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i have a few questions about ecstasy.

CaduceusMercurius a dit:
You can order it here. Or you can come over to buy it in my shop and get a free gift! :wink:

Hehehe alright, then i am gonna buy it very soon in your shop ;)
Bastiaan a dit:

Explosion is methylone, not MDEA. And it's been made illegal somewhere in the past 10 years or so...
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
Of course I wasn't literally bored during the experiences themselves. But I felt the term 'ecstasy' was inappropriate because though perhaps carefree and happy, I never had truly ecstatic experiences, whether taking it at home or at a Goa party. On LSD and other psychedelics I've had much more ecstatic experiences.

That,s what I mean. I had a good time, but it's nothing compared to true psychedelics. I felt happy and carefree, but I usually feel happy by myself.

Maybe it was bad XTC, I don't know.
When taken a high dose of mdma, i have to say that i think it still can be a pretty powerfull psychedelic experience. Okay, it is nothing compared to mushrooms or lsd, but i think it really has more potential then many people believe. It made me in some sort of way, more conscious about the feelings i am noticing during normal life. But on the other hand, i don't understand how it can be usefull for therapeutic usage. I don't really understand this, because you can't use this stuff to often.
It's going to be a tricky year for MDMA. I'll use it this December and if it doesn't teleport me to an utterly ecstatic experience it'll be the last time ever.

I'm kinda nervous since it brought me unforgetable experiences years ago. But back then I was psychoactive naive, I had never used alcohol, tobacco, pot or anything else to measure with. I thought what I felt was totally real.

But I'm afraid I'll detect the chemical activation clearly, which might destroy many nostalgic times I had in my younger years. :? I'll look through them, if that's the truth to wake up with, I'll grab it, but it'll affect me for sure.
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
Of course I wasn't literally bored during the experiences themselves. But I felt the term 'ecstasy' was inappropriate because though perhaps carefree and happy, I never had truly ecstatic experiences, whether taking it at home or at a Goa party. On LSD and other psychedelics I've had much more ecstatic experiences.

OK I agree with you on this, maybe MDMA doesn't deserve the name "ecstasy", as there are other substances that produce much stronger ecstasy, but still I can't imagine being bored on MDMA if I'm with other people and/or if there is good music.

Mystic warrior is right too... a lot of people seem to underestimate MDMA's psychedelic power. I had my first psychedelic trip on MDMA, it actually is the substance that made me become a psychonaut, without it maybe I wouldn't even be on this forum, as it is while searching about ecstasy's effects on consciousness the day after that I found this forum. But I think it is more limited than the classical psychedelic. What I mean is that I don't think I'm ever going to have more revelations with it. Now it's mainly for having a good time with friends & music.

It can be a great psychotherapeutic tool because it makes one more open, more willing to communicate, it makes it easier to express yourself, to communicate your emotions, and it takes away all sense of fear.
stoner_bitch.<3 a dit:
i'm showing some interest in mescaline, acid, mushrooms, ghb,
i've rolled about 13 times, did oxycotton once and done coke but not much
but actually i am smart. so like doing these things hasn't made me unintelligent
sometimes i take really high doses of nyquil.

i just feel like something bad wouldn't happen to me you know.

please for YOUR own sake, pull your head out of your ass. SOMETHING BAD WILL HAPPEN TO YOU.
you're not even close to 18 yet, and nowhere near mature, as i can tell by the way you present your issues...if you were intelligent, you would/should know the difference between what meth is doing to you VS MDMA (look that shit up on erowid, fuck!)...
if you want a comparison of how functional your brain is gonna be IF you do manage to reach 18. imagine the usefulness of 1 square of single-ply jail-issued toilet paper while you've got montezumas revenge to deal with. just check yourself into rehab, the weed is fine, but fucking NYQUIL, METH, opiates esp OXY and cocaine????

