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What is the Matrix? reborn thread

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion zezt
  • Date de début Date de début
zezt a dit:
Sounds like Goddess religion lol

I think Jesus understood what was whiped out before and tried to change it subtle.
He understood the current hiërarchies were build upon war, aggression, suppression, ...
That's why He said not to bring peace by the sword, but by knowledge.
He tried to get in everyones head, maybe He did use psychedelics back then for his students. I strongly belief He did. I also believe the Church has captivated this true message Jesus brought to the people.
And yes, He did give his full authority to Maria, a woman. Petrus was quite jealous. And the gospels in the bible aren't authentique at all. But you can bet Thomas' gospel is.
It is quite striking how they change everything in the books to an opposite.

So let me ask you this, do you believe Jesus walked the earth? l believe Jesus wasn't the only one, but it was a dawn for mankind where this christ energy arose strongly in the flows produced by psychedelics.
But as we all come down from this psychedlics, this christ energy isn't the only flow flowing into life... There's this evil inside of us taking over the place constantly. Yeah I know what you think, male dominance hahaha :) But how are we to overcome this ?
Demahdi a dit:
I think Jesus understood what was whiped out before and tried to change it subtle.
He understood the current hiërarchies were build upon war, aggression, suppression, ...
That's why He said not to bring peace by the sword, but by knowledge.
He tried to get in everyones head, maybe He did use psychedelics back then for his students. I strongly belief He did. I also believe the Church has captivated this true message Jesus brought to the people.
And yes, He did give his full authority to Maria, a woman. Petrus was quite jealous. And the gospels in the bible aren't authentique at all. But you can bet Thomas' gospel is.
It is quite striking how they change everything in the books to an opposite.

So let me ask you this, do you believe Jesus walked the earth? l believe Jesus wasn't the only one, but it was a dawn for mankind where this christ energy arose strongly in the flows produced by psychedelics.
But as we all come down from this psychedlics, this christ energy isn't the only flow flowing into life... There's this evil inside of us taking over the place constantly. Yeah I know what you think, male dominance hahaha :) But how are we to overcome this ?

The major problem with the Jesus myth from a Goddess oriented perspective is that in the myth--which is supposed to be taken to be literal and historical--has the 'god~man' die, resurrect and then leave nature, leave Earth and 'return' to his 'father' in 'heaven' and not be born again in a mother's womb. So this myth is a radical difference from earlier pagan god-man myths where the born-again god recycles as nature does. So, therefore it creates the mythic disdain for nature--for us being nature, and changing like nature does via death birth and regeneration.

So why, where would this idea come from?

Well a clue could be, that if the myth is a kind of deep secret analogy of the consciousness-changing psychedelic mushrooms, and therefore like other pagan gods who were the names of the actual 'sacred mushrooms' that you eat and became possessed by the god, then IF it became assumed that the amazing mushrooms came from above, and Earth was not their origin, like other plants who seed themselves, then the myth would follow that assumption that the goal is to return from whence the mushrooms are supposed to come from---above, as 'God'. This is what John Allegro explains in his book The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross. He says how ancient people had no microscopic technology which would let them see how mushrooms progenerate via microscopic seeds known as spores!
So this idea of the mushroom being their god can be understood via this biblical verse which is both literal and hidden at the same time:

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth"
(John, 1-16).

IE they are seeing their mushroom' god as being the enfleshed source of the 'Word' or 'Logos'. These myth makers write down words and call it the 'word of God' and they most likely would use the mushrooms and possibly other plants in this way. And then the words become literally set in stone. of course they would also use words and themes from earlier myths too.

So to summarize: IF they assumed that these magic mushrooms came from above without any seed accept 'God's seed' (they believed they came with thunder and lightning storms), then their cosmological emphasis was on the 'above' versus 'down here'. In their myth 'here'/nature/Earth.thebody, our natures is 'fallen' and their 'God' who is 'up there' is pure good spirit. And so the goal is to get to leave earth and/or at some future date--the 'Last Days/Judgement' their up-there-god' will return to 'down-here' and MAKE Earth pure again, as it was supposed to be before 'the fall'.

Now all of that idea is counter to what Goddess religion is all about. In Goddess mythology nature and the body, and death rebirth and regeneration is sacred. There is no guilting people that they are bad and need to 'become pure' to escape nature, and mamas womb or that nature needs making pure.

So let me ask you this, do you believe Jesus walked the earth? l believe Jesus wasn't the only one, but it was a dawn for mankind where this christ energy arose strongly in the flows produced by psychedelics.
But as we all come down from this psychedelics, this christ energy isn't the only flow flowing into life... There's this evil inside of us taking over the place constantly. Yeah I know what you think, male dominance hahaha :) But how are we to overcome this ?

There is no actual historical evidence a Jesus of Nazareth existed.

The idea of an 'evil inside of us' which is trying to destroy the 'good', and take us over comes from patriarchal belief systems who create the scenario of a battle between good and evil. Their myths envisage that you can have an independent 'good' and an independent 'evil' and one can completely obliterate the other. This is patriarchal dualism.
In reality good and bad are extremes of experience, but these extremes are not separate entities but are part of a living dynamic whereby you cannot have one without the other, or KNOW one without the other.

An example: look at the screen you are reading this from, and become aware of how there is black text on a lighter or white background. Now in order to read, and understand the meaning of what your reading, or typing, you need both the black and white, right? If I was typing in just white you couldn't see and KNOW my words, or meaning could you? And if I was typing black text on a black ground or space you couldn't see the text either. So the black and white is a dynamic needed for the experience of reading and typing.
zezt a dit:
Don't understand? All evidence points to deliberate long planning and carrying out by people OTHER then the so-called 19 hijackers armed with boxcutters. All that is an absurd BS myth.

Makes you wonder about all the rest in the history books huh? If this is how history is written, then what is our future to come?

