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Two hours and counting for departing into hyperspace

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion HeartCore
  • Date de début Date de début
If it would only be that easy.
well we could try...in my dreams i often fly

we could follow the method used by C. Castaneda and we could try to meet in another dimension under the effect of other substances that permit to travel with the mind...it would be an interesting "experiment" to see when people get in altered states of consciousness at the same time if they meet at some point...like in "Angels in America"
uuuuurrrgg im am in a struggle here.

I cant just experiment whit the things like that i bin warned not to do that by people i trust so i wont.

But its a nice thought and as far as i know very well possible
Tho i cant tell you where to start i never made travels whit out a guide.

Greets G .
Dantediv86 a dit:
well we could try...in my dreams i often fly

we could follow the method used by C. Castaneda and we could try to meet in another dimension under the effect of other substances that permit to travel with the mind...it would be an interesting "experiment" to see when people get in altered states of consciousness at the same time if they meet at some point...like in "Angels in America"

I tried since a few weeks. And yesterday when it was bicycle day and the next day 4/20 so i thought if there is a change it ever happens it had to be today. Damn what a day it was...
I don't think there are any boundrys.. The only thing I WANT is to love each moment.

We're all connected and we need to brake free from all dogma's.
Enlightment is not judging just Be..
I can tell you sooo much about this :)).

But i don't have the time today so you have to forgive me i might write a story on it next weak.
yes i think i know what you mean G
have you tried WITHOUT using psychedelics?
i mean to naturally reach an altered state of consciousness?
I'm training to do that also, and the effects are better (but different) from thodse of any drug i've tried so far
no cotton mouth, no nausea....unless you fall asleep you have control over your actions... if you do (fall completely asleep), it just becomes a normal dream and if you're not trained well it goes on its own, and it can be quite frustrating...we weren't talking about this, pardon the digression
i guess i'll see other topics to continue this conversation :D

going back to what we were saying, mushrooms right?
I've never used mushrooms (i.e. psylocybin containing ones), only fly agarics so far (and we got plenty here in Norway, nice, big, plump, beautifully red and orange agarics) :rolleyes: and they're quite amazing, to me..... maybe is the way i treat them....
Yea :)

Yes i tried this many times and the first time i actually got in to a different state of consciousness was when i was sober and try to get there due meditating and using my own ability to get there.

I must say that i was a strange experience the first time and when i came out of it i desisted to smoke a joint and that thrown me right back in to it making it even stronger and i was able to move through a space that looks the same as when you look in to the son whit your eye's closed.

I could see where i was going, hear anything around me it was amazing in the years that followed i did this more often but never found what i was actually looking for so i am still interested.

tho some people around me specially ex girl friends told me the had seem me standing next to there beds ad night.
I don't know what of this is something i can believe i have not bin able to recall my being there so i still have a lot to explore on this.

Yea were kinda getting of topic here :P

Edit: i have to say that i usually use large amounts of weed to get every where i like, because its soooo easy for me to stay awake whit a lot of red bull or something in my system preventing me from falling asleep wile trying to get in to a different dimension or take a nice flight out of the room i am in ad that moment.

I am going to use about 10 grams of weed tonight to get me in a state of trace where i can either start to fly or in this case what i am aiming for is to get an opening to the spirit world tonight to get some answers i need.

Ill try to get on this forum when i get to the state of consciousness i am after and maybe i can share what i am experiencing life on the forum tonight.

Greets G.
You plan on eating those 10 grams?
No eating does not do the trick for me.

I have to build it up or i will just get stoned but that's not what i am aiming for.

I just started to smoke my first joint ans will go on bong and pure pipes till 8 o clock if i am lucky ill be far gone by that time.

Edit: fel a sleep woke up smoked more and so on and so on.

Think i might have overdone it all a little the last few days, i guess i needed the rest so thats what i am going to do now. i did have a nice night besides i slept so much.

Cya around guys/girls :)
Good morning brothers and sisters :D

Just feel like sharing some more :)

Its two weeks since I started this post and I'm amazed by everything thats happening.

My body starts to get used to the vegetarian diet, a diet which I love and own completely. And me and Tabitha my girlfriend, o my God we are a week back together and we are so loving each other, this relation has undergone a wonderful transformation as well. Like 1+1=3, not 2, you get what I mean :)

I love to read the replies here even if you go offtopic. It's actually interesting for me, as I was a dedicated reader of Castaneda's book till I was age 27 or so (still love them very much). I've always valued his stories as they are part of my spiritual path/past although I never took them seriously as being actual real accounts of him going 'there'. Amazing author though and I learned more than a few things for sure.

Recognition in what Gambit writes about paranormal talents. I've been trained by a good friend in healing people by laying on hands (there was quite more to it than 'just' that) and have always been interested and personally involved in that sort of things.

But I'm at ease now with everything. It's so good to just feel relaxed in every moment of the day. People I couldnt stand at work before, I'm having the greatest fun with now. Real fun you know, I really feel them, they are loved ;) It's not that I feel like a superhuman or something unnatural, I'm still the same guy, love the things I (really) loved before this change, but only the things I love about myself, are now granted the right to surface. Not like I need to repress something and pretend it's not there, it's different, a way to describe it would be that the only thing important in life is, how conscious are you? And based on that, you lead your life and everybody can do as much as their point of view allows them too.

