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Mind-opening Cannabis

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Sorry for using the T-word :mrgreen:
I agree in what you say.

st.bot.32 a dit:
Small religious groups like these tend to share some behavioral traits of society in general. How many people out there genuinely like being told what to do, what is right from wrong by the authorities? How many people out there confuse legality with morality?

the worst sect of all sects is the government-sect.

the worst sect of all sects is the government-sect.

Still, humanity needs governments to survive. Sociality is a blessing and a grudge.
Back to mind opening cannabis . We have to be carefull with advertised / analysed THC percentages in cannabis . Some advertisers / analysts are talking about the THCs in the oil and the honest ones about the percentage of the 2 THCs that actualy make you high . THC is a group of chemicals and the 2 that make you high are part of it and also refered to as THC .
THC and THC-v?
OK . The 2 that are in all smoking cannabis are called THC 1 and 6 , or 9 and 8 depending on the naming system that is used . Very , very , very rarely cannabis contains another THC that can also make you high . Its called THCV = Tetrahydrocannabivarin .
I don´t get any indications when I get my weed from the evil-guy-that-seduces-me-to-buy-his-drugs btw. there are different people my weed is from and NO I can´t grow myself. Is this vital?
Actualy having weed is the vital part , where it comes from is secondary.....
GOD a dit:
Actualy having weed is the vital part , where it comes from is secondary.....

wrong! you probably don't want to smoke weed with tiny glass splinters, lead or other shit in it....

i heard of cases in germany where that has been the case....

it's sick that some grass dealers can be such bastards...

Whos been reading the Bild zeitung and has believed it ???
Meditation and weed are a particular interest of mine.


I certainly think that the best way to explore the high is after eating good hash, the effects come to you rather than you having to do too much work and go to them. Preparation is everything, mood, lighting, relaxation, a session of light meditation beforehand to make sure you maintain focus, etc, but it can be very rewarding.

Cannabis is just a very spooky psychedelic in my book. Spooky, but gentle and sensual too in some way.

To me it's just a trip like doing mushrooms or acid. That's why I strongly advice not to smoke it regulary. Just 'cause it's daily psychedelic use then. And you're missing the possibility to have powerful experiences on pot.

If you're ingestion lots through smoking or eating after you've been clean for at least one month, you're going to have strong extended fantasies with a whole storyline.

I'm staring with open eyes and a wide open mouth in my chair. Not actual hallucinations, but very realistic day dreaming that almost makes me present in the situation and it pushes the actual setting more to the background.

I have been in situations with my mind that drove me very in a state of fear and nearly panic. Cannabis is truly a substance that scared the shit out of me mentally, salvia like fear. It warns me too, though! Cannabis tells you how loyal people are to you. Digg this!

I'm literally feeling like my heart is running alone after a huge dose. I'm pumped, muscle expansion.

I don't know, I have had yellow like visuals in a black background. Accompanied by purple as well. The patterns are crosses and lines mostly.

Doing Tantra on it is heaven. Makes me realise how poor physical sex is.
To me it's just a trip like doing mushrooms or acid. That's why I strongly advice not to smoke it regulary. Just 'cause it's daily psychedelic use then. And you're missing the possibility to have powerful experiences on pot.
The problem is that lots of people don't want to go without pot for a month. The sadhus in India, the medical users, the coffeeshop stoners, me, hyperactive folks, many kinds of people. I think the (moderate) daily psychedelic use you mentioned is very valuable for some. They'd better not interrupt their usage and have the psychedelic breakthroughs with another entheogen. I do want to try eating a larger amount of weed though. Yesterday we made our first cookies. They were delicious, eating them as we watched March of the Penguins. I think I can handle a few more next time.
Why do some cannabis users seem to get shifts in awareness, or find themselves growing more 'spiritually-minded'? And how can a drug that seems to induce soporific states have any place in meditation?

Indian holy men use it, some forms of Tibetan Buddhism use it, and tokers the world over say how it helps them reach deeper states of meditation or glimpses of transcendental states - but why does cannabis have the effects that these people claim? Surely, a drug is a drug, and cannabis is hardly up there with things like Ayahuasca or DMT, and isn't everything you're going to experience using it going to be pretty much a product of your own psyche?

Yes and no. Whereas many of the things that we can experience, drunk, high or straight, are things that our own minds conjour up, in the case of cannabis the effects it can have come about through channels you may not expect.

Firstly let me try to explain the process that a serious meditator in search of enlightenment may choose to follow: Although most people think of meditation primarily as focussing on objects ('Shamatha' meditation), or being highly aware of their movements and their experience of life ('Vipassana'), in fact these styles of meditation are really just tools to help you prepare for the much deeper forms of meditation offered by more advanced traditions. Although some people may stay quite happily with either Shamatha or Vipassana their whole lives and do very well out of them, the higher schools offer a much faster route to altered states and enlightenment. These schools, mainly Tibetan Buddhist and either a form of Mahamudra or Dzogchen, use an entirely different approach, and on first look their students may not seem to be meditating at all. But a Mahayana (Middle Way) practitioner is classically said to require many lifetimes using Shamatha and morality to reach realisation, a student of Dzogchen can feasibly reach it in this one, and many do.

The experience of enlightenment (in its first stages at least) is to perceive the true nature of realtiy, as reality itself. In Buddhism, Hinduism and even in the Muslim esoteric tradition of Sufism, students are trying to achieve exactly the same thing, an experience of 'self' as non-dual reality, and the gaining of particular direct knowledge concerning this state and the nature of reality as a whole. Rather than just being, say, an altered state of awareness and a pretty light show, the experience of enlightenment MUST be conjoined with this understanding. An experience of enlightenment, no matter how deep, is just an experience without this knowledge

Think of realisation/enlightenment in some ways as being in a lucid dream, where for a few brief seconds, or even days and years, you 'wake up' and see that the world that you inhabit is vastly different than the one you had grown to believe in. This experience of lucidity - enlightenment - in waking life is so powerful and comes with so much authority, that those who have its deepest forms will never be the same again afterwards. Once their belief in themselves and reality, as is, has gone, so too goes their desires for gain, their anger, greed, fear - and they experience ego death. They need nothing, and their consciousness of the greater reality continues to tickle at the edge of their senses for the rest of their lives. Even the deeply religious may choose to leave their chosen religion after an event like this, saying that what they've found is more than 'God'.

Bearing in mind this analogy of lucid dreaming, part of the thrust of the traditions mentioned is to give it's students a fuller understanding (both intellectual and through direct experience) of the world that really is, the nature of ultimate reality. In some ways it's like telling someone with amnesia facts about their lives from before they developed the illness in an attempt to jolt them back to proper awareness. Knowing what the world really is, even if you aren't enlightened, helps you break through this relative illusion of reality we call our Universe. Many people - even if they've never meditated or considered any of this at any time in their whole lives - will get strange feelings, or blisses, or even enter into higher states of awareness and enlightenment itself, simply by hearing/reading about ultimate reality, for this very reason. That sudden understanding, and applying it directly to the world around yourself, is for some all that's needed.

I've no doubt that there'll be plenty here for whom looking at the stars, or reading esoteric texts they hardly understand will give them a sense of the above. We're all that close, we really do only need to change our understanding of reality to begin the process of shattering our current perceptions and moving towards enlightenment.

That out of the way, back to the cannabis connection. Why does it help?

One of the aims of the techniques in all the approaches is to get to a point where you can turn on, or remain permanently in, a state where you feel happy, totally relaxed and very mindful (aware) of the here and now. These three pre-requisites are the same through all schools, high and low, because a relaxed and happy mind is clearer and more able to sense subtle changes in awareness and moves into advanced states. If you're also Mindfully aware at the same time, this effect is even more pronounced. Get all three in place and meditate, or consider truths about the ultimate nature of reality, and you're far more likely to get a proper glimpse of enlightenment. Luckily for us

This is exactly what cannabis does, particularly to new users. You're hardly ever more mindfully aware of this moment in such a continuous way as during the first few experiences of being high, whether that's through psychedelics or cannabis. Unless you're bothered with weed-anxiety (something that's very easy to get rid of) cannabis also tends to make you happy and relaxed too. In short it provides a perfect ground for the practise of most forms of meditation in.

