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Getting our evolution back in hands! But how?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Demahdi
  • Date de début Date de début
Finarfin a dit:
zezt has put me on ignore because i did not agree on his conspiranoid views and because i do not like to speculate on terror attacks.
I think this is not the place for speculation about 911 or terror attacks. This forum is about psychonautics, not about conspiracy talk.

Why do we need this conspiracy cum all over the tits of this forum?. I would like him to fck off and go spread his conspiranoid propaganda somewhere else.

Zezt started to speculate about the paris and denmark terror attacks. According to him it is a conspiracy.
Zezt did not have any evidence to backup his claims. I told zezt that he was writing nonsense so he ignored me.

I think you're being dualistic on that one ....
I hope you have a sense of humor, even though mine isn't that great ;)
'conspiracy theory'

Notice that mass media is very quick to use that term 'conspiracy' where they are reporting on low lecel thugs, but if it is about their paymasters then it becomes 'conspiracy theory' which is all delusional. This is insane, and if you cannot see what is going on then you are either very ignore-ant OR are deliberate in denial

To ne a so-called 'psychonaut' must mean being open to exploring ALL reality wherever this spirit of inquiry may take us, and to try and block parts, especially utterly crucial parts like what-happened-on-9/11 etc is utter insanity. Those who wish to shut me up asking question has no right to do so, nor anyone else. I may ignore people on forums, because they are either trolls or tire my patience out because they just don't get it, but I have no desire to have them fuck off from the entire forum. They have freedom to speak, I have freedom to ignore.

Psychonaut is the explorer of the psyche, and that must include ALL inquiry and more!

Now, about this Islam thing. Again and again I have stated I am really challenging all the patriarchy. All its factions. What part of that do you not understand? Islam is part of the Abrahamic beliefs and thus is patriarchal, as is Christianity

As in Christianity there are people who are less homophobic and those who are fundamentalist and extremely homophobic. I linked a video about the problems for gay people in Russia, due to the Christian beliefs, and a law passed titled 'Gay propaganda' which is also used to persecute and even murder gay people

You keep going on how great Europeans are in comparison with Muslims, so I linked here to info about how America, invaded by Europeans, is based on genocide and slavery. And European leaders and their mindcontrolled are responsible for two WORLD wars! And the making and use of weapons that can destroy thousands and thousands of people and all live, and the very planet Earth

I have tried to show you that it was not Muslims that did 9/11 but Israel!! And you must always ask 'WHO DOES IT BENEFIT'? Who has the MOTIVE, MEANS, AND OPPORTUNITY. And you find it was Israel, and Americans who have dual Israel/American passports who were in all the roles of power. Short of burying your face in this evidence one doesn't know what to do. You cano only be in DENIAL, and continue scapegoating the wrong suspects, Muslims

In asking/investigating that inquiry it is not important to say that Islam is homophobic and has shariah law. The important thing is to find out who REALLY is behind the 9/11 attacks and why?

it is absolutely evil what they have done and their globalist plans. But you saying 'its the Muslims, it's the Muslims!' totally ignores the REAL problem we are under AND is falling into the very sscenario they have planned which is divide and control---the 'clash of civilizations.
Again zezt, should we drown the whole basement for one bad shelve of whine?
You close your eyes and look where people are already active in the field on a superior level then yours .
Why should you not care about your country? Is it because you are unable to have children that you are missing an essential part of the European future? Why is it that you close your eyes ? It isn't because the media exaggerates things things don't happen.
talking to you is like talking to a brick wall, and you spell wine as 'wine'

your spelling means
noun: whine; plural noun: whines

  • 1.
    a long, high-pitched complaining cry.
    "the dog gave a small whine"
    [TABLE="class: vk_tbl vk_gy"]
    [TD="class: lr_dct_nyms_ttl"]synonyms:[/TD]
    [TD]whimper, cry, mewl, howl, yowl "a whine from the kennel"

    • a long, high-pitched unpleasant sound.
      "the whine of the engine"
      [TABLE="class: vk_tbl vk_gy"]
      [TD="class: lr_dct_nyms_ttl"]synonyms:[/TD]
      [TD]hum, drone "the motor's whine"

