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The Random Favorite Music, Band, Producer, Song thread

When I'm tripping (LSD), I think my favorite music to listen to is Boards Of Canada. The music is just so abstract and methodical at the same time; It's always seemed like the perfect tripping music to me.

On the other hand, I kinda branched out a little bit on my most recent trip by trying some new music. Here is what I discovered:
Listening to the Inception soundtrack will make you feel like you're in the fucking Posieden Adventure. It was possibly the closest I've ever felt to being in an action/suspense movie, and it was freaking awesome.
Coldplay is good while tripping too.

No music is also good, but I had some weird hallucinations about being probed by aliens. I think they were triggered by a weird modulated buzzing noise that the silence "invoked". I've never done DMT, but I imagine that this is what the "alien languages" sound like.
Ive reciently found that dubstep is great while tripping only tried it with mushrooms and dxm i dont know how the effects of it on lsd would turn out probably interesting if anyone gets the chance let me know i havent had a bad trip yet and would like to keep it this way learn from other then go first hand you know
well i've had both my most euphoric lsd trip which i nickname 'the bliss trip' where everything was golden inside of me...and i've also had my worst trip which was my first bad trip whilst listening to dubstep

both times i was listening to dubstep and both times i was reacting strongly with the music

my advice is just to know the songs on your the tracklist well enough that you wont have any surprises in the music (dubstep can get pretty dark depending on artist)

i cant listen to primus on a trip and can no longer enjoy them properly sober because of my first bad trip, luckily it didnt leave that mark with me on dubstep
but they're not dubstep so its all good :wink:

if you're listening to dubstep and the trip starts to take a turn for the worst simply switch up the music to something a bit more upbeat or tranquil (my advice, do as you will :) )
hixidom a dit:
When I'm tripping (LSD), I think my favorite music to listen to is Boards Of Canada. The music is just so abstract and methodical at the same time; It's always seemed like the perfect tripping music to me.

On the other hand, I kinda branched out a little bit on my most recent trip by trying some new music. Here is what I discovered:
Listening to the Inception soundtrack will make you feel like you're in the fucking Posieden Adventure. It was possibly the closest I've ever felt to being in an action/suspense movie, and it was freaking awesome.
Coldplay is good while tripping too.

No music is also good, but I had some weird hallucinations about being probed by aliens. I think they were triggered by a weird modulated buzzing noise that the silence "invoked". I've never done DMT, but I imagine that this is what the "alien languages" sound like.

Well actually this happened to me two days ago first bad trip sad to admit I wanted to keep my track clean but yah it happened but I found when I was coherent enough to change the station a song called six days at the bottom of the ocean fixed every thing its a realy good song comparable to trip hop but yah thanks for the advice I wish I got online a few days ago lol
The Orb - Batter C Bunny's Munching Orbular Marrow Mix (Thomas Fehlmann)
Something for the kids, maybe. Not really into Dubstep myself.

I like this mindspace a little more:
(...) Oh wait, I can't find anything. :shock: :oops: :cry:
Well, look up Terje Rypdal's, "Rainbow" from his S/T ...if you want.
Lovely, dark, mellow, enigmatic, mysterious, guitar atmospherics.
i have the best music of them all!

Get ready...


you're welcome.
??? that's rude.
I like that song.

IZ-US :heart: I "grew up" with that one :)

recent discovery:
Two more from the mid 90's vault.

mellllow....howie b...criminally underrated.
I really hated that howie b video. unnaturally so. discomforting. reminded me of something I did not like when I was little.

oh I think I posted that one already.

Here's a new one:

One of my favorite video games as a kid. I still listen to the soundtrack weekly
Sorry you didn't like it. :cry: I have a history with it, so maybe that explains my unnatural fondness for Howie B, the video and the song. Blame it on MTV and The Amp. Your videos were pretty cool, btw. Not really into ska but it was different visually and kind of interesting message.

A few more random favorites currently in rotation:
Trip Hop

Funk Boogie
Always good advice.

really loving the line between chaos and order here:


I am into Avril Lavigne songs because her songs are very lively and full of energy. I am inspired with all her songs and I hope I could see more of her songs in the music industry.