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What is the Matrix? reborn thread

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion zezt
  • Date de début Date de début
lol I am not forcing you to keep coming back to my thread. If you don't agree with my explorations that is up to you. We must agree to differ. But you won't shut me up.

I actually seem to be the only action in town round here so don't knock it
I never meant to shut you up.
Maybe you should re read all I have wrote.
There is little we disagree on. And the things we disagree on, you did not address...

But what I find the most shocking, you speak of a goddess but leave out magdalena.
You do not recognize the work of those that staged the stage that staged all things, if you know what I mean...
Sauniere and the erased clues... Why is that not important in your goddess agenda?
While the 9/11 agenda is set out to destroy a religious paradigm that enslaves women like no other culture.
Magdeline is a mythical character which assumes 'Jesus' was an historical figure. when you Google that name you get links claiming Jesus was married to her. It is all nonsense. I am not wanting to encourage that literalist reading of myth, but rather share the info that Jesus like other pagan god~men is really referring to consciousness-changing vegetation
One you start taking myths literally is when all kinds of shit is acted out including actual sacrifice. INSTEAD of understand it is the mushroom which is sacrificed and ones sense of oneself, animals and humans get sacrificed

I Googled "Sauniere and the erased clues" and got links about The Da vinci Code...? That is all fiction also

in you previous post you said
I already believe 9/11 was an inside job, but I don't know for sure. I have believed for long time I've seen a nose out on live television which turned out to be a great optical illusion. I mean, we should build upon what we know and not what we believe.

About the "nose out"? That is called No Planes Theory, or NPT for short. I think that is disinfo. IE that as well as their false flag we have their action of controlled opposition
Jesus was a man which someone have attributed characters said from the prophets:
"are you the messiah?"
"You said it!"
Magdeline was a bitch repudiated by all, but not from him, because, "she, who so much love has given".

maybe all of this happened to him, but maybe it could happen to me...

he has accepted his fate, (crucified between two terrorists)

maybe they have omitted the hashish oil in their operations miraculous......

in fact (maybe) all that we can understand about him, it is we must accept our life, and live it with passion. right!
zezt a dit:
Magdeline is a mythical character which assumes 'Jesus' was an historical figure. when you Google that name you get links claiming Jesus was married to her. It is all nonsense. I am not wanting to encourage that literalist reading of myth, but rather share the info that Jesus like other pagan god~men is really referring to consciousness-changing vegetation
One you start taking myths literally is when all kinds of shit is acted out including actual sacrifice. INSTEAD of understand it is the mushroom which is sacrificed and ones sense of oneself, animals and humans get sacrificed

I think it is fair to say Magdeline was Jesus' wife. I don't need to google her name, I have read her gospel. Sadly lots (and specially significant) data got lost as time wrecked manuscripts. And I am not going into conspiracies here, but there's been a great deal about the manuscripts. More then you'd see in the Da Vinci Code. It's beyond a mushroom, it's about an energy that can't be placed in one word, but if we did Christ would come most near to it.
If you look beyond google into Maria Magdeline and how her relation was with Jesus you'd see it is all in your favor. Jesus even addresses circumcises. He addresses money, religious rulers, ... Can you imagen what a threath this Christ energy was among "rulers over men"? And by throwing it all away because some selfish bastards have claimed the holy spirit (goddess) to themselfs, you might throw away something with significant value along with it.

I Googled "Sauniere and the erased clues" and got links about The Da vinci Code...? That is all fiction also

This priest erased important signs which were placed by previous christfollowers and coded in the manuscripts. This is about a male dominant hiërarchy not giving in to a goddess power and you're not buying that conspiracy? :p They've been talking about this bloodline of Jesus and Maria way before Dan Brown pooped his first diper. Did you know Magdalena says in her manuscript Jesus' didn't come into life by the holy spirit and a virgin?

in you previous post you said

About the "nose out"? That is called No Planes Theory, or NPT for short. I think that is disinfo. IE that as well as their false flag we have their action of controlled opposition

No it's not that. In the NIST report they talk about the plane being shattered to pieces by the concrete collums of the building. That was in huge conflict with the nose out as some seen it go out live (such as I). Then years later I watch it all again and see it's just an opitcal illusion created by the smokecloud. I have seen it in different camera directions and it wasn't a nose, but smoke.
Disinfo or not, that's my experience.
I think WTC5 is about the best prove for an inside job. What more do you need? :)
What is it you wish to achieve by exposing 9/11? World peace? Just an honest question.
Abej^a G. a dit:

There's an interesting issue:

  1. fluoridation.
  2. You knowingly consume toxic poisons like MSG and Aspartame. These two chemicals are widely known to be toxic to the human body. Knowing this and continuing to poison yourself with tasty, but chemical-laden processed foods is a sign that the matrix has programmed you to place less value on your health and future than on your immediate gratification.

