Crimzen a dit:
this isnt a flame god thread stfu. if u dont like him argue with him on PM's
So you tell US off not him...........? just like i said
[quote:19euuj82]LSD for example is not 'ancient' it is a drug completely manufactured in a scientific lab
Oh man, if you want to debate this do your homework?
LSD, yes was 'discovered/synthesized' by Albert Hofmann, yeah, but the principle sacred medicine HAS beeen known:
"When the Conquistadores subdued the Aztecs, early chroniclers recorded that the Indians made religious and medicinal use of peyote, another psychoactive plant named
tlitliltzin, and a small lentil-like seed called
ololiuqui ...If you compare d-lysergic acid diethylamide tartrate (LSD 25) and the main ingredient of
ololiuqui (Morning Glory seeds)'ll see that the only difference is substitution of two hydrogens in the amide group for two ethyl radicals. This slight change in the molecule makes LSD 50 to 100 times more active than the central ingredient in morning glories" Psychedelics Encyclopedia, Peter Stafford, pgs, 95-97
mushrooms are not drugs they are natural growing fungi, nothing more
same with cacti and weed etc
any extraction is a drug because u are taking the active ingredient from the plant so it is no longer the plant itself
In a way I very much see what you mean. For example, I am very aware that the most harmful drugs are the ones that have been extracted from plants and 'purified'. Two well-known examples are of course, Heroin from Opium, itself from the Poppy plant, and Cocaine, from Coca Leaf, and also from the former, the very harmful crack cocaine.
We also have pure spirit alcohol, and very addicitive and harmful, and anti-nutrient, white sugar!! etc
And true, there exist very very many allopathic drugs that originate from plants and so on. I agree that they are drugs.
BUT I make a dramatic distinction between that category and the psychedelics, be they natrual, or extracted. These are not 'drugs' --in the deorgatory, and 'specific', and mundane way, but are
sacred medicine.
Of course they also can be abused, and 'made into' drugs--ie., meaning that their disrespectul use will bring possible harmfull effects. But if we impose the notion they are drugs and belong in same category with other legal and illegal drugs, then that contributes to disrespect surrounding them. And also backs up the 'war on drugs' propaganda which loves to term sacred medicine 'drugs', because of the derogotary nature of that term!
psychedelics is too broad of a term when you're talking about them being drugs or not because there are many different classifications of them
I also find the term 'psychedelics' gladly used in anti-sacred medicine propaganda.
Why?? Well because it is connected with the 1960s, and that era is connected with the much maligned Tim Leary, the 'Hippies', and Charles Manson and his 'Family'! So the term is used to act as a trigger in the gullible peoples minds that 'psychedelics are wrong/evil' and all the BS that has been put out.
Remember, only recently in Holland, the banning of the sale of sacred mushrooms came with some story of a girl jumping off a bridge? This is exactly same tactic they used in 60s and 70s. About people trying to stop moving cars, staring in the sun till they went blind, jumping off bridges. Going crazy and murdering.........etc.
SACRED medicine? thats only one take on it, one perception, it is natural so FAR FAR before the 60s shamans knew them as sacred medicine
AND FAR FAR FAR before them they were nothing but plants ffs
they are plants or drugs the only reason they are particularly 'special' is because they happen to affect humans quite profoundly which may i add is quite coincidental
for the most part the effects are defense mechanisms for the plant itself, its unfortunate for the plants that we enjoy these effects and it actually has an opposite effect from the intended one
What are you talking about? The term sacred medicine is not some fad term but means something profound for indigenous people who --unlike our modern materialistic society--did not separate the physical, nature, body and soul, and spirit, like we have been indoctrinated with.
Thus sacred earth, sacred medicine. Because it heals our relationship with sacred earth. Understand? And with the community, of others, and other speciies. That is the essence.
And what do you mean that the deep meaning that can be had from ingesting sacred medicine is 'quite coincidental'? Are you talking from your own perspective? Do they not mean much to you so you project your experience on others?
And as for your last part of what you said. Don't really know what you mean. Please expand (IF you can be...bothered?

I am interested to know, are you into Buddhism? Its just that the avatar you chose gives that impression?