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Two hours and counting for departing into hyperspace

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion HeartCore
  • Date de début Date de début
Faust a dit:
HeartCore a dit:
Oh righ, but you know what I meant....

I can only guess what you meant by that remark :)

I was talking about the muslim idea of Allah, not your free-thinking idea of a God. So basically we're on the same side ;).

A joke this dutch/Macoc comedian has comes to mind:

A moslim guy dies and goes to heaven where he arrives at the gate of heaven. Peter opens the gate and asks him what his business is.

I am here to see Allah, replies the moslim only to hear from Peter, that Allah is one floor up. So the muslim proceeds to the next floor and knocks on the gate. Mary opens the door and asks his business.

I'm here for Allah, says the muslim again but poor guy, Allah seems to be on the top floor. So the muslim proceeds all the stairs up to the top, founds a massive golden gate, finished with diamonds and what not, you get the drill :). So the muslim knocks on the door and GOD opens the door. What are you here for sun? God asks. O I'm here to see Allah replies the muslim.

O well, God replies, lets have something to drink first, guides the muslim to a cosy table and then shouts to the back:


The first time i felt 'somewhat close' to your experience was in a field in Luxemburg, on a big hill overlooking a forest, 3 years ago with a friend. It was one of the first time we took mushrooms.

It became profound and strange. On the peak of the experience suddenly WWII jet-planes (the sky was filled with them) came flying over. Then more than a hundred air-balloons :) The bells of the village began sounding all the time. Everything was perfect... Within a couple of weeks, me and this friend will go in the forest, in the sun and share mushrooms again. I can't wait, thanks!

(HC, forgive me if i ask the wrong question, but how is everything going with your kids?)
Nice to hear the trip went well. I don't understand you do it more often. I'll try to do it once in 6 or 8 weeks. I think your ego grows after a while and sometimes fall back in old habbits. You don't have to trip always with high dose it's just an different experience. At one trip I take a heavy dose and use it to solve my problems and come back to myself, but for me it also works to have an lighter dose and communicate with my girlfriend or other friends. But you must do where you feel comfartable with.
Jahvisions a dit:
Nice to hear the trip went well. I don't understand you do it more often. I'll try to do it once in 6 or 8 weeks. I think your ego grows after a while and sometimes fall back in old habbits. You don't have to trip always with high dose it's just an different experience. At one trip I take a heavy dose and use it to solve my problems and come back to myself, but for me it also works to have an lighter dose and communicate with my girlfriend or other friends. But you must do where you feel comfartable with.

Thanks Jah, I WILL do what I feel comfortable with. And I know what you are saying. The past 15+ years I have had times where I tripped biweekly, or monthly, yearly etc. and I always recognized that I needed to keep doing that to stay sane/. This time I have no fear WHATSOEVER, that I will fall back into old habits. This realization is something I visualized even long before I took any drugs. The night I have described here for you guys was literally the trip of my life because it was like all lessons I had ever heard but not understood, came before me and became truth. I started to OWN those lessons.

This one is not about needing your guys advice (although I LOVE it anyway so keep it coming ;) ), there is no need for need. There is no need for more trips, although I definitaly will do them in the future. Why not? Why not remember and remember and remamber again?

In this GREAT experience which I was blessed to witness, at some point I was able to KNOW how I, created each and every teacher/character/person in my world (this happened right after I was at that place where all live starts and which stands outside of the illusion of birth and being reborn endlessly. So when I saw this, how I created it all, including my ex girlfriend in every detail, I felt so complete humble, because if I had created all of this, who was this I looking through my eyes right now?

That makes you humble, believe me, and simultaneously, it made me realize that how in Gods name, could I ever feel anything but love for HIS creations. His being me being you being everyone you see? And I already knew that, I read it, heard it, saw it even on earlier trips, but now I OWNED it. I felt so grateful. I realized at once that whatever I 'loose' in life, is only going to be replaced by a new experience. And the one who is cooking it up, makes a lot of sense. So if I follow the rules of this game (BE love is the short version), then I will allow that great being that peeked through my eyes that trip, manifest all the great things it has planned for me.

I really can't write enough about it, its only starting to make more sense each and every day. And don't even think I'm on some delusional mind fuck, I've had those before and know what they are.

This is about complete change, I've been wanting this so bad for so long and now it happened. And I will surely trip more, never need it, always love it ;)

petfles a dit:
(HC, forgive me if i ask the wrong question, but how is everything going with your kids?)

There are no wrong questions and thanks for asking ;)

How it goes, I've been in contact via mail a little but I'm now actually planning to go there (France) and finally work things out with my ex. There is no reason (anymore), why that should fail. The actual planning is at the stage where I wait for the one to go with me by car, lets me know which dates are possible. Its happening this month.
HC, please be patient...
I would take care of your new experiences first. But your dreams are beautiful!

I really can't write enough about it, its only starting to make more sense each and every day.
What an awesome experience you had there HC! It made my mouth fall right open. Such an experiences touches a lot more people than just you, I think. I'm very glad for you that this moment finally happened and you can enjoy life now at a more 'true' way.

Kwarkfanaat a dit:
What an awesome experience you had there HC! It made my mouth fall right open. Such an experiences touches a lot more people than just you, I think. I'm very glad for you that this moment finally happened and you can enjoy life now at a more 'true' way.

We all go along in HC's psychedelic slipstream of love!
I'm glad you finally found the time to give back to yourself.
Like someone else said; reading your story made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. It reminded me of a recent experience of my own, mostly in the sense that I feel more centered now than I have in a very long time.
It's a good feeling.

I'm very happy for you, brother. And best of luck to you and the family.
wowsers... hair raising indeed.

I wish you best of luck integrating your experience into life the coming weeks/month/years !
Yes it makes me also want to trip again, last time was 7-8 weeks ago(a good one) so it's time to explore again. I take a light dose with my girlfriend because she had an difficult youth and isn't very experienced so I need to act as a sitter if to much shit from the past will overwhelm her. I know my ego won't dissolve but with the little touch of it's love I know our relationship grows stronger.
Great to hear you had the trip of your life HC.

It reminds me of my most intense trip, where I reckognise alot of the things you have described. It's sounds like you understand it even better than I do.
Reading about your experience makes my heart beat faster and I almost relive that feeling. I know how meaningful it can be to a person, so good to hear it happend :thumbsup:

p.s. My next trip is going to be saturday with mindastronaut. Going to trip in nature for the first time. I can't wait after reading this :mrgreen:
Thanks for the comments all, really love them.

Want to share with you all what just happened:

As some of you know, I have two kids and the contact is very difficult. It now seems, I have been the one that has been frustrating it.

Not looking back, so today I called my ex, we talked for 15 minutes, laughed very hard, next week we will call again to make concrete agreements and get it ALL sorted out.

Love you all

HeartCore a dit:
Thanks for the comments all, really love them.

Want to share with you all what just happened:

As some of you know, I have two kids and the contact is very difficult. It now seems, I have been the one that has been frustrating it.

Not looking back, so today I called my ex, we talked for 15 minutes, laughed very hard, next week we will call again to make concrete agreements and get it ALL sorted out.

Love you all

To think that people would want to make this illegal :[
My girlfriend and I got back together. And how!

Really, this crisis shook the hell out of both of our lives and changed it for the good.

So I'm even more happy now :)

Love all

And no it shouldnt be made illegal :(
Hahaha, this is soooooooooo cool to read!
I just got back from my date, totally uplifted and happy and just when I thought I couldn't get more happy then this I'm reading this!

Serious H, I'm wishing you and T the best!

Man, the future is so bright, I gotta wear shades! 8)