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San pedro

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Lytheon
  • Date de début Date de début
I will receive my san pedro in just a few days from azarius, but i was wondering what soil is the best for a san pedro and what fertilizer it needs, i'll just let it grow till she almost falls over so i want to take good care of her. websites with san pedro grow guides are welcome as wel. thx
For the San Pedro I can tell you that the it can handle much richer soil that the peyote. There a lot of different sorts of commerical soils on the market for cacti that are pretty good but actually nothing more than normall (poor) potting soil with some coarse sand.

Why not make your self some soil from some potting soil (can be fertilized) with some gravel (1-2 mm) and some coarse sand, you can also add some perlite to this mixture to keep it light that is always good for the roots.

Remeber to not wate the cutting for at least 2 months to prevet rotting , good luck !
Meduzz a dit:
I will receive my san pedro in just a few days from azarius, but i was wondering what soil is the best for a san pedro and what fertilizer it needs, i'll just let it grow till she almost falls over so i want to take good care of her. websites with san pedro grow guides are welcome as wel. thx
-Put it on pille of earth to launch roots.If you put it in earth before it make some roots your are going to wait to another year for San Pedro to start growing! 8)
sorry goran what do you mean?
i planted my san pedro cutting and it was growing within a month (new pulp)
i planted my san pedro cutting and it was growing within a month (new pulp)

That's my experience as well. My San Pedro cutting is very forgiving: I made the mistake to plant it in soil with a fresh cutting (I assumed it needed to be fresh, I should have read the instrctions more closely). However it started to grow a month later and it is still growing fine.
It did grow a little thin because I gave it too much water in winter when we got almost no direct sunlight for months, but it's recovering now.

I'm using cactus soil from a gardening market. You could probably mix normal soil with sand but hey - the readymade cactus soil isn't that expensive, so why not spend the extra 20 cents or so? Also the cactus soil is fertilized especially for cacti with less nitrogen than normal plant soil, so why not use the special stuff?

I also have a bottle of cactus fertilizer which cost like 3 Euro and will last for at least 100 years as long as I'm going to stick with my two cacti ;)
i also got a soil mix from the shop, but on another forum i heard san pedro grows faster than an average cactus and therefor needs more fertillizers.
my cactus is 3 months now and i only give minimal amount of water and never gave fertillizer..
anyone got an idea when i can start feeding my precious? :P
My fertilizer bottle says you should fertilize once a week (!) from march to october - and that suggestion is for "normal" cacti, not fast-growing san pedros.
Also depends on the strength of the fertilizer - the one in question is 3-5-7 and the suggested dose is about 30 mL per 3 L of water. That does seem to be a relatively weak solution (and therefore you can apply it once a week).
ok thanks, i think i know enuf, i shall use it wise :wink:
Well skunkpower... did you try it? and was it enough to have a good cactus trip?
I was watching the National Geographic Documentary "Taboo-Mind Altering Drugs" yesterday and got a little confused when a peruvian shaman said that "the most power is in the core" and then he cut the cactus in slices, cooked the slices in water (I guess only water?) and then drank the water. Very simple preparation, I'd like that - but is it effective or does one need more cactus this way?
Also the people who drank it seemed to get sick at first (which was intended like in an ayahuasca ceremony).

Any thoughts about this? Usually I hear that the core of the cactus can and should be thrown away because it only makes you sick and contains no mescaline at all...
to make this cacti soup
but usually I thought you should boil it down until it turns into a green goop an you can drink it all. The shaman however only seemed to cook the slices for a while, then drink the water and throw away the slices.

Most sources also say you should discard the inner core of the cactus (the white stuff) because there's no mescaline in it - as opposed to the shaman who was translated to say (maybe the translation was wrong?): "the core contains the most power". Maybe he meant cleansing power, because a lot of his ceremony concentrated on that (he also gave the pilgrims tobacco-water to rinse their noses until they had to throw up...)
IF you make the soup as an extract you can make it like you would prepare ayahuasca. Just boil the slices in an acidic water solution and let it boil and remove the water layer. If you do this 3-4 times and combine the water layer you can trow away the solids.

this liquid you can boil down to a consumable size, what I heard from shamans in South America this does noet have to be more than a shooter glass. Very nasty but much more easy than eating a whole catus.
The high shit is that every one is caching and asking for tricho family cacti.-What do you think why is not ilegeal but Lophopora even Diffusa(doesnt contan meskalin) is? Cause you can not get trip like Acid or Shroomery one! Only the oldes ones trico with 3meters high is sufficent for 8hours boiling and then sirup like boilleftovers is drinked and is compared with Lophopora-My friend say that to me couple days before from returning as cook on hotel-ship.He spend his vocation in Peru and see how they are doing this whole ceremony.No body got in europe high comperable to acid,shrooms or peyote.But try,try it maybe this statemant can be overthrown :) 8)
I read about a shaman who prepped some san pedro. He cut the "skin" of the san pedro. U know the waxy surface. Boiled it for 4 hours, filtered with a cloth towel and then the liquid was supposed to be consumed. Too bad I can't find the link but most certainly the translation of what was said in that docu. went wrong somehow.
Look there is weary hard way to trip on San Pedro and even Peyote as it was on shroom or even better Acid.My mail is [email protected] and send me some interesting stuff and I will send to you,whay not right now couse I will say someting that is forbiden on this forum and post is lock-JUSY STUFF. :!: :!: :!: :!: 8) 8) 8) :D :D :D :D