness and don't know it"

Allthough they are it . The book would not be worth reading if we knew that we knew in advance that the butler did it , and the game would not be worth playing .

"But moderation in showing skin, I don't see the point in that."

Its about respect , only perverts rub nakedness into the faces of people who dont want it . There is a time and a place for everything . Allthough going to the door naked when the "jehovas witnesses" ring the door bell without being invited , to try to get cosmic points and earn themselves a free ticket to "heaven" , works wonders .
Heres another point to consider; if it hasn’t been already:
The universe is in constant balance between 'matter' and 'anti-matter'.

‘We’ (being one at the same time as being separate) are the cosmic conduits of this connection between the two.
We are finite, physical beings yet we can ‘think’ in a way that conceptualises ideals into unphysical paradigms so that it can be manifested physically.
Infinity using finite operations and means to progress experience into itself.

Basically put:
Matter - physical, finite, beginning and end. The power and multiplicity of '1'

Anti-matter - in-physical, thought, consciousness, experience, will, choice, 0, infinity.

Both exist in a balance in some cosmic ballet. 'Life' is just a fractal...

He brooded in darkness and there was no one else . Not a voice , not a whisper . Not the touch of a hand . Not the warmth of another heart . Darkness . Solitude . Eternal confinement where all was black and silent and nothing stirred . Imprisonment without prior condemnation. Punishment without sin . The unbearable that had to be borne unless some mode of escape could be devised . No hope of rescue from elsewhere . No sorrow or sympathy or pity in anoher soul , another mind . No doors to be opened , no locks to be turned , no bars to be sawn apart . Only the thick , deep sable night in. which to fumble and find nothing . Circle a hand to the right and there is nought . Sweep an arm to the left and discover emptiness utter and complete . Walk forward through the darkness like a blind man lost in a vast forgotten hall and there is no floor , no echo of footsteps , nothing to bar one's path . He could touch and sense one thing only . And that was self. Therefore the only available resources with which to overcome his predicament were those secreted within himself . His torments were those of boredom , loneliness , mental and physical sterility . They were not to be endured . The easiest escape is via the imagination . One hangs in a straight jacket and flees the corporeal trap by adventuring in a dreamland of one's own . But dreams are not enough . They are unreal and all too brief . The freedom to be gained must be genuine and of long duration . That meant he must make a stern reality of dreams , a reality so contrived that it would persist for all time . It must be self-perpetuating . Nothing less would make escape complete . So he sat in the great dark and battled the problem. There was no clock , no calendar to mark the length of thought . There was no external data upon which to compute . There was nothing , nothing except the workings within his agile mind . And one thesis , no problem is beyond solution . He found it eventually . It meant escape from everlasting night . It would provide experience , companionship , adventure , mental exercise , entertainment , warmth , love , the sound of voices , the touch of hands . The plan was anything but rudimentary . On the contrary it was complicated enough to defy untangling for endless eons . It had to be like that to have permanence . The unwanted alternative was swift return to drear silence and the bitter dark . It took a deal of working out . A million and one aspect's had to be considered along with all their diverse effects upon each other . And when that was done he had to cope with the next million . And so on.......He created a mighty dream of his own , a place of infinite complexity schemed in every detail to the last dot and comma . Within this he would live anew . But not as himself . He was going to dissipate his person into numberless parts , a tremendous multitude of variegated shapes and forms each of which would have to batt1e its own peculiar environment . And he would toughen the struggle by unthinking himself , handicapping hls parts with appalling ignorance and leaving them to learn afresh . He would seed enmity between them by dictating the basic rules of the game . Those who obeyed would be called good . Those who dld not would be ca1led bad . There would be conflicts wlthin the one great conflict . When all was ready and prepared he intended to disrupt and become not one but an enormous host of entities . Then his parts must fight their way back to unity and himself . But first he must make reality of the dream . And that was the test . The time was now . The experiment must begin . Leaning forward he gazed into the darkness and said

" LET THERE BE LIGHT " And there was light .

I have seen the Tao and travelled the middle way .I have heard the word and spoken the word . I have lived in the flesh and i have eaten the flesh . I have been blinded by the light.....

And now i believe in the supreme and mystic darkness of nothing , in the deepest reaches of the imaculate void , in infinate nothing , in the unremitting realms of nothing , in the incomprehensible infinity of untold nothing , in absolute nothing .

He brooded in darkness and there was no one else . Not a voice , not a whisper . Not the touch of a hand . Not the warmth of another heart . Darkness . Solitude . Eternal confinement where all was black and silent and nothing stirred . Imprisonment without prior condemnation. Punishment wlthout sin . The unbearable that had to be borne unless some mode of escape could be devised . No hope of rescue from elsewhere . No sorrow or sympathy or pity in anoher soul , another mind . No doors to be opened , no locks to be turned , no bars to be sawn apart . Only the thick , deep sable night in. which to fumble and find nothing..........................
Yes i know that that doesnt come from the bible, it comes from Hawkwind , but it is a good description of the eternal cycle .

Heres a few more net links if i allready posted them before put it down to senility.

http://herballure.com/ubbthreads/showfl ... o=&fpart=1
http://www.admenu.com/jesus/according to Pastor Glen/Exodus_25_28.htm

I´m going to post the bit about ayahuasca in the bible .... but that means i have to read the bits in the bible again and the thought of reading the bible makes me feel sick .
wow it's been a long time since i opened this post
i was wondering did anyone talk about the existence of Jesus somewhere?
please i need a reply
i don't remember if it was here or somewhere else in this post or in another one...
Dantediv86 a dit:
wow it's been a long time since i opened this post
i was wondering did anyone talk about the existence of Jesus somewhere?
please i need a reply
i don't remember if it was here or somewhere else in this post or in another one...

Jesus never existed, this is a fact. There is no evidence whatsoever, he ever existed. Except for some forgeries in the New Testament ;)
that i know indeed
but there was apost somewhere where someone, i don't remember wether it was you or GOD (eitherone), was giving a very good explanation of the nonexhistence of Christ...could you post a link to the other pest, or could you explain in detail the flaws of the New Testament.