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ok so i want to quit smoking the weed

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion UTHTURN
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Si la fumas todos los dias es fácil que con el tiempo vaya perdiendo su "misticismo", en cambio si lo haces esporádicamente disfrtas mas sus efectos , y la aprecias más. Te recomiendo que para dejarla de fumar pruebes un LSD! - If you smoke it everyday it start to losses its mistycs effects (sorry about my english :P), and it put stains on your "aura" than smoking it ramdomly.
---Try LSD, you`ll see you dont need to smoke it and then you`ll quit right away!--[/quote]
Malintzin a dit:
Si la fumas todos los dias es fácil que con el tiempo vaya perdiendo su "misticismo", en cambio si lo haces esporádicamente disfrtas mas sus efectos , y la aprecias más. Te recomiendo que para dejarla de fumar pruebes un LSD! - If you smoke it everyday it start to losses its mistycs effects (sorry about my english :P), and it put stains on your "aura" than smoking it ramdomly.
---Try LSD, you`ll see you dont need to smoke it and then you`ll quit right away!--
lsd have anti-addictive properties? i dont think so..
iboga yes but mainly on opioids,cocaine and niccotine
I believe that you can overcome many addictions through tripping, one thing is that you really have to want it.
misery a dit:
I believe that you can overcome many addictions through tripping, one thing is that you really have to want it.

i agree, but with entheogens
I have been smoking weed every day for about four years. In the last two of these years I was growing indoors, semi-pro with a 400W lamp and good equipment. I really miss the growing, it was so much fun to learn and become better, but I was smoking 3-4grams a day, mostly with a glass bong. I was so addicted that my hands started shaking when I had not been smoking till 3 or 4 p.m. Mostly I started with a bong for breakfast... I have to add that I always smoked the bong with tobacco, mostly 1/2 and 1/2 mix - that really made me the worst nicotine addict you can imagine. Instead of smoking cigarettes in between my weed bowls, I often smoked a bowl of tobacco in the bong, because cigarettes just didn't hit me anymore...
I had been fed up with all the struggle to get weed for a long time, waste of time and waste of money, but then I saw growing my own didn't make it better - only I stayed at home alone more often instead of meeting up with other potheads. Every time I wanted to stop I thought I couldn't (insomnia and so on) and also all of my friends at the time were daily smokers, so there was always a bong available.

Then I had to stop growing and start buying shit again - and with that the downward spiral began. Actually I have always been sensitive to the hallucingenic effects of weed, even in the beginning it wasn't that much of a party drug to me. But then, through tolerance to the substance, these paranoid feelings had gone away and I had become the typical, "cool" kind of pothead who thinks he's laid back mr. jamaica himself.
But then, the hallucinogenic effects came back slowly, resulting in paranoia and bad experiences, enhanced by the feeling that I needed to change something and can't hang around with all these people anymore.
I got into a real crisis - my studies at university weren't that successful and I wasn't sure anymore if I even wanted to go to university, but didn't know what else to do with my life. I felt like I had missed a lot of things because of my hanging out with potheads only, but nothing else seemed fun anymore.
And at the same time the weed turned on to me, making everything even worse instead of calming me down. In retrospect I see the weed was a good teacher back then - no false love, it told me the truth right away...
In that situation it was so easy to quit the weed, I didn't even realize I was quitting. First I didn't buy anymore, only smoked some with friends and gave them a fiver as contribution. Then I smoked less and less, even with my friends, and the less I smoked, the more powerful the weed became again and often gave me very unpleasant introspective highs with a twist of social paranoia.
So I quit completely (which was a relief) quit university and got a job-training, moved to another town and did not smoke at all for at least one year. Thne I tried it again a handful of times but only liked it about two times, when I went to bed shortly after smoking and had a nice psychedelic rollercoster ride with my eyes closed.

When I was with people it instantly made me very uncomfortable again. I can remember one time I got convinced that I was making weird noises with my mouth and everybody was talking about me because of that, but they didn't tell me. So I tried to be sure I wasn't making weird noises and bit my tongue for over an hour. It was so freaking psycho how all the nice people suddenly turned into malevolent beings who were making fun of me (of course they weren't) I decided never to smoke in company again and haven't smoked since (that was about 2 years ago). However this week I was thinking about getting some weed and trying again alone, in a good trip-like setting.