The devil is the creation of the Christians. You can actually see how they create him when you study the history of the devil.
However what you ask is very complex because these mythical archetypes once set in motion into the imagination can possess people and groups. Doesn't mean they are 'real', but of someone does something very evil to someone you love because 'the devil made him do it' it is of course VERy real then. People can have NDEs where they have hellish experiences, or heavenly experience. So what does this mean? Well I do not see it meaning that the myth of everlasting hell is real, but that there is a dynamic of extremes that can be experienced in different realms or dimensions of experience, yet these experiences are not static
Take a regular day, in the morning you may feel good, and then something may happen and by afternoon you may be pissed off, and this mood colours how you see others, etc, and by evening you may feel something entirely different. it is changing all the time. Even feeling ecstatic changes. There is often a build up and then a climax and then a descent, etc

Oh zezt, I was hoping we could look beyond that. The Christian religion is hijacked. But the devil isn't a person like god is a person. Look at christ and the devil in energyflows created in life by humans. This energy is very real as we see them all around us. I hope we can look at this with an open mind. I understood well you look far beyond the myth, ... But we mustn't overlook what was blacked out back then in my oppinion.

Like said the very beginnings of democracy in ancient Greece did not include women and people who were enslaved. There is alot of talk about how free women are in our culture, because this is contrasted with women in cultures which have women wearing veils etc, etc. But isn't it true that may women here have to work and dont have much time with their kids if they have any, and there is pressure to join the man's business world which many men hate? So no I don't agree. yes I can see they can wear what they want, but many women now are hopelessly addicted to alcohol, and this must be a a result of some great loss they feel as do men. A deep spiritual loss, and also the overall oppression of this culture which affects body, mind and soul.

But today there aren't slaves. Well not in that form anymore :) Democracy is a changeble system, well religious systems are not. You see my point? :) Democracy leaves room for differiations and isn't absolute.
I think this goes far beyond women and alcohol, ... The spiritual loss is for you to find again, and I believe we have a great field of exploring in our Western society.
I mean, who's going to kill for you speaking your beliefs out loud? Who's going to say what to wear or not? Nobody has forced women to join the business world, they wanted to do that themselfs and we should applaud that zezt!

Yes that is the change. The natural change of life, but the powers-that-couldn't-be do not like change unless they control it--'ORDER AB CHAO' "order out of chaos". it is they who want to control your reality as if you are their robot. THIS we have to become aware of.

And what if awareness brings along the understanding that this forces are univetable?
You are not a robot, only if you let them to be...

Well Rome was pagan, but it was solar paganism which is on par with the patriarchy. it is dualistic, and militaristic, and wants to swallow everyone and the world up. This continues now with the those who see themselves connected with such fascist empires.

That's why we should keep participating and speak our oppinion. If have nothing to compare to, but I believe things only gotten better and that these things are settled automaticly by a force acting up on all our choices made in free will... We are free and we are not, we just worry about the wrong things which captivates ourselfs... "Something something something and something Buddha might say"

I don't know if 'we' are. I don't fee it.
FIRST you gotta see it

I don't mean to be rude by this, but I'm going to point something out. Travel to Yemen, speak out loud about a goddess religion and if you make it back you are strongly aware of your freedom.
Yeah we see it, but we don't know what we got until it's gone. And if we don't like what we are seeing, stopt feeding it and keep participating ;)

Well fuck the majority. Often the majority are a group of mind controlled robots led by a predatory gang of suits. You have to see what is right for yourself and not allow mob rule to push you into beliving destructive things and doing same. This may means just you alone.

When you are born to become a housewife and your father thinks paying for education is a waste, because your husband is already chosen for you, .... isn't that a robot?
But a majority there thinks that's alright, those who don't agree migrate to Western countries.
Which majority should we fuck zezt? ;)

Of course. It isn't always all sweetness and light. Ecstasy often can include the deepest terror.

Yeah, but why now? I have been sick before my trips started, but never like this.. It's insane! :)

When I speak of possession I don't really mean as in taken over by A 'spirit', but a sense of total abandon to flowingness. I see inner and outer interrelated and when in ecstasy this becomes deeply apparent, and so not to fight it but just go with it. I encourage singing, chanting and making music and dancing, or rolling around. Just abandoning oneself to ecstatic flow

Yes I know, I just think there's something huge beyond this curtain of reality... And when it does poke in, it's something biblical one has no control over. I dare not speak of this, for you will make me a lunatic. Which you may already have, but let's not make things worse :D lol

well it starts with ourselves, and if others are interested then that is OK, if they are not they aint. Some just don't get it

But what should we do with ourselves? Start a goddess church?
Demahdi a dit:
Makes you wonder about all the rest in the history books huh? If this is how history is written, then what is our future to come?

you mean his story? 8) Orwell rightly saw "those who control the past control the future"
“Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future.” ― George Orwell, 1984
This is why it is very important to become aware of their matrix. They are doing this with terrible planned atrocities like 9/11 etc. Creating mythic pasts so as to control now and the future.

Oh zezt, I was hoping we could look beyond that. The Christian religion is hijacked. But the devil isn't a person like god is a person. Look at christ and the devil in energyflows created in life by humans. This energy is very real as we see them all around us. I hope we can look at this with an open mind. I understood well you look far beyond the myth, ... But we mustn't overlook what was blacked out back then in my oppinion.

IS God a person? Not clear what you mean "what was blacked out back then"?

But today there aren't slaves. Well not in that form anymore :) Democracy is a changeble system, well religious systems are not. You see my point? :) Democracy leaves room for differiations and isn't absolute.
I think this goes far beyond women and alcohol, ... The spiritual loss is for you to find again, and I believe we have a great field of exploring in our Western society.
I mean, who's going to kill for you speaking your beliefs out loud? Who's going to say what to wear or not? Nobody has forced women to join the business world, they wanted to do that themselfs and we should applaud that zezt!

