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Two hours and counting for departing into hyperspace

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion HeartCore
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HAHAHa I'm truly laughing my pants off :D
In a good way though! :D

I'd be delighted if you do something with that word :D
Let us know how and what though ;)

Love, Robby
I have nothing left to say.
Dose will be around 12 grams dried in thee.
Did you ever try these kind of dosages? ... just wondering.
James Arthur recommended 5 to 7 grams, Terence and Dennis McKenna recommended 5 grams, which many already consider a very high or 'heroic' dose. I've done 8 grams once, but the set and setting were bad, so I got a bit disoriented. Nothing too traumatic, just a bit confusing. :)

I don't find (dried) mushrooms distasteful, and my stomach handles them fine, so I see no need to make tea out of them. But perhaps if I go out of my way to try 12 grams, I might as well try the tea method.

I got some good astrological transits next thursday. If those transits don't manifest in the form of a hot new girlfriend, I want to take another high dose then. Maybe, just maybe, I'll try 12 grams in tea.

By the way, I found this on Erowid just now:

I'd say the question of Psilocybin + Heat is no longer a controversy, its a misunderstanding coupled with incomplete data. I think the open question is whether all dried mushrooms can be boiled without significant loss or whether some types react better or worse to this treatment.

Sub-boiling or lightly boiling water does not noticably reduce the activity of dried Psilocybe cubensis. Many people ingest their mushrooms as tea without needing to increase the quantity used. We know of people who regularly boil their mushrooms for up to 30 mins before drinking the resulting liquid. All fully active. The hotter the water, the better. The water should be at least slightly acidic, but psilocybin is highly water soluable.

So, the experience of many people says it works. Smoking mushrooms can work, but most mushrooms aren't terribly potent so you need to smoke a lot of mushrooms to get a strong effect (imagine smoking 2 grams of mushrooms ! yuck!). But many reliable sources report a mild effect at smoking a bowl or two and this is potentiated by other entheogens (LSD specifically).

However, this is not to say that psilocin, another active chemical, won't break down quickly in boiling water (it probably will). Different types of mushrooms contain differing ratios of psilocybin to psilocin, so it seems quite possible that different strains would fare differently with boiling or hot water extractions. There is evidence to suggest that some degree of potency loss occurs if Psilocybe cyanescens are heated by a method such as boiling.
I read this on Erowid:
High Dose Effects : (2.5 grams - 10 grams)
All of the Medium Effects, usually with a significantly more uncomfortable Coming Up, more pronounced nausea sometimes (rarely) resulting in vomiting, sometimes significant mental discomfort associated with feelings of fear and often times accompanying a "what have I done to myself" or "how far am I going" thought, the unpleasant Coming Up effects usually lessen with familiarity and more knowledge about the safety and character of mushroom effects.
That's exactly what I experienced Saturday: I wasn't worried during the onset at all, which surprised me. The "how far am I going" thought came up (as it had done in the past), but this time it was immediately answered by my mind saying: "nowhere you wouldn't want to be." And "what have I done to myself" was immediately answered by "you've decided to expand your consciousness for a short while. Enjoy it while it lasts!"

In recent days I had started listening to an audiobook, which you can download for free at
http://www.shmoome.org/golas.html. (I found this author by googling "psychedelics" and the first name of my son. It turned out there was an author named Thaddeus Golas who wrote a very consise 50 page book on how to get through bummers and get the most out of each trip (the book was written for acidheads). The text can be read here:
Thaddeus words really encouraged me to fully surrender to the experience, to just love it all. :P
Any advice or warnings for the 12 grams dose? Is there a very big difference between a 12 gram and a 5 gram dose? I mean, does it get much weirder beyond 6 or 8 grams? My knees are kinda shaking. I need some reassurance! :)

By the way, while reading something on Wikipedia, I read that...

In the Netherlands, unprocessed psychoactive mushrooms are legal to possess, are treated as soft drugs under the Netherlands' drug policy, and can be obtained in "smart shops" which specialise in ethnobotanicals.

Psychoactive mushrooms, whether dried or fresh were legal until 2001, when the Supreme Court of The Netherlands ruled dry mushrooms to be an illegal preparation of psilocybin and psilocin. The limitation to fresh mushrooms (which go bad quite fast) is severely reducing the export of psychoactive mushrooms. In a series of court cases during 2003-2005 this was challenged by a Dutch mushroom wholesaler.[22] The vice president of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) of the UN testified to the court that the UN does not see dried or prepared psilocybe mushrooms as a controlled substance. Explanation: Psilocybe mushrooms are not listed as controlled substances, therefore preparations are also not controlled. Preparations of the controlled substances psilocybin and psilocin (i.e. tablets, etc) are controlled. Various mushroom experts have testified that there is no way to see the difference between passively and actively dried mushrooms.[citation needed] The court decided to agree to other viewpoints of De Sjamaan in order not to touch the subject of the UN's stance. The court also decided not to publish the testimony of the vice president of the INCB. The high court ruled that:

* There is no definition in regards to water content, which differentiates between a dry mushroom and a fresh mushroom.
* Passively dried mushrooms (natural desiccation) are legal.
* A police officer is not skilled to differentiate between a fresh and dry mushroom.

