The Spider and Fly went for a wild ride last night...absolutely wild...wild in a good way.
The last minute decision to add a bit of pure lemon juice to our tried and true injestion technique was really impulsive...the fly's fault if you must know the truth...
...influenced in part by her scientific mind...her wanting to test out the general consensus in this thread that yes, the citric acid does indeed boost the experience in some way...
And as the eloquent Mz Fly notes, the trip seemed much stronger, the coming up much faster and we both simultaneously were overtaken by a tingling sensation across our skin and right through us that left us feeling like we were both somehow electrified...not unpleasant at all mind absolute feeling of sensory bliss. Very very powerful physical sensations. The tingly feeling for some reason I associated with the lemon...I know rationally they aren't directly connected ( I think... :?) but shit, at the time those tingles felt somehow like a direct result of the lemon!
That place that only a fine entheogen seems to be able to reach was being stimulated to it's maximum potential...and off we went on a mind opening absolute wild and fun experience...closer than ever to Nirvana.
But seems the citric acid does in fact impact on the mushrooms and how they are metabolized. The strength of the trip was unexpected. The power of the coming up quickly overtook both of us.
This experience unlike our others left both of us feeling like we had suddenly woken up from a dream...the boundary between peaking and coming down was very very clear. Deceleration seemed much more sudden...I suddenly became aware that I was where I was and was doing what I was doing and my brain reported in that it was fine but wow that was one fucking peak and it was time to check in with the rational side again...I say rational because I can't think of a better's not the right word though, it's suddenly seeing the world for an instant through non-psychadelic eyes...This was four hours in...
Our musical selections included Brian Eno - An Ending; The Orb - A couple of tracks, some fairly mellow Shpongle...less dance, more trance, Orbital - One Perfect Sunrise - this song is a psychedelic has quickly become our very favourite trip tune, we like it so much we listen to it several times
....during the coming up, somewhere in the peak, and on the downside...that song is very powerful for us.
Tunes also included a good selection of stuff I grabbed from the internet somewhere from "Return to the Source"...that's a label, not a group; some amazing stuff there...a trip disc that now runs 4 hours long...for us, the music is very much a part of our tripping together, the setting is very important....anyhow...we wuz flying...riding an energy wave together...our sense of physical boundaries (i.e. skin) had all but dissolved...beyond words...amazing...if you've been there, you know. If you haven't, you should visit soon...
As we sat there enjoying the downside of the curve together we both agreed that we couldn't remember much of what we just experienced, thus the sense of having woken up from a dream...listening to the music we wondered if we had just heard this song...did we somehow skip a bunch of music..this one seems remember...the energy...the were there too...
That reason alone is enough for us not to dabble in various citric combinations. I think we agree that the key is in the dose, not really in any potentiators you choose to take with the shrooms...we're creeping up in .5g increments to find our happy place...last night was one amazing happy place but something, we think, in that lemon juice combo left us feeling overpowered. But boy oh boy, that third eye was squeaky clean...still's only 15 hours since we began...the residual effects linger well beyond the end of the curve...
The spider retreats to the comfort of his web....looking for his Fly...