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OBE's: have you had yours...yet?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion TMthi3dgen
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I have had out of body experiences .
GOD a dit:
I have had out of body experiences .

God doesn't have a body !


Might have had one when I used Salvia 2 weeks ago but I'm still not sure about it (read something about the gradations 1-6 and it looks a lot like I was on 6, thought not really likely with 0.5 g. @ 10x)
Noknok a dit:
Might have had one when I used Salvia 2 weeks ago but I'm still not sure about it (read something about the gradations 1-6 and it looks a lot like I was on 6, thought not really likely with 0.5 g. @ 10x)

I usually break through with 0.1 g of 5x, so you might have reached level 6 easily with that amount. Level 6 is the amnesia level, though, so you shouldn't remember a single thing.
Forkbender a dit:
Noknok a dit:
Might have had one when I used Salvia 2 weeks ago but I'm still not sure about it (read something about the gradations 1-6 and it looks a lot like I was on 6, thought not really likely with 0.5 g. @ 10x)

I usually break through with 0.1 g of 5x, so you might have reached level 6 easily with that amount. Level 6 is the amnesia level, though, so you shouldn't remember a single thing.

Hmm thing is I DO remember a little bit, but it is so weird maybe I don't wanna believe what I felt, and uhh ... saw

What I wanna believe (:P) is that I kinda got back into my body, or at least I got back into this life, but from where, thats a bit scary ...
GOD a dit:
Scientists say the relationship between thinking and electrical/chemical activity in the brain , an organ , is proved . = No elsctrical/chemical activity in the brain = no thinking . Electro/chemical activity is physical and in this "realm" .

What other "realms" are you talking about ?

"your own reality" is a property of "self" wich is a property of consciousness , wich is a property of thinking , wich is a property of electro/chemical activity in the brain .

" not layout nor describe or give dimension to. "

Yes . But thats irelevant to where and why thinking takes place .

Alright please provide a link or some type of information where I can find a mind reading device, or some forum of it at the very least. What you are saying is that we have developed a theory on how to examine the contents of thoughts from the thinking processes which is correlated to the electrochemical firing of neurons. PLEASE provide some valid information on this.

-Thanks. :lol:
I never said that anyone can read thoughts . That the brain is active and having thoughts can be proven by measurung the electrical activity in the brain . To some extent it can be proved that some thoughts / memorys are new or old . It can sometimes be shown if the thoughts are pleasurable or not . But it cant be shown what a person is thinking .

References . No . Just watch the news , documentary programs , read the news paper and read some of the threads on this forum .
magickpencil a dit:
Noknok a dit:
gradations 1-6
Forkbender a dit:
where do these levels come from?
if level six is amnesia, my last several trials were all most certainly level six

Level 1 - Subtle effects:
Feelings of relaxation and the feeling that something is different but its hard to say exactly what. Some people find this mild effect useful for meditation or even increasing sexual pleasure.

Level 2 - Altered perception:
No visuals at this level, but colors and textures appear more interesting and different. Music apprehension can be increased. Depth perception changes; things seem closer or further than they actually are, but no hallucinations yet. Thinking becomes less logical.

Level 3 - Light visionary state:
Closed eye visuals appear. Commonly they are 2-dimensional patterns, but clear images may also be seen. Open eye visuals are sometimes noted, but they are vague and not confused with reality.

Level 4 - Vivid visionary state:
At this stage vivid open eye images and scenes occur and voices can be heard. If eyes are closed one may experience journeys, time travel, encounters with other beings, worlds, or spirits. This level is a shamanic experience and with your eyes closed you may think what you are seeing is real.

Level 5 - Immaterial existence:
At this level all contact with reality is lost, but consciousness still exists and some thoughts can be made. You become completely immersed in your experience. You may loose your individuality and live someone else's life. Some users report becoming inanimate objects or merging with another being or God. This may be terrifying or extremely enjoyable for the user. A sitter is absolutely necessary because users sometimes try to move without being aware of where they are.

Level 6 - Amnesic effects:
No one has reached this level and been able to recall what he/she experienced. In this deep state a user may clobber around and injure themselves. Since no one can ever remember their experience this level is not desirable.

http://www.salviasource.org/forum/exper ... g-scale/0/
Noknok a dit:
magickpencil a dit:
Noknok a dit:
gradations 1-6
Forkbender a dit:
Level 6 - Amnesic effects:
No one has reached this level and been able to recall what he/she experienced. In this deep state a user may clobber around and injure themselves. Since no one can ever remember their experience this level is not desirable.

http://www.salviasource.org/forum/exper ... g-scale/0/

LOL I have a couple weak minded friend who tried this out. One immediately dropped to the floor and backpeddled into the wall repeatedly giving him a concussion. Another ended up reverting back to his youth and crying out for his mother while running down the streets of the ghetto (we had to carry him back, after he quit swinging at us). I'm pretty sure I have it on video somewhere.

EDIT: Sorry GOD, I misunderstood what you had posted.
Again . People talking about levels are playing post offices . The state you get in is personal . It depends from day to day on your mood and physical state . On the strength of what you have . On how effective you do it each time . On your weight .

There are three levels with salvia = nothing , feeling uncomfortable or blowing your head off .

The site that was mentioned is a shop , they sell it , what they say is adverts .