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Whale wars on antartica, what's your opinion?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion mysticwarrior
  • Date de début Date de début
God, are you testing en experimenting again? You clearly show a lot of symptoms that are comparably with that of a loony, a real looney! But as you see, more and more people do speak up, because they tired of you and you arrogance and games.

I honestly believe your a good person, but something must have happened why you can't communicate in a normal way. I hope that you will someday see the light, and at least start loving your self. Or that you find in your next ife, some peace of mind.
I love this shit. Fuck the whalers! Blow up their ships! Kaboom!
Although they are probably trying to make an honest living, so don't kill em, just ram their motors.
I do kind of have to agree with GOD in the sense of, why should whales be any more off limits to cows, pigs, and other animals that end up on dinner plates.
I immediately related the title to this topic to the show that comes on Animal Planet, "Whale Wars" which is a horrible propaganda show.

I believe in eating meat, however I don't believe in killing for the fun of it. The only Country I'm aware of that sanctions the killing of Whales is Japan and this has been there culture for years, if it is completly illegal this just drives the trade to the black market with everything else.

There was a very good quote on the movie, "The Last White Hope" which was, "Prohibition never works as well as control and regulation." and I believe this statement holds true for the vast majority of things, however there are always exceptions to all rules.
This topic is about sea sheppard and whales, not about other animals, there are enough other groups like for example ALF who concentrate on the well being of other animals species.

Its logical that every creature in this universe should be treated with respect. And u can also hunt whales in an more sustainable way to show some fucking respect.

GOD: u are getting more stupid with the day, i want to say a lot more but you are simply not worth my energy. :?
This topic is making you guys go completely psychotic... what whales taste like ? Cooked or raw ?

It tastes like dead flesh and scorched dead flesh. Your palate has obviously never enjoyed the refinement of wild mushrooms... you might want to get some of those before they invade your backyard...

GOD I used to admire your courage to think differently but this is too much, I might be repeating myself but you're just juggling with hot potatoes, this is leading nowhere.

Ants live in a kind of global consciousness, eat half the ants, the consciouness will carry on, blow up all the ants the consciousness will still carry on in the next ant nest 100 meters away, somehow those fellows always do the same thing, they dig and aerate the soil, the eat leaves and make mushrooms which then colonise the soil and make it more healthy, they're pretty useful fellows. Give me the choice between eating a whale and ants tho... you will see me grimace and not like it but you can be sure I will be eating ants, even if its for the rest of my life and I never know the futile pleasure of tasting dead flesh...

Why do whales have more right than ants... umm lets see with logic :
- There are not as near as many whales as there is ants, they seem to have individual consciousness too...
- Whales have big brains and seemingly have community "feelings" they have their own baby they will protect and nurse...
- Whales we have no way of knowing how much of their brain capacity is used, humans we have studied a bit more in depth and found out they use about 10-20 % tops... maybe this is why we don't see why whales deserve to live more than ants ?
Animals still eat other animals. And as far as I'm concerned, we're just animals that were given a conscience through evolution. So yes, I don't see anything wrong with eating "dead flesh" as long as we keep a certain balance in our environment. Like per say, other predators won't go for the young, and will generally go for the weak first, in order to preserve this natural balance (I guess this can be seen as "management" of resources, since the predator cannot survive without prey, it has to take care of what and how much he hunts)

But yes, we are over-exploiting .. and yes, breeding chickens/cows/etc is costing too many resources, and we should eat more vegetables/fruits in our diet (It is healthier anyway)

So no, I don't think killing whales is bad if they are a source of food, and only hunted in moderation.
As for ants, they get killed not because we need to eat them.. but because we see them as a "nuisance" just like Hitler saw the Jews as a "nuisance".

Personally, I've killed a few bugs in the past, but recently.. I try as much as possible to just help them find their way out of my house instead of squishing them.

PS: It's true though that it feels much worse to kill beings that seem more similar to us. As an example, I would never eat a dog because I can feel the connection/emotions..etc as opposed to some chicken for example who does nothing all day but eat/defecate/stroll around (Same might go for whales, but I've never met a whale).
So in the end, it comes down to personal choice if you ask me.
Yeah... I understand where you come from... but to me its not even a question...

My friend had been adamantly obstinating me about this subject since times immemorial... he's been shouting the very religious dogma that murder is murder all over the place even if he openly hates religion, and he plays that extremist act one me which only serves to reinforce my opinion about it.

You'll see me eat small mindless fish WAY before I harm even a tuna or any bigger fish... even if it also eats other animals, I cannot stand making myself GOD over those decisions, it seems a pathetic attempt at being illogical just for the kicks. And yeah its not because I would eat an ant colony that I actually do not care about insects otherwise ; I am a very sensitive man and I walk where I step even not to squish an ant, because I feel compassion for even part of consciousness, but in need yes I will accept that ants are very good source of food, much more than fish, and MUCH MUCH more than animal flesh (which needs to be broken down by enzymes and stomach acids we don't even have)... we're not MADE to eat flesh and you can look at it in any way imaginable, its all the same conclusion, out jaw goes sideways, we sweat, we have much longer intestine and stomach acid 10times weaker.. we have NOTHING in common with either omnivores or carnivores... it's just a silly illusion we got that eating meat if fine, but every doctor knows the body reacts by producing mucus to envelop the unchewed meat particles and to expel that putrefying shit out of us quick (mucous makes it slide faster out) and we don't even have acid saliva to properly predigest the shit... I studied this extensively.

I met often whales in my dreams so I'm biased, and I also met many in my life and they do look at you, and sometimes even make powerful jumping shows just for the humans... they know were there to see them actually and remember the sound of the boat that will not hunt them down.
We're talking about the beauty of postures here a bit too much, which is a tightness in the sensorial intellect. And GOD seems to proceed his known pursuit by pretending to be a first class passenger on Titanic.

