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Whale wars on antartica, what's your opinion?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion mysticwarrior
  • Date de début Date de début
Thanks for your explanation! :D
If God/Allah/Ganesh/Odin didn't want us to kill whales then he shouldn't have made them out of things that are useful to us.

Species go extinct all the time, whats the problem? Its not as if the whales deaths aren't benefiting other species. If the whalers didn't hunt whales, how would they get money to eat and afford other basic things? Think about the millions of krill and plankton that won't get eaten by the whales, organisms that are very important to the eco-systems they live in.

Maybe with the extinction of some types of whale, other species can evolve and flourish in their stead. Scientists believe that 90% of all the species that have every existed are extinct, and think of the millions of species that are on Earth at the present, so does it really make a massive difference if people are killing whales? Yeah maybe the whalers should slow it down, but its not as if whales are making a massive contribution to our lives, a whale is never going to find a cure for cancer, so who cares if it dies?

Coconuts kill 150 people per year and you don't see other coconuts with "save the human" slogans on t-shirts. (Obviously people kill far more than 150 whales per year, but that needed to be said).
I did not notice this thread was still getting updates (sometiemes the server dosen't update my threads, its just like the strange bug where I cannot write more than a paragraph and my text disapear... anyways)

Umm... cockknocker... there is no actual problem, I actually warned about taking up "causes" because of quantum concepts in my worldview, I'm not an extremist. I agree this might seem like the vegetarian debate ; but it's pulling hairs in this conundrum. I eat fish, and other sea critters, because they are useful to me providing essential nutrients for my continued ascension (especially DHA and EPA fatty acids).

What I am saying here is why be careless, it amounts to fear of being too soft as far as we men go ; of course I'm rude, I have chest hair and thick nails. But my goal was not to victimise anyone or anything ! Just see it this way, I do eat fish but I also know there is an algae which the fish take their EPA and DHA from... so in essence, we don't NEED anything like whales for ANYTHING... We can grow friggin hemp and feed the planet, and grow algae and chlorella, and put more money into things like bees which can also provide food as bee pollen and honey, instead of encouraging companies which play GOD in manipulating genetics to further AGRICULTURE, which is the real root of all those problems. We don't only grow stuff, we agri-culture it. Heh, it's so obvious it hurts my eyes, why do grocery stores ditch rotten fish regularly and people kill healthy animsls that often can be good for other things... it makes no difference if the only thing that animal does is shit so it can feed critters that can feed mushrooms that can feed a healthy soil... even if the whale only balances energies in the sea with its super brain and songs and that no scientists dont even recognize those concepts, why take the chance for no reason ? It's principles only, not ultimatums, at least not yet...
Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
Umm... cockknocker... there is no actual problem, I actually warned about taking up "causes" because of quantum concepts in my worldview, I'm not an extremist. I agree this might seem like the vegetarian debate ; but it's pulling hairs in this conundrum. I eat fish, and other sea critters, because they are useful to me providing essential nutrients for my continued ascension (especially DHA and EPA fatty acids).

I wasn't directing what I said to you, I was just saying what I thought about the subject. I didn't read all the topic aswell.
^and you're right in everything you said.......... but still, i know i would feel sad if a certain whale species became extinct because of us.

to me it's a paradox, because i know everything has as much objective value as the next thing, every little thing matters, take sufficient rocks out of a field and then heat doesn't get stored and you mess the soil or something; if our body temperature rises by mere degrees wee feel ill; bacteria we can't even see but if it weren't for some of them in our digestive system we'd be fucked; every little thing matters as much as the next one. but if every little thing matters then you might say nothing really matters as well because if there's no real difference then what gives? nothing really matters in the big scheme of things precisely because every little thing matters in the big scheme... @_@

but still... i know i would feel sad if a certain whale species became extinct because of us.
Indeed... so why take the risk.

We can feed the whole humanity with ants we breed in sand pits and feed. They will never see the difference between captivity and nature, since they wont go anywhere, we just need to setup traps to harvest them and the colony wont even feel it if we eat half of them, so to speak.

But ants are EW, and meat is AH so PORNOGRAPHIC... there I said it.

You can still disagree and I can be your friend... I don't like people for what they do, but how they purify the waters of their own toughts.