    • a complaining tone of voice.
    • a feeble or petulant complaint.
      "a constant whine about the quality of public services"
      [TABLE="class: vk_tbl vk_gy"]
      [TD="class: lr_dct_nyms_ttl"]synonyms:[/TD]
      [TD]complaint [noun], complain [verb], grouse, grumble, murmur; Moreinformalgripe, moan, grouch, whinge, bellyache, beef
      "his latest whine was about the long hours"


verb: whine; 3rd person present: whines; past tense: whined; past participle: whined; gerund or present participle: whining
give or make a long, high-pitched complaining cry or sound.
"the dog whined and scratched at the back door"'

Yeah wine! Can't you for once leave this 911 thing aside and go along in what one is trying to point out. You can't say it's media and a hidden agenda, some things are transparent enough to dig out the truth of. What if I totally agree with you on 911 and the mind control, where would that put us? Nowere :). The mind control is only as strong as the individual is weak. Dig it?
You have no idea what we're in for, do you? These new powers of wickedness are moving and changing sides. And I think most of it is due to the fact we're pampered blind treehugging hypocritical whiners that rather flood the entire basement, drowning our own children, then to think of a solution that settles things over the long period of time. Trust me, you do not want what is at hand been slipped out of hands over an instant. It must be a delicate change that comes from inside out. When it's taken the other way around, you have your “clash of the civilizations” .

Should we ignore other facts because our system has stains? I'm asking you honestly Zezt, should we? I don't think so, not for one second. And remember our system is a changing system. We should be worried about generations next to come. They are the changing system. Look tf around you. Europe has always breached her limits in crisis's and GOD I hope we do now!

Would we all agree on a secularism for Europe?
Who is doing the mind control? Religion or the media?

Isn't this your country ? And how can the English tolerate sharia hoods after sharia decapicated a young buys head?

Anjem Choudary what do you have to say about him Zezt? MEDIA? Mind control? What is he doing ya think????
Why can't you keep this guy in prison? Or why would it be racism to deport his ass to the Caliphate?

CHOUDARY: You know -- you know, Sean, if terrorism is standing up for Islam and saying that the people have a right to defend themselves, then obviously, you know, we're quite happy to be labeled.
Why should they defend themselves in a free and open society? Against porn? Against nude arms and legs? Against gays?
Tell me Zezt, against what do they need protection in the UK?
Are you a flamingo or an ostrich?
Yeah, like your all so 'passionate and real and radical', and yet refuse to even be interested in the most important investigation---9/11

zezt a dit:
Yeah, like your all so 'passionate and real and radical', and yet refuse to even be interested in the most important investigation---


It is not the most important investigation. Your investigation is making you wake up sick sugarlips....
I'm getting sick walking through cities.
Where does that put us?
Who is ignoring what?

Isn't our very own civilization the most important? I am discussing the here and now with y'all and y'all seem to be numb about what is going on.
"It is the media, it is a cover up, 911 was an inside job, ..."

Do you think the media made Lee Rigby up? And they have special mind controlling machines to enter Anjem Choudary's brain where he has no control over his speech when he teaches sharia in his mosque? And that one of his pupil got in trance of his teachings and had no control over the knife when the head was chopped off? Do you think that is what's been going on?
Or may it start to dawn on you that it could be in fact a religious problem that wants to be practiced into its basic core?

One last question: All these people fleeing to Europe now, why can't they run to another Islamic country in their nearby region? They pay over thousands of euros to get here, but they can't rent an apartment in Saudi Arabia? Egypt? Jordan? Sudan? Algeria? Morocco? Why aren't they going there?
Has anyone ever asked this question? Can anyone try to answer?
zezt a dit:
'conspiracy theory'

Notice that mass media is very quick to use that term 'conspiracy' where they are reporting on low lecel thugs, but if it is about their paymasters then it becomes 'conspiracy theory' which is all delusional. This is insane, and if you cannot see what is going on then you are either very ignore-ant OR are deliberate in denial

To ne a so-called 'psychonaut' must mean being open to exploring ALL reality wherever this spirit of inquiry may take us, and to try and block parts, especially utterly crucial parts like what-happened-on-9/11 etc is utter insanity. Those who wish to shut me up asking question has no right to do so, nor anyone else. I may ignore people on forums, because they are either trolls or tire my patience out because they just don't get it, but I have no desire to have them fuck off from the entire forum. They have freedom to speak, I have freedom to ignore.

