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The Real Life Matrix - A very controversial thread

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Enivid
  • Date de début Date de début
Enivid, your thruth is very similar to the thruth i found in myself, how i answered my philisophical questions with the help of the plant teachers...
ive recently really awoken, my mission is very similar to your mission.
i wouldnt say some details you said about the future, cause the details are still speculation in my eyes.
but i know how hard is is to describe :P

restin, it is not so the "savior complex", it is to share what you found as pure thruth inside, and try to make the people around you more aware.

i just cant deny what i found and experienced as thruth, as i simply remembered it, it all makes sense, and is the most logical explaination to me.

The funny thing is i see many people who find the thruth i found as the thruth and i can actually feel more and more becoming aware of the thruth...
straight from the collective consciousness(ondbewustzijn)...
if you seek the thruth you will find it...
Nomada a dit:
how to inflate memes: hide them, the soap bubbles, in a stone labyrinth and tell everyone else you've got gems hidden inside. Build big big labyrinth, you can do this by simple and iterated symbolic juxtaposition. Go go go. technification of the savior complex is fun.

you so exactly get my meaning.

the beginnings of religious followings... the recruitment of others. it is very different from merely sharing a point of view or a gem you have discovered.

the outsider becoming the follower is the process of the outsider unraveling the arbitrary labyrinth laid out in front of him/her, getting empowerment from solving the mystery, forgetting that the goal of a labyrinth is to lead you down a specific path to a specific end

on, and this happens frequently on multiple levels in a heirarchy

i've seen this too many times

and experienced it
i just cant deny what i found and experienced as thruth, as i simply remembered it, it all makes sense, and is the most logical explaination to me.

So you basically pwn jesus, buddha,abraham and mohammed? You must be a great guy...gimme an interview...

Or in other words: I found the truth, now bow before me, unworthy one!

Or in other words: look, all those stupid moslem didn't find that jesus is the holy one! let's kill'em all!

Or in other words: my imaginary friend is cooler than yours!

drugie: does true will exist?
well, I cannot get out of my head, therefore it is a quite logic conclusion. It is like the statement: You can only decide on what you know. But I don't believe that means that you cannot decide at all.
If there is a true will, it comes from that part of ourself,s that's beyond the ego.
It's the will that's closest to the source. The part that's closest to nature.
For Crowly the wish of woman to bear children is an example of the true will.
thats "True will". i dont think it is the same thing as free will. and you are right about it being beyond (or beneath) the ego
druglessdouglas a dit:
drugie: does true will exist?

only within the limits of your own "matrix". free will depends on choice(s).
how many choices does your reality allow?


though there seems to be a mix-up of terms between true will and free will, or are they interchangeable?
crowley's idea's can be interesting but the dilemma between ""true"" will (i.e. """higher""" or in accordance with nature/tao) and willed actions that deviate from tao/true will, is something where i can see problems arise.

Lol, magickmumu's example of women bearing children, so typical crowley.. or more the old way of thinking 'women as secondary social beings'
i hope you don't really believe that, mumu ;)
true and free are very different, this differenciation is intendet.

true will means that there is a EQUAL will in everyone.

free will means that every person is free to decide from everything.

If there is a true will, there is no free will and vice versa. As free will implies an equal distribution amongst all possibilities and true will does not.

What you call true will is I believe partially instinct/(what's that fucking word I forgot I am too tired).

Mathematically we can say so: Free will is a variable without any domain. That is simply not possible, as every human being has its own domain. But there is free will within the restriction. I also do not believe in true will. This implies to true values, what I am inclined to reject.
Oknayd a dit:
druglessdouglas a dit:
drugie: does true will exist?

only within the limits of your own "matrix". free will depends on choice(s).
how many choices does your reality allow?


though there seems to be a mix-up of terms between true will and free will, or are they interchangeable?
crowley's idea's can be interesting but the dilemma between ""true"" will (i.e. """higher""" or in accordance with nature/tao) and willed actions that deviate from tao/true will, is something where i can see problems arise.

Lol, magickmumu's example of women bearing children, so typical crowley.. or more the old way of thinking 'women as secondary social beings'
i hope you don't really believe that, mumu ;)

Maybe it's a bad example. It's not what I believe. I don't believe woman are secondary social beings.
Why would I believe that. You know me.

The wish to give birth. Maybe you could call it instinct.
You can have a lot of choices, but you need to know what you want and what is possible.
How can we make sure we make the right the choices (the ones that are positive for us)
Listening to ourself,s To our body our feeling and instinct.

As for free will. I don't understand free will. It's to confusing for me at the moment.
creepy Crowley was embedded in victorian England at a time when table legs where covered unless they inflame the passion. so where all the English women he knew. if you keep that in mind its easier to keep him in context. that was his particular (i hate the term now) matrix, gestalt or whatever
^^ that's what i meant actually by the old way ;)
thadivine, the future predictions where not clear for me, but are now because of logic. (And to all who laugh at that, you have NO idea what I've done in my life ;) )

Great that you've found your inner truth! Welcome to a step closer the reality thadivine :)

To all that bring negativity and ridicule or whatever, I just don't care, there was a time when it affected me. Why? Because I could be wrong, and since I use my left seriell processor brain to put logic to things I can't go around beliving something if its not true. Then after some time contemplating, researching, and looking inside you find some unexplainable experiences that will forever change you. Why? Cause if you search truth you will receive truth.

I've faced ALL my fears to come here.

And I still say Im not better than anyone, so don't think so! :)

I want to tell ya'll a metaphor for our lifes at this moment. Think of our lifes like a basketball, we start ontop of it and goes around it 360 degress and end up where we started. This path is one path of infinite paths we could take to end up where we started. Life is a circle, when it ends, it starts all over again. We've just started.

One important note: There's no such thing as death unless you believe in it. Your mind is not physical. Its an abstact thing. Sure you use your brain, this is what you use to store information like words and etc. But when you die you still know what you've learned and even more, you know whatever you want to know. But its also a little more complex than that.

Anyway, this basketball analogy is that we don't really have free will. Cause we done everything already. BUT, we can always choose what path to take again. And who doesn't want to live in an utopian world with video games that are as real as here and now? Or movies ? And time travel to visit other planets and galaxies?

Im not talking about anything that has to do with religion, Im not into that. Im an ordinary guy that turned into a stoner that became an entreprenur and freestyler (hip hop) and then stopped smoking weed because I find my truth inside me and Mary Jane held me back. She's good a while but then she's holding you back.. :) And I've always learned from a skeptical logical point of view and always been objective. And if you don't know what skeptical and objective means, LOOK IT UP!

Its amazing that stoners and psychonauts are so close minded when it comes to reality. Do you really believe that this time here and now is the ultimate experience? Where we work for money? that is an abstrakt concept created by greedy men?

We are all slaves.

And don't let me insult your ego, cause Im not. Im just sharing what I've experienced.

A fun thing, if I where the president or an authority such as a mainstream person or mainstream media you'd believe me. If the authorities said: "Yeah its true, this is just a matrix where you are slaves". The point is the MAINSTREAM will ALWAYS LIE!

Look at Fox News, look at your mainstream papers and TV stations, what's on? Idol? Soap operas? Porn? News about stock market collapsing because of the stupid Fractional Reserve Banking system that gives the banks the control to create money out of nothing? Do you even know what fractional reserve banking is?

The existential questions is something we all should learn about, but yet the leaders starts wars in the name of religion. The mainstream doesn't mention the groundbreaking work of afterlife science or the science of astral projection. The mainstream is "their" tool to keep us as their sheeps.

Are you a sheep?

No offense, I want people to wake up, just like thadivine says. Its not to insult or to say that we're better. Its to let you know that you have the truth inside you, and you can find it if you search for it. Don't be a sheep and do what mainstream tells you to do. THINK.

Question Authority.

Question your existence.

You've probably taken drugs and been to other worlds. Do you understand how your brain and your THIRD EYE works? Did you know that when you sleep you release DMT into your brain? And that the 3rd eye, the pineal gland, is responsible for what you see then? That the 3rd eye has retinas and waters inside it just like the regular eyes?

What is real?

Well, from a point of view inside the energy and matter, everything is real.

The mind is outside of the matter and can control matter. "Mind over Matter".

BUT, we don't have superpowers as ordinary people because of free will. But yet we have seen people perform "miracles" and things that seems impossible, and we just dismiss it as hoax. I did the same, until I witnessed things in my own life that changed me forever. Like when I dreamed about the future. And then I found out my mum had done the same thing. There's no such thing as a past or future, its all happening NOW.

We can travel in time, but not yet, in the future, in the new and amazing world that is to come for thoose who choose it. Ignorance will make you continue to dwell in the darkness, its as simple as that.

Its darkness (selfishness, like being mean to other humans) or light (love and being kind and helpful). Where do you dwell?

Lots of love and peace!

