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Lemon juice before shroom trip: trip booster or myth?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion c0sm1c_d4nc3r
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Lemon juice shroom trip booster or myth?

  • c0smic is right!!

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  • Nah c0smic you don't have clue n00b!!

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I still have some fresh shrooms, maybe I'll take a little of them with lemon juice to see what's the effect.
yesterday i powdered 2gr dried mexicans and soaked it in pure lemon juice for about 10min.. made a tea and mixed it together.. good trip but nothing new to me. maybe it wasn't that strong because last friday i took my last shrooms. need a bit longer break perhaps..
forest a dit:
...i would recommend you to start with a normal portion without citric acids.

I agree with you m8. I'll ingest 2 gr dried shrooms and see where it'll take me. ;-)
I'm not sure if the trip is stronger, but it hits you really fast in the beginning. Soak them in lemon juice and then add hot water, drink it after a few minutes. It will hit you strong after only 15-20 minutes and it will give you a strong rush of psilocybine so that you will forget your own name (at least with >5g). Oooh, I love this rush!

Cocoa is different, it slows down everything in the beginning, but after one and a half hours you'll suddenly be submerged in a strange world. Best recipe if you aim for real ego dissolution in my opinion.
Cocoa? Let me get this straight.. Milk and sweetened cocoa powder right? Hmm.. the south american indians don't eat fat, sugar, milk products and meat for a week before a shroom trip because it weakens the trip or something like that. That's what I've been told anyways.
Yeah but you should have as pure chocolate as possible.
And as less sugar as possible.
If you get pure cacao that would be the best

Allthough 70% pure chocolate also works (really dark)
since this year you can buy some lindt that is 99% cocoa and 1% sugar...let me tell that it is really strange to eat...it's damn compact, has so much taste and you can't eat it straight, well you can but it's a waste i'd say, a small piece can last 10min at least heh....but with beer it's okay
bier und shoggi is da ruler
bier und shoggi :D
99% sounds strange, I think I will get one the next time (:
99% pure chocolate?????

Now that's the shit you need!!!
I can order pure cacao cacao powder but it's really expensive. it's not modivicaded. it's raw and really healthy, for in shakes :P
Yeah it usually is really expensive, but really worth getting for an intense shroom session :mrgreen:
Pure cocoa powder isn't that expensive, at least where I live. I can get a box (250g) for about 3 Euro. It also makes for a really nice drink without shrooms!

Without shrooms I usually mix it with lots of sugar, then add some little water and stir until it's a dark-brown mass. Then I add more hot water and some milk or cream (If you add lots of water in the beginning it won't dissolve and form lumps)
Tastes way better than any commercial chocolate drinks!
There are two types: low fat and high fat - of course the high-fat type tastes better because it still has all the cocoa butter.

P.S.: I just read this
also thought of suicide but at that moment you know death is not the end of existence, just a passage to another dimension.

and I totally agree. I also was at this point once where I knew that suicide would not get me out of the place where I was. I was already in a spiritual state and I would still be there if my body was dead. Nice to hear about a similar experience!
I think you are talking about other cacao powder.
i meant organic, raw, with zero additives. I'm not sure why it's so expensive, but it's about 10 euro's for half a pound.

yeah, that state of knowing and being is on one side great. on the other hand it is like hell because you know there is just no way out of excistence. you are trapped and death is no emergency exit.
Space-is-the-Place a dit:
Yeah but you should have as pure chocolate as possible.
And as less sugar as possible.
you still need some sugar, because psilocybin lowers the amount of sugar in your blood, that's why you sometimes feel a little bit cold. it also helps against the yawning in my case :)
Entheonaut a dit:
I do know that chocolat does increase the intensity of the shroom trip. I haven't tried it with lemon juice (or any juice containing high citric acid concentrated juice) yet, but I will next time for sure 8).

And if it is a myth, I think it is due to the name citric ACID... Maybe one told another that acid(lsd) improves the shroom trip (duh :roll:), and when told from mouth to mouth, someone thought that citric acid would also work? :p
Just a wild guess, it went through my mind so i thought I'd mention it...

Chocolade as milk is full load of triptamins that wait to be converted in serotonin and some other no importante molec.If yours body is loaded with TRIPTOFAN shroom trip will be stronger or longer lasting but this in concetraced citric acid is shit but I will give 20% chanse that it will work in way of sintesis and protection of psilocibin and in that way gives you higer psytrance.But I would like to see some coment and real proof for that or something like that Sin Loi 8) :D 8)
I think you are talking about other cacao powder.
i meant organic, raw, with zero additives. I'm not sure why it's so expensive, but it's about 10 euro's for half a pound.

OK, I guess you're talking about the "100%-biological-cocoa-powder" ;)
The one I was talking about says: "Ingredients: Cocoa powder, acidity regulators: E501, E524"

Well, I don't know what E501 and E524 are, in the worst case they cause cancer, in the best case they are just harmless stuff like citric acid. But at least 99% or more of this product are cocoa powder, no sugar, no sweeteners, no milk powder and so on. :?
To me Lemon Juice is an good acid extractor!
In my opinion the best way to take mushrooms is in tea form :
i put whatever quantity of mush in a cup ( generally 0.8 to 1.3g )
i pour sugar on it ( just for taste )
and finally a table spoon or two of lemon juice!!!
Let it saok 2-3 min until your water is hot ( NOT BOILING i've heard that psylocibine is drestroyed by heat, maybe that's not true butdo we want to take a chance?)

So put like a quarter of cup in your glass let it soak again for 5 min until its cold enough to drink it.... And ENJOY!

No upset stomach ! just a real good trip ...

And really last time i did my tea i put 0.6 in it ... i was just wanting a little kick!
You know what... I Was TOtallY HiGh MAn...more that if i had chew a graM or more!!!

Use liquid honey instead of sugar. I've heard that plain sugar makes the trip weaker. :-?
Wow this answers so many questions. The first trip I had was amazing. But the other trips I've had were horrible and too strong. As it played out I had used orange juice everytime as it masked the taste of the mushshrooms wonderfully. Where my friend never minded the taste and never drink the juice. Cut to me freaking out and him not liking to trip with me anymore ;)

(Sorry for bring back a slightly older thread)

Can't imagine lemon juice