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Drugs in the bibles

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion GOD
  • Date de début Date de début
The main drug used in the New Testament is alcohol in the form of wine (which was at that moment in time a fairly new drug in Judea - "What did the Romans ever do for us?!"). Jezus changed water into wine and called it his blood.

In fact I believe that the whole idea of the religion was for people to chill out on sundays with their friends, talk a bit, drink a bit and have some bread. (Your average afterglow experience)... which makes it ever so strange that there are 'Christians' that say you are not allowed to drink (Do they think they know it better then their own Messiah?) or to bake bread on Sundays (Do they think their Messiah had old bread?).

Obviously that wouldn't be very psychedelic, but one would have to recognize that most effective natural psychedelics come from the New World and the synthetics only started arriving in the 19th century.

There is ofcourse the old practice of Prophets to go into the desert for 40 days and nights - where the only thing to eat would be mushrooms (besides the halucinations you can get by fasting.).
The main drug used in the New Testament is alcohol in the form of wine (which was at that moment in time a fairly new drug in Judea - "What did the Romans ever do for us?!"). Jezus changed water into wine and called it his blood.

If you read the most popular translation of the bible year (like the 'traditional' christian version) you are right. The thing is, that version is as far removed from what was actually meant in the bible, as Disney's version of Hercules is compared to the original story.

Wine was just a bad translation, or maybe they didnt have a better understanding at the time when 'they' translated the bible.

HeartCore a dit:
Wine was just a bad translation, or maybe they didnt have a better understanding at the time when 'they' translated the bible.

This is highly unlikely, as wine (or ?
Of course this may not fit in New Age type ideas like 'Jezus was a mushroom', 'Jezus was an Alien', 'Psychedelics are far better then alcohol - so it must've been those' etc., but those ideas are predated by archeological finds by some 1800 years - in which case I'd stick closer to the source then wishful thinking ;P

Allegro=new age?

Sorry this topic is lost....


I got two more possibilities. The first Syrian Rue, there was some site on the net claiming this and I also have a book by Sir Laurence Gardner, which has a similar claim. Syrian rue grew all over almost all biblical countries, and it's use was widesspread in ancient cultures. It is still used for certain medical purposes. It is said that they'd mix the rue with precious metals, called ORMES metals. They thought this mixture gave them supernatural powers because it stimulated the pineal gland. Which is what syrian rue actually does(stimulating the pineal gland, supernatural powers, I don't know), due to the content of pinoline.

The second one: Menstrual blood. Yup, I know: YUK! But that very same book from Sir Laurence Gardner talks about this urhm 'spectacular' hypotheses. The menstrual blood is actually full of melatonin and serotonin, which aren't only important hormones from the pineal gland, they are both tryptophan derivates. So if you'd drink a gallon of menstrual blood, you'd have a rather large amount of tryptophan in your body, tryptophan is also used for the creation of Pinoline and Dimethyltryptamine. Hence, it might have been used for enlightenment. Also, this might be were 'drink my blood' , came from.

The original book holds much more clues which may lead to believing that the really used all this, unfortunately, I forgot:P

I remember one thing, which was related to the menstrual blood thing. The world Whore is actually derived from the ancient greek word: Hierodoulai(meaning sarced women). In ancient times females were worshipped, so the menstrual blood might have to do with that.
HeartCore a dit:
Allegro=new age?

I assume you mean John M. Allegro, who had most of his publications in the latter half of the 20th century (More specically: around the hippie era?)? Yes, that's definitely New Age - especially compared with sources that are millenia older. (aka Old Age? ;P). Yes he had access to the dead sea scrolls... but those are about the Old Testament, not the new one.
Hey wow !!! nobody is slaging me off !!!??? Have i been risen from the dead ? , been reserected ??? Did i die for you ???

I`m realy pleased that the standard of argumentation and objectivity seem to be getting better and better , in this thread .

I understand what is meant by Allegro being "new age" , but most people asociate "new age" with "the new age movement" and not historical periods = things that have happened since the middle of the 1970s , hence the understandable confusion .

