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The Real Life Matrix - A very controversial thread

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Enivid
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Forkbender a dit:
Enivid a dit:
If you truly want to take the red pill you must look inside yourself and find the truth inside you.

If this is true, why do you spend so much time talking about this truth and what it contains to other people who must find it within themselves instead of hearing it from you? Who are you programming? Probably yourself, because otherwise you'd realize others don't need your truth and just shut up. Why would you program yourself? And for what?

Not agitated, just curious. You seem a bit otherworldly in the idea that you know something we don't, and I don't think that is true.

Well, nobody needs my truth, but the way I see it its our truth. But your subjective truth is always your subjective truth, but all is true to you, since you see the world in a rational och logic way.

Most people decide what to make of their world with ideas from others. Like the idea of money. The whole system is a loan based debt creating system that's indebted forever. We need to reform this idea, into the idea Abraham Lincoln had: Debt Free Money

Which equals a more perfect society.

That's what I've learned from learning that we're all one. I did what you do at a crime scene or with new technology, I reverse engineered it. And I'm lazy plus Im a stoner, but I smoke rarley nowdays, but Im still hanging with stoners. Anyway, the point is that that anyone who do judge me which means: say that Im not rational or logical, simply don't understand my view.

And if please ask questions and I'll answer (someone said I don't, but from now on I will do so, if I ever miss one again, for that IM sorry).

silv a dit:
I think you're confusing clear headed critical thinking and asking challenging questions with getting agitated. Ah well I'm out, this topic seems to be heading towards it's expiration date.

Im not agitated :).

And, to all that says: My Life is good now, I don't need to know the truth to the universe. Should really think about the world at large. How can you think its good when people die of unnatural causes everyday somewhere in the world? Or why the mainstream media is so going to turn into what Idiocrazy showed (a movie about de-evolution i.e. people get dumber)? I mean, if its possible to learn how to be rich, why don't we teach this to all? Or books like "How to make friends and influence people" by Dale Carneige, it would help everyon to understands conflicts and judging others...

I've thought about this for a long time, approx 20 years when I first asked myself: "Why am I aware?"

We create reality togheter with our thoughts. And we will see a very intreseting time in the coming years. We are going to create the ultimate reality togheter, but in three splits. Because everything is based on free will so there will be a negative way, a positive way and neutral way. All are free to believe what they want, but a fact like "you create your own reality" might be good to understand. Why?

Well, do you want to know why you are here? Why are you aware? Why you aren't happy 24/7, why you aren't sure where you're going, or what you really deep inside you want to do with your life?

If you don't know, you might want to know? Otherwise, what is your purpose? Don't you have one? A purpose to exist should be joyful and full of love.

Well, ask questions, and I agree with your comments, I try to understand you guys from the words you type.

peace out
- Enivid
My favourite philosopher when it comes to these kinds of big question topics is Robert Anton Wilson since he really explained the idea of having a number of models for everything and not forcing yourself to buy into or believe one or the other.

I've done quite a lot of research into different areas of history, philosophy, chemistry, esotericism etc and there are places where they all meet and places where it can be difficult to fuse some ideas together. The key is to not let yourself get too trapped into one that it has a negative impact on your happiness or life.

If I think too much about alternative history/conspiracy ideas I find I get anxious and my thoughts can become negative. That doesn't mean I ignore those areas, I just use them and learn to move on and use other models and ideas for situations which they fit.

Whether life is the matrix or life is a very real and objective place where when you're dead you're dead and everything continues on I think the same core principles should emerge from enough thought: be nice to other people where you can, know yourself, love yourself and try not to worry too much when it can't do you any good.

No matter how clever any of us get we'll always be suspectible to certain ideas or belief systems, that's why I value a good balance between critical thinking and imaginitive intuition most highly. It's good to take life very seriously when you're thinking deeply about things which matter, just don't forget to laugh too. No matter how dark the night of my soul may be I always have a Harry Hill dvd at hand to light the way back out :D
Well said John.
You guys have it all wrong.

(me ditto)

Isn't life the most amazing paradox?
well i did see his "big" picture, which was only to be described from his own personal experience from a new level of awareness just as aleister crowley beleived he was the master therion" aka the beast" but do we know for sure? mabye, mabye not only crowley truly knew his truth, just as envid (srry if i spelled ur name wrong),

Although his universal concept dose relate a little to droi/celtic mindset, not as much in a preachey way, as i do study and follow the droi/cetic religion with a mix of other and some, "and i emphasize "some"" meaning i do not know as much as a thelimite would. Though when i first started to study/practice as some call the craft i did what is Aleister Crowleys books lies said pretty much what i would do since i am from a christian background, "he will take the word and preach it", not an exact extract from the text but close enough, and ofcourse i would preach my new open mind with a very much lack of appropriate knowledge needed to make me not seem very looney!