Sorry this got so long, but I couldn't point out shorter why quitting to smoke weed was relatively necessary (and therefore not a problem at all) to me.
me and after a while my best friend stoped smoking like that tryptonaut cause off the same bad experiences and social discomfort. even now after 2 yrs ppl smoke around me and i dont even want to smell(bad vibes)
I understand if you don't want to smoke anymore but why the bad vibes??? cannabis is all about good vibes, if it reminds you of bad experiences, well, you know, those joints didn't smoke themselves! smoking every day is bad because everything taken to extremes is bad--- ok, what I want to say is don't hold a grudge with the ganja!!
One of the people that made the last British study , where they put the results of 34 other studys together and reanalysed them , that "proved" that cannabis is dangerous , said that they were specificaly talking about indoor grown grass since 1990 . So it would seem to me to be a good idea to ask those oif us that have had problems with light paranoia and depression what they had been smoking . I personaly never had any problems untill i started smoking indoor grass and i used to smoke loads of outdoor grasss and hash , so did all the people i know and non of them had problems either .
I personaly see a big difference between outdoor grass , that in my opinion makes you high , and indoor grass wich i say doesnt . I`m not saying indoor grass doesnt have an effect , i`m saying that the effect is not the same , nowhere near as good as outdoor , more sedatery .
@GOD, you got a point there. The paranoid feelings always were the most extreme with indoor hybrids from NL.
I've also had bad feelings with street quality hash that was made out of who knows what. Once had a batch were everybody's fingers started trembling after a few bongs. I've often been told that hash cut with crappy substances was a myth, but that one time it was definitely something in there that didn't belong in there.

However, the worst paranoid/confused feelings always came with strong indoor hybrids. On the other hand my own weed I had grown indoors didn't seem that bad. It was indoor with a lamp, but I used earth and organic fertilizer and the whole process wasn't perfectly professional, so the plants took longer to grow than in a perfectly professional hydroponic grow house. The best plant I ever grew was some weird purple/indica/whatever bastard (had gotten the seeds from friends). Slightly purple, extremely sticky, nauseating smell, effect like black hashish. Which is, by the way, the thing I'd look for when I wanted to smoke now. Good hashish, never had any real paranoia problems with that.
I also quit smoking weed.

The feeling is not the same as in the beginning, I wouldn't describe it as a good feeling (of course much of such things comes from my head, but I don't care). and the days after I often feel depersonalized, which is one awful feeling, I can tell you that.

anyway, yesterday I had to break my principles and smoke some, I was at a breakcore party in an old part of a castle in a mountain in the middle of a great city, and as cannabis enhances music so much, I decided to smoke some, as my friends did it anyway.
the party was fucking insane/awesome :D one of the best things I have ever been to :D
i quit weed yesterday with the aid of magic mushrooms :)

i was planning to stop to regain a memory for the exams (my first university exams). and i was also planning to trip because it has been a while.

and i went for a combination of the two.
got 30gr fresh golden teacher, ate them all and smoked my last (very fat) joint just before the peak experience.

i lost consciousnes, just a few seconds said my friends, but for me it was an eternity, being pulled and beaten by millions of hands, faces, eyes and all kinds of forces trough the machinery of the universe.

i did scare my friends though :oops: they were also tripping and slight panic broke out, which became big panic untill i stood up again.

btw, my current avatar is the painting i was making while smoking the joint right before the peak experience.

will post a full report soon.

i have stopped cannabis succesfully in the past, 8 months weed free until my 18th birthday.

and now i have absolutely no problem to stop (before yesterday i smoked 5 grams a week).

i feel cleansed, free and completely self-confident.

but i will start again in february :P

weed is waaay more fun if you know you can live a couple of months without it.
I've only been smoking for about 3 years, but shortly after I started (about 3 months after) I quit for a whole year. It wasn't so bad because I wasn't a daily smoker, but in the past year, I've been a daily smoker. And I can say my "withdrawal" symptoms were irritability and unusual vision (almost like I was burnt out for days at a time lol). It's usually fine after a few days though, so I guess it's not too bad to quit. I've debated going for short periods of time sober (and after getting busted, I spent 2 weeks sober, for fear of testing, which never happened). But good for you for quitting, as no matter how much safer marijuana is than tobacco, the smoke still does do some damage to one's lungs.
I only quit so I can start again :)
???????? a dit:
I only quit so I can start again :)
are you by any chance referring to quitting for a period of time so that when you do smoke again it's a much more intense experience? I know all about that :D
Skeetastic a dit:
???????? a dit:
I only quit so I can start again :)
are you by any chance referring to quitting for a period of time so that when you do smoke again it's a much more intense experience? I know all about that :D

That’s the best way to smoke; I call it the blast and break!
hehe, entering my third week of break tomorrow untill februari.
i have no problems at all quiting, i even let my friends still smoke in my house.

and, i am aware of a much better memory already :)

it's good to feel that weed doesn't damage your memory, it only weakens it a little.
Meduzz a dit:
hehe, entering my third week of break tomorrow untill februari.
i have no problems at all quiting, i even let my friends still smoke in my house.

and, i am aware of a much better memory already :)

it's good to feel that weed doesn't damage your memory, it only weakens it a little.
trust me...it does damage to your memory
Why you say it damages memory?

do you have PERMANENT after effects, even after you quit?

have you tested yourself in order to evaluate the so called effects you now experience because of smoking?

after REGULAR use I found that the forgetful state when stoned it's really temporary, sort of like getting used to it after a while and/or learning to handle it. The "what did I just say" thingy goes away with the effects as well.

and studies have proved that after quitting people have no long term effects whatsoever.

I realize I'm being an asshat but my cannabis partner has so many unjust accusations that I feel like defending her honor.