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Nothing ever dies????

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion BrainEater
  • Date de début Date de début
druglessdouglas a dit:
this forum is a secret society
and it is as far as I would join one :D

I always wonder, how serious people can be. So thanks for the little piece of humor douglas.
(btw: nice AC avatar - I like those, where he marks the lunatic :D)
no problem, but now you know we have to kill you. please send us your name and address :wink:
druglessdouglas a dit:
no problem, but now you know we have to kill you. please send us your name and address :wink:

you got a PM...

oh and send good agents this time... I was bored with the last ones
Make statements , dont answer questions , dont explain , acuse people of things and talk around everything , then blame others because you cant explain .
GOD a dit:
Make statements , dont answer questions , dont explain , acuse people of things and talk around everything , then blame others because you cant explain .

don't understand and then blame others for not understanding ???

GOD a dit:
Make statements , dont answer questions , dont explain , acuse people of things and talk around everything , then blame others because you cant explain .

ask stupid questions, ask for explanations so you don't have to think yourself, never contribute usefully, don't really read any posts, don't try to understand them and especially don't allow anything, that is not your own reality and then blame others for your own ignorance.
psm a dit:
GOD a dit:
Make statements , dont answer questions , dont explain , acuse people of things and talk around everything , then blame others because you cant explain .

ask stupid questions, ask for explanations so you don't have to think yourself, never contribute usefully, don't really read any posts, don't try to understand them and especially don't allow anything, that is not your own reality and then blame others for your own ignorance.
Awfully sorry to mix myself into this, but up until now I've mainly see you make empty statements and GOD trying to make you show how they're valid and what you mean by them. I see you then telling god he's got a bloated ego and whatnot while you're unwilling to explain yourself. If there would be something real to your statements why not teach people what the lesson in them is, instead of saying that they can't understand it anyway?
silv a dit:
Awfully sorry to mix myself into this, but up until now I've mainly see you make empty statements and GOD trying to make you show how they're valid and what you mean by them. I see you then telling god he's got a bloated ego and whatnot while you're unwilling to explain yourself. If there would be something real to your statements why not teach people what the lesson in them is, instead of saying that they can't understand it anyway?

dude, there are simply things that cannot be explained simply. no matter how often someone asks.
from my point of view (which i have said more then once) I did answer as clear as possible. and the reason why i might say he has a bloated ego is, because he keeps on nagging me. I am his prey. I can accept that, but he has to accept a certain reply (which I think he does).
The reason why I am not teaching a lesson was explained also and I teach for more then 10 years now. I had several students along the way and I am pretty confident that I know what I am doing.
Not understanding any of my posts is perfectly alright. It is even part of the process to learn. There is a reason why my signature has a big MINDF*CK all over. This is the way I teach and it's the one, the has proven to be the best way to do.

If I simply explain something, my opposite would not learn. He might interpret, he might draw conclusions, filter information and even blindly accept it as truth. Nothing will get him considerably far.

What I do is to stimulate certain thoughts without defining a truth. Some stuff might sound very smart but could be utterly bullshit, while something, that sounds like complete nonsense might hold absolute truth. There is no defined rule for that. And as I said, the reason has been explained in previous posts.

Sure, a lot of people might not get anything from what I am saying. But others do.
What do you teach ? Where did you learn the subject ? And when did you qualify ?
GOD a dit:
What do you teach ?
Life, the universe and all the rest.
Or simpler: To find yourself, enlightenment and truth.
(note: I am NOT teaching truth, only how to obtain it)

GOD a dit:
Where did you learn the subject ?
All over the world. I am a conscious metaprogrammer since I am 18 month old. From life and from a subliminal connection I am unable to explain in human terms.

GOD a dit:
And when did you qualify ?
The moment I rejected the position.
information never dies.

or does it ??
I've never seen an end to anything.

Objects are infinite.
EElectrical blue ooze of everything.
in regards to infinity, everything is a part of infinity, and therefore bound to the rest of infinity. the same goes for the rest of infinity, which is bound to the other rest of infinity.

so the resulting polarities are being shown in a perfect balance.

the balance is perfect, because there is a possible valid equation, that represents the process.

even after death, the balance should be perfect, in spite of the operator of the being (e.g. human, animal) being transferred to a literally less dense plane of existence.

the raw information of your experiences being transferred into a physically - non - existent entity called soul or ghost or wahtever...

but well maybe it's just blackness and nothingness that you see after dying .... some (they who didn't die, yet where close to it) said they see a tunnel of light though... = transfer to hyperspace = return to the light = return to your creator "god" = going back where you came from ????

peace :weedman:
Everytging is eternel! Material becomes energical... energical becomes material
Nothing dissapears