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What are the 5 drugs you dislike most

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion JimmyJohn
  • Date de début Date de début
1 nicotene
to addicting
2 uppers
dont need more energy
3 nutmeg
4 otc drugs
bad for you
5 booze
like it but hate it
I hate to admit this, but drugs like heroine, amphetamines and cocaine have helped to shape rock music as we know it. Good for us, generally not so good for the musicians themselves.

Alcohol doesn't just ruin the performer, it also ruins the music. You can't drive a car when you're drunk, so it follows you can also not play an instrument skillfully. I'm not talking about one beer to loosen up, but the musicians who make a bottle of rum or whiskey part of their image.
I have no moral issues with trying addictive drugs, but apart from weed I haven't really. You can say weed isn't addictive and I would understand why, but it can become a part of your life very easily, influencing your life in many (both positive and negative ways). I would like to try opium sometime soon, just as I would like to try a good cigar and some shamanic tobacco (the strong variant). I am also interested in trying ketamine, but I wouldn't snort it and go for IM. As for coke, I would like to try coca-leafs (plain or in tea).
Don't underestimate those 3 Caduceus when it comes to creativity. Because despite the minor altering consciousness effects of coke (only extreme wakefulness with a general sense of coolness, some euphoria), it does stimulate abstract thinking and hell yeah it does increase the ability to perform tasks clearly and fast while being full in control. Thinking, speaking, writing, performing all goes way more smooth.

I also noticed that when I made a plea about politics, my text or speech became a more critical and structured aim directed at the opposite party/person. Instead of represented text in where my thoughts on the story are displayed. Many heated columns in today's media are founded during a coke high. Publicist, journalists, reporters etc. It is no wonder either that lawyers are often snorting too. It makes one a formidable debatter, finding the right phrases with less effort and being in able to construct sentences quicker. But less aware of what others their input is.

I also have suspicions about politicans who're occasionally using it as an additional tool for their heavy job. It keeps them fit, and there are no specific ways to detect or someone is on C. But it is their verbal behaviour which got a shift up, and occasionally an uninterrupted will to speak which may conceal them.

I think most of the artists are faling into a coke/alcohol addiction because when they have their time off, they're looking for moments of joy to escape from their hard-working lifes. At first, it seems manageable. But later on, spare time without coke and alcohol is considered as total dullness. And it'd make them too ordinary. Alcohol/coke typically produces that invincible + top of the world feeling. Only experienced as superficial by those who did psychedelics, but not by those who're coming from merely the sober life.

But I do believe that moderated coke use can bring mainly benefits for some, as I noticed with myself. Although I quitted it 'cause of my conscience, it suppresses my inner life. But it'd work out in some way to get through life with more energetic pleasure, only if I had not taken any knowledge of mind expanders. On where I choosed to construct my life on.

From the outside, one may come across as 'a living guy'. That is what makes coke tricky. Because one chooses his projection to others and the judgement of his environment as his new life. But inside, one gets emptier and emptier. Often one doesn't realise that or is willing to even sacrifice that. And in a further phase, one is totally depending on acknowledgement for his outer appearance. Forgetting his own inner welness. In the end, the environment may notice the plastic shell around such a coke user, and then both his innerlife and honour has collapsed. And then the end stories which we all know, appear.

As for H/Opiates. Work with reference to tragedies which are well known by people and which many of us may experience up to a certain point in our lifes, is often a very real enclosure with no covers about the smallest details. On H there is no shame, one tells the truth and pours it all out without having to think about honour. This makes some work from H users typically unique. They are truly honest in a straight way.
On H there is no shame, one tells the truth and pours it all out without having to think about honour. This makes some work from H users typically unique. They are truly honest in a straight way.
There are no monks in my band
There are no saints in this land
I'll be doing all I can
To live and die an honest man
Confusion is my middle name
Ask me again I'll tell you the same
Persuaded by one sexy dame
No I do not feel no shame

(Funky Monks, RHCP)
Sprinkle a little music association on the subject.
Good topic!

Mine are similar to everyone else's. If you don't like LSA, that may actually be cyanogens in the seeds you're eating, not the LSA it's self.

1. Nicotine - no lasting effect except dirty lungs and cancer, creates it's own stress to cure with more smoking. Beyond me how something addictive and this harmful is for sale

2. Alcohol - good when nothing else is left, but I always look at myself after drinking and compare it to someone sober near me, I'm aesthetized into a sickly numb, dumbed down state with a hangover to look forward to

I have a special distaste for these two given the well known and understood damage they do to health and society, yet they continue to be sold legally with people making profits from addictions and the harm of others.

3. Caffeine - It's bad because it's hard to notice it doing anything until you try living without it for a few months on clean water. Raises cortisol levels in the blood I think, which puts the body under a higher stress load. I would also include sugar rushes in with this

The rest can have negatives, but at least offer something creative or interesting, so I can't really say I dislike them.

4. Cannabis - I don't really dislike it, but I dislike it when you start smoking too much and life disappears

5. Ketamine - It's effects aren't very exciting or long lived, I don't really see the point in having it in my lungs. Don't hate it, don't see why people like it. Seems like something to get fucked up on and nothing else

I want something significant and interesting out of a powder.

