it was great, euphoric, unfortunately coming down now and i feel nauseous, not very good. I've been on pain medication for a week now so that may be what is causing the discomfort, but I haven't taken any today. I Do not feel well
Th experience as a whole was very mild, I went for a walk; it was a beautiful day out, very crisp air and leaves were falling. I walked to the market to get an apple - I was craving a fruit, any fruit, I also wanted to see how human interaction would go. It was fine, a bit funny, I couldn't stop smiling.
I walked down a road, a long road, somewhat of an "in-between" area - half of it is residential, the other half is layered by train tracks, silos, industry, and business. A long walk to think, a long walk to walk, heh.
I knew where I was heading, though, towards a large wall. Great graffiti, many big names, many no names, not a lot of history, but a kind of "yeah I've been here" place for graffiti. Maybe a few kids just trying something new - a place to experiment. I liked it, and paralleled the entire wall on my feet, naming each piece, thinking I like this or I don't like that. How great it would feel to have a can and to paint. Why do I paint? Yeah... why do I paint anyways? Its kind of like a get-away from the city. By doing graffiti you are displaying an exact place in the world, in the state, in the city, in the living breathing, bustling of it all, that you have the time to sit down, take your time, and paint this. You can do whatever the hell you want, yet you're in the middle of the city - graffiti. I liked that, and coming to that conclusion, I realized train tracks and industry are kind of like small quiet oases in a city. You can walk for hours and not see a soul except the train drivers. It was odd - that feeling of being away, yet right in the middle.
I took the train tracks back, walked slowly, thinking about what graffiti is, why do I do graffiti, am I just a stubborn kid writing on walls? No, definitely not, don't even acknowledge that argument anymore, can't even see it from their eyes anymore. Its so different.
I came and woke my room mate up and told him to get his ass out of bed. It was noon and he was hungover as hell, puking in the shower. Awesome, why do we drink? Why do I drink? I need to stop drinking. I did stop drinking, something else does it for me. Jesus that is a statement. We took our bikes and went to a friends house. I don't really know if she knew I was on acid, but she was there. Giggling. She took us in the back yard and there was the most energetic puppy I've ever met in my life. So full of energy, so happy, had no idea who I was but wanted every bit of his soul to be playing with me. Running - screaming across the yard with ball in mouth, happy as can be, and same with me.
I'll end it there, as I feel good in recollection.