Hehe, its hilarious to read your comments

. All is one, Im just a program of yours, you created me. I am not here as a joke, Im here to tell you that. We're just a code in the Matrix.
Its perfect! We are perfect! Just look at everything around you! Its amazing! Even if it looks like shit, its still pretty damn real!
The point of all is to understand this: Ok, so we are gods, why the fu*k can't I use my powers?
Well, you don't know how, me neither. We're stuck in the Matrix remember?

. So we need to remember just like Neo do in the movies.
2012 will be something that will energize us into higher vibrations. But its possible even know to tap into the source of divine power. We just need to learn how. Meditation, good health and etc. are good ways.
We co-create our real-lifes.
But, our real-lifes are just like in the movies The Matrix just a way to keep us enslaved. We are slaves. Real-life slaves. All material things mean nothing, since we can in the future manifest whatever we want. We are gods, remember?
We live in a society that raps mother earth (
www.storyofstuff.com). We value stuff higher than life itself. We forget what we are here for, and that's love/understanding.
We need to understand eachother, and understand love. We need to understand that love is what makes you sad when you see others get hurt. Love is what makes you sad when others live in pain or with almost no money.
So few people feel this love, and so few people understand that its love that we need.
People are afraid of the word love. So fear runs this matrix. Fear feeds on this matrix like a cancer feeds on destroying healthy cells.
Don't let the cancer destroy you so you loose touch with reality. Don't get trapped in a bad dream. Remember, the majority of the money is created from thinn air and all money is created from debt! You are a slave.
As long as you live with money you are a slave.
We need no money, we can CREATE our own reality.
Don't let the MAINSTREAM guide your life towards totalitarism.
Escape while you can.
Ask questions.
Peace love and understanding!
- Enivid