Having sex on MDMA is incredible - I don't like picking favorites, but this has to be close, it's definitely the drug I'd recommend to anyone wanting to try only one. BZP and the other piperazines are good since I don't seem to have problems with headaches, although it's hard to reach the same emotionally connected state with it as MDMA can manage - it's closer if you combine it with TFMPP
1. Alcohol

The older I get, the more I drink, the less I remember stuff the next morning.
When I don't drink too much, parties are always better !

2. Internet

The hugest drug ever, cant spend hours tripping in front of the screen :lol:

oh, god. don't get me started. seriously, that just moved to the top of my (worst) list.

the amount of hours i have wasted staring into cyberspace not even doing anything is pathetic. at least back in my video game days when i was staring at the screen I was having fun.
for me: (without any order)

- tobacco and nicotine ... too much risks

- coke ... it changes your mind

- speed / amphetamines ... nervosity and concentration loose...

- alcohol ... the high is empty of any good and rich feelings

- weed ... it does not relax me at all... on the contrary

have a nice w-end
i was having a discussion with someone i know who has been studying neurobiology... (a person with psychonautic interests)

they were currently in classes studying how different types of personalities prefer different types of drugs typically. obviously with amphetamines, if you actually need them for medical purposes they will affect you very different than the average person. but beyond that.. for example one type of personality will self-medicate with tobacco, stimulants.. a depressed type of personality might be more drawn to weed and psychedelics, etc. i wish i could find more information on it, but it was interesting... of course these studies are probably very new and based on people who actually will admit to drug use (for whatever reason).

the (least favorite) list for me is constantly changing honestly. a couple years ago alcohol wouldn't have been on it and weed which at the time was completely random for me in effect would have. (weed is practically my favorite at the moment, it's shrooms lite for me). last year caffeine would have been on the list (it REALLY buzzes me out), but it just stopped bothering me at some point this year and i actually started appreciating it. and even though i didn't get a lot out of coke i would love to try making a tea from the leaves.
1. PCP - yuck-o, and boring as well.

2. Nicotine - I hate cigarette smoke; it stinks! Cigars are worse.

3. Alcohol (except for occasional small doses, e.g. a couple of Cuba Libres). But if I exceed that two-drink threshold, alcohol becomes increasingly unpleasant as I continue drinking more. Then there is that awful hangover the next day. Barf.

4. Large doses of smoked salvia extracts (I find no joy or purpose in morphing into the roof support beam of some building, or turning into a clock on the wall). However I do find quids and honey-diluted tincture beneficial from time to time. I am unusually sensitive to salvia - I can feel its unique signature from just 1 large, potent leaf in my mouth, after about 15 minutes or so.

5.Refined cocaine. However -- I do enjoy chewing the coca leaves with carbonate. They provide me with a pleasant energy lift, a sense of renewal and optimism. Leaf effects are not quite powerful enough to be overwhelming or distracting - just enough to get the job done. I do not experience any caffeine-like jitters from coca leaves. The leaves are very helpful when I have to work late at night. Furthermore, the appetite suppressant properties of coca leaves are great for chronic late night munchers (like me). And the coca leaves themselves are rich in nutrients.

My opinion is that coca leaves are being subverted from a good and beneficial plant ally into something which is worse than worthless (coke powder & crack). So then the US administration overreacts, as usual, vainly attempting to exterminate the plant. My tax dollars at work ...

Something similar to the wasting of coca leaves has happened to salvia in the western culture. When used orally in a manner similar to the Mazatecs, SD can be a good and useful ally. But when refined into XXX which is smoked in huge dosages, and is overly commercialized, SD becomes something potentially very dangerous. This attracts the unwanted attention to SD which we have been seeing for the past few years. Whenever I get hold of an SD extract, I use it to make tincture.

The tirade posted in the last couple of paragraphs above is strictly my humble opinion, of course.

Best wishes to all -

no particular order

Nicotine-cigs suck!(even though im a smoker)
coke/crack-high not worth the comedown
Diphenhydramine/Dimenhydrinate-delierium isnt fun.
MDMA/MDA-fun for a few times, but then its like blah.
Meth-destroys lives/families!
Weird how you all dislike alcohol, or most of you..
I would have to say:
1.Heroine (conotations that accompany it)
2.Meth (same as above)
3.PCP horrible stories, seems like it makes you lost.
4.Datura scares me
5.Psilocybin, it makes me have worst feeling.

I would think a disociative would make you be more different from who you are than alcohol.
I would have to say alcohol brings out true intentions... Aka inhibitions are destroyed... Doesn't change the person that much.
Entheogens add a different chem. communicator to the brain so it's probably logical to say that these "change" the person more than something that just affects serotonin and dopamine (alcohol)...

... I don't know. Don't do meth or heroine. I won't even argue with someone trying to defend these. I see no points in barbituets(?) or opiates.
spice a dit:
#5) Salvia (YUCK)

#4) Cocaine Hydrochloride

#3) Cigarettes

#2) Booze

#1) Television
good list. also, yellow press news.
In no particular order....


....all are equally worthless and dehumanizing.

Cigarettes and alcohol would be up there but I had to choose five and those I feel are the worst. God damn it I just thought of consumerism/capitalism, or politics.... ah whatever.
The only drug I took and I disliked is amphetamine, 'cause at high doses it makes me really paranoïd... :?
1°) Heroine ( too addictive for me... )
2°) Cocaine ( make me crazy...)
3°) Painkiller.
4°) Datura ( scare me...)
5°) Fucking bad quality haschisch weighed down with shoe polish and henna ...