Psychonaut is the explorer of the psyche, and that must include ALL inquiry and more!

Now, about this Islam thing. Again and again I have stated I am really challenging all the patriarchy. All its factions. What part of that do you not understand? Islam is part of the Abrahamic beliefs and thus is patriarchal, as is Christianity

As in Christianity there are people who are less homophobic and those who are fundamentalist and extremely homophobic. I linked a video about the problems for gay people in Russia, due to the Christian beliefs, and a law passed titled 'Gay propaganda' which is also used to persecute and even murder gay people

You keep going on how great Europeans are in comparison with Muslims, so I linked here to info about how America, invaded by Europeans, is based on genocide and slavery. And European leaders and their mindcontrolled are responsible for two WORLD wars! And the making and use of weapons that can destroy thousands and thousands of people and all live, and the very planet Earth

I have tried to show you that it was not Muslims that did 9/11 but Israel!! And you must always ask 'WHO DOES IT BENEFIT'? Who has the MOTIVE, MEANS, AND OPPORTUNITY. And you find it was Israel, and Americans who have dual Israel/American passports who were in all the roles of power. Short of burying your face in this evidence one doesn't know what to do. You cano only be in DENIAL, and continue scapegoating the wrong suspects, Muslims

In asking/investigating that inquiry it is not important to say that Islam is homophobic and has shariah law. The important thing is to find out who REALLY is behind the 9/11 attacks and why?

it is absolutely evil what they have done and their globalist plans. But you saying 'its the Muslims, it's the Muslims!' totally ignores the REAL problem we are under AND is falling into the very sscenario they have planned which is divide and control---the 'clash of civilizations.

Than what is going on Zezt? What am I denying? Where did I shut you up? If you are open to other realities, then why only feed the 911 one? What is a troll you think? Dragging your topics into others all the living day long isn't troll behaviour?

About comparing Christianity to islam is just too far off. They are totally different pages. Christianity comes down to: what would love do? Love thou enemy, turn the other cheek. Islam is about kill your enemy (that is the jews and infedels and all that do not convert to islam or pay toll to islam. Practice sharia, submit to Allah. There is no relativity, Christ taught us it is ok to be relative. A sick man does not need to vast and a “sinful” woman nor gay should be stoned to death. So I do not see how one can compare those two as the same. Do not throw Russian Christianity at me, for I am an European defending your culture you should honour, protect and take stand for.

Again slaverny, why are there only so much black people employed in America and Europa? For they were the FIRST to give them EQUAL and liberal rights!!!!!!!!! Islamic countries castrated slaves (sold them to the West btw) and killed them very easily. You should really check out how moral standards were quite divers in our nations and lots of us (whites) were active in the field preaching for equal rights. Again, where does that put our moral standards compared to others? I have never said we are so much better, definitely I am in need for the better.

Then you bring in Israel after this slaverny issue when Israel wasn't even on the map back then! What is your motive? Means? Benefits? Can't you honestly wake up to the fact you are brainwashed yourself by the propaganda-mind control that is spread out by the other camp? Don't you never aspire to reach a middle in all of this insanity to co op with it all ?

I am not saying it is the muslims that are causing the world problems. I am not saying that at all. I have clearly stated my dislike of what they did to Saddam, Gaddafi. I was quite transparent on 911.
But the issue is here and now, our own neighbourhoods.
I am saying we are experiencing a lot of troubles with cultural differences in our very own nation. Why are you blind to sharia?
If you, as a gay, had to choose between sharia or democracy; what would you choose?
first off stop being personal and disrespectful towards me calling me a 'fag' and other references or you too will go on my ignore list. I have not been that way with you and so will not accept that attitude. Do you understand?
I called you a fag after you've put 911 in huge letters. After I asked you to leave it aside for once.
I was imo never rude to you nor disrespectful, I was being familiar and I am sorry it came a little strong on you.
But does this mean I can't call you names anymore? I was just beginning to like it and came up with a great list.

