Alias55A I totally agree with you.
What I am is a person that could be thoose guys you mention. The thing is that society has strived towards certain goals.
Theese goals have no generated alot of similiar types of humans.
Alot of goals are not even good for the society, such as crooks and criminals. And even politicans!
Alot of people cannot understand the logic behind today. You see we can talk all we want about the past and the future, but we can always be aware of the now.
So what's important is the "now". And why am I stuck here in my room? I look around and I realise how I got here and where my stuff is from. I realise what it look like outside and I can imagine the rest of the world, and our solar system around us.
What I think about is why I am aware at all. And the answer is its because I am god. We ALL are god, and that is important. So important I must say it again: YOU are god, you and I are god. The theory of being god is even backed with science. The dumbest thing to do for humans spiritual evolution was to split the science and religion mindsets.
We live in a world full of plot holes. I mean we have literally, yes literally, created a system for ourselves. A system of laws, rules and ideas on how to dress, act, think and say.. Its a dumb way of living, not very logical if you grasp the big picture.
And the big picture is what is needed to be grasped! The big picture is the liberator, the way of living can be described. With science and by own experience.
You know where you are now right? You know why you're at the place right? Its because of a lot of your own choices and others.
Why do you think they say dreams come true?
Because, they do. Our mindsets co-create the reality. We live in a Matrix. The only and the everlasting Matrix. Its amazing, and one of the best places to be living in !
But, we have forgotten that we don't have to be slaves to a system. A society with barriers, borders and control. We need to remove this by love.
So LOVE is a key, a great key, to the door to freedom!
And all is falling apart, all lies, and more and more people start to believe in radical ideas. And its only radical until its well accepted. Today we have radical scientists, but that do science after the rulebook. So its only their findings that are radical, and make people skeptical.
Stop creating such a bad place !
(And, if you can't vision and wait for the Utopian world, START TO LISTEN! You need to vision a world of peace, cause you create your own reality!)
Thank you very much
- Enivid
Free will is the essential law. Will is not free. Free will is free. All is based on Free Will. Everything is distorted from the source of infinite intelligence and Free Will.
Love is what we need to really obey this essential law.
Darkness has forgotten this. That's why Lucifer was kicked out of heaven. He was the wisest, he was all and one with god. But he forgot this and therefore was kicked out.