When it comes to "personal" truths, it is best to keep it underwraps from public criticism until u have enough confidence in yourself and you truth, although some things in "essay of truth" were a little off course

1. love is not everything
answer: love is just a byproduct of will, not free will, but ones will to love just as ones will to move an object or a mother lift a car off of a child.

emotion are a byproduct of will since without will how would we be able to do anything? just as a child first learns to walk he stumbles and falls but with will and perserverence (excuse my spelling) he gets it right just as when in my beleif humans learn to fly again, we will fall(mabye die from falling out of the sky) but we will soon get it right.

Also, as Alester Crowleys stated, the 2 things that exist most within us and in the universe is Desier and sorry, not love, just as a be attemps to escape from a glass test tube, he thinks not to go up, but only to keep going forward, hitting and hitting the glass, for the bee not care about hitting the glass, but only getting out through desire, not human logic.

about the 2012 yes it as meaning to its number but we will all waite and see what happens, it anything it will only start on that date as things take time to happen, if i wanted to beleive that something so huge as to change the earth and human race is 1 day! i would be christian thinking god will engulf the earth in flame! but for the most part all i can say it most likely it will take yrs for the change to fully take place.

Not only that, scientists have predicted another solar flare to occur in 2012, that will be bigger then the one in i beleive 1953, and the one is the 80's, now look at a pattern, solar flare in 50's, hippies and philosophical pagan concepts of spiritual beleifs emerge with a bang, even though philosophy is an enemy to religion, for when one reaches to the conclusions with philosophy at hand, nothing matters. now is the 80's another solar flare hit, not as impressive but to still cause an effect, with another small boom in spiritual concepts and thinkins, and they say the one coming in 2012 is predicted to be bigger then both! what kind of effect do u think it would have on the human mind, im thinking something to mabye at the most extensive degree a mushroom trip, probly not but a funny thought. So possibly it will have a bigger degree and mabey conjure up another level of awareness in the human race, but we will see!

Last but not least, when u reach a personal truth, do not beleive u have found it completely or u are lost again, anyone who saise they have found the truth run, yes we find our personal truths, but as the drui say there is my truth, your truth and the truth, so you have 2 more to go lol, and with self discapline and being able to keep things for your self you will mabye have the mindset of the master of the temple as alester crowley puts it, not an exact extract of course but cloes, the master of the temple does nothing, but instead keeps silence, and sometimes being silent is the wisest thing to do.
One last final thought for all to ponder.

In Aleister Crowleys's liber about atlantis, he stated that the atlantians(coming from mars and the other planets before that) didnt beleive in a god or goddes, to them, their was nothing higher then their individuals selves, that each beleived they were "God".

when and male and a female atlantian created a child(she gave birth) they said" look at what i (we) have created in my (our) image, sound familier?

So theoreticaly we might be our own god, all we can do is waite and see where human evolution takes us.
Isn't life the most amazing paradox?
It is a paradox, indeed, if you think of it in a matter of logic. I gave up logic recently as I think it is futile and doesn't make sense. It is a stupid simplification of life. :wink:
I concur with restin
I didn't read your post before,Alias55A, so I will give my thoughts on it now.

I don't know Crowley very well but it sounds like Freud (Libido), although I am not sure if Crowley means desire in a sexual way (?).
When it comes to "personal" truths, it is best to keep it underwraps from public criticism until u have enough confidence in yourself and you truth, although some things in "essay of truth" were a little off course
Yes, I guess that when talking about truth it is some kind of double- think. On one hand, you need to see your Weltanschauung as something universal, I believe it is stupid to see your way of life as a simple opinion, if it was so, we would drown in an ocean of opinions and would get nowhere. On the other hand, one must somehow accept the other "truths", too, and not see them as opinions as therewith the own "truth" would be opinion, too. Get it?

It may sound like a paradox but again I don't follow the path of logic as it generally makes sense.

love is just a byproduct of will, not free will, but ones will to love just as ones will to move an object or a mother lift a car off of a child.
So it is not a byproduct but a part of will (if you say love=one's will to love, it is also part of will). I am not sure if I agree, I basically have a problem with the word "will". If it is some kind of Schopenhauer-ish world- will I kinda agree as love is part of something big...
in my beleif humans learn to fly again, we will fall(mabye die from falling out of the sky) but we will soon get it right.
The sun must sink before it can rise again... (~Zarathustra by Nietzsche. Read it!)
hitting and hitting the glass, for the bee not care about hitting the glass, but only getting out through desire, not human logic.
I remember reading it somewhere...YES. Wittgestein: "What is philosophy? To show the way out of the fly bottle." Dunno. What is the glass/bottle? I think it is the mind...dunno.
In Aleister Crowleys's liber about atlantis, he stated that the atlantians(coming from mars and the other planets before that) didnt beleive in a god or goddes, to them, their was nothing higher then their individuals selves, that each beleived they were "God".

when and male and a female atlantian created a child(she gave birth) they said" look at what i (we) have created in my (our) image, sound familier?
well i guess i did'nt do that bad on explaining my opinion and knoweldge on the subject for only 4 yrs of study.