General vision of today
Freedom of religion or freedom of belief is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or community, in public or private, to manifest religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance; the concept is generally recognized also to include the freedom to change religion or not to follow any religion.[SUP][1][/SUP] The freedom to leave or discontinue membership in a religion or religious group—in religious terms called "apostasy"—is also a fundamental[SUP][peacock term][/SUP] part of religious freedom, covered by Article 18 of United Nations' 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.[SUP][2[/SUP]
As it is practiced in religions
Historically, freedom of religion has been used to refer to the tolerance of different theological systems of belief, while freedom of worship has been defined as freedom of individual action. Each of these have existed to varying degrees. While many countries have accepted some form of religious freedom, this has also often been limited in practice through punitive taxation, repressive social legislation, and political disenfranchisement. Compare examples of individual freedom in Italy or the Muslim tradition of dhimmis, literally "protected individuals" professing an officially tolerated non-Muslim religion.

And let me increase something:

Following a period of fighting lasting around a hundred years before 620 AD which mainly involved Arab and Jewish inhabitants of Medina then known as Yathrib-, religious freedom for Muslims, Jews and pagans were declared by Muhammad in the Constitution of Medina. The Islamic Caliphate later guaranteed religious freedom under the conditions that non-Muslim communities accept dhimmi (second class) status and their adult males pay the jizya tax as a substitute for the zakat paid by Muslim citizens.[SUP][[/SUP]

Because if they don't they're head is chopped off, freedom?

Again, we are dealing with traditions that need to be put aside. What is freedom of religion? Taking a second place? Submit OR pay tax to a religious system that came out of slaughtering of innocent lives? Have freedom to convert to another religion whenever you want? Let someone else pay your religion and buildings of worship?
When religious groups can't fit in the declaration of individual human rights, we should not recognize nor tolerate it within our system. So if I believe in it? Very vaguely … Y'all see where I'm going to, I couldn't be more deliberate then I was before, now can I? :)

This isn't a matter of believing anymore, look at the world! The Caliphate is now from Yemen to Afghanistan, with Boko Haram pushing from underneath. Immigrants are flooding Europe and we have no clue whatsoever with what we are dealing. This isn't media mind control, as a matter of fact the media is no where to be seen when it comes to the Caliphate. Are you gonna go there and report? Tell me… Who knows what we are dealing with?

All I know, we came way too far now to let it slip out of hands… Politicians are speaking up, but now indeed our very own Western “moral and standards” are putting us for the biggest dilemma ever.

Even the Vatican is giving absolution for war on the Islamic state.
People make no mistake: We are in WW3 and I don't know about you guys, but if we take a good look around, who and what is it that matters most?

We are in crisis for a secularism, and if we do want a moderate? FINE! Christians and Jews were never a problem anyways as individuals. So there…. There is no freedom Finarfin, yours ends where my begins and likewise.

@Zezt, I'm sorry for calling you a fag, can you please come back to me about islam in your country? Maybe I might learn some?
So how do we properly and tastfully fix this unwillingnesss of Islam to integrate Demahdi? I beg you for some decent evolvements.
You ask me? :D It's already been written.

George Holyoake thought of a “secularism”. That religion should not have any influence on society whatsoever. No influence whatsoever, think about it. Is there another peaceful way to get one into “integration” ?

