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OBE's: have you had yours...yet?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion TMthi3dgen
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BrainEater a dit:
i would call it "realizing that you are one with everything". at least that would explain why you were looking through her eyes and having felt her sensations ...
well... it wouldn't really explain it, however it would shed some light on your experience. :heart:
peace. :weedman:

Hey BrainEater,

I've definitely had that feeling on some psychedelic trips, specifically mescaline.

But this was more like moving through incredibly vivid dream sequences buried within dream sequences, to the point where I no longer even felt the presence of my body and felt like I would actually have to search for it to find it. I became other possible realities, some beautiful, some frightening, all fascinating. But that's what I love about the closed-eye trip.. :)
st.bot.32 a dit:
BrainEater a dit:
i would call it "realizing that you are one with everything". at least that would explain why you were looking through her eyes and having felt her sensations ...
well... it wouldn't really explain it, however it would shed some light on your experience. :heart:
peace. :weedman:

Hey BrainEater,

I've definitely had that feeling on some psychedelic trips, specifically mescaline.

But this was more like moving through incredibly vivid dream sequences buried within dream sequences, to the point where I no longer even felt the presence of my body and felt like I would actually have to search for it to find it. I became other possible realities, some beautiful, some frightening, all fascinating. But that's what I love about the closed-eye trip.. :)

very interesting reply... :)

TMthi3dgen , good explanation . I must have been asleep when i wrote that about dreaming .....

I`ve had different near death out of body experiences . One was not so much hovering around and watching things , more droping the shell and leaving this world fast and enjoying it . It was a bit embarasing for me that i didnt give a shit , i just smiled inside me and was pleased to go . The last one was about 30 years ago .
Do you have to see your own body for it to be classified as OBE? I've never seen myself that way but I've had these massive pulls that felt like I was slipping out of my body... like maybe if it had gone on I could have had a real OBE? it didn't go on because I was in hypnagogia and woke up because it felt really Weird.
The classic oobe I had once for a very short moment on a high dose of shrooms. I was sitting on my bed, but I was sitting next to me, watching me sit. It didn't last long, but it felt kind of "normal", like you'd have that more often and just don't realize it. If that makes any sense...

I had two roles as two different people in a dream last night .
GOD a dit:

I had two roles as two different people in a dream last night .

haha amazing!! can you tell us about it?? i supppose it would be quite interesting...

It's just a shift of point of observation. Becoming the apple you eat also counts as OBE imo. Each crosspoint of flows of information holds potential to be a point of observation. Maybe these points of observation all together make up your consciousness?
Meduzz a dit:
It's just a shift of point of observation. Becoming the apple you eat also counts as OBE imo. Each crosspoint of flows of information holds potential to be a point of observation. Maybe these points of observation all together make up your consciousness?

probably... everything in the body needs food, light, energy.... so of course mostly energy doesn't come into the body as pure energy, but merely as substances that the body can recycle and use them in the needed place....

also naturally... your head is the natural vortex in which all informations, based on observations are being transmitted and processed. therefore it is logical that your head is the screen of consciousness and also the center of it.

of course if one can direct the consciousness in his/her body, then also the points of observation change....

this sounds all very confusing, but maybe if you would take all the crosspoints of observation within yourself together, you'd be left with your consciousness.

and then if you observe everything simultaneously, maybe you will find out, that there is nothing to observe.... but that will only happen, if you will be able to manage to free your mind from every thought.

at the point where there is nothing left to observe within your own consciousness, you are a free consciousness and can choose to observe whatever you like. of course you can choose to observe nothing, as you have become a free consciousness.... i think it is reccomendable to observe nothing.... :weedman:

???????? a dit:
Do you have to see your own body for it to be classified as OBE? I've never seen myself that way but I've had these massive pulls that felt like I was slipping out of my body... like maybe if it had gone on I could have had a real OBE? it didn't go on because I was in hypnagogia and woke up because it felt really Weird.

Not at all, it just seems that is a common perspective. It sound like you were right on the edge of one though. There is a "weird" feeling associated with an OOBE and it sound like you were getting it. you will feel a "push" or "pulling" sensation of sorts that will eventually lead to a leaving of your body. This brings up another question though, and i am sure everyone can interpret their own answer. If you aren't in your body, what form are you in and what do you call it? just one to think on
Its consciousness looking from a diferent point of view , without the "I" limits . Imagine sitting in a cinema watching a film and forgetting the cinema and only seeing the film . Then you stop watching the film , stop identifying yourself with a roll in the film and see the whole cinema . The watcher watching the scene instead of the watcher being part of the scene
Last time I dreamed I had and OBE in a haunted castle.
Then I saw a filthy fairies' orgy
I just found this times article from some time ago on consciousness... haven't read it all but it comments on OBEs and the physical reason behind them (although very briefly).

