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Getting our evolution back in hands! But how?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Demahdi
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I mentioned the native people all over the world, because of what was done to them (by the europeans)
There land was stolen from them, there childeren where abducted and abused. And there where enslaved and put in reservations.

Stalin was not a muslim. Hitler was not a muslim. Mussolini was not a muslim. Pol Pot was not a muslim. Mao tse dong was not a muslim.

Don,t get me wrong Demahdi. i do not agree with the ideology/religion of islam. I do not like radical religion at all, and i think (radical) religion is a curse for man kind. However i do think you are overreacting and only focus on one religion/ideology.
Most muslims i know are goodwilling people.

I do agree we need to figure things out. But i do not feel we need to look to our leaders for guidance. We the people need to figure this out our selfs.
I agree with Trachel leading by example is the best way. You talk about the leaders. Who are the leader?
Are the politicians our leaders?????
Politicians are NOT my leaders. I think we should be our own leaders. We should figure this out amongs ourselfs.
I feel what you are saying. But I stopped addressing muslims as one. Don’t think I point at them as individuals, I look at the ideology. And I think I have looked both ways fairly enough to address this matter from the middle. I didn’t do this before, and I blame guilty.
I mention of them now as MANY GROUPS. You have Sunnis and Shias. Within those 2 types you have different groups as well. We should not be blind while muslims themselves aren’t blind for what is happening around our world. And I did mention the blame of some politicians in our camp, they are not my leaders as well. And I did not respect vocabulary addressing them as leaders. Touché! ;)
But am I over reacting, honestly? Have you seen how big the caliphate grown in merely ONE year? They did in ONE year what the West wasn’t able to achieve in decades! If not centuries.
We should look at our world and get it straight… If Western politicians caused us into this mess, how are we getting out? I am not pointing at muslims, I am pointing at Sarkozy and Bush for putting us in this mess. But then again, this is an entire Western infrastructure that is institutionalized in each square inch of our society. Those politicians are just the Pinocchio’s hanging on the line.
Then we have Geert Wilders provoking some more to get out his political benefits. I frown upon it badly . My public reaction was he should be a reporter and not a kindergarden politician flashing cartoons. But then again, should he be killed for it? Should he be shot at?
Have we not seen so much before and after the Caliphate that ought to wake us up eventually before it strikes our kids? All I am asking is to protect our Europe against radical ideas we freed ourselves from in the past. There’s no going back.
@Demadhi most people europeans want to live in peace together. You ask yourself how do we get out of this mess? We need to learn how to be at peace with each other and our selfs. I understand that you are worried about the childeren. I understand we need to protect our childeren and our land. The childeren has to grow up in this new reality.

This ugly war that is going on is making me sad. The whole situation on this planet is making me sad.
We must do what we can to spread the good vibes. To help each other and care for each other.
Well I urge to focus on groups that are willing to live in peace. And not forget the small minority that is capable of mass destruction. These amateurs we've seen lately in the news will be cold beer compared to what it is planned to come. Remember Finarfin, peace never came without a fight!
We have been at peace though and I recognize it has been disturbed by our very own politicians. But those politicians are a minority as well. We need to free our Europe from radical politicans that causes the world in these problems the first place.
We are letting this war be. My country sent figher jets without the new government pledged its oath. We have not even debated where and how to use them. It was all arranged BEFORE the elections. Our democracy is being totally fucked and abused. So please understand I am not blinded to one camp alone. The world came out against the war in Iraq still …. They went. We didn't have the time to organize to debate against Libya for they went seconds after it was announced.
But is France to blame for what Sarkozy did? Did France elect him to go to war in Libya? Is this democracy at play? Maybe we are in need of a lot more then a secularism. We need referenda, an open transparent and direct democracy.
But they have an agenda to fulfil and to be honest, it has been getting the best of me… We met a lot of interesting people pushing a lot of great effort to clean our system. But we all agree on the same things, we should respect other individuals and what they belief in. But you can not let fucked up beliefs be acted out on individuals by law through exceptions. Cultural values no matter how old may never inflect our human rights.
Sharia is emerging in Europe and I can not belief we are letting this be.

