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Who thinks psychadelics are more than drugs?

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Tripers . But that still doesnt make their hallucinations and imaginations anymore than hallucinations and imaginations .
Its a new concept of perception projected into an internal visual display, I think.

I never said realities and dimensions truely existed in an external sense. However they are places in the mind and as long as the person believes in that place who says it isnt real to that person?

Thank you very much for the welcome. =D

Maybe I'm crazy but it's hard to decide what is real and what isn't. Reality is just perception, after all. It is, because we think it is.
I am quite shocked to see a lot of people seeying psychedelics as drugs.

When i think about drugs, i think more or less about the well known medicines and everything that is not psycho active nor "natural"

For me most psychedelics are just plants just like vegetables, and like i eat food for my body, i feel that my brain needs some food to.
Dreaming poduces also big amounts of dmt, but that doesnt make it a drug in my view.

Personally i experienced that this dimension, this dream we are living is just as real as the other dimensions i have explored.

But for example with certain kind of music, its really possible to create realms and dimensions, wich u can u only acces/understand when u take psychedelics(thats what psychedelic music really is about in my opinion)
So i would more or less agree on the first point

I dont believe that they are just simply chemicals, And of everything in the universe that exist, it's specificly psychedelics that really make me wonder "what" or "who" is behind this. And maybe if they are part of a kind of timeline of global consiousness
I am quite shocked to see a lot of people seeying psychedelics as drugs.

It are all left brain thinkers who are unable to see the big picture ;) And most of them are like sheeps, who follow and follow and are afraid to say what they really think about! :D They won't have there color black, but keep it white.

I mean imagine if others get hard on you! Really this forum isn't so cute anymore, it's dominated with lots of science crap and ego talks. Alright, i can say what i want, and of course i WILL, but they won't listen because everything is about chemicals and other boring theory's. IMAGINE IMAGINE IMAGINE, what is IMAGINE? Do we keep walking in circles or do we break the chains and over come fear about what others think... Or what can't be calculated, or controlled or verified? Why believe in proof, what's get disproved 10 years later?

So you guys, keep believing that you are thinking outside the box, while your box is only a little taller. There are only a handfull people over here who are able to think outside the box, but like always there body color changes into black!
"Dreaming poduces also big amounts of dmt"

Wheres the proof ?

People who believe that their fantasys are real are called psychotic .
PsychedelicPirate a dit:
Thank you very much for the welcome. =D

Maybe I'm crazy but it's hard to decide what is real and what isn't. Reality is just perception, after all. It is, because we think it is.

Welcome fellow, keep openminded like you are. Keep spreading your thoughts and don't let them brainwash you :P Because for some of the members it's a goal! They want you to believe in science crap, which of course can explain a lot about the world, but is also wrong as time will tell us.
GOD a dit:
"Dreaming poduces also big amounts of dmt"

Wheres the proof ?

People who believe that their fantasys are real are called psychotic .

the person who claims, that certain dimensions related to psychedelics are less real then the dimensions we see in our daily perception, and more even more worse see them as fantasy, is the one that is the real psychotic

who has to prove it?
No one proved ur an asshole and yet i think it's clear for everyone :D
No one proved ur an asshole and yet i think it's clear for everyone Very Happy

Well the proof is in the front of our eyes, exactly 7317 post full with words that blame people to be loony's, wotsits and the list go's on and on. Especially if they do not agree.....
I can't really add anything to what's already been said. It cannot be stressed enough that it is up to the user and the set/setting relationship to determine if a psychedelic actually effects any kind of change upon the user.

Some people take psychedelics and it just reinforces their attitudes....but this is only because, generally, they aren't introspective individuals to begin with.

I think one has to be able to introspect in order to avail any real gift from psychedelics.
mysticwarrior a dit:
I think one has to be able to introspect in order to avail any real gift from psychedelics.

:D Those are words i can appreciate :D
Agreed, and no worries, I'm not one to be easily brainwashed. =D

Don't get me wrong, I love science and am consistently fascinated with what we discover and understand. It's important to know how chemicals are reacting with out bodies, for obvious reasons. Unfortunately, we still have a lot of learning on that front. Science, though I don't consider it analogous with religion, is not too different from religion. It's always being proved wrong and interpreted differently and changing as the cultures of the world change. I have trouble seeing something so fluid as "truth".