The wine of the bible was not wine as we know it , and if it was " a fairly new drug in Judea " how come it is also in the old testament please ?

The bread that they talk about is (often?) "unleaven" bread = unbacked . nobody caried bread around with them there as i goes stale in a few hours at 40c . I think they mean a sort of doe/"unleaven" bread that they have to keep a little wet , in a wet cloth , to stop it drying out .

I realy like the bit about religeon ( you mean semitism?) being for people to chill out on sundays . (sabath . Friday , saterday , sunday ?). Maybe they should start to make every day the sabath and then we might get a little peace .

Mescalin is the only psychedelic that comes only from the new world .

In the desert there are no psilocybin mushrooms ??? , but there are several DMT containing plants that grow in the oasises .

"Of course this may not fit in New Age type ideas like 'Jezus was a mushroom', 'Jezus was an Alien', 'Psychedelics are far better then alcohol - so it must've been those' etc.,"

ALLAH-U AKBAR !!! OBJECTIVITY !!! I AM NOT ALONE !!! What about adding time wave zero , bird flu , the mayan calender , the year 2000 crash , the voynich manuscript , freedom , the maschine elves , black currant juice/ MAOIs make psilocybin stronger and democracy to the list of stupid (new age) stories ???

I like the bit about menstruating women , but harvesting a gallon of menstrual blood sounds HARD . How are you going to do it ? , tap them like a rubber tree ??? How would they store it till they had enough ? Why would anyone collect it in the first place if they didnt know what was in it ? , especialy as many cultures treat/ed woman who are bleading as "unclean" and separated them from "normal" life untill the bleading stoped . I dont think that drinking tryptophan derivatives would cause a raise in tryptophan in the blood + the bodys MAO system stops things that are similar to brain transmiters getting into the blood , or that if it can get through the blood brain barrier that one could make the conection tryptophan to DMT to enlightenment . Plus the fact that jesus wasnt a woman !!!

Where does the bit about P.Harmala stimulating the pineal gland and containing pinoline come from please ?

Please can anyone tell me where i can get the book by Sir Laurence Gardner , what is the title ? , and the web adress of the site/s that were mentioned ?

The bit about P.Harmala was the best thing yet , this is where the ayahuasca analog thoughts i have came from.. It is very common in sainai and the negev , where the jews found manna , and is the only plant that grows there that matches the biblical description of manna exactly . The story goes that their "food" was running out and that they collected enough "manna" to make suplies last 40 years !!! It was kept in the ark of the covenant , wich was made from ACACIA !!!! Here i think we need to go back to H.C.s facts about the bible being falsely translated . I`m not sure how the word that is claimed to be / mean food was translated , they could have meant "sustenance" wich means that wich we need to sustain life , like drugs / sacraments , TV or food . I have the same problem with jesus walking on the water to mean on top of it . Did they have a word for walking water aka treading water ? or did they just describe what was happening ? Remember the word "pharmakai"(?) was translated not as a person knowledgable in plants (pharmacist) but as witch . The expression young woman as virgin . Canabis as sweat flag .

I will write my DMT and ayahuasca in the bibles theories down and post them shortly , but it will need a lot of explanation so it will be as long as my usual posts .

For those without a sense of humor , this is ment to be humerous :-

H.C. I will keep on trying to write the facts on every second line for you ???

ender_gbender ???

The dead sea scroles are a comentary to the old testament ???