I know a guy who has personally warned me for fluoride. That it chalks up our pineal gland. This pineal gland is in fact our eye. Does the eye see or does the brain see? Now he's been talking to me about aliens and that we can't see them anymore. He takes this matrix issue very serious and says we can't see the aliens anymore, because fluoride blocks out a special colorspectrum where they're only visible in...
I got lost there, but did some research as well. This fluoride shouldn't be taken lightly, if it hurts our pineal gland, and all our emotions and feelings come from that place, then we know where these depressions may come from . It is quite irrie to notice all this toxifications going on in our own body.

When you stop eating meat and E products, you'll notice what I mean .... first weeks.
Abej^a G. a dit:

I said earlier our pineal glind is our eye, while I meant our brain is the eye.... :)
Great topic, just don't know how to respond to it.
If all our emotions are created in that place, it's best we feed it with the best nutritions we have.
I have seen this passed many times in my online experience, but generally it seems to go by as if it's nothing.
While this is a huge deal.
Demahdi a dit:
I think it is fair to say Magdeline was Jesus' wife. I don't need to google her name, I have read her gospel. Sadly lots (and specially significant) data got lost as time wrecked manuscripts. And I am not going into conspiracies here, but there's been a great deal about the manuscripts. More then you'd see in the Da Vinci Code. It's beyond a mushroom, it's about an energy that can't be placed in one word, but if we did Christ would come most near to it.
If you look beyond google into Maria Magdeline and how her relation was with Jesus you'd see it is all in your favor. Jesus even addresses circumcises. He addresses money, religious rulers, ... Can you imagen what a threath this Christ energy was among "rulers over men"? And by throwing it all away because some selfish bastards have claimed the holy spirit (goddess) to themselfs, you might throw away something with significant value along with it.

This priest erased important signs which were placed by previous christfollowers and coded in the manuscripts. This is about a male dominant hiërarchy not giving in to a goddess power and you're not buying that conspiracy? :p They've been talking about this bloodline of Jesus and Maria way before Dan Brown pooped his first diper. Did you know Magdalena says in her manuscript Jesus' didn't come into life by the holy spirit and a virgin?

I understand IF it is read as an allegory, but I don't see the point once you know that the core meaning of mythologies usually concerns consciousness-changing vegetation. Once you know this you don't NEED writ down words and stories. Though it helps to receive inspiration as to the understanding the sacredness of nature. So if the story is about that--respecting others, other species, and the natural world, then that is a very good thing.

No it's not that. In the NIST report they talk about the plane being shattered to pieces by the concrete collums of the building. That was in huge conflict with the nose out as some seen it go out live (such as I). Then years later I watch it all again and see it's just an opitcal illusion created by the smokecloud. I have seen it in different camera directions and it wasn't a nose, but smoke.
Disinfo or not, that's my experience.
I think WTC5 is about the best prove for an inside job. What more do you need? :)
What is it you wish to achieve by exposing 9/11? World peace? Just an honest question.

The truth. If we do not investigate and expose 9/11 it means we are living a complete lie. The 9/11 false flag has been and continues to be used for so much evil, invasions, dropping bombs on innocent men, women, and children and all life and contaminating whole regions with pollution from their weapons. Taking aware more and more freedoms from the people, torture, etc.
9/11 was/is not only a massive psy op, but also a mega occult ritual. So it is ultra mind control and tries to create their myth of 'reality' to support their proposed so-called 'New World Order'. So I want to become aware of what they are up to and encourage others to do the same.
This is very good and I will look into its links more later. Love his name, Sigmund Fraud LOL The only thing I worry about is I sense though he has a New Age belief of reality being illusion. This is the deviousness OF the matrix-makers. I am not saying --if it is true--the author is aware of this, but the matrix-makers have made sure to infiltrate the psychedelic movement with the New Age beliefs
Yeah, but I don't think the core is psychedelic use. The core was this energy flowing among people, some call "christ".
And erh Zezt, a mass ritual for what??? Or who??? The devil??? Is She coming at ya like a dark horse yet? There's no going back.
Demahdi a dit:
Yeah, but I don't think the core is psychedelic use. The core was this energy flowing among people, some call "christ".
And erh Zezt, a mass ritual for what??? Or who??? The devil??? Is She coming at ya like a dark horse yet? There's no going back.