On top of that, I can't believe that this reality is the only reality out there, especially after opening my mind with psychedelics. More than once have I got the feeling I was getting a peek into something new and alien, something so much bigger than we imagine it to be.
PsychedelicPirate a dit:
mysticwarrior a dit:
I think one has to be able to introspect in order to avail any real gift from psychedelics.

:D Those are words i can appreciate :D
Agreed, and no worries, I'm not one to be easily brainwashed. =D

Don't get me wrong, I love science and am consistently fascinated with what we discover and understand. It's important to know how chemicals are reacting with out bodies, for obvious reasons. Unfortunately, we still have a lot of learning on that front. Science, though I don't consider it analogous with religion, is not too different from religion. It's always being proved wrong and interpreted differently and changing as the cultures of the world change. I have trouble seeing something so fluid as "truth".

On top of that, I can't believe that this reality is the only reality out there, especially after opening my mind with psychedelics. More than once have I got the feeling I was getting a peek into something new and alien, something so much bigger than we imagine it to be.

And these are words i also do appreciate very much. There are more ways to explain the same question, and i think it's important to not stay stuck on one way.

Again, your welcome Pirate! :D
spice a dit:
I think one has to be able to introspect in order to avail any real gift from psychedelics.

Very much. Generally, the insights and realizations that I've gained from psychedelic trips have come from me making connections between various things I'm already thinking about the time. Psychedelics can open you to different perspectives, they can allow you to conceptualize things in a wonderful way, but they don't do the work for you.
st.bot.32 a dit:
spice a dit:
I think one has to be able to introspect in order to avail any real gift from psychedelics.

Very much. Generally, the insights and realizations that I've gained from psychedelic trips have come from me making connections between various things I'm already thinking about the time. Psychedelics can open you to different perspectives, they can allow you to conceptualize things in a wonderful way, but they don't do the work for you.
Which is why I like to see drugs, primarily psychedelics, as tools rather than recreational devices. You can have fun, but it's not always fun, per se. Preparation is important, but not necessary for learning. Sometimes all it takes is having an open mind to what the trip is showing you.
I'm truly sorry for saying this but if you really believe what you see under the influences of drugs, you are quite naive, and really don't know how your own brain works (whether you think you do or not)

Sorry. :oops:

I mean... like the elves on DMT, and the extra dimensions people supposedly go to under heavy doses.

Not revelations.

...There are no extra dimensions you can perceive. You have no third eye, or chakra, or energy, or aura.

Its cool to think about though; but your just a big bag of carbon oxygen and nitrogen with a few other trace elements :wink:
^ + 1 . Its all in the mind .
GOD a dit:
^ + 1 . Its all in the mind .
Yes god, when people are too brainwashed by this system , who trust it's science wich make them not being introvert, it's all in the mind
Sorry. Embarassed
I mean... like the elves on DMT, and the extra dimensions people supposedly go to under heavy doses.
I have never seen any faires in other dimensions, but who talks about that stuff?

If for u other dimensions means seeing elves, i think we are completly (speaking) on another level. And all my words become meaningless..

I have seen my third eye lighten up many times without the use of psychedelics, and i dont care how it is called, i am completely aware/convinced off all the "energies" in and around my body.

And honestly i feel sorry for people who claim to know everything based upon their (full) trust in science and ignore the thousands of years of shamanism practise with all its knowledge, and always stuck on the defenition of words instead of seeying the bigger picture.

the harder u push the longer the road is, just open yourself by not only thinking it, but being it
...There are no extra dimensions you can perceive. You have no third eye, or chakra, or energy, or aura.

Its cool to think about though; but your just a big bag of carbon oxygen and nitrogen with a few other trace elements

It seems that you have lost yourself mate, that could also explain your overwhelming trips.... If you can't accept what your are experiencing, then you will find nothing, but if you have the ears to hear and the eyes to see, a complete new world evolves around you. That world can't be ignored, and feels so real that you have no doubts about it's existence.

So the next time your going to fly, take a huge dose of mushrooms and dive, experience and be able to see your self from a different angle without being constantly caught up by fear and overwhelming emotions.

GOD a dit:
^ + 1 . Its all in the mind .

Proof? :D

I mean science do know almost nothing about the brains/mind and are constantly contradicting each other, and they also still have not managed to find the place where our thoughts are stored etc. So it would be a good thing if you could back that up for us, maybe then we have some food to think about.