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San pedro

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Lytheon
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well... i'm not yet into making extractions... but I could be! if its worth the effort. btw, i'm not a chemist or anything but if you got a clear explanation with pics and all that, drop me a line and i'll check out if its doable for me (or maybe with a little help from my friends :grin:)

obrigadão cara... tô curioso ;)
Check your PM's. For me it's definitely worth the effort. But i'm a drug geek, i kinda get off on making my own pretty drug crystals :p
If you have any secret recepies.... can't you share them with all of us?? I'm curious!
No secrets here ;)

I PM'd the link to him as to protect the site from eventual law enforcement. Making purified mescaline is basically producing a very illegal 'white powder' from a legal product azarius sells.

But if it's alright with the admin, than it's alright with me :grin:

There is one good extraction procedure on erowid, here: http://www.erowid.org/plants/cacti/cacti_chemistry2.shtml
I personally skip the defat step because this extraction ends in an aqueous solution either ways. Defatting is only important in extractions that end in evaporation of a non-polar solvent.

BTW, Google may yield newer, more up-to-date TEKs ;)
nice link this one, should try this process out sometime,
taking pure mescaline-crystals is a lot easrier to see what dossage you take instead of guesing after how much the cacti will provide
can anyone help me out on this one
what is xylene used for or called in the netherlands?

XYlene is regular synthetic paint thinner. Toluene works well also (if not better).

Check the labels on the paint thinners on your local hardware shop.
If they list xylene (or xylenes, xylol, xylene-isomer mix) or toluene (or toluol) as the only ingredient that's the stuff you're looking for.

You will than have to test it for purity.
Set 100-200ml on a pyrex dish to evaporate. If it evaporates completely without residue you have clean solvent.

If it leaves a residue (be it an oil, a goo or a powder) you have dirty worthless solvent. Don't use that or you may get cancer or give birth to two-headed babies in a dozen years ;)
thanks for that bro
think tolueen is readyly available out here

its to bad most solvent don't have its chemical names on it,
the labels only say : please visit a doctor if swallowd :D
It's because your cactus is growing now. when it start to sleep the colour of the top wil get more dark-green.

San Pedro (trichocereus) grows relatively fast, compared with other cacti.
about20 sm per year...
and it's been growing for over a year. Just recently it's getting very light green at the top.
You say it has already been growing, so I think it could mean that either it's not getting enough sunlight yet still plenty of water (stop watering until there's more sun or it will grow thinner and break eventually) or the soil is now completely ripped from minerals and you need some fertilizer (get some special cactus fertilizer with much less nitrogen than normal fertilizers, I got one that is N-P-K 3-5-7, for example)

*edit* Sorry, I just saw the original post is almost one year old :roll:
ah well, doesn't matter tryptonaut. Maybe other people can still use your information :D
ratakaberu a dit:
oh and i guess the answer to the dose is
You need 35grs of dried cacti to trip. Assuming cacti is 90% water, you need then 350grs of fresh cacti... or am i wrong?
This was just for answering an unanswerd question.

35g of dried Material would be to much, because it´s about 700mg of mescaline. The cacti has 0,12% Mescaline in the fresh matter and 2% in the dry matter. I take 8 to 10 grams of my dried extract, so thats about 20 to 25 grams of dried matter. And this is the full kaleidoscopic hallucinatory trip!
Oh yeah, and the cacti has about 94% water! 100 g of fresh cacti gives you about 6g of dried material. Believe me, I dried and cooked out several kilos of this cacti the last time!
So 350 g of fresh cacti would be 19 g of dried matter, this is about 380mg of mescaline. For an beginner you should dry a dose about 200mg of mescaline. That would be 10 g of dried or 166 g of fresh matter. After this experience you can dose up to see what you can take...
Using the 'boiling' process and guessing that the cactus is of
medium-low strength.

Could anyone give me an estimation of the
amount of mescaline that would be yielded from 1.2kgs of fresh san
pedro? An indication to the trip strength would be very much
appreciated too :lol:

Or is is maybe be Matter to use the dried tissue instead? To make the taste less horrible :cry:
It is almost imposible to estimate how much mescalin you would get from san pedro because the concentration of mescalin is bound to diferent factors, like how much sun, minerals and water did the cactus get, how old it is and so on. in the literature is much info on this mater, but al say diferent things. look at the link for more info

I'm considering to grow my own San Pedro and i'm hoping for you to know if Trichocereus Pachanoi would be good seeds to enjoy the brighter sides of cacti :). I've managed to grow 3 cacti this far (non mescaline) and i'm hoping to succeed with my little project. So could you tell me what seeds would be suitable for my purposes?

Thanks, and hope you can understand my "english"

Starting from seeds with San Pedro I myself never did. But I do have experience with the Peyote and starting from seeds. I do not think that it that much different except for the fact that peyotes grow very slow and the San Pedro is one of the fasted growing cacti.

If I were you I would just start with some Pachanoi or Peruvianus seeds, better get them at a reliable dealer. Its not nice to find out in a few years that the seeds you started with are not the "active" species and all you hard work was for nothing !
Hi m8,

I just bought a Trichocereus Pachanoi kit to grow my own san Pedro.
Yesterday i've managed everything and now my kit is ready and growing.
I don't know if this one is the best but i sure hope so!

In a couple of weeks the seeds shoukd become little cacti.
Will let you know then!

If you haqve some question, just ask them ;)

Rutger a dit:
If I were you I would just start with some Pachanoi or Peruvianus seeds, better get them at a reliable dealer. Its not nice to find out in a few years that the seeds you started with are not the "active" species and all you hard work was for nothing !

I think I'll order some Pachanoi from azarius, they should be good. I can't even imagine how pissed i'd be wasting 2 years for some low-mescaline cacti :D

I'm planning to use it for special occasions only (2 times a year or something like that)

Other notes are welcome also!
You know that it takes at least 1 or 2 years before the cactus starts developing the mescaline?And you need a rather big piece of cactus for a good trip.
What i know about the san pedro seeds is that it is common that just 40 to 50 % of the seeds do germinate. But after they did, it is very easy to grow. Not to much water and a lot of sunlight.
i never had the chance to try mescaline so i want to buy one of the above mentioned cacti and give it a try, my first question is,

what is the best way to injest these cacti? eating it making a tea from it ect.

what should i estimate the come on time as?

which kind of cacti is best?

and could some one tell me a little of what to expect, i generally use the first time of doing things like this as an experiment and go for a more use oriented trip the second time.

much thanks in advance to anyone who can help...
I onl;y have done San pedro once, and the material was dry hard woodlike pieces of cacti, a bout 20 gram. After 45 minutes I started to feel something and after 3 hours I was in complete unity with the forest around me, every tree had his or her own thoughts and I could "feel" an understand wat they were thinking. the experience lasted for about 9/10 hours.