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Mind-opening Cannabis

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Hah, yesterday I had one of the strongest experiences I've ever had on weed too and in the most unexpected way. I took a few puffs on a joint and literally the only thing that comes close to describing it is being on a hit of acid (minus the fractals). Synesthesia, time almost stopping, colors changing, objects shifting, imagination overlapping.. Must have been some very high thc strain. I literally came up for over an hour after just those initial drags. Wow.

I was on the subway at the time it was full swing, listening to music.. strangely enough I felt zero paranoia, I knew it would pass and I would be able to make it home. I closed my eyes and felt the sensation of my body dying and consciousness bursting apart, reconnecting into this stream of pure energy that life was pouring out of and back into in waves.. memories and emotions from early childhood coming back to me with renewed vibrance..
Huh? are you my schizophrenic alter-ego :D

OK, I didn't feel any objects changing but I lied in my bed and had my eyes closed...But I also saw things, and yeah, time really almost stopped. When I swallowed I felt the way the saliva took in a slow-mo matter.

memories and emotions from early childhood coming back to me with renewed vibrance..

Well, I didn't have that...But all in all it sounds very similar to my evening.
Before I got on the subway I was hanging out with friends on a balcony surrounded by trees at sunset, so I had a lot of imagery to react to. I kept seeing friends, trees changing size and distance and color, etc. the world took on this glowing sort of texture or sheen, hard to describe.

Still feeling it a bit almost a day later too, caught myself tripping out a couple times today when I was sitting still doing computer stuff, etc!


--i wonder if this is the kind of high that GOD was talking about earlier in this thread. must have lucked out, never had herbage like this before.

Ah yeah, was your joint without tobacco? I kust wanna ask, because when I made "pure" johnys, they didn't burn well (at all), especially with the "fist tecnique" (how the hell is that called :D)
yeah, without tobacco.

you can use something like a coffee grinder to mulch up your herbs to make them easier to roll.. if it's not burning properly that's probably because you packed it a tad too tight, experiment with packing your joint a bit looser. (by myself i usually use a glass pipe, i find it way, way more effiicient than a joint anyway.)

also, i know a LOT of people mix tobacco with weed.. I actually much prefer just straight weed without tobacco.. (with the occasional exception.) tobacco won't kill my experience or anything, (the effects wear off much faster than weed), but for me it messes with my dopamine levels and I find generally my best weed experiences have been not only pure, but when i haven't even had a cigarette for at least a day or two. nicotine sometimes makes me a bit anxious, or so I find.

I also bought a glass pipe :wink: what is the second hole for...?
In Dutch its "klapgat" keep youre finger on it took took took remove youre finger took blast off! :D
I always thought it was the cigarette-holder. :roll:
hey, don't laugh at me, Fork, I thought it was like a kickhole but I didn't feel anything special with the pipe (contrary to the bong) so I keep my finger on it...

thanks mrvn ;)
I smoke at night and at night only. I smoke alone generally, listening to psychedelic music. I use a 2 ft bong, and my slide is about 2 inches wide and 1 inch deep. I grind my medium grade cannabis into almost powder (kif). Fill it up, smoke without breathing any oxygen until it is gone (maybe 2 breaths somewhere in there of air). I repeat once more and I always get the type of experiences you are seeking.