It was certainly a mega ritual.

For what? Their 'New World Order' which is a global corporative fascist-communist/collectivist enterprise

President Bush senior made a speech about a New World Order precisely 11 years previous to 9/11 on 9/11/1990

for who? Well they are Luciferians, and their chosen myth is to justify the evil abuse and exploitation of others and planet Earth, believing themselves to be gods and so the mythical characters they invoke are those that defy 'God' like Lucifer who stole fire from the gods, and in their interpretation of the Genesis 'creation' myth told Adam and Eve they could be gods

They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon.” (Rev 9:11)

APOLLYON. The Greek name, meaning “Destroyer,” given in Revelation 9:11 for “the angel of the bottomless pit” (in Hebrew called Abaddon), also identified as the king of the demonic “locusts” described in Revelation 9:3-10…In one manuscript, instead of Apollyon the text reads “Apollo,” the Greek god of death and pestilence as well as of the sun, music, poetry, crops and herds, and medicine. Apollyon is no doubt the correct reading. But the name Apollo (Gk Apollon) was often linked in ancient Greek writings with the verb apollymi or apollyo, “destroy.” From this time of Grotius, “Apollyon” has often been taken here to be a play on the name Apollo. The locust was an emblem of this god, who poisoned his victims, and the name “Apollyon” may be used allusively in Revelation to attack the pagan god and so indirectly the Roman emperor Domitian, who liked to be regarded as Apollo incarnate.”(Abaddon, Anchor Bible Dictionary, philologos.org) source

The massive Hollywood-like destruction of the TWINS--the WTC towers-- was a ritualistic destroying on an 'older 'world' and bringing in of the 'NEW' world order'. So in effect they are trying to create a new mythology, and history, on deep levels. To impregnate it into the global psyche via its occult sacrificial mega ritual
we talk about manymanymany years ago.

but now? we have Ukraine. It's troue or false? Which colors are greens of Kiev?! Putin push a botton and Europe doesn't have more gas.
who know what is happening in Ukraine?
Pope Francesco goes in Jerusalem("Ukraine? I spoke about Ukraine... 4 may!"), palestinias civilians fight vs israeli military, obama talk talk talk, china see all of that.
It is the matrix we are feeding by our choices.
The kingdom of heaven is within and all around us.
I'm going to put it as plane and simple as I can.
I participated killing our world this month, only the second of may, already more then twice. I bought products with a huge karma debt and I couldn't ignore my body craving for this good smelling burger this afternoon at the market. I mean, humanity has taken over the place. Each has his own special need x 7 billion. Our forces go their course and we like pointing fingers, but we fail to understand what we see in the mirror.

I have been questioning conspiracies and secrets of the world, but it's taken time and I have not developed anything particulair special of significant value. Well I have love... and many difficult situations because I have been resisting and pushing too much in this matrix, always going for the more. But if I have looked more into myself, I would've achieved more into this matrix. I have always been looking up, which made me look down. But it's the center that meets the eye, ... I love what's been given to me and what's around me. And I pray to Christ that we may be saved of our own demons and that we may find the path to our true selfs. It starts with the self eventually.

It isn't about Putin or Bush, it's about the people in front of you.
Red Pill = Fear and negative truths
Blue pill = Extreme ignorance
Purple pill = Unlimited peace and smart humans who use chemistry to become infinite and respect nature and benefit from nature and science as well. I found an image for the purple pill.

SWIMchem5 a dit:
Don't take the blue pill or the red pill. Take the purple pill! 8)

im on that purple pill 8) (metaphorically, i didn't have to take a pill or anything).

That's actually a good one because purple is also the color representing the third eye chakra, which is the pineal gland!
Zezt, how are you feeling curently? Do you see this as the forcoming of a clash of the civilizations?
I noticed you haven't been on for over a month now.... Seriously, I'm worried.