**if you value your life at all in any way GET HELP FROM SOMEBODY, it doesn't even matter who at this point. this is truely depressing for me to even have to witness, and i am sorry for you as well as anyone else who ends up reading this thread
in my opinion mdma is stupid. i never liked it. it made me feel good but thats it. i always am happy. and people stop hatin on her because shes not 18 im not 16 and i have done mushrooms, ritalin, morphine, percocet, mdma, marijuana every day, drank, smoke ciggarettes, but i beleive in psychedelics as a teacher. and fyi i am a straight a student that knows hella more then an average american about the usa government.
I am telling you right now... You think you are still smart?? You AIN'T gonna be if you keep smoking weed every day, that's for sure!! I had, (and I emphasize HAD), a really good, fast thinking, well adjusted, and very astute mind before I started smoking dope every day. Now all that has gone to SHIT! My memory is totally fucked, I get depressed easily, when I never did before, I always think the bad things about everything and see the worst of every situation, I am totally paranoid about almost everything, and it's all from smoking dope an a daily full time basis. Not only that, if you have ANY predisposition towards schizophrenia, (and there's no way to tell this until it happens), smoking dope will bring it on a lot quicker, and make it worse than it would have been without the dope.
Don't get me wrong, I am not saying NOT to smoke at all, but make sure you do it only at the end of the day when you get home form work, have had some dinner and are sitting down to relax to watch a movie or something. I was smoking as soon as I woke up in the morning, before doing anything else, I was getting up in the middle of the night to have pipes, and it just completely wrecked my life and my mind. (I haven't smoked now for over a year and my memory is STILL completely fucked! I only hope it will eventually start coming good again).
Really, you should only smoke on weekends and stuff, and even then not too much of it. Besides, if you are only smoking on weekends, you won't need much to get wasted anyway.
Every drug, no matter WHAT it is, is ok in moderation! Any drug, taken on an everyday full time basis is gonna fuck you over big time, I don't care who you are! Anyone who says this won't happen doesn't know how far gone they already are...
Also being only young like you are is definitely going to cause longterm, irreversible damage, especially with the Ecstasy!
Please listen to what I am telling you, if I can stop what happened to me happening to somebody else, I will be happy, and YOU will be too! Once your mind is damaged, you can't EVER fix it again!!! :retard:
But on the other hand, i don't understand how it can be usefull for therapeutic usage. I don't really understand this, because you can't use this stuff to often.
The MDMA is part of the therapy, which spans a couple of weeks before and whatever time necessary after one, perhaps two, guided MDMA sessions. By consciously entering the empathic state generated by MDMA, one learns what it's like to be in that state of mind, to think and feel about problems and hurts in that state of mind. Once one has experienced it, once one knows how liberating it can be, one will be able and more inclined to think and feel with more empathy long after the "chemical" effects have faded. Some people continue to feel euphoric and emotionally liberated for days, weeks or even months after such sessions. You don't get such results from doing MDMA at a party.
That is true. My approach to the external world got a radical shift up as in terms of caring, and being interested in what's going on in other people's mind.

It was weird, only after one experience my political orientation turned from center right to center left for evermore. Merely because I could be in sympathy with other individuals no matter who they are or where they are.

But I must have always been center left. But I was afraid, afraid for being vulnerable to mention in public my nuanced inputs. It is no exaggeration to say that this side of me had never gotten a chance due to the vision I had on the society, programmed in my mind through my environment and external influences I had no control over. How can one know if he has been raised that way since birth... it is not really a fair and objective growth where we humans go through.

Representing both sides to each individual during his of her process of maturity seems almost impossible as there are ego's around who tend to win their support with ignorance and unscrupulous hedonism.

But which side one chooses, at least everyone should be aware of both sides equally as much. Only in that way, we can speak of choosen freedom.

