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ok so i want to quit smoking the weed

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion UTHTURN
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Focuzz ,

Age fucks your memory up . The older you are the worse it is . This is another question like "what would i be like if i wasnt like i am" . I smoked for 35 years and stoped on the 20ßth of august , my memory is back to normal now . Before that i was a little bit forgetfull , but not much . It seems to stop you seeing whats in your short term mrmory , but , whats there gets taken over by your long term memory any way = i often forgot what i was talking about while i was talking but after 20 minutes i remembered everything .
so it must be the "reading" of the short term memory that's weakened?
otherwise, if you shortTM is disabled, you can't get things into you longTM, right?
I tend to do it a few times a week or less so I can't compare to those who smoke 1g per diem, but even when I have had those smoking everyday periods for weeks on end I didn't really notice a difference in memory necessarily from the weed.
I noticed far more of a difference with my short term memory because.. I was staying up too late when I smoked and not getting enough sleep (maybe not enough DEEP sleep), hence I was overtired and forgetful.
Meduzz a dit:
so it must be the "reading" of the short term memory that's weakened?
otherwise, if you shortTM is disabled, you can't get things into you longTM, right?

I don't think the long term memory is affected in any way... see GOD's post...

I think you are talking about the general "fogginess" one gets when smoking regularly, if this is so, then, you're feeling de-fogged now and more sharp :)
Still smoking is bad as it creates, not only CO2 but also free radicals (from chemicals in the plant material and the paper (especially paper). and those really fuck up your braincells, either through asphixiation (cause not enough oxygen gets to the brain) or the effect of free radicals on the body. wich are minimal (due to our body metabolism fighting them back)...but on the long run....
hey I'm trying to clean mary j's image a little here! and you start talking about braincells and asphyxiation! :x

Well yeah, smoking is bad in any way but the blame is in the combustion process and radicals and that stuff as you said; for those who worry about it, buy some bongs!
If you compair the effects of a vaporiser and a pur pipe you will see that the first is nice but doesnt realy do the job thats why most people try vaporisation and then go back to smoking . And if you care about your health and do a little thinking you wont smoke with tabaco or in skins / papers or smoke a bong . The CO2 is a part of the hit , think about a lot of the orakels in the world that gave people visions , a lot of the visions were caused by CO2 or a mixture of it and other gasses . Living , geting old , shaking your head and breathing cause brain damage and lots of the things you eat contain / cause free radicals . Meditation causes a lower level of oxygen to the brain and meditation is definately not damaging . As was said the bad effects are minimal = smoking doesnt make you thick or give you anymore "brain damage" than life in general .

Its 2.45 in the morning and i`m giving my whole neighbourhood brain damage listening to the new " Led Zeppelin - Mothership " album at about 200 watts crying my eyres out again with a cold chill running up my spine and all the hairs on my body standing up . " ROCK AND ROLL WILL NEVER DIE " .
:lol: yeah, you nailed it GOD, that's what I think :D
???????? a dit:
Meduzz a dit:
so it must be the "reading" of the short term memory that's weakened?
otherwise, if you shortTM is disabled, you can't get things into you longTM, right?

I don't think the long term memory is affected in any way... see GOD's post...

that's what i meant, experiences first go into the shortTM and then into the longTM (right?). so it must be the reading of the STM that is weakened, otherwise your LTM would work improper. just speculating though...
hehe well yeah, it could be that it just affects our RAM but not the HD stored data :)
But then again why didnt i remember most of my dreams when i used to smoke if it was only a problem of not seeing the short term memory ? The only dreams i remembered were nightmares , and i remembered every detail of them . Or was it that i just didnt have other dreams ? , or that the short term memory either doesnt work or doesnt work the same when we sleep ?
I don't know but we DO dream every night, just that we tend to remember the most dramatic ones. If you want to remember all your dreams, make a dream journal so you can write them before you forget right after waking up. In just a couple of days you'll be remembering 2 and even 3 dreams a night.
I stoped taking any drugs and i dream every night , 50 / 50 nightmares and i remember all of them . Last night i was hanging on the edge of a clif with my fingernails and just as i fell off i thought " better wake up " , and i did . Mostly when i`m dreaming i know that something is going on . And most of those times i know i`m asleep . The thought of trying to controll the dream only comes rarely amd actualy trying to comes even less . I have only had one where i took full controll consciously . It was as if i was watching a film in a cinema and that film was the dream . Do you know that ? when you are watching a film in real life and forget where you are , forget the outside world and imerse yourself in the film ? It was like that , then i realised this time it was a dream and tried to look away and see what was around me . It was like DMT . The whole of what i could see looked like a jigsaw puzel made up of pieces from diferent puzels with diferent pictures on each one that fitted together . Some of the pieces were missing and that looked like smoked DMT trips .

A few days ago i had a sex nightmare.......... a sort of crazy woman was trying to fuck me , take me prisoner and rob my organs . I realised i was dreaming but decided i wouldnt wake up because she was realy beautiful , i thought i could tie her up or hand cuff her and then fuck her without geting hurt ....but she kept on doing a houdini , escaping the bondage and chasing me and was trying to trap me , i had the sort of feeling that a smalll man spider must have when having sex with a female spider who is ten times as big and wants to eat him . We were both having fun though..............
:lol: I understand completely, my dreams too are like movies that I'm semi-lucid about but don't really control. You seem to be the kind of dreamer that realizes more or less that it's not waking life but goes with the dream's flow anyway :P

Hey, those aren't really nightmares!

edit: it's really interesting that you compare dream world to DMT-like experiences; when going lucid the dream world it's like fragmented and sort of disorganized, but it can become clearer or more "solid" with experience and concentration.
I have had loads of planned dreams where i didnt know i was asleep but still did what i had planned to do . They were very clear , solid and i was 100% me with the goals that i had planned to have . I was continuing what i had done in meditation while not asleep . I was in total darkness , emptyness and was looking for the white light .
Well,you're quite the experienced dreamer, then.

what was this topic about??? :)
" what was this topic about??? "

Sounds like you are having trouble with your short term memory ??????
as dreaming is considered processing events from that day or sometimes before, i would think that the short term memory is involved...

suck about the nightmares god, i never had any nightmares i can remember for the last 3 years. before that i had a lot of them.
GOD a dit:
" what was this topic about??? "

Sounds like you are having trouble with your short term memory ??????

:lol: :lol: :lol: