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Mind-opening Cannabis

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
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In this forum I have read from a lot of people about visual and mind-opening experiences with cannabis. I am just wondering, as I never experienced things like that, how and how much and under what set and setting you feel the effect of weed as mind-opening...

I am not extremely experienced myself, I have only experience with weed and not hash.

Mostly, I smoke joints but after a while my tongue feels quiet numb so the process isn´t nice any more, so in most cases I stop...What I feel is relaxation and the memory is more or less turned off :D But I never feel mind-opening or so, as some people have mentioned...

I have a bong at home but I don´t feel the bong-experience as being pleasant. Maybe it is individual reaction but my puls is very high and unpleasant (amongst other factors)
I had to experiment a lot to really find out how to use cannabis as a mind-opening substance. The problem is that many people just use it as a way to escape reality. First I don't smoke it everyday, that kills the magic by making it everyday. Some do, that doesn't work for me. I really didn't get into weed until I explored it Terrence McKenna styles: Occasionally, alone, exploring my limits and where it would take me. In other words treating it as an entheogen or psychedelic, with the same respect.

Also, try it by yourself occasionally. I find smoking weed socially often just distracts me from the depth of the experience.

I think of a high cannabis dose as almost like having access to my internal operating system, allowing me to really focus inwards, amplifying whatever it is I am thinking about. Distant memories come back to me as plain as day, even the emotions associated with the memories. My internal dialog is amplified greatly. Musical and artistic ideas become so vivid and clear I can practically hear them out loud.

At upper doses I get light synesthesia: music triggers visuals, taste, touch. It alters my sense of time. I do indeed get some open-eyed visuals too, movement in the peripheral vision, change of depth perception..

When I was inexperienced weed made me a bit paranoid or amplified my worries. After a while I found it allowed me to catch those thought patterns in the act and deal with them. Use it critically, occasionally and with intent and it will definitely be a mind-opening experience.

Abuse it, and yes it will become a mind-numbing drug just like alcohol.
one rule of thumb is to use it pure (at least I think so), not with tobacco. when I used tabacco I just got tired and relaxed.
it depends on the kind of weed you have too, indica pushes you in your couch, while sativa has more psychedelic aspects to it.

try to smoke a pure bowl, or have you done that anyway? I assume you didn't, according to what you wrote.

another way to consume it would be eating, which can be VERY strong and long. it is the best choice if you want to have more intense experiences with weed.

Also, try it by yourself occasionally
I fullheartly agree, this is a very important point, at least for me.
Also, try it by yourself occasionally.

I sometimes do, I will do it more often.

one rule of thumb is to use it pure (at least I think so), not with tobacco.

your are right, I smoke it with tobacco. I once smoked it pure in a bong but after two inhalings I quit- it was too strong resp. it made me cough. I never smoked it in a joint purely though. But for doing it regularly you have to grow it on your own or spend quite a lot of money...

it depends on the kind of weed you have too, indica pushes you in your couch, while sativa has more psychedelic aspects to it.

To be honest,I never concentrated on that...I will ;)

another way to consume it would be eating, which can be VERY strong and long. it is the best choice if you want to have more intense experiences with weed.

Do you mean baking (cookies etc) or just like that?

When I was inexperienced weed made me a bit paranoid or amplified my worries. After a while I found it allowed me to catch those thought patterns in the act and deal with them. Use it critically, occasionally and with intent and it will definitely be a mind-opening experience.

reminds me a bit of myself...

Thank you for the advice!
yes, try eating it. heat a couple of grams gently in some oil and drop it into a yoghurt. be prepared for a full on experience as profound as mushrooms or lsd and do it on you own. it can be very psychadelic, it can be very confusing at times but mostly it is wonderfull. be prepared to have a "hangover" the next day though as you will still be a quite high
"If in doubt double the dose"

Eating hash is my favorit drug experience but its physicaly taxing . 10 - 20 gramms of something good realy beams you . If you dont fall asleep.......
But be prepared for something that is totaly different from smoking it . Its a realy strong trip , a major hallucinogen .

If you only have grass you have to warm it up / make cookys / cake .

If you have hash follow what Drugless said . Custard is nice to .

I used to just crumble it and eat it but it tastes strange , burns a bit in your mouth and its hard to get it from in between your teeth .
another reason to heat it is it is covered in irritating hairs, the trichome stalks, which can irritate your stomach lining. hash usually contains them as well. heating breaks them down. heating also converts cannibolic acid to thc by chemical dehydration increasing the strengh by a factor of 4 or more
True with grass , and crap "hash" also known as kiff hash but not with real hash . Real hash is mainly the resin and doesnt need to be heated . But thats theoretical these days as there is no real hash available to the majority of users . The last time i saw some it was about 15 years ago from the tajikistan / chinese border .
yes, try eating it. heat a couple of grams gently in some oil and drop it into a yoghurt. be prepared for a full on experience as profound as mushrooms or lsd and do it on you own. it can be very psychadelic, it can be very confusing at times but mostly it is wonderfull. be prepared to have a "hangover" the next day though as you will still be a quite high

are you talking about hash here? Or does it work with weed,too?

