The second time we took MDMA was last month (August 8th) for Pretty Lights at Red Rocks. We took the same batch of Green Partyflocks, one per person over the course of an hour. Let me just add in here that holy shit was Pretty Lights incredible (as he always is!). Just phenomenal. Pretty Lights Fam right here. Anyway, this time we did drink a considerable amount of grapefruit juice. The day of, I made all of my friends drink a cup with lunch, a cup when everyone got to my house, and a cup on the way to Red Rocks. So 3 total cups within the 7-8 hours before dosing. As for the experience, I had the best come-up I have ever had on anything. I don't know about you guys, but my body does not like the transition period between taking any drug and experiencing that drug. I tend to get anxious and nauseous. I almost always regret taking that drug, even if I've taken it many times before, for at least a few minutes. This time, it was great. I enjoyed coming up. It was subtle and clear and all of the sudden I was peaking.
This is the interesting part. We didn't really peak as intensely as we did last time, but the duration was longer. The first time was like being hit by a truck. One minute your kinda tingly and then next you're rolling harder than you ever had before. With the grapefruit juice we peaked for a decent 4 hours (not as intensely) and then very subtly came down. I actually ended up taking some xanax later that night because I couldn't fall asleep. I'd say the entire thing lasted 6-7 hours. The next day we all pretty much felt fine. I had a slight headache, but I think the overall come down was quicker and not as bad.