A cockroach and a butterfly are both from the class insecta, but yet we often tend to see it's value of life through it's appearance, giving it ranks through this perception.

But if you'd look at the variation of acts, you'll see their demeanour is almost equal, they move around searching for tissue to feed themselve, they freeze in order to get their protective colouration onset if they feel the danger of a stronger organism. Their effort to survive and vouch for life is similar. It's all willingness to invest in what nature has given earth.

Regarding whales, of course I'd say it's way more dramatically than killing an insect, but beside this rank classification we need to be more aware of the pain when taking the time of any life. The morals and ethics will then cross our thoughts each time we decide to kill, and each killing act itself will be evaluated by our minds, preventing it to become an habit without a negative sensation within our inner core. Because that's what machines are.
That article wasn't very convincing... but anyhow I'll take it back and say I speak for myself... most people use about 5% of their brains :P

And yes... I feel bad when I kill an insect too, it seems like a waste to kill, but I never adhere to extremist tought forms, they are often linked with false god archetypes, I'm not going to stay here and do nothing ; although I cannot say if thats good or bad, or why would some do such a thing over and over like a masochist. I am not talking about posture here at all, you might want to read again Bru... I am talking about individual consciousness vs multi-individual consciousness here ; and with that point of view indeed I might not kill the lonely scarab which pushes his ball of shit happily across the field to eat, I would eat tons of ants before that, or even little fishes that hang in huge groups.

But would you let 10000 ants invade your basement, would you attempt to take them all out manually and patch the hole ? What would you do... thats a honest question that makes one think, not some negative crap which make people have negative toughts...

I call the bullshit and the forum rules are not being honored once again...

We dont only use 10% man, Its bullshit, snopes is a pretty reliable source and heres another.

Fuck another's life its just chaos and it dont matter who dies or lives as long as its not me, hell i hope i can get stuck in a cannibalistic situation so I can get a taste of human. I stomp the cockroaches that infest my home and it feels good and everything might as well be cockroaches. Its all las cucarachas.
Gorillas eat ants once in a while, at least they don't remove them from the leafs they eat. I don't think they would eat whales, though...

I had a vision on LSD once in which I was a big Silver Back Gorilla plugged into the noosphere together with all sentient beings. No secrets.
Mr.Vitorsky... you didn't get the point, thats my opinion I'm not debating scientific proof. Here you have a flagrant ego unbalancement to question yourself upon... You seem to want to be opiniated on anything and everything ; sadly its working against you... Being careless is never an excuse, wanting to shit human flesh either. Will the orgasm be about that oral fixation or some other twisted reason ? Sadly this is not going to be a subject for humor in this thread because many feel compassion for the likes of you, we've all been through dark periods in our life ; I am happy not to have attempted to camouflage it.

Having no secrets is the first step in the realisation that we are not the owners of our own body, the unmystification of biological ascension and actually entering the garden, living life so to speak, make a difference...

Anything else (and BTW this is a broad middle-zone) is archaic change resistance jerkyness that leads to zombification and death... I been there, I know its not fun because someone says it is ; a lie is a lie.
You aint too quick are you? Can't tell when some ones fucking with you.... jesus man... Its a board where people talk, should i not stick to the proper form of conversation, should i say unrelated things.

We use more than ten percent of our brain period... its not debatable, its not something you can just state as opinion. You could use it as a metaphor for our potential in the use of our thoughts, but not as some sort of fact. Screw off with your neo-liberal bullshit sounds like you got roaches in your mouth.

By the way, they have discovered dolphins have a more powerful brain, so is better to eat dolphin or human if those are the only to options available, now people dont give me a cop-out gotta choose one.

Whats your views on animal testing? Should we put people and prisoners in harms way instead?

Now dont be a bitch about the rudeness you started it first boy.
mrvitorsky, your style of using words...... Like i said before, it's suspicious! But forget about it, you know what i mean and if not, i still feel for sorry for you. Oh and it's not about what you said, but how you say`d it.
But would you let 10000 ants invade your basement, would you attempt to take them all out manually and patch the hole ? What would you do... thats a honest question that makes one think, not some negative crap which make people have negative toughts...

Thanx ;)
Collectively, we don't even value each others life as human beings, how are we suppossed to value anything else?

We have to learn to take our thumbs out of our mouths first.

This whole topic reincarnates the ages-old 'carnivore vs. vegetarian' argument.

The real villain here is industrialized slaughter, and let's ALL quit pretending otherwise.

The impetus for industrialized slaughter is capitalism.

How fucking hard was that?

:idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea:
mysticwarrior a dit:
mrvitorsky, your style of using words...... Like i said before, it's suspicious!
Yes, I noticed it too. Perhaps the moderators should discuss amongst eachother whether it's acceptable as far as the forum rules are concerned.

Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
many feel compassion for the likes of you, we've all been through dark periods in our life
I cant choose to speak in the manner that words come to me it just happens, I was just as rude as he was to me. Be rude to me and ill be rude back. I don't know what else to say. I can say that yes I purposefully portray a constant double meaning but it is also how i just normally speak and that double meaning is encompassing a meaning, and choose words and phrases that have somewhat... well some kinda connotations.. I'm sorry maybe I am a crazy rude asshole I try not to be. It just happens some times. If there is some other way I use my words that is offensive or rude or just down right crazy im sorry im completely oblivious please break it down more ill try to fix it. Ill admit it people are worried about the way i talk and act so i dont have allot of friends or people that trust me, the only women that like me are ones that i would say are nuts or overly sympathetic, but i cant fucking help it im sorry im just like this. So please get over it.