ok my least favorite (doesn't mean i dislike, just at the bottom of my list)
like Caduceus there are a couple drugs I'm just not going to try, those would be heroin and meth. just not going to.
the last 3 then..
tobacco. ok i like it, but i just can't keep it occasional. if you can keep it to every few months it can be very meditative though. i totally had lucid experiences back in the days when i kept my tobacco smoking very occasional. especially with GOOD tobacco like a fine cigar. it is very different than a cigarette.
alcohol. on occasion I'll enjoy it. i won't berate it (people can destroy their life with any drug), although it is clearly not for everyone. I avoid the kind of people who turn into assholes when they drink it, i generally don't like those people when they are sober. most of my friends just turn philosophical and chatty when we drink. if it is occasional, it can be a very lucid experience. you have to know your body and limits though, drink water with electrolytes, or yeah, you'll make yourself sick.
coke. tried it a couple times from different sources and found it as boring as hell, it isn't worth the money or the risk or what is associated with it. and some people do turn into dicks when they take it.. which is interesting how the drug brings that side of them out so strongly. speaking of stimulants, for the record i really liked dextroamphetamine, but i have taken amphetamines maybe like 3-4 times in my life, and never for just a party, always to concentrate on some creative task. i couldn't imagine just partying on amphetamines, i think i would get bored out of my mind and hate it
edit. i just noticed venlafaxine above. hell yeah. worst. drug. i have ever taken. period.
like Caduceus there are a couple drugs I'm just not going to try, those would be heroin and meth. just not going to.
the last 3 then..
tobacco. ok i like it, but i just can't keep it occasional. if you can keep it to every few months it can be very meditative though. i totally had lucid experiences back in the days when i kept my tobacco smoking very occasional. especially with GOOD tobacco like a fine cigar. it is very different than a cigarette.
alcohol. on occasion I'll enjoy it. i won't berate it (people can destroy their life with any drug), although it is clearly not for everyone. I avoid the kind of people who turn into assholes when they drink it, i generally don't like those people when they are sober. most of my friends just turn philosophical and chatty when we drink. if it is occasional, it can be a very lucid experience. you have to know your body and limits though, drink water with electrolytes, or yeah, you'll make yourself sick.
coke. tried it a couple times from different sources and found it as boring as hell, it isn't worth the money or the risk or what is associated with it. and some people do turn into dicks when they take it.. which is interesting how the drug brings that side of them out so strongly. speaking of stimulants, for the record i really liked dextroamphetamine, but i have taken amphetamines maybe like 3-4 times in my life, and never for just a party, always to concentrate on some creative task. i couldn't imagine just partying on amphetamines, i think i would get bored out of my mind and hate it
edit. i just noticed venlafaxine above. hell yeah. worst. drug. i have ever taken. period.