I didn't know that yet. :)
Pinealjerker a dit:
I read this on Erowid:
High Dose Effects : (2.5 grams - 10 grams)
All of the Medium Effects, usually with a significantly more uncomfortable Coming Up, more pronounced nausea sometimes (rarely) resulting in vomiting, sometimes significant mental discomfort associated with feelings of fear and often times accompanying a "what have I done to myself" or "how far am I going" thought, the unpleasant Coming Up effects usually lessen with familiarity and more knowledge about the safety and character of mushroom effects.
That's exactly what I experienced Saturday: I wasn't worried during the onset at all, which surprised me. The "how far am I going" thought came up (as it had done in the past), but this time it was immediately answered by my mind saying: "nowhere you wouldn't want to be." And "what have I done to myself" was immediately answered by "you've decided to expand your consciousness for a short while. Enjoy it while it lasts!"

In recent days I had started listening to an audiobook, which you can download for free at
http://www.shmoome.org/golas.html. (I found this author by googling "psychedelics" and the first name of my son. It turned out there was an author named Thaddeus Golas who wrote a very consise 50 page book on how to get through bummers and get the most out of each trip (the book was written for acidheads). The text can be read here:
Thaddeus words really encouraged me to fully surrender to the experience, to just love it all. :P

This is just what I need! Thanks a lott mate!
Pinealjerker a dit:
By the way, while reading something on Wikipedia, I read that...

In the Netherlands, unprocessed psychoactive mushrooms are legal to possess, are treated as soft drugs under the Netherlands' drug policy, and can be obtained in "smart shops" which specialise in ethnobotanicals.

Psychoactive mushrooms, whether dried or fresh were legal until 2001, when the Supreme Court of The Netherlands ruled dry mushrooms to be an illegal preparation of psilocybin and psilocin. The limitation to fresh mushrooms (which go bad quite fast) is severely reducing the export of psychoactive mushrooms. In a series of court cases during 2003-2005 this was challenged by a Dutch mushroom wholesaler.[22] The vice president of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) of the UN testified to the court that the UN does not see dried or prepared psilocybe mushrooms as a controlled substance. Explanation: Psilocybe mushrooms are not listed as controlled substances, therefore preparations are also not controlled. Preparations of the controlled substances psilocybin and psilocin (i.e. tablets, etc) are controlled. Various mushroom experts have testified that there is no way to see the difference between passively and actively dried mushrooms.[citation needed] The court decided to agree to other viewpoints of De Sjamaan in order not to touch the subject of the UN's stance. The court also decided not to publish the testimony of the vice president of the INCB. The high court ruled that:

* There is no definition in regards to water content, which differentiates between a dry mushroom and a fresh mushroom.
* Passively dried mushrooms (natural desiccation) are legal.
* A police officer is not skilled to differentiate between a fresh and dry mushroom.

I didn't know that yet. :)

It's stupid, in theory dried mushrooms are not legal (atleast in Holland), but it's impossible to find out how they dried? So you can't get caught really 8)
why didn't my father merry a Dutch instead of an italian?
hey HC (and al the other people who posted here!) at last I took the time to read al the posts in this tread and they are an eye opener for me! a great inspiration where and how to go with my live from here. dont know the exact path yet but I feel I am on to something! :) tnx for your great experience and lots of love!
skoeip a dit:
hey HC (and al the other people who posted here!) at last I took the time to read al the posts in this tread and they are an eye opener for me! a great inspiration where and how to go with my live from here. dont know the exact path yet but I feel I am on to something! :) tnx for your great experience and lots of love!

I'm kinda having a similar thing. Thanks HC and all the others <3
same here :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
i probably said this allready
thanks again evrybody
i still can't stress how gratefull i am for this thread, it is changing me and my perspective on life :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Pinealjerker a dit:
Is there a very big difference between a 12 gram and a 5 gram dose?
You're a chemist, you can do the math ;)

As long as you're sure you can handle it it'll be ok :)
OK dropping one more in here :)

Thanks all for the replies, you are inspiring me and my journey as much as I seem to be inspiring yours. Feels great and I thank you all for sharing here.

Life seems to settle down now in a way that I'm starting to feel really at home in this state of mind/life/heart. So much has changed, every day currently is a celebration. The diet is unbelievable, I NEVER loved food as much as I do since the trip. Every meal is a feast (and completely healthy ;)), ever imagined that was possible.

Even bigger changes take place socially. I withdrew myself mostly from life and social contacts. Now it's the opposite, I see/meet people every day and am constantly on the lookout to meet new people. This is something that is not onlly fun but makes a lot of sense as well (from the perspective of 'the trip'). Talked about it with a great friend from this forum yesterday (number 1;) ), I am under the impressiion that if you live life from your heart, you will find a lot of love and experience a lot of synchrinicity/confirmation from the world. Like the most deep, loving part of yourself (I/GOD/All), actually DID layout a beautiful path which you can choose to follow. Once you do, you will find recognition in virtually everything and everyone you meet on your way.

This is the fourth week and its still amazing every day ;)
> Is there a very big difference between a 12 gram and a 5 gram dose?

