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ok so i want to quit smoking the weed

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion UTHTURN
  • Date de début Date de début
Because I have to go in surgery for my throat, sinusite, nose, etc..
I just can't handle the smoke nemore.
I feel so lucky to live in Quebec, where you can find the best weed all around the world :P
You lucky bugger , canadian out door grass . Wow!!! If i can crush myself into an envelope can i post myself over please ????
yeah for sure ;)

But the pot that is grown outdoor is the lower quality...

Hydroponic FTW :P
Thanks for the invite , i will get the steam iron out and press myself into an envelope and arive shortly . I used to read "cannabis culture" and was very impressed at the things i saw there . I`m sure that the indoor weed you are talking about that you get is realy good .....but i`m into outdoor grass , maybe you just havent managed to find any of the best sorts of outdoor grass yet . I`m sure that if it becomes available where you are you will get to like it . Please keep an open mind on the subject , i`m sure you will be suprised some day .
Well theres a sort of outdoor weed that is called Freezeland that is pretty good. But nothing can beat hydroponic M39 :)

Hydroponic is indoor, but it is a special method of growing that makes very compact flowers very concentrared in THC. There is also Aeroponic, but I never had the chance to taste that. Indoor weed is also be very good.
I started growing in 1972 . I`ve tried all the methods of growing that you mentioned and i still think outdoor is the best . But you need to do serious breeding for 7 to 10 years before it gets realy good . Growing indoors from shop bought seeds , female seeds or clones of both of them eventualy results in plants that might look good and stink like cheep woolworths kids perfum or a homosexual brothel , but they dont realy do the trick . Have you ever tried breeding ?
lol I dont grow cannabis, I don't know then methods, just the name and the result :P

But well you're older than me and seem to have a lot more experience than me with pot so you can be right ;) I started smoking only 2 years ago ^^
Lucky man , i had to wait 8 years before i got any good indoor grown grass .
lol well here weed is easier to obtain than alcohol or cigarrettes so :P (until you're 18 off course, then you can buy them in any convenience store or grocery :P )
I know what a public conveniance is , is that the same as convenience store ? And for who is it convenient ??? Probably only for he guy counting the money selling medical care to cancer patients and the man counting the taxes and maybe the local mortuary .
Gemäcksgeschäfte = convencience store.
Es ist ein geschäfte mit lebensmitteln wieso wasser, obst und gemüse, ...
Danke schon löwe , Was ist los hier ? normale weise bin ich alein hier um diese tages zeit . Ich habs vorher kapiert aber ich dachte das ein witz ab und zu gut tut !!! Aber von was du sagst hat es doch was mit geschäfte zu tuen ???
what's the joke ???
Ja du kan auch alcohol kaufen in diese geschäfte.
Aber allein wann du 18+ bisst.
Und sofort sagt er das cannabis einfach is zum kaufen dan alcohol.
GOD a dit:
I know what a public conveniance is , is that the same as convenience store ? And for who is it convenient ??? Probably only for he guy counting the money selling medical care to cancer patients and the man counting the taxes and maybe the local mortuary .

I meant a "dépanneur"
The joke was convenience store - public convenience . Public conveniences are public toilets !!! And the other bit was Gemäcksgeschäfte - geschäfte . Gemäcksgeschäfte could be split up into "go make geschäfte" if you were stupid and english like me . And in german Geschäfte can also mean going to the toilet , a sort of doing your buisness , or just plain having a shit . OK ??? .

But what does depanneur mean , it sounds like the same sort of thing to me ???
kindof off the topic of quitting but since im being tested and cant smoke i keep on having lucid dreams and i must say that that alone is enough incentive for me to stop..
Me to , when i actualy get to sleep .
Si la fumas todos los dias es fácil que con el tiempo vaya perdiendo su "misticismo", en cambio si lo haces esporádicamente disfrtas mas sus efectos , y la aprecias más. Te recomiendo que para dejarla de fumar pruebes un LSD! - If you smoke it everyday it start to losses its mistycs effects (sorry about my english :P), and it put stains on your "aura" than smoking it ramdomly.
---Try LSD, you`ll see you dont need to smoke it and then you`ll quit right away!--[/quote]