But ya "will" is a touchy word and can get confusing, ofcourse im still young in this life and have yet to furhter explore my own will but some ppl/authors separate it this way. "True Will" and "will", two separet ones ofcourse, now i know the true will is the of the higher self/ or soul which is where the real magick of life realy happens within the individual which puts a punch in whatever magick you practice, so 'will' is most probably of a lessar form then true will, it probably relates to " the will to discapline your mind/body in thought control/breathing excercises and observing your own body landuage and movement to control it. But thats off the top of my head, i know i have it somewhere is one of these crap loads of books, i have over 20gigs of occult books/philosophy on my computer + the ones in the closet, if i run into it ile let u know, but i know one reference to "true will" and "will" as somwhat separate, i think one was in a chaos magick book i have and i know Aleister Crowleys has made a reference to it in one of his books.

And one last thing, the pic finaly loaded of that chart, omg its a bit comfusing for being dead tired at 2:40 in the morning, but looks very interesting and definately something i will study upon!
oh and i foud the website for that big chart, its at http://www.laffoleyarchive.com/, he has alot of other ones too, and they all (so far from what hes saise) describes the universe
Alias55A I totally agree with you.

What I am is a person that could be thoose guys you mention. The thing is that society has strived towards certain goals.

Theese goals have no generated alot of similiar types of humans.

Alot of goals are not even good for the society, such as crooks and criminals. And even politicans!

Alot of people cannot understand the logic behind today. You see we can talk all we want about the past and the future, but we can always be aware of the now.

So what's important is the "now". And why am I stuck here in my room? I look around and I realise how I got here and where my stuff is from. I realise what it look like outside and I can imagine the rest of the world, and our solar system around us.

What I think about is why I am aware at all. And the answer is its because I am god. We ALL are god, and that is important. So important I must say it again: YOU are god, you and I are god. The theory of being god is even backed with science. The dumbest thing to do for humans spiritual evolution was to split the science and religion mindsets.

We live in a world full of plot holes. I mean we have literally, yes literally, created a system for ourselves. A system of laws, rules and ideas on how to dress, act, think and say.. Its a dumb way of living, not very logical if you grasp the big picture.

And the big picture is what is needed to be grasped! The big picture is the liberator, the way of living can be described. With science and by own experience.

You know where you are now right? You know why you're at the place right? Its because of a lot of your own choices and others.

Why do you think they say dreams come true?

Because, they do. Our mindsets co-create the reality. We live in a Matrix. The only and the everlasting Matrix. Its amazing, and one of the best places to be living in ! :)

But, we have forgotten that we don't have to be slaves to a system. A society with barriers, borders and control. We need to remove this by love.

So LOVE is a key, a great key, to the door to freedom!

And all is falling apart, all lies, and more and more people start to believe in radical ideas. And its only radical until its well accepted. Today we have radical scientists, but that do science after the rulebook. So its only their findings that are radical, and make people skeptical.

Stop creating such a bad place !

(And, if you can't vision and wait for the Utopian world, START TO LISTEN! You need to vision a world of peace, cause you create your own reality!)

Thank you very much ;)


- Enivid

Free will is the essential law. Will is not free. Free will is free. All is based on Free Will. Everything is distorted from the source of infinite intelligence and Free Will.

Love is what we need to really obey this essential law.

Darkness has forgotten this. That's why Lucifer was kicked out of heaven. He was the wisest, he was all and one with god. But he forgot this and therefore was kicked out.
63. The fool readeth this Book of the Law, and its comment; & he understandeth it not.

its not new
i do have to disagree when u said (the big picture is the liberator)

thats is a more christian view point to save us from this world and ourselves, putting beleife in something to free you from the hardships of life, which is the opposite way we need to go, i cannot think of the right word right now to replace liberator with, but ppl have to see their own (self) everything thing scarry in their mind lol, and its not a quick process, although i will say preaching a universal view will more then likely make ppl turn from it.

each person has their own world, there own life! and not everyone is ment to see the truths of others all in one lifetime, if they are they will in there own time.

oh and lucifer wasnt kicked out of heaven, he was never on the darkside, never was he meant for such a discrafull position, he is the greek prometheius, the vulkin, the bearer of wisdom and light, power and knowledge, do some digging on lucifer, for he is not what he seems, only the church made that shit up!
Lucifer = light bringer. There are thousands of lucifer images: Miltonian, Faustian, Old Testamental, New Testamental, Medieval, Satanical, ...
(And, if you can't vision and wait for the Utopian world, START TO LISTEN! You need to vision a world of peace, cause you create your own reality!)
Does someone want to count the contradictions in these two sentences?
Ok, I stand corrected on the lucifer part :)

@ restin
What I mean is that people should live in the name of love (care about others etc.) now, and not wait for things to get better by doing nothing.

The most important thing is to understand that you are the creator. We live in a world that indeed is a matrix. We have amazing powers that we cannot use (yet).

The liberator is yourself, noone can save you but you.
If the libarator is yourself, why do we need a preacher?