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Nothing ever dies????

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion BrainEater
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GOD a dit:
No . You could calculate within limitst the possibilitys of what could happen in the future a very small bit but not say exactly what would happen .
Even if you're Lapace's demon it's impossible, because the calculation itself also determines the future, so your calculation is a factor that should be in itself.

I say calculating the most probable events in the future should be no problem, given the needed intelligence for this problem. Of course it might not be easy, though... and one should know whether one has influence on the events, because one has to include oneself, obviously in the calculations :P
Time does exist , allthough not as something concrete , its transient . i can see that by watching a clock . When i do something there is a start and an end and time / events that existed / happened between it .

Is it that i effect what comes out of an experiment or is it the way i look at it . Is the electron varyable or the way i look at it / interprete it ?

I thought that the bit about Laplaces demon was interesting but i think i can see several holes in the article and one contradiction .
GOD a dit:
Is it that i effect what comes out of an experiment or is it the way i look at it . Is the electron varyable or the way i look at it / interprete it ?
An electron doesn't "really" exist... It's a logical construction based on observations, so yes, it's the way you look at it.
So all the talk and big mystery people make of things being matter / objects or a wavelength is just a game for people with no brains ?
No, people don't make the mystery. And the talk has it's technological applications that are mostly quite useful, so it isn't really a game either...
Physics is a mystery , but if an object / phenomenen being seen as an object or a wave length is a matter of human observation and the object / phenomenen doesnt realy change that means people are making a mystery / game out of something that isnt a physics mystery its a human mystery / game ?
lol, its now possible to "un-measure" the properties of an electron. it seems a waveform collapsing is not instant and takes time, so some information can be collected concerning the properties of the electron/photon or whatever without forcing it to be a wave or partical. ill see if i can find the article

http://richarddawkins.net/articleCommen ... page1#2258
"without forcing it to be a wave or partical"

So its not the observation that changes its the photon / particle thats being observed just by observing it ? If thats "true" i`d have great difficulty believing it . The universe cant be that simple . As einstein said god doesnt play dice = there wouldnt be much point in the universe / life if we could so easily see through the plan . It would mean that human consciousness has a higher power / priority than the object / physics / the universe . That we / our consciousness determines physics . That when hippys say you just have to believe that the world gets cured in 2012 it will .
Who says evolution hasn't used thing we don't know about?
the quantum world is very difficult to believe, yet these effects can be seen and measured.
If what is said about quantum physics is true we are only one step away from the Infinite Improbability Drive .


Nice quotes from the link from Drugless :-

"If anyone (today) says they really can explain quantum physics you'd be best off keeping an eye on your daughter and a hand on your wallet, cause they're up to something" .

"terms like wave and particle are human constructs used to describe natural phenomena. It's not the phenomena's fault that we can't describe them well."

From Drugless :-

"the quantum world is very difficult to believe, yet these effects can be seen and measured" .

All that = its is what it is = its the observer that sees a difference and not the phenomenen that is different . Thanks , i was right . ???
Time does exist , allthough not as something concrete , its transient . i can see that by watching a clock . When i do something there is a start and an end and time / events that existed / happened between it .

The discussion is a bit further now...well.

The past and the future are both imaginations of our minds. neither the past nor the future do really exist.
Ten minutes after a kick in the balls the kick doesnt exist but the pain does .....
the kick only exists in your memory...the memory artificially creates a past, so we can learn. Except of the pain, give evidence that the kick existed?
The past doesnt exist in the present exept as the past , but it did exist . Maybe the past exists and we could see that if we could see the all from a perspective not in the present .
restin a dit:
Time does exist , allthough not as something concrete , its transient . i can see that by watching a clock . When i do something there is a start and an end and time / events that existed / happened between it .

The discussion is a bit further now...well.

The past and the future are both imaginations of our minds. neither the past nor the future do really exist.

the past is what once was and the future is what will be, however both of them exist sort of simultaneously. the past merges with the present and becomes the future.

it is true that past and future are imagination of ours minds, but this doesn't make the past nor the future less real.

This just reminded me of a short clip off Zeitgeist. It is a clip most may have not seen because it was on the boughten version. I have managed to find it on youtube.