I love you but you seem naive :) 'Slavery' is by degrees. When people HAVE to work or have money cut off which can mean ending up sleeping on the streets, and women feeling they have to go on the game to feed their kids, etc this is slavery. To do a job you hate is slavery. To do awful jobs that destroy health, physical menatal and spiritualiy is slavery. Your body, and energy, becomes the property of the one that gives or takes away you money-to-'live'. You can call it what you want, but many people are not happy and more and more people are on psychiatric medication. The whole myth of 'mental illness' is also mind control, and a big central part of their matrix.
I am thinking you live in Holland? If so, out of all Europe, Holland has been the most liberal, and there has been far more freedom there than nearly anywhere else. Freedom to grow and ingest cannabis, and psychedelics. So if so maybe you are judging your experience there with other places?
Of course we could go through the patriarchal matrix, and point finger at other places that are worse. How in some Muslim countries it is considered a heinous crime against 'God' and the 'prophet' to leave the religion, etc etc etc. Also in Israel it is very racist, and in Uganda if you are gay you can find yourself persecuted and even killed, and there has been a call for State execution for being gay there. And sadly other African countries, including places like Jamaica, are VERY homophobic. So you can look at that and then look 'here' and think that here then is 'the way'. But I am NOT seeing that.
For one, it is a fasle sense of 'freedom'. I love this quote by Frank Zappa:
[h=3]"The illusion of freedom [in America] will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater."[/h]

Go and ask black and other ethnic peoples in America the 'land of the free' whether they agree with you. A,erica has the largest prison complex EVER in the wolrd that enslaves a massive percent of black and ethnic peoples, and it is made into a fukin industry!! Innocent people who live in poor black neighbourhoods have had to put up with SWAT teams busting into their houses at all times, and shooting mothers children. it is horrendous. So if you think slavery ended for black people, think again. So there is that fact.
And then there is the fact that the very reason people in the west, including Holland can get cheap goods, tecno gadgets and clothes etc, is because the corporations 'outsource' the work to people out of sight in poor countries where people are expecting to work like slaves for a pittance!
Then there is the DEBT slavery. Check this out: YOU Are A Slave and Here's How - MOC #234

And what if awareness brings along the understanding that this forces are univetable?
You are not a robot, only if you let them to be...

Whole point of this thread is to encourage the waking up to the myth that we are supposed to be robots. But the only way we can do this is making effort to LOOK and undermine what they are doing. it doesn't have to be all serious. In fact the doing of this begins bringing you closer and deeper into contact with ecstatic living nature

That's why we should keep participating and speak our oppinion. If have nothing to compare to, but I believe things only gotten better and that these things are settled automaticly by a force acting up on all our choices made in free will... We are free and we are not, we just worry about the wrong things which captivates ourselfs... "Something something something and something Buddha might say"

Thing is to see the chains that bind. Nothing worse than pretending you dont. And this also make others feel shit because it means you dont feel THEIR chains

I don't mean to be rude by this, but I'm going to point something out. Travel to Yemen, speak out loud about a goddess religion and if you make it back you are strongly aware of your freedom.
Yeah we see it, but we don't know what we got until it's gone. And if we don't like what we are seeing, stopt feeding it and keep participating ;)

I have covered this above. I am saying eg--yes, the patriarchy has taken over most of the world. Some places are very extreme. But the reason you dont dig how OUR shit is extreme is that you are not aware of it. What the west has been up to is VERY evil and oppressive. It seems you imagine it has payed no part on the oppression you see elsewhere? that is not so. That myth of 'how great the west is with his cowboy hat on, and his 'freedom' is his story

When you are born to become a housewife and your father thinks paying for education is a waste, because your husband is already chosen for you, .... isn't that a robot?
But a majority there thinks that's alright, those who don't agree migrate to Western countries.
Which majority should we fuck zezt? ;)

Hear of Aaron Russo (I dont want to inudate you with videos but will link you later). Well he claims in an interview he did that he became friendly with one of the Rockefellers, and this guy, Nick Rockefeller confessed to him 11 months before 9/11 happened that there was going to be an "event" (didn't say it was 9/11) and this would give excuse for 'us' to invade Iraq, Afghanistan, and etc. And he also said that they were behind the 'Feminism movement'---because they wanted to get control of the children, and also get more money from working women. He also said their end goal was to get every one shipped with RIFD chips so they would have complete control over people. they could take money instantly from you and if needed turn you money supply off!
Now it makes sense. Regarding 'Feminism'--IS being part of the manic cut-throat male corporate world liberation for women...?

Yeah, but why now? I have been sick before my trips started, but never like this.. It's insane! :)

Please can you tell me in as much detail as possible your experiences?

Yes I know, I just think there's something huge beyond this curtain of reality... And when it does poke in, it's something biblical one has no control over. I dare not speak of this, for you will make me a lunatic. Which you may already have, but let's not make things worse :D lol

I think you underestimate me a little here. I am VERY interested in all of this. Please go as deep as you like with me, and I will never judge you. Have you hear of John Weir Perry? I read his book Trials of a Visionary Mind all about how people classed by this culture "schizophrenic" were given a loving caring space provided by Perry and others, where psychiatric drugs were not mandatory, and people were respected and asked to share their experiences which were VERY mythical. And this place called DIABASIS had great success helping people without having to become chronic lifelong psychiatric patients.
This culture frear extreme experience, and this fear also includes psychedelic experience. But it is CRUCIAL we understand this because so many people who go through these states are utterly abused, disrespected and damaged because of the toxic drugs they force on them. There is an enormous pressure from the mega-billions pharmaceutical industry to keep the mental illness myth going, and they target more and more children now with thier fucking drugs.
So as you can see I am passionate about this and you can trust me to respect your experiences and listen

But what should we do with ourselves? Start a goddess church?

the 'Goddess church' is nature :)
zezt a dit:
you mean his story? 8) Orwell rightly saw "those who control the past control the future" This is why it is very important to become aware of their matrix. They are doing this with terrible planned atrocities like 9/11 etc. Creating mythic pasts so as to control now and the future.

Good one :)

IS God a person? Not clear what you mean "what was blacked out back then"?

