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What are the 5 drugs you dislike most

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion JimmyJohn
  • Date de début Date de début
ok my least favorite (doesn't mean i dislike, just at the bottom of my list)

like Caduceus there are a couple drugs I'm just not going to try, those would be heroin and meth. just not going to.

the last 3 then..

tobacco. ok i like it, but i just can't keep it occasional. if you can keep it to every few months it can be very meditative though. i totally had lucid experiences back in the days when i kept my tobacco smoking very occasional. especially with GOOD tobacco like a fine cigar. it is very different than a cigarette.

alcohol. on occasion I'll enjoy it. i won't berate it (people can destroy their life with any drug), although it is clearly not for everyone. I avoid the kind of people who turn into assholes when they drink it, i generally don't like those people when they are sober. most of my friends just turn philosophical and chatty when we drink. if it is occasional, it can be a very lucid experience. you have to know your body and limits though, drink water with electrolytes, or yeah, you'll make yourself sick.

coke. tried it a couple times from different sources and found it as boring as hell, it isn't worth the money or the risk or what is associated with it. and some people do turn into dicks when they take it.. which is interesting how the drug brings that side of them out so strongly. speaking of stimulants, for the record i really liked dextroamphetamine, but i have taken amphetamines maybe like 3-4 times in my life, and never for just a party, always to concentrate on some creative task. i couldn't imagine just partying on amphetamines, i think i would get bored out of my mind and hate it

edit. i just noticed venlafaxine above. hell yeah. worst. drug. i have ever taken. period.
st.bot.32 a dit:
edit. i just noticed venlafaxine above. hell yeah. worst. drug. i have ever taken. period.

I agree 100%. From all I listed it's the only one I can't find anything positive from my experience... For tobacco, at least I like the act of smoking something, I would love it if there was nicotine free cigarettes. Amphetamines are just boring, it's more a sexual tool for me (makes me horny and unable to have an orgasm in less than an hour). DXM just has very little interest, and alcohol I just don't enjoy it that much, although it's really good on certain occasion, in moderation.
Psychoid a dit:
st.bot.32 a dit:
edit. i just noticed venlafaxine above. hell yeah. worst. drug. i have ever taken. period.

I agree 100%. From all I listed it's the only one I can't find anything positive from my experience... For tobacco, at least I like the act of smoking something, I would love it if there was nicotine free cigarettes. Amphetamines are just boring, it's more a sexual tool for me (makes me horny and unable to have an orgasm in less than an hour). DXM just has very little interest, and alcohol I just don't enjoy it that much, although it's really good on certain occasion, in moderation.

Yeah, all it did was turn me into a vegetable. I slept 14 hours a day while my parents were panicking, not knowing what was going on. That whole period of my life is a hazy, murky cloud. It took a long time to recover. As for amphet.. I find them highly meditative and focusing. But I guess they affect every brain quite differently.. in any case I tend to avoid them, as I fear I might get addicted if I had easy access to them.

Also for alcohol, a long time ago i was basically a heavy drinker and quit. i have gone through periods of hating it actually. Probably because it is the social drug that is just pushed on you everywhere.. and i find that really irritating on some fundamental level. But then i had a couple very positive experiences that changed my mind. Yes, it has to be occasional, in moderation. I don't blame some for avoiding it entirely...
Why did you take Venlafaxine . Did you suffer from depression?
I dont really get your point about nicotine free cigarettes.
Nicotine is poisonous at very high doses, but has very little effect on health at the levels found in cigs.
Okay its addictive but it has a psychoactive effect.
What is poisonous/carcinogenous in tobacco is the tar (+ all the other shitty additives).
So for me, a perfect cigarette would be a tar free one but highly dosed
in nicotine.
JimmyJohn a dit:
So for me, a perfect cigarette would be a tar free one but highly dosed
in nicotine.

ever got a real nasty nicotine flash because you hit the bong with tobacco and hash for example? I can't imagine anyone enjoying this.
My list of bad bad bad

1. Smoking 5x extract Salvia in a 20 cm bong, and a full pipe head.......
first hit, kept my finger on the hole inhaled,exhaled second hit inhaled removed my finger and cleared the bong in on hit ZANG like that. ZANG. it felt that i was cut in half i couldn't move the left part of my body i started heavy sweating and shaking and couldn't stop shaking after a while i took a shower to calm down because it was pfffffff. to much

2. Speed. yes i've had my share and did way to much in the weekend, started doing it midweeks, that used to be the disadvantage of working whit my dealer.
just a textmessage on friday morning before 8 a.m. and pills and speed are there around 9a.m........not anymore though i just can't handel the hangover that last for 3 days min. Sometimes speed can be really nice but most times its just NOT.

