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Lemon juice before shroom trip: trip booster or myth?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion c0sm1c_d4nc3r
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Lemon juice shroom trip booster or myth?

  • c0smic is right!!

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  • Nah c0smic you don't have clue n00b!!

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  • I don't have a clue.

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As far as I know from reading about shrooms on the net is that the citric acid converts the psilocybin into psilocin so when the citric acid shroom drink is ingested the stomachs acid doesnt have to break down the psilocybin to psilocin and because of that the body experiences a more intense but shorter trip. This can however be prolonged by taking some MAOI before the shroom drink.
but it doesn't just make it shorter and stronger, i've had two trips with quite some citric acid added, and they were long and three times as hard as a normal dose, i'm not kidding, i'm still becoming quite when thinking of it. and last weekend i tripped without citric acid and it was such a mayor difference, this was a peace of cake and relaxed, compared to those other ones. it's unbelievable that stuff
A couple of things (from the thread on shroomery):

- the guy never had a major experience except on DXM and he's growing shrooms, that should give everyone a hint.
- He did his experiment with the same strain but different flushes, everyone who grows should know that potency between flushes vary greatly so any experiment with regards to increasing potency by adding other compounds, will be biased because the potency of the shrooms vary.
- The guy experience a very intense onset, even a great sense of danger.

There is a big difference in the onset of a psilocybin trip related to the way you consume them. Eat them fresh/dry, this will cost some time and the trip will come up slow. You will be able to anticipate and slowly slide into the experience.

Making tea, when I did this the first time to test the difference (note: I DID use the same strain AND the same flush to avoid misinterpreting difference in potency), my experience was much like the one described on shroomery, I was blown away, I thought I took to much, I felt danger, I felt a lot of things. After about 30 minutes, I kind of tuned into the experience.

If you add citric acid to your tea/shrooms, I can imagine the goodies are being accepted in your system even faster.

So yes I am sure this method will intensify the onset of the experience and makes it look like its heavier. But no way you can get away using 2 grams of shrooms for a 5 grams experience. Its just not technically possible.
i'm really really sure it does, and not only making the effect come on faster. it doubles or triples the effect.

okay, what if you take 3 grams mexican and you can't understand language, you can't recognize someone's face because the persons body is changing from alien to animal to horrormovieperson, and then you see and feel that your hands and feet are gone, all you have is round ends, and then out of those ends feet and hands grow, wich you can see very precisely. thinking you are landed on an alien planet, and they will capture you because you are an alien.

if you take 6 grams dried (mexican) with lemonjuice, and the area you are in you can't see what it is because it's all melted to one soup, there is no way you can stand up and you are just bading in a mixture of colors and sounds, of wich you can't even imagine what it could be, and very sometimes get a snapshot of a dog or person very precisely.

these things are not like this when i trip without lemonjuice, there is a huge difference.
Damn typed an entire reply twice to loose it.

Short version:

Dabbling with psilocybin: Dabbling with psilocybine means that you are using the compound without dosing enough. In other words, everything below the average of 5 grams dried, is below full dose. You have to take this into consideration in this discussion.

Please take note I'm not saying it doesnt work, I'm trying to explain what I think is happening.

When you add acid to your mushroom tea, you decrease the time needed for your body to process it. This has two effects: 1) the trip will come up much faster and much more intense since instead of slowly processing it overtime (eating dried mushrooms), its all let loose in your body in a very short time. This effect will overwhelm you for sure, it did it to me the first time I experienced it and the first minutes I panicked (9 years heavy tripping experience at that time).

2) This is speculation but since tolerance happens so quickly with mushrooms, its not untinkable that when you just munch them away in 30/45 minutes, tolerance starts to build up during that time, decreasing the overall effect.

What would be interesting I think, is to try a sure full dose of mushrooms, with added acid and then see if the experience is more intense than your 'normal' dose. For the sake of this discussion, I will do this experiment with my next batch of amazonians. I will take 80 grams fresh in combo with lemon juice and report back ;)

Edit: What the fuck did I just promise.... o hell, a man a word...
yup......you're nuts......

The steepness of the comeone can be scary, at least it was to me, but I think the peak itself lies also at a higher level. The same amount of psylocybin is processed in a shorter amount of time, so why can't the trip be compressed ? I modified the picture from erowid.

phalaris a dit:

The steepness of the comeone can be scary, at least it was to me, but I think the peak itself lies also at a higher level. The same amount of psylocybin is processed in a shorter amount of time, so why can't the trip be compressed ? I modified the picture from erowid.


Yes I can completely understand whats going on there.

Who said it couldnt be compressed?

tss, I completely missed this part:

the trip will come up much faster and much more intense since instead of slowly processing it overtime (eating dried mushrooms), its all let loose in your body in a very short time

But at least, we now have a nice picture to look at ;)

The fact that there is an actual line graph depicting the onset of a shroom trip is quite hillarious to me. I really did laugh out loud at that one.