Yes zezt, I'm finally coming out of the closet. It was me all along.
They blacked out the message that we need no religious hiërarchies to attain spiritual freedom, but enlightenment is within all of us. And that men and women are equal, such as all humans.
Jesus flesh might indeed be a mushroom! If that is the case and this can be proven, as He had a wife which He gave his authority to, do you know what this means??? :)

I love you but you seem naive :) 'Slavery' is by degrees. When people HAVE to work or have money cut off which can mean ending up sleeping on the streets, and women feeling they have to go on the game to feed their kids, etc this is slavery. To do a job you hate is slavery. To do awful jobs that destroy health, physical menatal and spiritualiy is slavery. Your body, and energy, becomes the property of the one that gives or takes away you money-to-'live'. You can call it what you want, but many people are not happy and more and more people are on psychiatric medication. The whole myth of 'mental illness' is also mind control, and a big central part of their matrix.

Yes in degrees. But we should be careful what we wish for. What if nobody needs to work anymore and machines start doing everything. We are with 7 billion people zezt. It got very complicated. You can not expect everyone to be free. "My freedom stops where yours begins".
I feel your point strongly, but please try to look beyond this negative image. The system is fucked up, but we need it to build up to another. That's how everythings work. When you take away everything at once, anarchy will take over.

I am thinking you live in Holland? If so, out of all Europe, Holland has been the most liberal, and there has been far more freedom there than nearly anywhere else. Freedom to grow and ingest cannabis, and psychedelics. So if so maybe you are judging your experience there with other places?
Of course we could go through the patriarchal matrix, and point finger at other places that are worse. How in some Muslim countries it is considered a heinous crime against 'God' and the 'prophet' to leave the religion, etc etc etc. Also in Israel it is very racist, and in Uganda if you are gay you can find yourself persecuted and even killed, and there has been a call for State execution for being gay there. And sadly other African countries, including places like Jamaica, are VERY homophobic. So you can look at that and then look 'here' and think that here then is 'the way'. But I am NOT seeing that.
For one, it is a fasle sense of 'freedom'. I love this quote by Frank Zappa:

Close to Holland, but regular visitor ;). My country is voting against drugs, zero tolerance. And trust me, we had our issues in the media with our pedofile priests etc. Guessed it yet? ;) Huge talk of separation and society here is in big distress. So no, I'm not judging from an Holland experience, more like a Brussels experience. All religious countries are fucked up, but democratic countries have known peace (among eachother lol) for decades now. And people are free to say and think whatever they want.

Maybe we are never free until tomorrow which we create today.

Go and ask black and other ethnic peoples in America the 'land of the free' whether they agree with you. A,erica has the largest prison complex EVER in the wolrd that enslaves a massive percent of black and ethnic peoples, and it is made into a fukin industry!! Innocent people who live in poor black neighbourhoods have had to put up with SWAT teams busting into their houses at all times, and shooting mothers children. it is horrendous. So if you think slavery ended for black people, think again. So there is that fact.
And then there is the fact that the very reason people in the west, including Holland can get cheap goods, tecno gadgets and clothes etc, is because the corporations 'outsource' the work to people out of sight in poor countries where people are expecting to work like slaves for a pittance!
Then there is the DEBT slavery. Check this out: YOU Are A Slave and Here's How - MOC #234

Of course a black american in the ghetto is going to reply totally different to that question then a black american who finished is P.H.D. There are already products that carry clean karma and already zero waste shops in the west. People just don't choose enough to support the products.

Whole point of this thread is to encourage the waking up to the myth that we are supposed to be robots. But the only way we can do this is making effort to LOOK and undermine what they are doing. it doesn't have to be all serious. In fact the doing of this begins bringing you closer and deeper into contact with ecstatic living nature

They are forbidding the fruit but nobody is willing to come out of the closet to reclaim the fruit.
They are sucking out the earth to manifacture products we buy.
So you see zezt, it's a two way street. We can see what we are doing, but we keep making the same choices.

Thing is to see the chains that bind. Nothing worse than pretending you dont. And this also make others feel shit because it means you dont feel THEIR chains

I see the chains. But we mustn't fight them off and lose all our power with it. Instead we must use what's already in place and give that our full support.

I have covered this above. I am saying eg--yes, the patriarchy has taken over most of the world. Some places are very extreme. But the reason you dont dig how OUR shit is extreme is that you are not aware of it. What the west has been up to is VERY evil and oppressive. It seems you imagine it has payed no part on the oppression you see elsewhere? that is not so. That myth of 'how great the west is with his cowboy hat on, and his 'freedom' is his story

But it was ... yes ... univetable. There is no right and there is no wrong when it comes to things like this...
They're just cultural systems building up and I wouldn't wanna live anywhere else then the West. Don't you love Europe?

Hear of Aaron Russo (I dont want to inudate you with videos but will link you later). Well he claims in an interview he did that he became friendly with one of the Rockefellers, and this guy, Nick Rockefeller confessed to him 11 months before 9/11 happened that there was going to be an "event" (didn't say it was 9/11) and this would give excuse for 'us' to invade Iraq, Afghanistan, and etc. And he also said that they were behind the 'Feminism movement'---because they wanted to get control of the children, and also get more money from working women. He also said their end goal was to get every one shipped with RIFD chips so they would have complete control over people. they could take money instantly from you and if needed turn you money supply off!
Now it makes sense. Regarding 'Feminism'--IS being part of the manic cut-throat male corporate world liberation for women...?

Yeah I heard of that. You already have a chip. Why would they want to put it in our skin?
They can block all your accounts already, whipe your existence out in a second, and they have face recognization. Smartphones included ... so privacy is gone. Welcome in BB society...

Please can you tell me in as much detail as possible your experiences?

It is very personal, ...

I think you underestimate me a little here. I am VERY interested in all of this. Please go as deep as you like with me, and I will never judge you. Have you hear of John Weir Perry? I read his book Trials of a Visionary Mind all about how people classed by this culture "schizophrenic" were given a loving caring space provided by Perry and others, where psychiatric drugs were not mandatory, and people were respected and asked to share their experiences which were VERY mythical. And this place called DIABASIS had great success helping people without having to become chronic lifelong psychiatric patients.
This culture frear extreme experience, and this fear also includes psychedelic experience. But it is CRUCIAL we understand this because so many people who go through these states are utterly abused, disrespected and damaged because of the toxic drugs they force on them. There is an enormous pressure from the mega-billions pharmaceutical industry to keep the mental illness myth going, and they target more and more children now with thier fucking drugs.
So as you can see I am passionate about this and you can trust me to respect your experiences and listen

Yeah I heard some of him. But not that much. Let me put it in a nutshell for you.