And the more conscious you become, the more understanding you have for everybody else's actions. It's like stopping reflecting other people's expectations back upon them. It makes things happen, it's amazing :D

Now when I think about healing people, or paranormal talents or shamanism (one good definition of a shaman is: a sick 'man' who healed himself and now has to help others heal themselves in order to stay healhy'), my point of view is something like this:

Years ago I read in some newspaper that about 70% of all illness is caused pscychosomatically. That's why shamanism works folks ;) This could be explained as like: You worry too much and you worry too much and you worry too much and your worries start knocking on your door (body) and you get yourselve in trouble (make yourself sick). What I see for me now, is that I want to support anybody in becoming as healthy as I have become. That's a drive, a motto, a realization, it's natural without having to sacrifice ANYTHING! Because if you can get there, you have 70% less change of becoming sick, because you will value your body, give it only what it needs, find balance in everything. And that's also the greatest gift anyone can give to humanity and our planet Gaia, because by becoming more conscious, you automatically start to put less strain on the earth, your environment, other living creature etc.

And I always thought, selfishly, that such a life would be the dullest you could imagine. But it's the complete opposite, it's unbelievable how completely satisfying this is, letting go of all worry, all fear, and just be, in love with everyone all the time. And a lot of fun, laughing more than ever.

Just a happy bro :D

10 grams of cannabis?! That's what I smoke in 7 weeks (last year I smoked 3 grams a month, now it's about 3 grams a fortnight).

I took 5 grams of dried mushrooms Saturday night, staying home, mostly in silence and darkness (a little Shpongle for the first stage). And...

I decided to not say or write anything about the content of the trip. I've read many trip reports, and I feel many people take their visions and revelations too seriously, or even think others will take them seriously. I think their value is in the direct experience (egodeath in the dissociative state followed by a rebirth as one comes down), not in a retelling of the experience.

But it was a good trip (except for the sleepless night that followed...), and I guess I'll have another go next Thursday.
we could follow the method used by C. Castaneda and we could try to meet in another dimension under the effect of other substances that permit to travel with the mind...it would be an interesting "experiment" to see when people get in altered states of consciousness at the same time if they meet at some point...like in "Angels in America"
Here's the problem with that idea: when you go into the psychedelic state, you leave your body and mental self-image behind. It's just the real you expanding into space. Hence you will not be recognizable, and you will not recognize friends who might be floating around in the same space.

According to many scholars Carlos Castaneda's books contain a lot of fiction. Also, many of the trips described were the result of ingesting alkaloids, not tryptamines. Nowadays many of the herbs used by Don Juan (like Datura) are classified as 'deliriant' rather than psychedelic.

So I'd say it's not possible to take mushrooms (psilocybine) and ayahuasca (dimethyltryptamine) or LSD, and meet eachother on some other level. That would be wishful thinking.
@Pinealjerker - did you read this from page 1?:

Psilocybe cubensis "Ban Hua Thanon"
Dose will be around 12 grams dried in thee.

Did you ever try these kind of dosages? ... just wondering.
Pinealjerker a dit:
According to many scholars Carlos Castaneda's books contain a lot of fiction. Also, many of the trips described were the result of ingesting alkaloids, not tryptamines. Nowadays many of the herbs used by Don Juan (like Datura) are classified as 'deliriant' rather than psychedelic.

So I'd say it's not possible to take mushrooms (psilocybine) and ayahuasca (dimethyltryptamine) or LSD, and meet eachother on some other level. That would be wishful thinking.
You're totally right i wrote that in a moment of zeal i wasn't thinking straight :oops:
but who knows....impossible is nothing :P
I'm sorry I am a bitt late with my reply's.
But: fookin' awesome you had such a kickass trip..

I was reading this and it reminded me of one of my LSD-trips which back then was pretty awesome too in any way..
It cleared my head of everything, gave me new lifeforce, and I finally decided how i want to live my life.. how to earn money, how to survive: being a cook which I'm still studying for atm.

And reading your story reminded me off that trip.
My hair rose too, and I got really euphoric just like that.
Now, remembering your story, I'm trying to live the love you spread by posting the story, and I got to say.. I'm pretty HAPPY atm too =]
Thx for that =]

Some other questions..
-You said you were to trip on your own? But i read about Your brother? Was he there or was he in your mind during the trip?
-Then you made tea you said, how did it taste, was it hard for the stomache?
I'm gonna try to make soup out off mushrooms next week.

I think this post has given the community a hyper morale boost thank you for the good vibes HC!!
Lion a dit:
Some other questions..
-You said you were to trip on your own? But i read about Your brother? Was he there or was he in your mind during the trip?
-Then you made tea you said, how did it taste, was it hard for the stomache?
I'm gonna try to make soup out off mushrooms next week.


I was on my own but my best friend Entheobakta (who has become my brother), was there with me all the time. Hard to explain, this trip was a combination of a lifelong search for truth and true self, the lessons'example Entheobakta has been for me the past three year AND a good dose of homegrown mushrooms. For me he was there, completely, no question about it, his essence/soul was with me all the time. Physically he was maybe 1000 km away ;)

Taste of tea? I never worried about that. Tea is one of the nicest ways to consume a large amount of shrooms. Usually I put a little honey in it but didnt have any left. But the taste still was ok, not bad, not good, just ok. Nothing to write home about.

The body discomfort on this trip was absolutely minimal tot nothing. I haven't been aware of ANY stomach discomfort throughout the entire trip. Next day was the same, no hangover, just feeling great. I must say that I've more or less fasted for 4 days before this trip so that may have made a difference.
I'm looking forward on expierencing you're friendthing someday too.

I bet it was magical, anyway now I'm really jealous =]
Lion a dit:
I'm looking forward on expierencing you're friendthing someday too. =]

I Googled "friendthing" then i got this FLASH of insight: I want to be the first to make a wikipedia entry for "friendthing", but with your permission m'brother, I would like to amend the term to the "truefriend-thang".

You thoughts?


PS: Ah this thread just keeps on giving!