If jesus blood was wine its no wonder that his followers talk so much shit and are called his sheep .
uff...so much to read...and didn't even read properly...gee i missed out so much :oops:
however there are a couple of things that hit me reading this continuation of the thread

one, is that no one brought forward the idea that Jesus saying that wine is his blood could be a recall to cannibalistic rites : eat this bread, it is my body, drink this wine, it is my blood.....
two, the circumcision ritual was born as a hygenical remedy to the fact that in the desert folks can't wash themselves so that ammonia, and therefore bacteria, and consequently infections would gather in the foreskin...it couldn't be a symbolic ritual but it had to become cause people care more about the ire of God rather than their own health
on the rest i dare not comment cause i still have much to educate myself on
good job GOD and others, interesting views.
We are a brain pool , a think tank and i`m amazed at what is comming out here . I thought that the drinking menstrual blood bit was realy cool high wierdness but the jesus was a canibal bit tops even that ! Thank you , you made my day . Does this all mean that one should have second thoughts about the bit in the new testament where it says that jesus loved the little children ? Especialy as the christians say that the bible is gods word , the ultimate truth , full of christian science "facts" !

More high wierdness:- The bible proves that i am GOD , at least if you follow the reasoning of the catholic church ??? They had a meeting and decided that because it does not say anywhere in the bible that jesus went behind a bush and had a shit , that that means that he was so holy that his arse had healed up !!! It definately does not say anywhere in the bible that i went for a shit either = I`m so holy that my arse has healed up to !!!

In the german bible the altar that abraham and moses used was called a / the "Schaubrot tisch" , wich roughly translated means "looking bread table" ? The idea of bread that helps one to "look" sounds similar to the ideas about ergot infested Paspalum grass bread / doe .

In Ka-naan there is a town called canna , kanna , quanna , names wich are suposed to be roots of the word canabis , nearby is a town called L`ashish or L`hashish . "Experts" say that L`ashish / L`hashish has nothing to do with hashish but that canna / kanna / quanna has . I was taught in church and sunday school that canna was the capital of Ka-naan . Could the word Ka-naan mean the land where canabis grows ? Lebanon , the ceders of lebanon , the beka valey , where the conditions are ideal for growing canabis and where traditionaly good hash is made is not far away .

Has anyone got any of the books , articles and/or info about the work of (sir)Laurence Gardner please . I found his web site , but i cant find anything from him to download anywhere .

Has anyone any thoughts / ideas please ?
it doesn't even say he had sex and was married and that he had kids ...jadajadaja...it doesn't say so many things...i take it for what it is a good night reading. i mean. i tried to read the bible oh so many times i fall asleep few pages before Numbers (i read the catholic one lately edited, i don't even know how much shit has been rewritten)
however it is interesting to know your arse healed up
Ka-naan i agree with you was surely a place where they would cultivate cannabis as it was (according to the bible) a fertile place, though that doesn't mean anything as marijuana is a very versatile plant. did you know Kanan means "right" (directionwise) in Indonesian? and i believe in some sanscrit derived language as well if i'm not wrong....

cannibalism has allways had big parts in religions...in the ancient greek one as well...i mean...they eate the liver of their enemy believing they were absorbing the power of their soul.....and i believe it had a strong influence in the mediterranean world at that time as greek texts were the latin of the time, and since Jesus was a rabbi he surely studied on the greek texts, the bible, latin and loads of other texts thus instead of proposing a really cannibalistic ritual he made it simbolic through communion so that his disciples would share the power of his soul....

this bunch of crap i've just written was made up on the spot free assosiation

make of it what you want
ps i really believe this is crap cause communion was first introduced by one of the patriarcs of the old testament GOD you probably know more about it than me
illuminate me with knowledge and insults from your holy ire.
peace and love
Thats the way i see it to , its ment symbolicly . It`s not only the things he says but the thing he did , sharing bread is a sign of equality , aceptance , he served them .

My brain has been flooded for the past week with cartoon pictures in every variation of jesus as a human cannonball (canibal) nailed on the cross with motorbike goggles and crash helmit on , and as a silvester/new years rocket ???
The way Jesus maybe was or the way he is wanted to be shown originally in the bible is i think a godly person who had the amazing gift to take other peoples suffering into himself and convert it or to banish it (?....it is said he could heal people by touching) and to show with great clarity the "bottom equality" (love?).