You're a chemist, you can do the math
I was wondering whether there is some kind of curve of effects, for example the difference between 1 gram and 5 grams is quite large, even physically. But will the nature of the experience between a 5 gram and a 10 gram dose differ equally?

The pupils are only dilated to a certain limit. Could the nervous system perhaps be limited in other ways as well? Is there such a thing as a maximum mushroom high?

If a psychedelic is a key to open certain gateways of consciousness / chakras, what effect will higher doses have: will more doors be opened, will even higher chakras be activated, or will we simply pass out? Or is there a level where more psilocybine will not make a difference anymore because one is already fully in that other world?

I've read the accounts of the DMT experimentation by Rick Strassman, and a few of his subjects did try doses that were just too much (and were thus not repeated).

Why would such doses be too much? And why are they too much: is it the content, or is it the intensity of it all?
you mean from the book DMT the spirit molecule right? Strassman didnt repeat the higer dosses of DMT becaus of the memory loss and the potential danger for his subjects, one or two of his subjests had an increased heartbeat and he did not want to hurt his subjects. and I can imagine that with a incredible high dosse of shrooms memory loss becomes a problem too.
The pupils are only dilated to a certain limit. Could the nervous system perhaps be limited in other ways as well? Is there such a thing as a maximum mushroom high?

Difference between 5 and 10 grams for me is, that 5 grams sometimes is sufficient to bring me 'there', often also, for me its some sort of wave in and out the trip. 10 grams bring me there all the time without an exception.

A friend of me who tripped a number of times on small doses, wanted to have the full experience so I gave him 10 grams for that a week ago. At the moment of truth, he chickened out and 'only' took half. The trip was VERY interesting for him but all the way through, he knew/felt he was just on the edge of the full experience and he regretted that he didn't take the entire dose.

Other people may need different doses. The 5 gram heroic dose was suggested by Terence Mckenna. If you read/listen closely to Terence, you will find out that he smoked a lot of cannabis to intensify the trip more. He even mentions in some rap literally "that when he felt like being on the edge, not able to break completely through, he would just start to smoke cannabis frantically and that did it everytime.".

I rolled 3 joints before drinking the tea this time and I had two and a half left when I started to come down in the morning.

It's really a question of what are you looking for? A recent questionnaire on shroomery.org shows that many people NEVER take anything near 5 grams dried let alone, 10 ;) My personal quest relied heavily on ego death and a rebuilding of my personality/perspective so for that particular means, 10 grams are just a gift from heaven for me. But people have different reasons to trip so its very personal.

To get to your question :) a year or so back there was an interesting thread on mycotopia of an old and seasoned grower who was very experienced for many years in growing mushrooms and extracting psilocybin. At some point, he accidentally took a dose of pure psilocybin crystals which he estimated as a 100 gram dose (DRIED ;)). The experience he described was like:" I was sitting on my couch with my skull in my lap while thousands of spirits where tearing my body apart.". He experienced electrical shockwaves throughout his body, for like 16+ hours. The come down lasted over a week. His conclusion was:"interesting experience but not something I want to repeat.....soon"

Tripping to hard for me would be that the physical discomfort becomes just to discomforting to let the experience unfold. As for tripping to hard mentally, I can't personally imagine how that could happen ;)

What a wonderful reply, thank you! :D

Yes, Terence did mention his intensified smoking at the start of a trip. And yes, I also experience those weird waves, where one is tripping hard one moment, and feeling normal the other, then suddenly tripping very hard again etc. It is for this reason that last time I was tripping I wanted to try that higher dose (12 grams).

The physical discomfort rather than the mental disturbance being an obstacle also sounds very recognizable. I guess yoga practice would help to handle higher doses. The mental part (ego-death) seems to be a barrier in the beginning, but not so much if one has gained some experience in these realms.
Dantediv86 a dit:
why didn't my father merry a Dutch instead of an italian?

Did you read this conversation AT ALL? :lol: just kidding :D
LOVE naturaly!

HeartCore a dit:
Even bigger changes take place socially. I withdrew myself mostly from life and social contacts. Now it's the opposite, I see/meet people every day and am constantly on the lookout to meet new people. This is something that is not onlly fun but makes a lot of sense as well (from the perspective of 'the trip'). Talked about it with a great friend from this forum yesterday (number 1;) ), I am under the impressiion that if you live life from your heart, you will find a lot of love and experience a lot of synchrinicity/confirmation from the world. Like the most deep, loving part of yourself (I/GOD/All), actually DID layout a beautiful path which you can choose to follow. Once you do, you will find recognition in virtually everything and everyone you meet on your way.

This is the fourth week and its still amazing every day ;)
You made the choice to express life in celebration of it.
I too made that choice, inspired by HC and many others here.
It really makes sense.. Maybe I just became this all loving hippie but really guys BLESS YOU.

The most amazing thing I noticed is that when I love, people around me love to. I'll write something about it in my DMT trip report soon.
But damn.. Last few weeks everytime I cry its from happiness.. real true happiness and real tears too..
And now.. after ALL those years.. I finaly know what they mean with: High on life hehe