If you want to eat something meaty without being a prick ; you can eat freakin humboldts, they are INVADING the west coast and eating all the fisheries, it's ALL YOU CAN EAT and you're not going to harm them there are billions.

The sea and hemp can feed humanity, it's not like people gain "carnivorous pride" or "manlyness" by resisting this one truth.
???????? a dit:
^and you're right in everything you said.......... but still, i know i would feel sad if a certain whale species became extinct because of us.

to me it's a paradox, because i know everything has as much objective value as the next thing, every little thing matters, take sufficient rocks out of a field and then heat doesn't get stored and you mess the soil or something; if our body temperature rises by mere degrees wee feel ill; bacteria we can't even see but if it weren't for some of them in our digestive system we'd be fucked; every little thing matters as much as the next one. but if every little thing matters then you might say nothing really matters as well because if there's no real difference then what gives? nothing really matters in the big scheme of things precisely because every little thing matters in the big scheme... @_@

but still... i know i would feel sad if a certain whale species became extinct because of us.

Yeah, that is true
Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
The sea and hemp can feed humanity, it's not like people gain "carnivorous pride" or "manlyness" by resisting this one truth.


People get RICH by resisting this truth.

Advertising is one of the real villains, teaching with dumb-ass sloganeering tactics that are straight out of that movie 'Idiocracy'

(For those who missed this movie, it details a scary, easily-forseeable future where America realizes its full potential, one of outright stupidity and weak-mindedness......in the movie, one of the central plot themes involves the fact that everyone has forgotten how to practice agriculture. No one can grow any vegetables, or fruit. The main character puts together the pieces and realizes that its because gatorade displaced water as the cheif source of water for humanity, and this was basically caused by one slogan;

'It has electrolytes'........)

However, electrolytes are, by definition, inorganic metal ions; ie; salts.....and the soil is poisoned by accumulation.....

MILK- 'It does a body good'

MEAT- 'Its whats for dinner'

Slinging slogans at weak-minded people is like kicking a 80 year old man in the balls.
Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
The sea and hemp can feed humanity, it's not like people gain "carnivorous pride" or "manlyness" by resisting this one truth.

I've heard somewhere that hemp seeds are something like the most perfectly nutritionally balanced things we could eat, but that might be wrong.

spice a dit:
Slinging slogans at weak-minded people is like kicking a 80 year old man in the balls.

Nice post spice ! Thats also my experience...

I make health products which are like 4 times more good stuff for your buck than energy drinks, without stimulants bad for health and more exotic stuff that really makes you feel better (long term too). But people... even my best friends who know I sometimes have no money to eat, or even drink a beer with them and always refuse to go out because I'm broke...

They drink energy drinks in my face, and everytime I see that shine in their eyes, "because it gives you pep"! And they're so into it I'd bet they don't even realise I sell better products and they can drink a highly sugared cofee along with it and get MUCH better and CHEAPER results.

Some would say my friends are stupid or not really my friends, but I know better. Thing is... this patern is consistant amongts all social circles, even the hippies and rastaman I know drink the fucking caffeine filled drinks and ignore my business which was started because I tought they were being ripped off (I had seen better herbal extracts on the net for a much fairer price)

So yeah , hemp is one of the most complete food there is, but chlorella seems even better, and bee pollen even better. A mix of the three in living gain cereals would be like summum... with vegetables and some golden algae oil you have a full vegetarian meal highly superior to any meat.
cockknocker a dit:
Think about the millions of krill and plankton that won't get eaten by the whales, organisms that are very important to the eco-systems they live in.
LOL, that reminds me of the Cheech & Chong song I posted as my first reaction in this thread: "Save the whales, save the whales, but...shoot the seals! Cause the seals eat all the fish. Shoot the seals!"

I can't imagine killing whales is going to be of much benefit to plankton. Very often preditor and prey live in a symbiotic or at least a balanced relationship. No need for us to interfere with our nets and high tech harpoons.

but its not as if whales are making a massive contribution to our lives, a whale is never going to find a cure for cancer, so who cares if it dies?
Well, for years sharks were seen as useless to human beings, until certain nutritional and medical qualities of shark cartilage and shark liver oil were discovered. And in fact some say it can even be used to cure cancer.

With such discoveries occuring all the time (in the animal and plant kingdom) it seems prudent we preserve as many different species as possible.