Anyway in context with drugs i think all the bible guys took drugs! And if they didn't they probably would have done! 8) In addition, you mustn't forget that technically all the drug induced effects or the experiences that are brought by them are supposed to be or are (?!) also possibly "triggered" by yourself as spiritual experiences. Which is i think an important aspect for the "argumentations" of the bible.

Sorry for sometimes bad english/lack of words and therefore using bad fitting words, but i hope you'll catch my message. :)
Religeon is a placebo , opium for the people . Life is an electro chemical religeous experience . Why be shy about the chemicals , big brother says you can open the door but not by using brain vitamins , a sort of electro chemical apartheid . Its ok if your body produces drugs internaly but not externmaly . Crazy world .
yeah that's kind of contradictive.

Why not make it easier by taking drugs? :D
Big brother has to make big problems so that our lives are dificult , he divides and rules , cuts education , deals opium for the masses , bread and games , so that we dont understand what is going on , so that we think we need him to solve the problems that he tells us WE terorists make . The drugs he deals make adicted and stop people thinking and functioning . The brain vitamins he says are ilegal make more inteligent . Big brother dont want inteligent people , inteligent people dont need big brother .

What the fuck are you doing awake at 1.57am ?, have you been taking drugs ??? , are you unemployed ? , usualy i am alone here at this time in the morning .
unemployed! but no drugs :(

greetings 8)
Wait a minute , we all take drugs with every thought , i think you mean not through external aplication ? You dont take sugar , alcohol , tea , coffee ? And the borders are thin , the drugs sport releases can be an adiction . I think you mean that you dont manipulate your brain chemistry with "ilegal" means .
That's true GOD!!!

But what the fuck are YOU doing at that time here :)

And apart of that what the fuck is "illegal"?

Just the silly ideas of some people that made the laws??
Or is it true?

.................. I think it doesn't really matter. Or does it????

Well i think indeed religion is a placebo. Though it contains truth.
See how people live their religion. And in fact the intial meaning i don't find too bad. It's what is being made of it that can be scary for me.
Both religion and long discussions about religion can be a waste of time.

This world is not an illusion, it is real. It's just our perception of it which is illusory.

We are one in the sense of being of the same nature, but we're not one in the sense of being or ever becoming one singular entity, or merging with either the source, God or nothingness.
I`m registered as "unemployed" , although i have lots to do , and i have been taking sacramental brain vitamins . I agree , what is "ilegal" , What are "drugs" , What are "laws" and what makes "laws" "legal" .

No from a theoretical position it doesnt matter , but when the forces of evil smash your door in with axes at 3 in the morning , stick maschine guns in your face , smash everything , steal things , assult you amd then steal / plant evidence and lie in court every single time its more than a pain in the arse . But even then it evens itself out , there is never a shortage of very good drugs in prisons , the quality is much better than outside and they are cheaper as the big dealers dont smuggle themselves comercial drugs into prison , and you recieve a very good education there , get to meet real / big dealers , make good contacts . It`s almost like a criminal university . The warders are happy that the prisoners are all stoned = they dont cause trouble , so they look the other way and / or smuggle it in and make big money for themselves

I think some religeons have a truthefull basis , but nowardays they are just carikatures of themselves . Corupt and perverse alternative political power hyerachies . Some of the worst roots of evil .

"See how people live their religion."

You have a habit of hitting the nail on the head !!! Yes , i think this is one of the answers , god gave people eyes to see and brains to think . If more people would trust themselves to open their eyes , think and AKT then we would not be forced to live in Bliars and George Ws state terror , nightmare fantasy world . I think three of the best ways to understand what is going on is to listen to what someone says , look at what they do , and then compare it and see the difference . = A person is what he says and does and the diference between it .

I hope you havn`t been waiting for a reply since 3.06 ???? .................. GO TO BED !!!

"We are one in the sense of being of the same nature, but we're not one in the sense of being or ever becoming one singular entity, or merging with either the source, God or nothingness."

I`m not sure if i understandwhat you meant , its the wekend and the sacremental brain vitamins have taken over here . but it sounds interesting , would you please try to explain it to me again .