Have you asked “most muslims you know” about sharia yet?
Most muslims i know don,t want sharia. And remember that there are a lot more muslims fleeing the caliphate, then there are muslims moving to the caliphate.
The muslims i know are not radical.
You talk about fucked beliefs, fucked up beliefs are nothing new to europe. At this moment the politics of europe are much more influenced by the christians then by the muslims. Who banned the magick mushrooms in the netherlands for example?

You write sharia is emerging in europe i think this is (at this moment) non sense. There is a small group of people like sharia 4 Belgium and such who get a lot of attention because of there radical standpoints. The great majority of muslims however do not belong to such groups.
They tell me there religion is part of there identity. They want to hang on to there identity. Can you blame people for hanging on to there identity?
What i also hear a lot is that because of all the media attention for the radical side of islam people are very much focused on the violent radical side of islam and not on the moderate side of it. I think the modern and moderate muslims need support and attention of the west.

most muslims i know are against war and violence. And to be honnest i would rather have a helpfull and friendly muslim living next to me then a atheist who is unfriendly and makes a lot of trouble.
Most muslims i know tell me that there is no sharia law in there motherland.
Most immigrants arriving in Europe aren't fleeing from the Caliphate at all. Their families pay money to human traders that belong to the Caliphate to bring their son to Europe, so he can work there and send money back home.
Look into the boots yourself.
Where are the women? We fly them over by jet. I have emailed politicians: Why not apply a ferry? Much cheaper for them and us!
Nobody choose this war, and it is the greatest hypocritical show ever on planet Earth. We can't let people use war for an excuse. Not on European ground, not on Asian ground, not on African soil.
If we change our system from inside out, people can stay there and work there with their families. Tearing them apart like this is no sociality, solidarity.

Lately I was in the Netherlands listening to the radio. They were talking about halal cosmetics. If we could unify this correctly with our system, this may not be a bad idea at all. There are good things in halal, but in practice in this overproduction society halal isn't always halal. Sometimes I wonder if we could adopt one and another from eachother to create “a perfect” system. If we could treat animals halal and kill them European style, we might move a mountain as society. We should not go to politicians with this, but directly to the imam.

I agree a lot of generations of muslims lived here. But we must acknowledge their peace is disturbed as well. We must protect them and ourselves against ideologies sweeping over from the other side of the world.

That being said, I have realized this is not my struggle, but it was created out of my environment. It would be better if I just pushed this aside and start worrying about our Pacific.

Our evolution is greatly disturbed. The food chain is way out of balance. Species that should thrive in the pacific ocean are showing up where they shouldn't and dying of starvation.
Feels like an extinction event, matter of fact this is an extinction event and it is clawing its way up in the food chain. About this we can say: who knows where this might lead to….
I just hope there's enough left to restore over time.
Those powers are yet too powerful for me; I have no control over life. Nor other lives, I realized just thinking negative about people can create a huge chainreaction. I had to let it all go or this energysource would've captivated all entangled to me.
There is only so much I can share about this, it was very personal. And the same time it was weird, where I wonder if I did it or it was just a coincedence. But I most definitly did not do it on purpose. And I did not rejoice about it.
Demahdi a dit:
And the same time it was weird, where I wonder if I did it or it was just a coincedence. But I most definitly did not do it on purpose. And I did not rejoice about it.

What did you do?

whetever it is you think you did, do not be to hard on yourself. It is very likey that it was just a coincedence. The fact that you are wondering about if you did it or not, makes me think that you did not do it. And even if you did it, you did not do it on purpose and you do not rejoice in it?
It was not your intention to do harm. And i firmly believe you did not do any real harm.

Don,t Judge yourself for thinking negative about people. People tend to think bad about each other all the time.
I do not think we should all think bad about each other, but we should also not be robots without emotion.
Sometimes people make us think bad about them, people make us angry. Certain people bring up emotions in us.
There is no shame or guild in feeling emotions of anger and such.
The christian church teaches us forgiveness. But forgiveness is not something we can do because there is a rule that tells us to.
Forgiveness is something you do for yourself and out of your own inner motivation.
Before we can forgive we must first be angry (or holding a grudge) towards somebody, otherwise what,s the point of forgiveness.
The church may say forgive. I say it,s okay to not always forgive. It,s okay to feel angry sometimes. Emotions make us human, where not robots.