And when the physiological activity of the brain ceases, as far as anyone can tell the person's consciousness goes out of existence. Attempts to contact the souls of the dead (a pursuit of serious scientists a century ago) turned up only cheap magic tricks, and near death experiences are not the eyewitness reports of a soul parting company from the body but symptoms of oxygen starvation in the eyes and brain. In September, a team of Swiss neuroscientists reported that they could turn out-of-body experiences on and off by stimulating the part of the brain in which vision and bodily sensations converge.

Personally i'm more into the scientific explanation than the spiritual one when it comes to this subject, although accepting one does not necessarily rules the other one.
If you want to read the whole article: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/artic ... -3,00.html

Like I said I haven't read it all, but I think it's woth it.
"oxygen starvation in the eyes and brain."

Thats a very , very dumb theory and can not cause the effects that have been described . Its what happens when a person is near death but it doesnt explain what happens .

I will read the link later and maybe comment on it .
I've never had a typical OBE. But I have lucid dreams in the morning about once or twice a week. Also, as I understand it, using EEG machines there is almost no difference between an OBE and a lucid dream. But I've also read a bit of disagreement as to this point. Another, acronym for ya, WILD. That's wake induced lucid dream. I've definitely had one and only one of those. A lot of people say they are the same thing as OBE, IDK though because I wasn't looking at my body and I wasn't in my room.

If we define an OBE as somehow seeing our physical body as separate from us, that opens a whole can of worms. I've been lucid and aware of my body, inhabiting my body, but my consciousness was somewhere else all together. Also, I've been aware of my subtle/astral body from every conceivable perspective simultaneously as I was descending in mid air into an ocean. Upon entering the ocean I was no longer in a state with any sort of dualism. I was all that was. Not in an egoic sense, quite the opposite. For there was no separate me in any sense.

I'm curious if anyone else has consciously gone past the dream state, without drugs, to a state of pure being awareness. Often times called, emptiness or nirvana. Its happened to me on three distinct occasions without drugs (a few with drugs as well). One in particular was quite interesting because I'd say I went even further than that...

It started in the formless emptiness of deep sleep, which I popped out of into a high subtle/astral state. In which circular waves of experiential light were flowing over my vision, going to the singular point, my third eye, and reflecting back/out from there. Firstly, being a little surprised at this new state, I searched for my body and found it and kind of felt it from afar. Then I began consciously manipulating these waves until I decided to bring them down to just the point directly in front of me. Infinitely far away yet, there is nothing closer. When I did this I experience a torrent of energy exploding out of my crown chakra. It was pure white light and I was it. The way is the way without resistance, and this was unmitigatable, unstoppable, absolute energy and it was Form in its purest sense. If emptiness is Shiva, this is Shakti. Ultimately they are not two, but that does not mean we shouldn't honor their distinctions.

I could understand this being classified as a causal state like formless awareness, but it was different from any of the states of emptiness I've heard described.

GOD a dit:
You dont remember when you got your OEB ????? I`m sure i would if it were me as its a big day with the queen qnd whatnot . All the pomp and cercumstance and lords and ladys . Plus the visit to buckingham palace . What was up were you pissed ?
To me, OBE's are lacking an obvious definition, something for paranormal believers.

But with GHB, Ketamine, during dreams, I might have moments that match amoung the lines of OBE's.

Breaking through on DMT is definitely not something I'd classify as an OBE. The mind spreads it's wings to fly out and no longer needs a living physique as it's lodging to exist.
To me, OBE's are lacking an obvious definition, something for paranormal believers.

I think the first half of this statement is quite true. However, the second half is very wrong. OBE's are discussed even by scientific materialists. There's really very little doubt that these experiences are happening, they're just a little difficult for the academic to classify.
I've had OBE's many times!
But i've went out of my body percieving the world around me!
its a fucking strange feeling everytime!

but its fun! :D
Theres a difference between the feeling of leaving the body and the feeling of leaving the body during clinical death and having knowledge of what happened around you .