I started on 26th march 1972 at 10,25 am and smoked every day i was conscious till the 19th of august 2007 at 5.36 am . Stoping was easy , i just got pissed off with all my dealers boasting about..... the new apartment , the leather sofa , the holidays in italy , the coke , the expensive frensh wine blah blah blah and thought i`m not prerared to buy greedy bastards all that if i dont get stoned / high from the shit thats on the market nowardays . I will start again AS SOON as i can grow my own outdoors . The first day i had to take 10mg of valium and the next two days 5mg to sleep a bit . The first three days was like swimming in bed , the swetting got less and stopped over the next 10 days . I have LUCID dreams wich are better than the "high" that i got from smoking all that crap . My lungs dont sound like i am about to die anymore and i have stoped coughing !!! I got my self a sport school contract and am doing kickboxing , boxing , karate and taekwando 2 hours a day 5 days a week . I feel 20 years younger , happyer than for years , my heart rythm problems have stoped , i can aford to eat good food instead of cheep crap , have money in my pocket instead of holes , have put weight on , started to chat women up again , am allowed to do what i want when i want and not have to worry that if anything happens that the pigs will search me and my apartment and i`ll have to go to prison , i have discovered that i have a life and in a few weeks i`m going to crack a few heads and collect all the MONEY that i am owed . and maybe buy MYSELF an apartment !!!!!! . I do not miss it .