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ok so i want to quit smoking the weed

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion UTHTURN
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yeh..................i have been trying to find a cannabis alternative!!!!! no luck!!!
you know why?????????
cause cannabis is the only thing like cannabis!!!

but it would be nice to quit smoking it!! i just need to find something a little healthier but with the same effects!!!

smokin since ---1990=17 years
at least a joint a day
Alkoloidian a dit:
but it would be nice to quit smoking it!! i just need to find something a little healthier but with the same effects!!!
at least a joint a day
Excactly my thoughts... but it's the effect of weed and tabacco that's make the downer, which i like!

I know pure weed gives a high, which is also nice but not every day..
Smoking 5 years strong (every night, a strictly nocturnal affair) - quit on multiple basis, multiple times - more like breaks :lol:

I think McKenna said it first: once a week, by yourself or with the best of company, best stuff you can get and smoke till you forget how. Most powerful and satisfying high! I like varying my routine as much as possible so I can achieve a nice headspace instead of smoking constantly and regularly as to build up subliminal tolerance.

In my view, it’s the smoking habituations effects on the serotonin dominated pleasure centres of the brain which make it so difficult to let go and cause the adverse 'withdrawal' effects such as restlessness and sweating; as opposed to the cannabis itself rejecting your attempts. Because your brain isn’t being rewarded through increased bursts of serotonin into your synapses as a result of you smoking, causing any lax in your use away from the usual routine gives you almost the same side effects as slight depression, which too is a result of this system. Don’t blame the bud for your difficulty in letting go, it’s just your brain trying to hang on to a ritual that you have partaken in for so long; it has become a part of you, and so is harder to suppress.

The best way possible to help with abstinence from weed would be to take up another and equally effective pastime in which to gratify you subliminally. Keep yourself occupied. That way any adverse effects that you perceive as a result of your long term cannabis use will dissolve into whatever pastime you have created to replace it.

I have no intention of quitting anytime soon, I just love sweet Mary oh so much!!!
Good luck nonetheless to those of you who are/have quit(ing). Just remember not to blame Mary for your attachment to her….

Quitting Cannabis was one of the hardest things I ever did, harder than alcohol. As daytripper said, things like my daily cigarette count doubled and I was constantly anxious and bored without it. I smoked Cannabis daily and heavily for many years, at one stage it wasn't uncommon for me to smoke around 15 joints in a day. I even smoked it while I was working. My circle of friends didn't help matters either, constantly trying to get me to smoke again and my dealer who I worked with always trying to get me to sample his home grown.
I got through it eventually with the help of my girlfriend. She kept me strong and we took a long trip through the mountains in B.C. so weed was way out of reach and eventually I managed to find things that inspired my mind equally and now I'm able to function without it.
I smoke cannabis for a year now, mostly hash. I do this like 4 times a week and only 1 joint when i smoke.

For like 5 weeks now i'm feeling some kind of pressing feeling around my chest and felt some stiching feelings in my heart.

I'm a little worried that i might have something.. the first thing that came to my mind was lungcancer.

Am i overreacting or should i have myself looked at? What do you guys think?
You can't get lungcancer from weed or hasj.
I'd still be surprised if it is by your smoking. Since you only smoke for a year.
And you're also talking about heartcomplaints..

Just go for a check up. I don't think it will be anything serious..
Good luck anyway
In my opiniion the problem is, if you decide to quit smoking weed you don't really want it that's why you get anxious. Well partly it's probably addiction, but that's what i mean, you don't want qutting it....that's the addiction ;)

If you once got over that it's easy to quit. At least for me it was...but you might get a "relapse"...don't know whether that word fits ...english's not my mothertounge....