And you're a god and you're a creator. So I cannot in anyway possible be better then you, only your equal.

- Enivid
Being a Gnostic who has extensively used Thelema to try to understand myself, I do believe in True Will. There is a difference with free will since I understand when my lower ego is allowed to exercise free will, for example I know that if I'm not allowed to use psychedelic drugs I'm prevented from exercising my free will to use them, but my true will is beyond my understanding.

I have to guess from a combination of my experiences with meditation, magick, psychedelics, events in my life, my natural instincts and my interactive choices what my true will might be. In theory I'd ideally like to be able to exercise my free will to do my true will, which is the will of my higher ego, but whether I actually do, or am allowed to use my free will for that purpose is another thing.

Crowley was limited from truly explaining thelemic concepts such as "true will" by being a person of his time. But he established the general principles by which future generations without his limitations and prejudices could grasp the concept more easily. True will is an individual thing, so sweeping statements such as "every womans true will is to bear children" are contradictory, although one would think that many women would have that as part of their true will at this moment in time in order to propagate the species.
Envid, whether what you're saying is profound or just fantasy it's the kind of stuff I can read for ages and enjoy whilst I'm under the influence of psychedelics. The drugs really give my brain a demand for that kind of literature.

Perhaps the only thing I can criticise is your use of the year 2012 when nothing has actually happened in that year as it hasn't come yet. I would certainly like the year 2012 to be a historical year. The numbers 20+1+2 add up to the number 23, a number publicised by a recent Jim Carrey film. Coincidentally for the year 1904, the year Crowley wrote "The Book of the Law", the numbers 19+04=23. Even more curious is that if, as Crowley did, you take the year 1904 as being the start of a New Aeon, then the year 2012 is the year 108 of Crowley's New Aeon. 108 is a number recently publicised by Sci-fi series "Lost" and for reasons I can't recall the number 108 is important to Astrology as well as the Hindu and Islamic religions.

I would love something to happen on 2012, and 'gulp' if we're all still alive I'd love to refer back to it and all the clever mathematics that went with it, but for now I'm sitting on the fence on the 2012 issue and wouldn't be totally surprised or disappointed if nothing of note actually happened in that year.
What man is at ease in his Inn?
Get out.
Wide is the world and cold.
Get out.
Thou hast become an in-itiate.
Get out.
But thou canst not get out by the way thou camest in. The Way out is THE WAY.
Get out.
For OUT is Love and Wisdom and Power.
Get OUT.
If thou hast T already, first get UT.
Then get O.
And so at last get OUT.

restin a dit:
i just cant deny what i found and experienced as thruth, as i simply remembered it, it all makes sense, and is the most logical explaination to me.

So you basically pwn jesus, buddha,abraham and mohammed? You must be a great guy...gimme an interview...

Or in other words: I found the truth, now bow before me, unworthy one!

Or in other words: look, all those stupid moslem didn't find that jesus is the holy one! let's kill'em all!

Or in other words: my imaginary friend is cooler than yours!

drugie: does true will exist?

no i dont and i dont want to, i just think i rationally thought out big parts of the puzzle of existence, as so i see more and more of the picture clearly. it is not a one time thing, it is a process. And i know everyone is in this process and i am not saying i am further then anyone here.

I think there are many people who succeed this, and have known this throughout history and atm, i think it is happening massively in parts.
You just have to connect the pieces of the puzzle through science and religion, as they seek the same but just dont understand eachothers words...
i think more people in the near future will remember as they connect with the collective consciousness. i just am one in the progress and will help in my own way to awaken the people around me i care for.

or in other words: you are not better then me and i am not better then you.
i am not forcing anything on you, just sharing my thoughts.

or in other words: i am not telling any religion is wrong, just that different religions should share thoughts, and seek for the thruth together. if you look at many religions you'll see many of them share many thoughts, and basics.

or in other words: you should see your imaginary friend again and consider integrating him.

I ask you one thing, do you believe in coincidence?

Savior complex is what happens when the heart plexus flourishes, that is, brought about to consciousness. :P

Taking into consideration the matrix is inherently beyond the ego [what is matrix?, is it cultural boundaries or materialistic ones? both? some else?], to what extent are humans active, co-creators of their own matrix? both as individuals and as collective?

Then, what are the consequences of a relativistic conformation of free will-the one built on the ego-matrix matrix?
Then, is the matrix really beyond the ego? ...a carnavalesque of egos that know, or not!, they're in a party with other egos.
I must say I do agree with Envid and thadivine.