Obviously, if you're tired, or doing too much cannabis, or the wrong type, or have got to a point where the effects aren't as novel to you so you pretty much go about your normal life while high rather than being aware of what the drug is doing to you, then it's less valid as a tool and it can actually become a barrier to progress. But with the breadth of high caused by a good weed, or better still, eating it, the ideal ground of meditation will open up for you to use and explore. With ongoing correct use, a cannabis user can cause him or herself to remain permanently in that state of relaxed, happy awareness, and thus in a state where they're closer to understanding and enlightenment.

As something to play around with, sort through some of the Hubble space shots and find a couple that you like; I'd also recommend some of the YouTube video clips of zooming into an astronomical feature, or time lapse movies of things like the Sagittarius area of the Milky Way.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYPBdWHq ... re=related

Those at the ready, the next good high you get, look at each quietly for a few minutes. No need to stare or fixate unnaturally on them, just look at them in a relaxed and normal way - thinking at the same time that you are the Universe itself (and more) and that whatever you're looking at is inside you. Don't try to imagine that it is, the more you can make this a feeling that you simply know it is, without effort, the better.

I hope this article will help those who already get odd shifts and feelings from cannabis understand what may be happening to them, and that it might also encourage the more casual user to consider the doorway into enlightenment that it can offer.

Sorry about the length of this, I banged on more than I expected:)

CaduceusMercurius a dit:
I think the (moderate) daily psychedelic use you mentioned is very valuable for some.

It was for me too for about 3 years long.

But I have seen lots of psychonauts who were struggeling with too many negative vibes and one of the reasons that contributed to that was daily use of weed.

To me it doesn't provide any values anymore, my eyes and mind are just as critical sober as when I'm high. Thanks to cannabis. :heart:

I also discovered how to do tantra without the use of anything. It's a whole mindset, cannabis ha helped me how to configure my mind.

Nowadays, I just try it once a month/two months and then 'overdose' myself. No limit ingestion. I'm getting a powerful experience out of it.

But like you said, each to their own. :)
cannabis opened my mind to the extent that i discovered most buried thoughts in my latent mind, but also it showed me my "shadowself" and the connection with it to every moment of my life.

it also showed me the illusion of my shadowself and also the importance of it, hence its perpetual self-reflection.

cannabis allowed me to step "over it" and take influence in my inner self of which the shadowself is a part of like any other part of it.


It's shows me, I can stir this feeble boat through the most terrifying storms and dance my way into and out of.
Beautiful BrainEater.
Can't add anything that hasn't already been said here other than share an experience, I agree very much with the general consensus, less (frequency of use) is more.

I've been doing cannabis for almost 3 years now on and off, and as long as i keep it down it still never fails to surprise me now and then. I still get visuals, sensory crossover, and can still totally trip out now and then

I have had this discussion with a few potheads and ex-potheads who smoke or smoked quantity everyday.. I've definitely had some people (not all) project their own personal usage and experiences onto me too which is a bit annoying

A while ago I got together with somebody who at one point in his life smoked a lot of pot but had quit for a while.. and we smoked some hasj. I mentioned how cannabis allowed me to dig deeply into early and distant memories, and when he tried this right then he suddenly had a very moving experience, something he had never felt before on the substance in all his years of usage (edit-i should note he is not the turn the brain off type btw). the amazing thing for both of us talking later the switch had actually been permanently unlocked, the experience and the ability to dig into those memories stayed with him long after the experience! just like what happened to me!

That's kind of the peculiar magic of cannabis I guess. Use it to turn your brain off and that's all you'll get out of it. Respect it and dig in deep and you will most definitely find surprises awaiting you. -edit- I shouldn't project either, if someone uses it every day and still gets something out of it, that's totally fine as well.. ;)
The most flexible drug I know of
Funny, I yesterday had my first cannabioid psychedelic experience...

Strange enough, not with eating but vapirizing. Seems to hit me off quite hard. Very different, reminded me of smoking pure MJ in a waterbong...But much smoother.

(I am writing that because I asked the Q. about the psychedelic action of MJ)