3. XTC. Abused it....... about 5 years ago i took 3-4 pills a weekend for about a year and a half combined whit speed.

4. The 2nd time sanpedro preparded it the wrong way and got really sick to the point of OMFG i'm gonna wake-up in the fucking hospital next week.
verry strange i was already tripping balls when i got sick. went to bed and had the most stangest ''dreams''(not sure if i slept at all) and felt sick all night long

5. Cocaine whats the piont of it i you dont get the I can't feel my face... I mean, I can touch it, but I can't feel it from the inside efect?
well, you can't :D
:lol: :D
5. Cocaine whats the piont of it i you dont get the I can't feel my face... I mean, I can touch it, but I can't feel it from the inside efect?

that reminds me of the movie "blow" :wink:

the previous post was to misery...I once had reagularly tobacco in a bong...enjoy? I don't know if I enjoyed it. Really, but I sometimes did it. Nevertheless well it was ""fascinating"", it is not psychedelic, maybe it is, well you just fall and fall and fall adn you see the black of your closed eyes, you can't move, it is beautiful but anxious, it is empty, so empty but also beautiful, somehow.

I quit doing it quite a while ago...it is VERY bad for health.
Ooooo :lol: youre right.
magickmumu a dit:
Why did you take Venlafaxine . Did you suffer from depression?

yeah well, to make the long story short i was diagnosed with depression after my doc asked me a list of 8 questions. thats it. here you go, SNRI!

it was a bs diagnosis, and i was unhappy.. because i was in a shitty living situation (middle of nowhere, with parents, friends all gone). as soon as i quit the SNRI.. got focused, moved to a city..new friends.. grow up a bit.. hey no depression. odd that.
misery a dit:
ever got a real nasty nicotine flash because you hit the bong with tobacco and hash for example? I can't imagine anyone enjoying this.

Yeah you re right, i expressed myself badly.
I should have said tar free fags with normal level of nicotine and not the light or xlight non sense.
JimmyJohn a dit:
misery a dit:
ever got a real nasty nicotine flash because you hit the bong with tobacco and hash for example? I can't imagine anyone enjoying this.

Yeah you re right, i expressed myself badly.
I should have said tar free fags with normal level of nicotine and not the light or xlight non sense.

the first time a friend of mine tried hash he BT'd it (for those who dont know.. its slang here for using the tip of a lit cigarette to hold+burn hash in a bottle, then you inhale the hash smoke).. and the guy did it wrong so the bottle was full of nicotine.. it took a while for my friend to figure out what was going on ;)

BT's are definitely an easy way to get the nicotine flash..

but as for the tar-free cigarette.. there's the electric cigarettes that people are starting to smoke indoors in pubs in the UK.. (no tar, just a puff of nicotine ignited in a cigarette-shaped thingy)
but as for the tar-free cigarette.. there's the electric cigarettes that people are starting to smoke indoors in pubs in the UK.. (no tar, just a puff of nicotine ignited in a cigarette-shaped thingy)
that's ridicule! It takes all the romance of the cigarette!
misery a dit:
ever got a real nasty nicotine flash because you hit the bong with tobacco and hash for example? I can't imagine anyone enjoying this.

I did like it :P
paroxetine (for the diarrhoea)

my list could be far longer and mainly consisting of psychiatric drugs.
im not a fan of coke but i dont hate it
JimmyJohn a dit:
I dont really get your point about nicotine free cigarettes.
Nicotine is poisonous at very high doses, but has very little effect on health at the levels found in cigs.
Okay its addictive but it has a psychoactive effect.
What is poisonous/carcinogenous in tobacco is the tar (+ all the other shitty additives).
So for me, a perfect cigarette would be a tar free one but highly dosed
in nicotine.

OK so you take anything that is psychoactive, even if it makes you feel like shit? Maybe you haven't read the whole thread... I said nicotine makes me feel like shit, but I like smoking, that's why I said I would like to be able to buy nicotine-free cigarettes. Nicotine and tar free ones would be even better, of course, but I think this is impossible :P
just realized the worst combo i've ever done. and with two of my favorites...

once i ate some hasj.. and.. don't ask me why cuz i don't know :roll: but at some point after i decided it was a good idea to drop.

don't think i'll be trying that one again anytime soon..