If you only have grass you have to warm it up / make cookys / cake .

GOD,do you mean the same here ("warming up"?)
Warming powdered / small cut hash in oil to disolve the resin in the oil and then putting that in joghurt so it works faster and stronger as its easyer for the stomach to absorbe .

Heating the grass to decarboxilate the THC acids to THC . Otherwise the grass doesnt work as much . = you have to make a cake or cookys or its a waste of time eating grass .
Thank you very much, I´ll do it as soon as I´m back to my grass!!! Now I´m here in Norway (such a beautiful country)...
You can do it the way Drugless said with grass to but then you have to heat it more and for longer than to you do to make the hash oil from the hash soluable .
I think , form memory , that you have to heat grass up to about 100°C for 8 - 10 minutes to decarboxylate the THC acids to THC .
The Hasjtrip

I love MJ, even when just smoking I experienced some hard mind-fucking effects with it, but when I first tried spacecake I saw trees laughing at me, later I also tried other stuff.

A traditional way of using MJ in Marocco; most of the time made with Hasj, but also possible with the plant, sometimes the intire plant is cooked in butter for hours and hours, so the butter can be used for any psychedelic recepty.
Traditionally majourn is made with hasj, honey, fruits, nuts, herbs, mixed with butter. In Marocco majourn gets mixed with different ingredients for 'special' effects. Like Datura, Opium, or even crushed lizard ..

A traditional way of using MJ in India is in the form of bhang. At the temples of Shiva it isn't weird, when there's a bhang seller right next to the gate. The hemp-plant gets crushed and mixed with yoghurt or Lassi. 'Who drinks Bhang, drinks Shiva'.

Drinking with milk
Cook up a glass of milk, add some herbs for the taste like cinnamon/ cardamon-seeds/ clove/ chocolate (hot-chocolate-weed!!), a bit of butter and the hasj offcourse. be very precicely, 2/10grammes or 3/10 grammes more or less can make a lot of difference. When it's all cooked together add some sugar or honey.

Really DON'T underestemate the power of eating or drinking MJ,
you better take a small dose and use a little bit more every time than allready have to much the first time. I you don't expect what MJ can do, it can be really surprising. The hasjtrip is, if you don't take too much, a softer and warmer kind of trip than LSD. Just like on X, you melt together with your invirement, while the psychoactive part is like on shrooms. It really is a forgotten psychedelic, don't do it on party's and, don't do it in a small group with peaple who didn't eat or drink hasj, you will be seeing whole other things then them, and it might be confusing.
I do it similar to the above suggested method, heat a bit of hash in olive oil. Definitely some of my most intense and profound trips have been eating hash..

It would be lovely to try the old fashioned way with good hash that you don't have to heat, but i don't think i've ever seen the real traditional deal in these parts except a small bit of homemade that didnt' even come remotely close enough to what you would need.

weed is definitely harder on the body and you can go so much farther with hash than with weed.. also gotta be careful some strains of weed are far stronger than others. I've had 1/2 a gram knock me out and at other times not do much more than like a few bong hits. have never tried making weed butter, which i imagine is far easier on the body.

Oh yeah, be patient.. come up can take a good 3-4 hours easily, especially with a heavier dose.

DON'T underestemate the power of eating or drinking MJ

Totally second that. It really is the forgotten psychedelic!
I´ll certainly go for hash the next time!!
Maybe it is placebo, but on an empty stomach I can feel it coming up in 15 minutes.

I overdosed twice and lost a couple of hours/fell asleep. But with experience I've noticed that it is far easier to stay awake. The effects are easier to recognize and it is easier to navigate.
Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure I can usually feel it within minutes as well on an empty stomach! I actually find the comeup fairly linear and consistent. Really smooth on hash especially. It just keeps going up and up and after 2-3 hours I start getting an idea of what the trip will be like. or it stops at some point and that's it.

weed on the other hand is really erratic. my one time i mentioned passing out, it was maybe 90 minutes till it was completely full-blown. really fast. i ended up laying down in a comfortable position.. the other side of the room literally looked like it was a mile and a half away and the size of the grand canyon. with my eyes closed my body turned into this immense network or virtual map where internal physical and mental processes were represented by these avatars. quite the experience!
|HypNozOo. a dit:
Drinking with milk
Cook up a glass of milk, add some herbs for the taste like cinnamon/ cardamon-seeds/ clove/ chocolate (hot-chocolate-weed!!), a bit of butter and the hasj offcourse. be very precicely, 2/10grammes or 3/10 grammes more or less can make a lot of difference. When it']

This one interests me. Do you just prepare a hot-chocolate (or hot milk), add some butter and hash and then drink? Would it also work with weed?
^It would take a *lot* more time to dissolve the THC with weed, make weed-butter and dissolve that in the milk.
Ok. Is this a good technique for making weed butter?

1. boil some water
2. Add butter
3. Add weed
4. Let it all boil for a few minutes
5. Let it cool for 10-15 minutes
6. Put that in the fridge until the butter is all solidified on the surface
7. Collect the butter

Is it possible that this way I lose some THC that would still be in the water?