Well I think there's something trying to communicate with me. My girlfriend doesn't smoke, drink, doesn't do psychedelics, doesn't eat meat. She's my sitter.
It all started after I picked up psycedelics again. I hadn't used them since years. I left my previous life and got drawn to them again in curious ways. Drank 2-3g dried cubensis in a cup of tea and there we went again.
I got into a warm bed, to my suprise I come into the trip quite subtle and no nasua. I heard myself think "lift off" and as I thought that I was lifting off quite literaly. The colours of television were filling my entire wall now. TV got off and I had this party sensation of buzzes going off inside of me. Feeling quite comfortable all is fine, nothing is going to happen. So I look at my girlfriend telling her the shrooms were doing a great job and I never noticed her so sexy before,.... We had a great night to make a long story short. But there was this guidance, ... opening my eyes and mind. I literaly saw her body as my temple and how a wonderful woman she was. So all this night I had no cigarettes, no nothing, just me and her enjoying this unique moment of pure openess. Nothing but us and that's how the night passed. As she went off to the bathroom to refresh herself I was alone in the room,... Looking up to the sealing trying to figure out what happened and if we shouldn't be embaressed confronting our neighbours next day as we sure woke up the entire block... I heard a laughter in my head and I had this smile as if I was in the caring love of a Superior Intelligence. As she got back in the room I noticed how her hairs were electricly charged :)
So we were quite happy to welcome this mushroom in our life as a new friend. Though my girlfriend will never use it. But she has never seen me in that way. We had since we met great disturbances in our relationship. I know her for 15 years now but we are dating again for a year now. Time can change a human a lot and situations with great responsibilities can be a great load on another. There were great issues we didn't confront and kept inside.
A lot got sorted out in some way that trip, but our lust got much in the way that night to sort out any more :D
So we went on with our daily lives and weeks later in a perfect moment I made another cup of tea, around 5g dried cubensis. And again perfect lift off. Now I get this insights and I start relating these feelings to my girlfriend and it is as if she's a royal princess. Our bedroom is the land of Narnia (she's sober) and all is in her domain. Now I'm the sort of guy that doesn't buy flowers and isn't into valentines day. But here I am making my girlfriend opening tenthousands of presents just by formulating words on which my intuïtion is responding/receiving to. All this came out and we connected our dots and got a clear visual on how we should share our future. These things that seemed to be in our way, and we didn't confront, didn't seem to be an obstacle that high we couldn't overcome. So the words were out, our skeletons were out of the closet. I don't think I ever felt more releaved in life then when all that got sorted out.

Now I am leaving out this presence and inside jokes with lots of laughter because I have not find a way to describe it. But weeks to a month later I feel like provoking this presence... So here we go, I try to eat some but end up making tea eventually around 5-6g dried cubensis.... (I had this cheering and applauding thoughts as I was trying to eat them, i've had this thought of taking some through salavia in my previous trip but didn't feel like taking more at that specific moment)
Oh well, here we are lifting up and I am asking who this is, but there is nothing and that is exactly what it is, nothing. But there can't be something without nothing can't there? So I'm floating away in thoughts and I keep asking, there must be some way for you to give me clear comfirmation I am dealing with something other then myself... It's great to have these thoughts, but can't I just for once see it.... and here is where any language will fail me ... These coïncedences start piling up and as it starts piling up I'm getting all amazed and stunned, freightened, this winds comes on, the walls are flowing with energy, there's no where I can go, no where I can look to escape this... I'm going very bad now and as I keep focussing on the raging wind and start vomiting my girlfriend starts noticing I'm going real bad now ... I am trying to get away from it, but there's not turning back now... Yet I keep persisting to avoid this now for I am too overwhelmed and I get everyone together as they see me running around naking hearing me messing up the toilet, while vomiting in front of it...
Well that was that, or what I am willing to share :)
... Great fear and this presence that's practicly everywhere, but I could not recognize before...
I think the safest dose for me is 2g dried, beyond that is just way out of hand now...
The nothing that can shake everything up ... it's nothing, but it's something alright...
Demahdi a dit:
Yes in degrees. But we should be careful what we wish for. What if nobody needs to work anymore and machines start doing everything. We are with 7 billion people zezt. It got very complicated. You can not expect everyone to be free. "My freedom stops where yours begins".
I feel your point strongly, but please try to look beyond this negative image. The system is fucked up, but we need it to build up to another. That's how everythings work. When you take away everything at once, anarchy will take over.
Nobody does need to work

Close to Holland, but regular visitor ;). My country is voting against drugs, zero tolerance. And trust me, we had our issues in the media with our pedofile priests etc. Guessed it yet? ;) Huge talk of separation and society here is in big distress. So no, I'm not judging from an Holland experience, more like a Brussels experience. All religious countries are fucked up, but democratic countries have known peace (among eachother lol) for decades now. And people are free to say and think whatever they want.

Maybe we are never free until tomorrow which we create today.

Regarding first part. We will have to agree to differ on this.

Of course a black american in the ghetto is going to reply totally different to that question then a black american who finished is P.H.D. There are already products that carry clean karma and already zero waste shops in the west. People just don't choose enough to support the products.

haven't a clue what you mean :?:

They are forbidding the fruit but nobody is willing to come out of the closet to reclaim the fruit.
They are sucking out the earth to manifacture products we buy.
So you see zezt, it's a two way street. We can see what we are doing, but we keep making the same choices.

Start with yourself

I see the chains. But we mustn't fight them off and lose all our power with it. Instead we must use what's already in place and give that our full support.

Again I am not understanding what you mean

But it was ... yes ... univetable. There is no right and there is no wrong when it comes to things like this...
They're just cultural systems building up and I wouldn't wanna live anywhere else then the West. Don't you love Europe?
Agfain you assume that the 'great lifestyle for SOME in Europe comes at no cost. But as I have siad that is a lie. There are people living lives of grinding poverty and slaving away so people here can think 'ahhh what a great life'!

