To silv
Can you explain/prove why this has to be true?
One thing about the current exsitence is that its all based on one law: Free will. Which means all have the free will not to believe me, and I don't want to force anyone.
For me infinity is as ordinary as breathing. I have done everything I can possibly do and now I've started my life on planet earth in the first density (of 8) of the universal matrix as according to the reasearch from David Wilcock @ The research there is deep, and good for your soul.
I can't say Im 100% sure of that there is 8 densities, but the reserach made by David makes a compelling and convincing case. And by using your own logic mind thinking in terms of infinity and infinte intelligence, what would the creation be like at the end?
The deepest questions cannot be directly proved, for me if I read this that I write now 2 years ago I would probably be like you, and not really believe it. Because it really makes no sense.. But when you study this and you learn from shamans, mysticism, drug experiences beyond normal reality, how your brain works, how your senses work, how the 3rd eye works, and what it means that a particle can be a wave. When you start to study all areas of life and suddenly start to have paranormal experiences like telepathy and dreaming of the future, you start to see that life is something more then what you first thought.
My initial post is there to be controversial, so people want to search for the truth. There's two ways to learn about oneness, through information and through emotion. The experience of oneness is possible with drugs, but that I attach to emotions.
How can you show to me that this is true, or can you only show it to someone who already believes that there is no such thing as death?
I can't show it to you, but if I remove all I learned about death and just use the other information I know that I can't die. And when you study what afterlife researchers have found the case is pretty solid. But then again, its all about free will to believe.
A big problem is that "they", thoose who control earth, have done everything they can to keep us from the truth. They don´t want people to be like me, for them I'm a danger. Yet Im not afraid of "them", from all I've learned I've become fearless.
You say you've looked at everything from a skeptical point of view. How come you suddenly pick up a bunch of nonconfirmed and arbitrary subjective new-age unprovable beliefs?
I don't know exactly what you mean by unconfirmed new age unprobable belifes. It has been prove that telepathy do work. And that channeling is very true and real (Edgar Cayce from the early beginning of the 1900's is the best example and most documented).
So its proven, but totally ignorned by the controlled mainstream science and news.
As I was one of the people skeptical of your original post I do feel insulted, you completely fail to see that people are not being closed minded but that they are actually sensibly and critically thinking about your op. Projection is a word that springs to mind.
If I where a professor with a Ph.D. I would be take more seriously, and I would probably have done alot more reasearch myself and put it online, but since Im nothing special just a nickname on this site its hard to believe me. And also, its pretty difficult since its waaaay controversial. I do understand this, and that's why I put a warning.
So Im sorry if you feel insulted, but I did warn you from reading.
When I started my journey I read a quote: "He who search for truth will find it". And its true, you must willingly want to find the truth. And when you find it inside you it will be overwhelming and extremley loving.
You have to play the game to change it, you can't go around talking about new types of science without people comparing them to their own scientifical standards. You have to start in the paradigm that already exists and try to change that by using the current scientific methods to prove that either they're not sufficient or just that your theory is true.
There are already resarchers and organisations that do this. We live in a paradigm shift.
You try to offend, then say no offense and then you say you want people to wake up. But what if I wake up to a whole different truth than you, and that I see that even though this mainstream of yours isn't paradise, the stuff you talk about is a bunch of Matrix inspired bullshit? Furthermore (assuming you talk to the people who reacted somewhat negatively to your original post) I feel insulted by your assumption that I do what the mainstream tells me and that I don't THINK for myself. Apologies are in place as you're in no way fit to make judgements about my psyche and behaviour.
Nothing I say is meant to be negative. What I mean is to ask yourself that, not to be offensive. I mean, I know that I acted and tried to be like others, and if noone had told me, then how would I know that I was a sheep? Cause I've been a sheep, one of the worst ones, always doing what "they" and other sheeps said was right.
Im not inspired by this "matrix bullshit" (i assume you meant he movies?). I've just gathered information from around the world that woke me up to the real-life matrix.
As far as I'm properly informed this is just guesswork and in no way scientifically proven so as far as I'm concerned I might as well have no natural DMT in my brain whatsoever (please correct me if I'm wrong and show me research that proves this). I would have to ask my psychology teachers, but I find it hard to believe with no proof presented whatsoever that the Pineal gland isn't just a "normal" (quotations added because I don't think the brain is in any way a normal machine) piece of brain hardware.
Search on goold for pineal gland DMT, and also check the book: DMT The spirit molecule by Rick Strassman.
So where is the mind then and by which mechanism does it influence matter?
You mind. And you have different levels of it, when you are the most aware you cannot exist in this reality, then you are the ultimate mind, the infinte one. If you have seen people levitate things by mind only, then you know what mind of matter means, but I assume you haven't.
Russian scientists have researched the phenomena behind levitatio of objects. David Wilcock of have talked to some of them.
Then where are the time travellers from the future? Because if it will be possible some day, they should've already come back to our time if they did at all?
We live in the first world (the 3rd density) where we learn of service to others, love and oneness and to live here we need to have free will. The free will to forget all that we knew. If we came here and knew everything we wouldn't be able to have free will. I mean if you had your godlike powers to levitate things and create things from nothing, people would look at you like a god. So partly its a good thing that we have people keeping this from us, at the same time its sad that we have gone so far away from our true selves, that we cannot even believe that its possible to do theese things.
But, time travellers are not here to enjoy things, the worlds after this, that are in 4th density and above are ALOT more harmonious and amazing then this one. They have no reason to travel back.
Oh wait, they have. They might want to inform us about crucial things. So that's why we got crop circles with PHI showing up and dates that are highligheted such as the war with Georiga and all, where the russians got hold of some secret information regarding USAs involvement.
Crop Circles do tell things through Sacred Geometry and mathematics and if they are made by people with spring boards, well, some might be, but scientists have compared their crops to time travellers crops where the UFO made crops have stalks that are bent and not hurt. They are bent in a way that is impossible if stomped down with a board.
Crop Circles is of course also target of "thoose in charge" doing everything to make us believe that its nothing unnatural about them. But again, they hide deep mathematical geometry and one that came this year showed PHI and this one was in the british mainstream media and some american.
Also this year have had ALOT of crop circles compared to last year. Also UFO sightings have been ALOT more this year in Britain than last year.
So time travellers do exist.. But not they will not infringe on our free will. That's why so many don't believe in them.
I dwell in the here and now, and as I do not approve of a solipsist/idealist philosophical point of view, I only consider us equals in that we're both misguided humans.
I also see us as equals, I see all as equals and I never judge or have a prejudiced mind (anymore since I awoke).
The site was it
If you look up the guy, Wilcock, and you also learn about the book Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? And learn about Edgar Cayce (who was our times greates chaneller visited by famous people and the president, also one of the most documented and his readings of medicinal nature are 98% accurate, with 2% that never could be checked fully, and he knew NOTHING of medecine).
Theese are things that we all should know. But as I said, this world is controlled by "Mr. Smith" and the like. They do everything to stop you from becoming Neo. They don't want you to wake up.
Still as Neo you won't be able to fly, since you would infringe on free will. But what I mean is that you wouldn't have anything to fear and you would most likely try to awake more people and make this world better from the source.
- Enivid