Before Europe came in the transformation age of enlightenment a lot of science, philosophy and politics (still a lot into religion back then) got thrown around at people. Until an elite group of people had enough of these nutcrackers throwing stories of superstitious nature around over the masses and were in need of a biased consensus. They stood up and the heat was on. In this “fight” a lot of our morals and rights were developed. Those people turned everything inside outside, upside down and got into the “truth” of matters. Some people don't like or can't handle the truth and as people are natural born conspiracists … well you get the story… But anyway a healthy competition was created where an enlighted Europe arose from.
Baghdad is, well was, once a holy place. It was once a center where Greek and Indian mathematicians set a great basis for scholars to evolve into the Golden Arab age. What happened to swipe this golden Arab age away? If you ask me religious practices. Individuals in group can get to extreme acts and within generations you have infested thoughts spreading everywhere. Should we ask in the future: What swiped Europe's golden age over a night?
Look how religious fanatics are still everywhere to be seen.. We are giving it all away with arms wide open and we close our eyes for whatever as long we are not labelled racist. What got us into this hugging fase of a religion that is totally inverted with what our morals ethics and standards represent? As long as we are hostage by those paradigms of love and cuddling, where are we going to get when you unleash the wolves among your sheep? That fucker that lead an extreme muslim to the decapitation of a soldier's head is now on its way to America to preach how sharia should be practiced.
UK Imam Anjem Choudary to Discuss Sharia Law in Nevada City, CA | Nevada County Scooper
Again: ZEZT????? If people were more aware of the right problems, he should have never gotten there right? But our hugging forgiving fase of pointing at only one direction is still leaving him on free feet.
If I was elected in your country I would've deported his ass to the Caliphate, one way ticket, burn your passport.

Perfect example is how Europe is discussing this immigrants flooding Europe now! Left is shouting A, right shouting B and before something is democraticly chosen they go over there themselves and drag 3400 people over here in just one day. Sheep and wolves… Look closely into the pictures … the devil is in the details ladies and gentleman.
But secularism doesn't get adapted by fanatics, Demahdi. You're one step ahead of enlightment but does not properly sense the neuroses of formed groups who were made out of fire from ancient times in a modern era. These minds are driven by the dark, deify the slaughter and may merely be illuminated through re-modification of their verses, words and text.

See the
messiah complex here? It is up to man to deliver the words of enlightment in the corpus of what these dark groups believe in. Prophets were cultural engineers, they didn't convert fellow man but literary illuminated what required its update with time and necessity.
Like I said. No more hugging, pampering.
Send fanatics to the caliphate and let a mushroom take care of it ;)
Fanatics are today a small group, but that once small group has increased significantly and reached powers our own leaders aren’t fully grasping. There’s a whole movement behind them, what is feeding it? Why is it feeding those individuals? And more important, why is there little we can do within our democratic field. Hopefully we may see evolvements when that individual Anjem arrives in America. May he be send to Guantanamo right away and peace be upon him. The problem is they are reaching in the core of their religion, they drag out the words of their prophet’s book. The men standing up for their religion are captivating others that didn’t stand up that fanaticly in the first place, but now are. Where must we reach in the corpus of their religion to attain any enlightenment? Have you looked into it yourself?
If one did s/he might understand we are dealing with a scenario that is extremely different then any other source of religion.

If I want to reach in the corpus of islam to hand out to muslims, where would you suggest I start my search? Do you have a hadith or sura you suggest?

And could it not be those moderate imams are powerless themselves to an ideology that brainwashes lot of individuals into a neurotic psychosis of “freedomfighting” and “saving the world”? Freedomfighting to get to the peace Islam is about, remember?

"Judgment Day will come only when the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them, until the Jew hides behind the tree and the stone, and the tree and the stone say: ‘Oh Muslim, Oh servant of Allah , there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him’

The Messenger of Allah said: ‘You will definitely fight Jews! The battle will be so intense that the stone will say: ‘Oh Muslim, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!.”

And here you can find a great list of Sura’s directly out of the quran:
A quote from it: Quran (9:5) - "So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them."

There are probably a lot of moderate muslims, but do they have the balls themselves to stand up against these individuals roaming the streets preaching saga’s of the last days? And if we are on a collision course that is 100% certainly going to happen, which poison do you prefer?
If they stood up a bit more others shouldn’t, but when one of our very own culture is standing up and addresses the true nature of the problems, (s)he’s pointed at as a racist, … But isn’t the Islamic religion one big mein kampf on its own? Where indidivual rights are thrown out of the window in every chapter. The other side of the world is preparing for a war like one we have never seen before. Women are making one baby after the other, they are indoctrinated from birth on, taught to be a soldier…. Anjem is one of that regime, collecting welfare cheques and teaching his flock how to suck it out to its maximum. Should we look for a proper way to tastefully fix this? We already had laws and rules in place that protected us against such an individuals. But now America is disarming its people and letting Sharia preachers inside…

Coffee anyone?