Richy sez:
Citric acid is used for breaking down heroin...
It hasn't got any other uses except for treating scurvy.
I'm sorry but this is the dumbest thing I've read in a while.
Look at a can of soda. Most likely citric acid will be an ingredient. That's because Citric acid is also the most widely used organic acidulate and pH-control agent. Its salt, sodium citrate, is another additive used in sodas. It is also used to control acidity in cookies, chocolates, cakes, and butter.
Citrate is a salt or ester of citric acid. Citrate is more commonly used than straight citric acid.
Ferric ammonium citrate is used for blue prints. Drawings are put on paper in which light can go through. The drawing is placed over paper that contains ammonium ferric citrate. When the drawing is exposed to light, the unprotected ferric salt that doesn't lie underneath the lines of the drawing turn into ferrous salt that reacts with ferric cyanide that forms a blue background.
Thank butter for the appearance of citric acid. Most fat, after being refined, has a strong taste and some nasty odors. About .01% of citric acid is added to deodorize oils that inactivate trace metals like iron or copper compounds that cause oxidation and the bad smells of fat.
Lithium citrate is used to cure and prevent the spread of bi-polar disorder.
Sodium citrate along with other compounds is used to detect glucose in urine.
Toxic waste is also a huge problem in today's society. So how do you clean up all that toxic garbage? Citric acid to the rescue! The Citric Acid Process cleans up soil, waste ash, and sludge! This occurs because the process extracts metal (uranium, thorium, plutonium, cobalt, cesium, strontium, cadmium, lead, zinc, and copper) contaminants from soil and converts it to something that can be disposed of or recycled.
I also use it to suck the alkaloids out of my cacti and aya.