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San pedro

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Lytheon
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Entheonaut a dit:
I've done San Pedro yesterday with two of my friends, we prepared it the following way: http://www.erowid.org/plants/cacti/cact ... ion5.shtml, and it worked perfectly. Great psychedelic ;), viva la San Pedro 8)

Please then share expiriance with all mescalin and mesc-isomers USERS how it was.For me is enough to compare it with ACID.Lets say that normal to high trip is one blotter with 500mics of LSD.Where you will put yours effect//expiriance,100mics-250-500-or maybe higher and describe intensity off halucinations!Please it is weary important couse nobody describe it in that fashen!?! 8) Hrky and Venus thank you.[/color]
my san pedro has a brown area in about the middle of the cactus. is it because i didn't water him enough or does it have some other reason?
i don't water him very wuch because it's winter. once in 2 months or so
My peyote has one too.

As far as I know, watch the spot carefully, because it could be the start of rotting.

If it does start to shows signs of rot, cut away the brown piece.
Is it a scar or a soft, brown spot? A scar won't hurt anything, but as Devxavier said, if it's getting any bigger and rotting, you should sterilize a small knife with alcohol and cut it out. Put a fan on it so the cut dries out faster to avoid catching any other kind of mold.
i already tought it could be rotting, but it's not soft, its more like a hard dry spot, ribs are slightly wrinkled.

and one more question: can you consume the cut away part? :P
How long have you had the cactus? has the spot always been there? It sounds to me, if it is hard, that it is just a scar. When cacti grow close together, their spines poke and jab and can leave a cutting looking pretty rough.

a pic would help.

As far as consuming, cosidering you need a pound of fresh cactus for a trip, it's not worth it. But by all means, if you want to try a tatse test, go for it.
Hi Meduzz , i think i know what it is

Nothing to worry about mine have them to , those brown spots that lays 1 or 0,5 milimeters on the surface of the cacti and its hard like the rest of the plant , those are ancient spots .
It means your cacti is aged and gets some of those brown spots . i dont know why but it is noting serious or to worry about its natural . ( you dont need to cut those away )
I've orderd mine on internet , a cutting i've placed in a pot .. waited 2 a 3 mounths before watering , to make sure the cacti had made some roots and then i've given him some water , depends on the season .
Winters i gife just enough water to prevent drie out off the roots , Summers i give it quit more water , anyway ... every time i gave it water the spots became bigger , now it seems to be stabilazed , the spots dont become any bigger ... its normal it was an old cutting , i dont know about your plants background , but if its the same as above you dont have to worry .
just dont over water the plant its very important , always wait til the soil is completly dry , beter dry for a cacti then over waterd :)

Good luck , Soulflower 8)
thanks, i'm glad hearing this. my cactus was a cutting i ordered from azarius. he already grew 15cm and the brown spot is on the old part of the cactus.

I prepared my San Pedro and made a few small pieces to taste it for my very first time. It's very bitter but tastes nicely and leaves a sort of pleasant liquid on my tongue and mouth. Most people say it's awful to chew but yet I don't see any problem with that either. My stomach absorbs it quite well as well.
For sure I won't throw up or even coming close to that.

So my question is, can I just eat it raw without any other processes such as extracting, cooking whatever. I assume this is usually done 'cause people don't want to consume it raw and orally? I will also suck on the parts
for absorption through my tongue and mouth.
Of course you can eat it straight up but keep in mind that you need at LEAST a pound of pedro for a decent trip. Eating a pound of anything can be hard if you're not that hungry :D And trust me, it gets much worse as you go.

If you can do it, I'll send you $5.
Offer is void if you throw it all up. :D
It was about 35 centimeters long. (13 inch / 1 foot) for you Americans. ;) I'll weight it too.

LOL, I estimate it'll take an hour before I ate everything. But it might get worse as you said after a certain period of time.

Anyway, when I can't go further, I'm guessing putting it in the mixer with water is fine too? And just drink it? Or shall I start with it?

The dollar bill is fine, but with the currency course now I'll hardly get any euro's for it. :P
Really man, the easiest way to do it is throw it all in a blender, dump it into a pot with an equal amount of water and juice from one lemon. Bring it to a boil and then reduce the heat so that it's just simmering for an hour. After an hour, pour all this muck into a new pot but use an old shirt to strain out the cactus gunk. Put the cactus back into the original pot with a little more water and simmer for another hour. Strain out cactus and combine the juice of both boils (you can do it a 3d time if you want). Now you can just let it boil until most of the water evaporates and your left with just a few shot glasses worth.

Taking 2 or 3 big swallows of snot is a hell of a lot easier than chawing down a foot of pedro. I've eaten a whole log before (cooked in a wok served over rice) and I felt sick for probably the first six hours of the trip. I wouldn't do it again. :bear: :thumbsdown:
The last time I cut this one was the best San Pedro trip I've had so far. Now it decided to grow two branches - something I have longed for, none of my San Pedros has grown more than one branch so far.
So I gave it the star treatment and invited it in for a little photo shooting :)
I've been growing these cacti for maybe 7 or 8 years, and I was either so stoned or tripping so hard around the time that I ordered the seeds, I can't remember who I ordered them from. :oops: Anyways, I think they're peruvianus but was hoping someone who knows about trichocereus species could throw in their two cents..... I want to positively identify them before I eat them :wink:
Looks like it .
me 3