Yeah I heard of that. You already have a chip. Why would they want to put it in our skin?
They can block all your accounts already, whipe your existence out in a second, and they have face recognization. Smartphones included ... so privacy is gone. Welcome in BB society...

It will be worse chipped!

It is very personal, ...

I see

Yeah I heard some of him. But not that much. Let me put it in a nutshell for you.

Well I think there's something trying to communicate with me. My girlfriend doesn't smoke, drink, doesn't do psychedelics, doesn't eat meat. She's my sitter.
It all started after I picked up psycedelics again. I hadn't used them since years. I left my previous life and got drawn to them again in curious ways. Drank 2-3g dried cubensis in a cup of tea and there we went again.
I got into a warm bed, to my suprise I come into the trip quite subtle and no nasua. I heard myself think "lift off" and as I thought that I was lifting off quite literaly. The colours of television were filling my entire wall now. TV got off and I had this party sensation of buzzes going off inside of me. Feeling quite comfortable all is fine, nothing is going to happen. So I look at my girlfriend telling her the shrooms were doing a great job and I never noticed her so sexy before,.... We had a great night to make a long story short. But there was this guidance, ... opening my eyes and mind. I literaly saw her body as my temple and how a wonderful woman she was. So all this night I had no cigarettes, no nothing, just me and her enjoying this unique moment of pure openess. Nothing but us and that's how the night passed. As she went off to the bathroom to refresh herself I was alone in the room,... Looking up to the sealing trying to figure out what happened and if we shouldn't be embaressed confronting our neighbours next day as we sure woke up the entire block... I heard a laughter in my head and I had this smile as if I was in the caring love of a Superior Intelligence. As she got back in the room I noticed how her hairs were electricly charged :)
So we were quite happy to welcome this mushroom in our life as a new friend. Though my girlfriend will never use it. But she has never seen me in that way. We had since we met great disturbances in our relationship. I know her for 15 years now but we are dating again for a year now. Time can change a human a lot and situations with great responsibilities can be a great load on another. There were great issues we didn't confront and kept inside.
A lot got sorted out in some way that trip, but our lust got much in the way that night to sort out any more :D
So we went on with our daily lives and weeks later in a perfect moment I made another cup of tea, around 5g dried cubensis. And again perfect lift off. Now I get this insights and I start relating these feelings to my girlfriend and it is as if she's a royal princess. Our bedroom is the land of Narnia (she's sober) and all is in her domain. Now I'm the sort of guy that doesn't buy flowers and isn't into valentines day. But here I am making my girlfriend opening tenthousands of presents just by formulating words on which my intuïtion is responding/receiving to. All this came out and we connected our dots and got a clear visual on how we should share our future. These things that seemed to be in our way, and we didn't confront, didn't seem to be an obstacle that high we couldn't overcome. So the words were out, our skeletons were out of the closet. I don't think I ever felt more releaved in life then when all that got sorted out.

Now I am leaving out this presence and inside jokes with lots of laughter because I have not find a way to describe it. But weeks to a month later I feel like provoking this presence... So here we go, I try to eat some but end up making tea eventually around 5-6g dried cubensis.... (I had this cheering and applauding thoughts as I was trying to eat them, i've had this thought of taking some through salavia in my previous trip but didn't feel like taking more at that specific moment)
Oh well, here we are lifting up and I am asking who this is, but there is nothing and that is exactly what it is, nothing. But there can't be something without nothing can't there? So I'm floating away in thoughts and I keep asking, there must be some way for you to give me clear comfirmation I am dealing with something other then myself... It's great to have these thoughts, but can't I just for once see it.... and here is where any language will fail me ... These coïncedences start piling up and as it starts piling up I'm getting all amazed and stunned, freightened, this winds comes on, the walls are flowing with energy, there's no where I can go, no where I can look to escape this... I'm going very bad now and as I keep focussing on the raging wind and start vomiting my girlfriend starts noticing I'm going real bad now ... I am trying to get away from it, but there's not turning back now... Yet I keep persisting to avoid this now for I am too overwhelmed and I get everyone together as they see me running around naking hearing me messing up the toilet, while vomiting in front of it...
Well that was that, or what I am willing to share :)
... Great fear and this presence that's practicly everywhere, but I could not recognize before...
I think the safest dose for me is 2g dried, beyond that is just way out of hand now...
The nothing that can shake everything up ... it's nothing, but it's something alright...

Very interesting. From what you say I get the feeling you 'othered' this experience, as it were, and then seek to escape 'it' and this where it becomes a bummer and freaks you out. Wheever we try to escape from visions etc is when the feelings of fear come from. I encourage just abandon yourself to the wild wind And speaking of wild wind, I heard this Nina Simone song the other day which I love so much. Have a listen, and maybe save it and next time when tripping listen to it?

Nina Simone - Wild Is The Wind (Original)
Hey Zezt,
Did I dissapoint you in some way or made you mad? Did not mean to. But I get an impression I may have said something wrong.

What other alternatives are there besides working? What I was trying to say is that American black people aren't any less slaves then other American citizens. And how did they got their freedom? A little by force yes lol but most politicly! You say "we have to agree to differ"... But can you please answer my question, do you love Europe? I'm guessing no? It's not perfect yet, but isn't the Western culture the best mankind has ever had since its existence? It's only gotten better because when problems appear we see the chains that binds us and loosen them up. But by fighting them off to roughly, one will only hurt him/herself and lose all his/her powers with it. It is because Western citizens enjoy so much freedom people all over the world come here. But too many have come for the wrong reasons...

We must move on and not back. And after all, choices have been made, we can't just turn back now Zezt, ...
I have started with myself, I consume a lot different then I did years ago. I do other little things but they aren't worth mentioning :)
Can you believe I have only listened to music once on a trip? I'm just so in my head that I can't focus on television or music. I did at the beginning, but now I just can't concentrate to that anymore :(
Demahdi a dit:
Hey Zezt,
Did I dissapoint you in some way or made you mad? Did not mean to. But I get an impression I may have said something wrong.

