ok... here we go. I hope I am open enough
Please make a mental note, that I am not a mathematician. While I do understand its principles, my mind always rejected it to be used in my thoughts as a measurement of understanding. So I always had problems wrapping my mind around formulas and other so called fundamentals. In short: I just believe in math as much as I do believe in a single entity called God, especially if it is depicted as an old man sitting in the sky... Not at all.
My thoughts are hypothetical. I would consider myself a philosopher. An onthologist, a metaphysicist and psychonaut. I have some work (callings) besides that, but they usually are tangents to my main subject of interest and knowledge.
Of course, all of the following is a simple model. my model. i made it up in a conversation one day and whatever came to me, was used. the idea is simply an idea and does not expect to be treated as ultimate truth, or any truth at all. think for yourself and have fun...
Also you have to understand, that I see Einstein as a philosopher and a open minded, funny prankster, more then anything else. This is do some coincidence, that I once knew a very weird, but great and genial scientist, who knew Einstein. Very long story and I will keep it for now until another time...
Lets first put together some ideas and facts that should be considered while following my thoughts into the rabbits hole.
Quantum Mechanic is a real bitch. But we need to know (for those that did not yet) that if two particles ever came into contact, they share information henceforth. in the manner of particles, that usually is a certain state.
as example: in informational understanding it could be translated into binary. a positive state and a negative state.
now each of these particles will change with the other. so if one particle changes states, so does the other. this is very important:
They change
AT THE SAME TIME and they do
HOWEVER FAR THEY ARE AWAY from each other.
Try thinking about infinity? think about that for a moment. No matter how far these two particles are away (and it could be very well - in explanatory math - infinity, that lies between them)
There are several ideas and models how this works and why it works, but non was yet sufficient.
The next thing we need to understand is, that common believe says:
This is of course utterly nonsense. Not only because light itself is not in a constant speed (it can be manipulated by gravity for example - e.g. black holes) and it also falls under the idea of relativity, where the role of an observer in opposition to the participant makes a big difference.
Light has, under ideal circumstances, an absolute speed, which can be used as measurement.
Now most scientists would say, that nothing can be faster them light, but actually, what they mean is,
NO MATTER CAN BE FASTER THEN LIGHT, which makes all the difference. Because energy is not matter and information is not matter. even matter is not really matter...
Then we have TIME...
An awkward bugger. Time is defined not by itself, but is a conclusion of several occurrences.
Time is the movement of matter in space. If you take a room, and a certain thing, that would have an absolute (measurable & constant) speed, time could be measured by its movement from one point to the other. There is no other way to make time measurable.
Even our watches follow that idea. It is the movement of the pointer that tells the time. Even our planet is like a gigantic watch, as a pointer it circles around the center of our solar system. only due to the perception of these movements we experience time.
time in a manner of "energy" or measurement, vice versa any other physical energy or measure, does not really exist.
And a last thing to consider now:
Most would agree that all matter is energy. particles, super-strings, quarks, whatever form an atom, they build a molecule and that again is matter as we know it.
Matter is a very funny thing. The biggest part of any matter is space. even the densest of all material consists primarily of space. still, the atoms are usually tight enough to let matter collide instead of passing through each other.
now lets go a step further, shall we?
Lets consider energy as nothing else then a materialization of energy. for many of us here, this is not a very hard thing to do. Information is always neutral (neither goof nor bad, neither negative nor positive) and only in its manifestation it can obtain those sorts of attributes.
all that (and a few more things, i just can't pull out of my magical head at the moment) were part of the thought I had in a conversation some time ago, where I realized (I knew before, but it became clear at the conversation on how, why and what) that neither matter, time, nor space exist and even energy is not true. It all comes down to information. And information ignores space and time.
we and everything else exist of course, and at the same time we do not. it is a matter of perception. we are all nothing else then information, which does not take time nor space into consideration (as quantum mechanics shows). information does not care about gravity, speed, or any other manifestation of itself.
It just exists and it does so in a constant transition of states.
so we could say, that everything that is, has been and ever will be, is at a single point of moment. as a null-time, at the very pinpoint to a singularity of itself.
yes, yes, very abstract. and yes, very far out for a normal mind to comprehend.
let me try this:
time, as we perceive it, is merely a mental filter. It is like a biological "need-to-know-basis-information-breaker" (like in a circuit). If we would not have such a relais we would see our entirely existence and all there is in a single moment and it would be a bright and very loud flash, or a very silent absolute darkness (depending on what will/has exist/ed longer).
We filter and this filter follows our motion through space. There are moments, when this filter does not work properly. dreams, half-sleep, hyperemotional states, deja vu's, shock and others.
And while we are on the coaster ride of our timefilter, we hook memories to emotions. and throughout our evolution our time/information-filter lets through more and more (which is the reason why humans have developed such a complex emotional household, because the more detailed and different emotions are, the more we can store - hook to a memory - otherwise the memory of good cheese could be at the same "space" as that memory of a girl you kissed. The diversity of emotions prevent that, but they also cause sociological troubles, because we are not yet prepared to handle the emotional complexity, especially with all the input we get. our brain has a hard time to define new hooks for new information)...
but I am drifting...
Anyway... since explaining a joke takes all the fun out of it, I thought, I just give you some things to ponder over and maybe you get the joke. Einstein did. Just remember "E=mc2" and then read thought all that again.
And for the really brave ones that did come this far, I hope you are not disappointed, but I would break an oath (which comes with the understanding), if I would simply explain "how, why and what". And for those, that some day understand it, you will most likely not remember the source of it and that is very important too. Because it will be your original thought and that will make it true as true can be. So either you already know the joke, or you will not find the answer to it here.
I apologize for any inconvenience - have fun
Oh and yes, I am fully aware, that GOD will not approve. especially since I did not use a single clear sentence. If I did, it would be a paradox once again...
I do as my GODDESS taught me and that does not include to please GOD...