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What are the 5 drugs you dislike most

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion JimmyJohn
  • Date de début Date de début
1. Nicotine
2. All powder drugs for possibly being cut, ie shitty coke. You really have to find the right peeps for that shit
3. DOM, not sure if its the gear swiT has or if its just how it is in me. the shit is barely noticeable even when I do supposably catastrophic amounts.
4. Benzedrex inhaler cotton.. if you want to try this just learn simple a/b extraction with HCl, base with NaCO3 (from baking soda) and extract base with xylene or something. Choking down the lavender/menthol and the taste association is enough to haunt you when you pass a lavender tree, I heard of some who insta puke when they smell it. Lesson.. extract crystals if youre interested in this substance.
5. Many RC's just lack that splendour that many describe them as having for me personally. I wish I could just have a choice of them all to find one that actually fits me. 4 AcO would be so amazing...
5 drugs I dislike, in no particular order:

* Benzylpiperazine (aka BZP, A2, etc): Supposedly similar and possible identical to meth (although I haven't tried meth), except much weaker. WAYY too much fun and therefore very addictive and destructive. Best avoided imo.

* Alcohol: Makes me tired, depressed and occasionally aggressive.

* Nicotine: Possible the most useless drug of all. Cigarettes, aside from possible making you look cool (?) are also addictive, expensive and will likely kill you. Also the only "druggy" effect appears to be addiction. Totally useless.

* Caffeine: Large doses make me jittery cause anxiety.

* SSRI:s and their relatives: Pretty much shut down my emotions, temporarily turning me into a psychopath. Never again. I wish doctors would admit how little they really know.
Virgil a dit:

In the first posts I saw "sugar" as a bad drug... :shock: Is sugar a drug ???? Hhehhehehe Or perhaps is a nickname for a drug... I dunno.
Well, sugar releases dopamine which makes it addictive. It is also a major cause of obesity. So... arguably, it's a pretty destructive drug. :P
Diphenhydramine HCL
Promethazine HCL
1: crack, never done it, but seen it ruin people(friends), seen people act more pathetic by it then anything else (guys smokes up his entire social wellfare deposit in 1 day, talking to me all the time about how he's doing good making money here and there bla bla, same night comes asking me if he can borrow money) Seen how real criminals are made by it, the type that gets several thousend euro's someday and is out of cash when he go's to sleep (crack&hookers all day all night) One time i wanted to try it, ran into 2 people already verry mutch into it, it was like 3 oclock at night, i said;''ok i wanna try freebase, but only the first pipe (as people say its the best ever), here's how we do it, i pay for 1 gram, i do one good pipe of it. You two smoke the rest no matter what i say. (this obviously sounded like a verry nice proposal for them) Funny thing was, just that night/time. They couldnt arrange for it. Haha they called people for like 2 hours getting more and more frustrated until i went home thinking this is pathetic, fuck this ill never do this. LOL

2: cocaine, never worth it, always disapoints me, always get the urge to finish it at some point and then i do it all in under an hour, rest of the night i hardly speek and am verry self involved or something. One time i really rushed of this coke from a certain dealer, this was quite nice but i suspect it was cut with glass or something. Was a different feeling from when i did coke that wasnt notably cut at all (and yes im sure this wasnt cut more than neccicary to sniff it)

3: Nicotine, im addicted and its pathetic, money flows to elitist bastards that got me enslaved in a way and i got nothing to show for it but bad endurance and brown teeth.

4: Dex-amphetamines, love hate relationship, its not that strong compared to some other amphetamines but do it enough and youll still have a pretty big downer, during this downer, i did dumb things like quit jobs where i was happy just to do nothing for months after witch im forced to get a job that pays less, get arrested for burglary unnecicaraly/stupidly because i just dont care enough, do this just for the ''rush'' to feel less empty. Get angry with people who dont deserve it etc. Also because of this drug i have worked way to often having not slept and just wasting my body in general. (also wasted several summers sitting inside on beutifull days) Still when im offered i usually say yes, and not having any tolerance anymore makes a dose that i can really feel a sure way to stay awake. knoqw way to many people using this daily.

5: MDMA, i like a little pitch/lick in a drink but no more, i just seriously dislike the feeling in my stumach i get while im on a real dose of it, dont like the downer either. Will try some in combination with mushrooms soon. But just a little. Not even mentioning pills/tablets, just thinking of them gets my stomach in a twist. Wish sniffing it was less dangerous. Maybe i should try mephadrone, seems awesomwe to do in combination with mushrooms because you can time it so easilly.

could have put LSA or DXM in, but only done both once, wasnt great, but one experiance cant change these 5
1. Opiates, I cannot make this judgement off of any factual information but I lost a loved one to them so I dislike it for presonal rather than factual.

2.Meth, samI've seen it distroy lives and I have NEVER seen any mental gain from doing meth other than apeasing ones ID. :axe:

3.Alcohol, it has no purpose and no potential to help someone grow as a person. Plus it can turn people into wife beating demonic sloths compaired to weed which I have never seen do to anyone.

4.Pain killers, addictive and no potential for human growth.

5.Tabaco, I have nothing against the plant or smoking the plant but I do have something against the companies that spray it down with even more nicotine to make mindless slaves of its smokers.
Cannabis (i don't realy dislike it, but i don't enjoy it)
1: Alcohol: Too messy.

2: Cocaine: Too moreish, makes everyone act like an arrogant tosser.

3: Ketamine: Personally can't stand the stuff, tried it many times and I find it frustrating and annoying, both taking it and being with K-heads.

4: Nitrous I enjoy the high but it's hippy crack. I've wasted far too many festivals/raves sitting next to the nitrous guy in the hope of getting free balloons.

5: Nicotine: Expensive, hate it on its own but can't smoke weed without it.