Are we to blame if we think bad about someone and something happens to them? let,s say i think bad about mister T and mister T falls from the stairs (example) .
I think i may feel bad about mister T falling down the stairs, but i am not to blame for him falling. I did not push him down the stairs.
If we can not think negative or bad thougths , what are we doing? we ignore our emotions and we become like robots. We wear a mask, a fake smile. That,s why i believe we should not suppress our emotions.
I didn't do anything. I just wonder if I triggered it. Now you know I moved away. With this movement a lot of old people come back to the surface. Now 2 of them ended up in the hospital, … The first came out of the blue, about the second I got “a warning”. In fact it felt really psychedelic, and later that morning I get a phonecall she's in the hospital. We go visit and I did not recognize anything about her at all. She has gone completely crazy and is thinking the entire hospital staff is conspiring a conspiracy against her. Nobody is there to comfort her but me. Doctors can't go near her. So I do all in my power to figure out what happened that night!
As I try to figure it out she is sinking deeper. It was too complex to communicate with her, it took too much effort, in the effort it took she sunk far away from reality. I decide to let it go, as she has sunk now she is getting violent to the staff and they tranquilize her

As she is tranquilized I go to the staff and ask what happened, they didn't have the slightest clue! I asked: did she get a psychological exam yet? She didn't. The next day I go back and ask the staff to send the doctor to the room to come and talk to me. I go to her room and she is looking a great deal better now, but then when I start a conversation I realize she is still in a psychosis. Later, her husband enters the room and a second later the doctor enters. It became clear to me how imprisoned this woman is and is possessed by a creation of her husband. Her husband immediately “owned” the conversation and details being shared weren't convenient to him at all, not even matching the information I was told on the phone by him. So I left and gave this doctors clues about what was really going on there. He called me later and said I couldn't visit her in the hospital anymore.
My girlfriend can push and when she pushes, she is not on reverse. So she can't stand this and calls the hospital and asks the staff if its true she can't have visitors anymore… They said: on the contrary. So I ask them to transfer the phonecall to her room and ask her: Do you want me to stop visiting you? “WHAT?????? Where did you get that?” I didn't tell her where we got it, I just said it was to check out if she could handle visitors.
All the puzzlepieces fell together and I saw a man for who a man was and decided to push him aside for the rest of my life. All the fingers they pointed at me were being practiced onto them. I let them all go and I remain with a handful people in life.

About my Christianity, I want you to know I am no standard Christian. In fact, I am not even sure I can call myself Christian! But the ideology is so wide! Just look at Maria, the virgin and match that to cannabis. You can go everywhere to it and it is fair to say Jesus was a medicinal sjaman in his period. I am puzzeling my own ideology together lately. But it is hard to point out with the current words available.
I feel our evolution lies in the plants and fungi available, it has always been like that. We have overcome diseases by our knowledge of nature. But yet, in general as a species, we don't tend to listen to nature anymore. We are comfortable in a vibrational field of destruction, close our eyes and move forward without looking back. In the end, aren't we all in psychosis of reality?
Demahdi a dit:
Those powers are yet too powerful for me.

Spirographically swirling you are. Hardly pinned so firmly. Propelled into a deeper brighter realm as a shifting switcher with all prototypes eliminated. A master degree in equitation. Tons of flickering frames formed as a definite mould. An utter positive polarity conceived. Drifting through the internal self with deduction and control. The cerebral hemisphered mastered. The dreamt sensorial connection with life thrown into one's grasping organs.

It all happens and this is as good as it gets, Demadhi. Use it all as a sagacious one.
Psyched! Hard core!
You didn't even needed to think that one through, did you?
I'm putting that one on my wall unquote Brugmansia.

The feather you write with tickles my universe into a vibration of utter profound immersion. An astonished gaze is leaving one to sleep it over, waking up adjusting to a new light. A supernova enlightening a dark moon, leaving only half a shadow on which we endeavour in remaining mystery. It keeps getting better.

Did you know I was here last night, reading, writing some drafts, while I made a request and you answered 2 minutes before my request? I found out minutes after my request, after I changed the page to “general psychonautics” again. A coincidence I'd like to point out ;).