Anyway smoking until you think you smoke too much is best if you're in the situation of qutting 8)
I started on 26th march 1972 at 10,25 am and smoked every day i was conscious till the 19th of august 2007 at 5.36 am . Stoping was easy , i just got pissed off with all my dealers boasting about..... the new apartment , the leather sofa , the holidays in italy , the coke , the expensive frensh wine blah blah blah and thought i`m not prerared to buy greedy bastards all that if i dont get stoned / high from the shit thats on the market nowardays . I will start again AS SOON as i can grow my own outdoors . The first day i had to take 10mg of valium and the next two days 5mg to sleep a bit . The first three days was like swimming in bed , the swetting got less and stopped over the next 10 days . I have LUCID dreams wich are better than the "high" that i got from smoking all that crap . My lungs dont sound like i am about to die anymore and i have stoped coughing !!! I got my self a sport school contract and am doing kickboxing , boxing , karate and taekwando 2 hours a day 5 days a week . I feel 20 years younger , happyer than for years , my heart rythm problems have stoped , i can aford to eat good food instead of cheep crap , have money in my pocket instead of holes , have put weight on , started to chat women up again , am allowed to do what i want when i want and not have to worry that if anything happens that the pigs will search me and my apartment and i`ll have to go to prison , i have discovered that i have a life and in a few weeks i`m going to crack a few heads and collect all the MONEY that i am owed . and maybe buy MYSELF an apartment !!!!!! . I do not miss it .
I use to smoke weed everyday from like 14-17, and now i cut it back to a weekend thing. But let me tell you these weekends are insane...

i smoke a ounce in a weekend, and get drunk the entire time lol.

Since the first time i puffed weed i knew i wanted to do it the rest of my life.

Just got to take breaks, and frequent ones are nice. for instance i don't feel any of the addiction durring the week. My brain knows its a weekend thing, it is great, also on the weekends i get extra stoned my first time smoking, cuz i havent smoked for like 5 days.

but since i dont do any other drugs except mushrooms i basicly just go sober durring school week, then party like insane on the weekends. Works out pretty nicely.

The reason i cut back is not because i was getting addicted, but because i was spending way too much money. So i am saving money and still having fun this way. I dont think you should quit MJ completly, cutting back is a good step tho if you want to quit.
You are 1 in a million , you have got it right . The secret of getting high is controll . In end effect the more often that one smokes the less one gets high , because of tollerance . For most people it turns into a downwards spiral , always smoking more and more trying to get high all the time , and because of that getting less and less of the good effects and more and more of the bad effects .
Control, moderation, irregularity in smoking patterns, a good diet and otherwise (smoking, lol) healthy lifestyle are all keys to a super mad and sustainable high. Exercise both your body and mind; it pays back in excess. Home-grown all the way!
Tolerance to bud is a waste...
I quit smoking weed for some weeks now.
From one day to another.
Just couldn't handle to smoke it nemore.
+ i have to go in surgery in a couple weeks.
This summer I smoked way too much... 2 ounces of pot and about 15g of hashish in 1 month and a half... at the end no matter how much I smoked I could get more that a slight high... I stopped smoking since the 15th of august, and have smoked 3 or 4 times since then, and goddamn I didn't remember cannabis was THAT powerful, I mean, the effects are stronger than MDMA lol
I hear that, it can be completely debilitating sometimes! Like you can’t even move, lol. Smoking irregularly and smoking allot (and or high quality) when you do is the better method rather than smoking everyday and trying to conserve.

Really, smoking daily is the biggest waste of money and bud. You never get the most out of it and the high is quite downplayed; also, all of the negatives creep up and become more prominent.

Also if your smoking like 3 grams every day, that’s a fast way to contract emphysema.

My buddy and I are going to invest in a good vaporiser to clean ourselves up. Still goanna use it all the time, but at least were not inhaling copious amounts of combustion products every time we want to get high. It’s just getting motivated to buy one, lol.
Um... I just stopped when I did. Lost the desire to smoke.
I havent smoked for 5 weeks now and am feeling better every day and i have the most amazing vivid dreams every night . I do not miss smoking at all .
But why you all want to quit???????
I personaly got fed up of with the ripoff prices , the realy crapy quality that is available everywhere today and decided that after 35 years of being permanently beamed and having no money in my pocket it would be a good idea to see what reality is like again . If it was possible to get the quality that used to be available before the middle of the 80s i would start again .