No. You may have got a vibe that I feel you have not understood some things I have tried to communicate, but I am not mad :) I can be frank, straight to the point, because I am. I just say what I mean, but this doesn't mean I am mad at you. You will know when I am, because there will be lots of 'fukings' lol

What other alternatives are there besides working? What I was trying to say is that American black people aren't any less slaves then other American citizens. And how did they got their freedom? A little by force yes lol but most politicly! You say "we have to agree to differ"... But can you please answer my question, do you love Europe? I'm guessing no? It's not perfect yet, but isn't the Western culture the best mankind has ever had since its existence? It's only gotten better because when problems appear we see the chains that binds us and loosen them up. But by fighting them off to roughly, one will only hurt him/herself and lose all his/her powers with it. It is because Western citizens enjoy so much freedom people all over the world come here. But too many have come for the wrong reasons...

Not working. Well put it this way, when we say 'work' this means for a lot of people shit we would sooner not do, and we spend most of our lives doing shit we would otherwise choose not to do just to survive. To KNOW that is wrong is what I mean. Not pretend it is alright.
Black people are MORE slaves than white people. You should search The New Jim Crow at Youtube and you will see.

We must move on and not back. And after all, choices have been made, we can't just turn back now Zezt, ...
I have started with myself, I consume a lot different then I did years ago. I do other little things but they aren't worth mentioning :)
Can you believe I have only listened to music once on a trip? I'm just so in my head that I can't focus on television or music. I did at the beginning, but now I just can't concentrate to that anymore :(

What does 'not turn back' mean. I do not buy all this 'march or progress' stuff. Not when others are being exploited by it.

WOW you have listened to music only once tripping?? How come? I bet your a McKenna freak, yes? LOL HE was always recommending tripping without music. I am not ANTI 'silence' and combine the two, especially in nature. I would never have music earphones in nature, especially tripping. But I have found music can help the low.
What music did you listen to that one time...?
we talk about Jesus, right?!
I've read "A man called Jesus", Marcello Craveri, that through passages in the Gospels explains that he has brothers (James), didn't disdain the companionship of Mary Magdalene, learned Essenes Mysteries by John the Baptist -and their thaumaturges activities, which included cannabis oils, and he never and never spoke about chastity.
I think the huge point missed when trying to historicize a god_man is ---SO WHAT?

So what if some dude existed hundreds of years ago and walked on water and shagged Mary Magdelaine etc etcetc? What the heck has that to do with my life, here now? MY problems, my pain, my needs, and dreams?

What DOES have a point is understanding the real meaning of mythical meaning. That mythology is not supposed to be understood as literal and as a history story, but pointing to--or an allegory of~~ real magical vegetation that have had god names and that were eat then and can be eaten now and can transport us into eternal sense of being and interconnectivity with nature which is healing and can help us live lovingly and intelligently with others and nature
we can do the same speech with Buddha and Mohammed and Zarathustra...
from what I understand, this Jesus didn't speak of a kingdom of heaven, but of a new world now-here-and now. harmony and love and peace.
from what I understand, he was like a shaman.
zezt a dit:
No. You may have got a vibe that I feel you have not understood some things I have tried to communicate, but I am not mad :) I can be frank, straight to the point, because I am. I just say what I mean, but this doesn't mean I am mad at you. You will know when I am, because there will be lots of 'fukings' lol

Honestly, I feel the same way :) But I have not gotten into this 9/11 conspiracy because those can get way out of hand. I also have had my mythological period as teenager and seen the pharmaceutical inquisition. I have read all Terence's book but kinda got lost in his Invinsible landscape. So yeah, I'm a Terence nutcase :) I find him the best ever known in the field. There is no better imho.

Not working. Well put it this way, when we say 'work' this means for a lot of people shit we would sooner not do, and we spend most of our lives doing shit we would otherwise choose not to do just to survive. To KNOW that is wrong is what I mean. Not pretend it is alright.
Black people are MORE slaves than white people. You should search The New Jim Crow at Youtube and you will see.

How does one feed his kids of he doesn't work? Or how does one receive food if nobody is working the lands?
I find that a racial issue "black people are more slaves..." the same with suppressed women in the west. I am not saying it doesn't happen, but it's handled best right over here.

What does 'not turn back' mean. I do not buy all this 'march or progress' stuff. Not when others are being exploited by it.

We must rule the chaos. Survival of the fittest, natural selection...

WOW you have listened to music only once tripping?? How come? I bet your a McKenna freak, yes? LOL HE was always recommending tripping without music. I am not ANTI 'silence' and combine the two, especially in nature. I would never have music earphones in nature, especially tripping. But I have found music can help the low.
What music did you listen to that one time...?

Well I have not done it because he recommeded it, I just wonder off ... I listened to music at a rave on LSD but that's nothing compared lifting off in a room close to a loved one...
To say it in his words: That's where the pedal meets the metal :)
Abej^a G. a dit:
we talk about Jesus, right?!
I've read "A man called Jesus", Marcello Craveri, that through passages in the Gospels explains that he has brothers (James), didn't disdain the companionship of Mary Magdalene, learned Essenes Mysteries by John the Baptist -and their thaumaturges activities, which included cannabis oils, and he never and never spoke about chastity.

Yes we talk about that Jesus! It truly makes you wonder what miracles they achieved.
Are we truly getting the maximum out of our tools (psychedelics) here? Or has an enormous freedom of our own spiritual path been taken here? The arguments are strong, clear, loud and most definitly pointing to a pragmatic teaching of Christ.This has been lost and captured by ruthless dictators in a hiërarchy where the headoffice is located at the Vatican.
This must be given back to the rightful owners, and the documents must be placed behind a transparant wall.
and Zezt doesn't believe in that man..
Abej^a G. a dit:
and Zezt doesn't believe in that man..

From what I read she is doing that for the right reasons :-) But when the calendar is reseted and they kill a lot of people who still practice this shamanic teachings.... that strongly indicates to me something significant went on. The problem is there is no place to be found where people with the same Christ beliefs gather. This force is strongly flowing among people and yet we find no way to channelize this force at one specific moment in time with a collective prayer/state of trance. It happens though, but it is so select and spoiled by frauds one never knows in advance if it turns out to be anything. sure we attain enlightenment by drinking some of their tea, but we dont seem te be able to keep a hold on it in life.
We are easily lost in our daily lives which is programmed by a tough to beat paradigm we call reality. But in fact reality is nothing but a vision we build upon experiences. what happens when you make sex illegal? we extinct. What happens when you make experimenting with your own consiousness illegal? People get lost.
So how are we to find our way if we do not gather and do not relate our experiences? We let others chew everything up and as we get older we spit it out in the face of our children.
We need to listen to our kids as well, for they still are pushed by intuition and instinct. thats who we originally are. When we are grown we are totally brainwashed by others and driven away from these feelings.

When I was a kid I used to cry for things that make me laugh now.
Demahdi a dit:
Honestly, I feel the same way :) But I have not gotten into this 9/11 conspiracy because those can get way out of hand. I also have had my mythological period as teenager and seen the pharmaceutical inquisition. I have read all Terence's book but kinda got lost in his Invinsible landscape. So yeah, I'm a Terence nutcase :) I find him the best ever known in the field. There is no better imho.

Yes I admit that the 9/11 investigation is extremely complex and slippery! But I just feel it is so important to stay with it because the ones who pulled it off use it for their ongoing evil. So I cannot live a lie and pretend to ignore it.

How does one feed his kids of he doesn't work? Or how does one receive food if nobody is working the lands?
I find that a racial issue "black people are more slaves..." the same with suppressed women in the west. I am not saying it doesn't happen, but it's handled best right over here.

WHY should working the lands be 'work' in the sense that many now understand it as something to dread, and resent. it only became like that because of people being exploited. I think if Permaculture and Forest gardening flourished it would be a completely different experience, because then we are working with nature and not against it.
YOU are a slave. They have you thinking this reality is THE only way with you working shit jobs, and struggling to survive so you can have the right gadgets and be warm and have shelter. It is all a sham devised by overlords who only know exploitation. They use mind control to make us think and believe that this is 'how it is'. A good example is school which most children have to attend. It is in fact an institution that has been created by a control-freak group with the intention of mind control. So to understand this is first step of undermining it. If your unconscious of it is when it has power over you and over your kids

We must rule the chaos. Survival of the fittest, natural selection...

That is one of the VERY evil mind controls which is a big part of the matrix. The myth of social darwinism

Well I have not done it because he recommeded it, I just wonder off ... I listened to music at a rave on LSD but that's nothing compared lifting off in a room close to a loved one...
To say it in his words: That's where the pedal meets the metal :)

Music is sacred wonderful and healing
zezt a dit:
Yes I admit that the 9/11 investigation is extremely complex and slippery! But I just feel it is so important to stay with it because the ones who pulled it off use it for their ongoing evil. So I cannot live a lie and pretend to ignore it.

Why is it important? What if 9/11 wasn't an inside job and the oil spill in Mexico was a terrorist attack? What if war is based on deception and is fought in a field people do not see anymore? What if Fukushima is a result of geo engineering? I can go on like this, but in the end it's a total
If you worry about it too much, you are giving away your freedom imho.

WHY should working the lands be 'work' in the sense that many now understand it as something to dread, and resent. it only became like that because of people being exploited. I think if Permaculture and Forest gardening flourished it would be a completely different experience, because then we are working with nature and not against it.
YOU are a slave. They have you thinking this reality is THE only way with you working shit jobs, and struggling to survive so you can have the right gadgets and be warm and have shelter. It is all a sham devised by overlords who only know exploitation. They use mind control to make us think and believe that this is 'how it is'. A good example is school which most children have to attend. It is in fact an institution that has been created by a control-freak group with the intention of mind control. So to understand this is first step of undermining it. If your unconscious of it is when it has power over you and over your kids

Now try putting this in a great perspective. It's easy to make choices, but how do the choices manifest on step 2 step 3 ... ? How do choices ripple out? What if workers stopped shipping boxes full of medicines because they feel like slaves???
The institutions such as schools are placed and formed on choices, ... A libary always ends with more books then it starts. But more books need more structure and organizing. What I see in our schools isn't a problem we had in the past.

That is one of the VERY evil mind controls which is a big part of the matrix. The myth of social darwinism

The truth is awful. People love to romantize but reality is a vicious ruthluss conspiracy :) And you can not stop the endgoal, you can temper it and push a little left or right... But the endgoal remains the same. A one world order colonizing space as one rase. Now I always found the Western approach the most civil one. And yes Zezt, I have looked around corners. We are liberated, but more and more of these liberties are being pushed and drained by cultural clashes who have not still evolved to this "civil" point.
9/11 was a false flag. I never came to you and said I needed counseling to help me, so why should you care if I choose to investigate it or not. Like I repeat, I hate apathy. If you want to live a lie --which is how I see people who ignore this massive crime, and think it does not matter--then that is up to you. But that is not me. I am with those who want justice!

I think you just like to argue for the sake of it.
zezt a dit:
9/11 was a false flag. I never came to you and said I needed counseling to help me, so why should you care if I choose to investigate it or not. Like I repeat, I hate apathy. If you want to live a lie --which is how I see people who ignore this massive crime, and think it does not matter--then that is up to you. But that is not me. I am with those who want justice!

I think you just like to argue for the sake of it.

If I wouldn't liked to argue, I wouldn't have joined. Now would I? It seems to me you are stuck to your own little paradigm and argue is senseless. You keep rambling on about mind control, about how fucked up our system is. I'm not living a lie, nor the truth.
I already believe 9/11 was an inside job, but I don't know for sure. I have believed for long time I've seen a nose out on live television which turned out to be a great optical illusion. I mean, we should build upon what we know and not what we believe.

We know nothing better then a democracy and that's just the way it is. Any other option has failed. We can put our song to repeat but the chorus keeps leading to a democracy. I want justice as well, don't get me wrong. But don't reject all that's been given and build for us just because some selfish bastards frauded the system.