MDMA can help a lot, because no driving-wheel is required to get the mind in a state of 'tasting the world of profound sensitivity.'
You don't get such results from doing MDMA at a party.

very interesting, see this is the thing that separates psychonauts from recreational users. and i think it applies to all drugs in general

drugs.. being illegal.. you can't "read the fucking manual" because there is no manual. that's what the war on drugs does, it keeps people ignorant of the actual benefit of these drugs and how to obtain the benefits when you use them. many people smoke weed for years simply to shut their brains off and relax, with no idea that they are basically taking a threshold dose of a plant traditionally used as a psychedelic. and plenty of people do classic psychedelics purely recreationally. they never close their eyes. they've never heard of albert hofmann, or that lsd was used originally as a tool for psychotherapy. pretty much all banned drugs have some medical use somewhere, psychotherapy or not.
I have basically for the past year not had any good experience with psychoactives in almost any respect, I had taken mushrooms last september and had a very horrible mental breakdown, partly because of intelligence, and partly because the realization of how unintelligent I really was, along with some other completely neurotic ideas thats still haunt me but are completely wrong. AKA I had a bad trip. I did mushrooms 3 times after that, trying to "switch" my brain to a more positive outlook. 2 times I did it alone (very dangerous now that I think about it) but luckily the shrooms were very weak, I felt almost nothing.
The third time I had a very talkative setting with friends, and felt more content, although still depressive in the back of my mind.
I have recently been thinking about doing MDMA in the summer or spring coming, as I have been longing for a euphoric experience for a while now. I used to be able to obtain euphoria simply on weed and music, but that changed after my september incident...
Do you guys think I should try it? I have been drug free for about 5-6 months before my last experience (2 weeks ago) and I'm alright, I can handle my sanity well now (after alot of reading and self medication).

Oh and by the way, that many drugs before 16 or even 18 is very stupid. You are doing damage to your brain, yes, but your brain is still smart enough to enforce your mental addiction... It is basically tricking you into thinking of reasons to take drugs, no matter how damaging it is.
Its true weed is a week psychoactive (in most respects) but it does harm intelligence, not directly, as in killing braincells, but it enforces useless braincells, and converts the most important ones to do functions of lesser importance, i.e. stoner. ... Think about it.

My question to you guys is do you think MDMA could help self medication? Or should I just drop all drugs and recover the slow route? I'm not going to go for any therapy, its expensive and I know I'll be fine now anyways...
IJesusChrist a dit:
My question to you guys is do you think MDMA could help self medication? Or should I just drop all drugs and recover the slow route? I'm not going to go for any therapy, its expensive and I know I'll be fine now anyways...

If used in a proper setting yes. I found it very helpful just alone at home or together with my girlfriend or a good friend. It opens you up.

Make sure to take the right dose. Postload with 5-htp just to be sure.
Its true weed is a week psychoactive (in most respects) but it does harm intelligence, not directly, as in killing braincells, but it enforces useless braincells, and converts the most important ones to do functions of lesser importance, i.e. stoner.

that just depends on how you use it. if you use weed to veg out and shut your brain off then yes, that will be the effect.

i use weed now and then as a source of creative energy and sensory exploration and as far as i'm concerned its a gift from the gods. i also know a lot of computer programmers, academics and artists who swear by it.

weed is just a tool. how you use it is up to you.
adrianhaffner a dit:
Forkbender a dit:
Postload with 5-htp just to be sure.

what does that mean? im assuming "take alot of 5-htp afterwards" but what is 5-htp??

it's a serotonin precursor sold at healthstores. It helps restabalize the serotoninlevel in the brain.
Cool thanks forkbender, I'll probably just go to the beach with a few friends, or by myself, there isn't any visual distortions are there? or minimal? I guess it doesn't matter... I've walked around and talked to strangers on ayahuasca :D
IJesusChrist a dit:
Cool thanks forkbender, I'll probably just go to the beach with a few friends, or by myself, there isn't any visual distortions are there? or minimal? I guess it doesn't matter... I've walked around and talked to strangers on ayahuasca :D

My opinion is that, MDMA is much easier to handle then Mushrooms or Ayauhasca. On one of MDMA trips, i even walked without problems, trough the city where i live.