Heartcore, doing it in the name of science. Fuck yeah!
The fact that there is an actual line graph depicting the onset of a shroom trip is quite hillarious to me

well, you could checkout http://www.erowid.org for more laughs I guess :wink:

(btw, I love that website ! mental note: donate 50 Euros when I have the money )
well u know what I think
(says a man without experience with citric acids)
I think that if u take lets say 50 grams fresh without the acid
maybe 80% of the psylocybin is converted to psylocin
the other 20% is not being used ( maybe that builds up the tolerance)
now u take another 50 grams fresh from the same batch ofcorse
but this time with the citric acids... now theres a 100% conversion from psylocybin to psylocin

don't u think the answers just as easy as this ?? :)
ProStoner a dit:
well u know what I think
(says a man without experience with citric acids)
I think that if u take lets say 50 grams fresh without the acid
maybe 80% of the psylocybin is converted to psylocin
the other 20% is not being used ( maybe that builds up the tolerance)
now u take another 50 grams fresh from the same batch ofcorse
but this time with the citric acids... now theres a 100% conversion from psylocybin to psylocin

don't u think the answers just as easy as this ?? :)

I sure hope so! =) Isn't it just possible to squize a bottle of lemon-juice out in ur mouth after drinking shroomtea? :roll:
last time i did shrooms with lemon, i eate dried shrooms and then drank lemon juice, effect is the same
well, I read all that was writen before with interest,
I'we tryied mixing mushrooms( P. Semilanceata & P.Cubensis) with pure cacao powder and honey, (it was stronger happier and longer than usual)
I'wve tryied mixing mushrooms(P.Semilanceata) with small dose of MAOI( 1 gr. Harmala Paganum and again it was stronger and longer than usual)
I've tryied also mixing mushrooms with bluebery and with pumpkin cake :)
but I've never tryied with citrick acid containing fruits,
Next time I'll try with orange cake and lemonade, so to have wxpirience to cmpare.

pleace tell me more about this:
Citric acids convert the psylocybine into Psylocine.
Psylocine works faster and heavier, so your trip will be a bit shorter but sure as hell give you one you will not forget.

fresh mushrooms contain both psylocine and psylocybine,
dryied ones contain only psylocibne, right?
(I've already noticed significant diference in the intensity of the trip from fresh and from dryied ones)
if psylocine is stronger and if the citrick acid is converting the psylocibine, it's worth to try it.
As far as I understand it:
What the citric acids do, is take away some of the workload of your stomach: the psilocybine is already partly converted to psilocin. This will make the hit stronger, but also shorter, because there is little left for you stomach to do and psilocin will disintegrate as usual in the brain.
Citric acid is used for breaking down heroin...

It hasn't got any other uses except for treating scurvy.
Richy sez:

Citric acid is used for breaking down heroin...

It hasn't got any other uses except for treating scurvy.

I'm sorry but this is the dumbest thing I've read in a while.

Look at a can of soda. Most likely citric acid will be an ingredient. That's because Citric acid is also the most widely used organic acidulate and pH-control agent. Its salt, sodium citrate, is another additive used in sodas. It is also used to control acidity in cookies, chocolates, cakes, and butter.

Citrate is a salt or ester of citric acid. Citrate is more commonly used than straight citric acid.
Ferric ammonium citrate is used for blue prints. Drawings are put on paper in which light can go through. The drawing is placed over paper that contains ammonium ferric citrate. When the drawing is exposed to light, the unprotected ferric salt that doesn't lie underneath the lines of the drawing turn into ferrous salt that reacts with ferric cyanide that forms a blue background.

Thank butter for the appearance of citric acid. Most fat, after being refined, has a strong taste and some nasty odors. About .01% of citric acid is added to deodorize oils that inactivate trace metals like iron or copper compounds that cause oxidation and the bad smells of fat.

Lithium citrate is used to cure and prevent the spread of bi-polar disorder.
Sodium citrate along with other compounds is used to detect glucose in urine.

Toxic waste is also a huge problem in today's society. So how do you clean up all that toxic garbage? Citric acid to the rescue! The Citric Acid Process cleans up soil, waste ash, and sludge! This occurs because the process extracts metal (uranium, thorium, plutonium, cobalt, cesium, strontium, cadmium, lead, zinc, and copper) contaminants from soil and converts it to something that can be disposed of or recycled.

I also use it to suck the alkaloids out of my cacti and aya.
Brewmaster a dit:
Toxic waste is also a huge problem in today's society. So how do you clean up all that toxic garbage? Citric acid to the rescue! The Citric Acid Process cleans up soil, waste ash, and sludge! This occurs because the process extracts metal (uranium, thorium, plutonium, cobalt, cesium, strontium, cadmium, lead, zinc, and copper) contaminants from soil and converts it to something that can be disposed of or recycled.

you can't convert uranium, thorium, plutonium, cobalt, cesium, strontium, cadmium, lead, zinc or copper into some other metal unless you a core scientist or let natural desintegration of the core do it's work. with citric acid, you'll only have the metal in some other molecule, but most of the mentioned metals are naturaly highly radioactive, and they stay that way in every molecule. the only solution to get rid of these is: time.
the core will lose nucleons and turn into an other metal untill it turns into a non radioactive metal.
of course the metals can form molecules with citric acid which can easily been token from soils etc, but that molecules are also toxic, so they will probably be put in barrels and dumped in the ocean

i like your positive speach about citric acid, but i just had to commentarise this :P