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First time LSD

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion IJesusChrist
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 482
I'll let you know how it goes, I'm about 25 minutes in and overly excited. :)

unfortunately my house is very cold, only thing I wish differently for my first time
Damn, now *that's* an experience worth mentionning!

Enjoy! :D
Enjoy mate :)

it was great, euphoric, unfortunately coming down now and i feel nauseous, not very good. I've been on pain medication for a week now so that may be what is causing the discomfort, but I haven't taken any today. I Do not feel well :(

Th experience as a whole was very mild, I went for a walk; it was a beautiful day out, very crisp air and leaves were falling. I walked to the market to get an apple - I was craving a fruit, any fruit, I also wanted to see how human interaction would go. It was fine, a bit funny, I couldn't stop smiling.

I walked down a road, a long road, somewhat of an "in-between" area - half of it is residential, the other half is layered by train tracks, silos, industry, and business. A long walk to think, a long walk to walk, heh.

I knew where I was heading, though, towards a large wall. Great graffiti, many big names, many no names, not a lot of history, but a kind of "yeah I've been here" place for graffiti. Maybe a few kids just trying something new - a place to experiment. I liked it, and paralleled the entire wall on my feet, naming each piece, thinking I like this or I don't like that. How great it would feel to have a can and to paint. Why do I paint? Yeah... why do I paint anyways? Its kind of like a get-away from the city. By doing graffiti you are displaying an exact place in the world, in the state, in the city, in the living breathing, bustling of it all, that you have the time to sit down, take your time, and paint this. You can do whatever the hell you want, yet you're in the middle of the city - graffiti. I liked that, and coming to that conclusion, I realized train tracks and industry are kind of like small quiet oases in a city. You can walk for hours and not see a soul except the train drivers. It was odd - that feeling of being away, yet right in the middle.

I took the train tracks back, walked slowly, thinking about what graffiti is, why do I do graffiti, am I just a stubborn kid writing on walls? No, definitely not, don't even acknowledge that argument anymore, can't even see it from their eyes anymore. Its so different.

I came and woke my room mate up and told him to get his ass out of bed. It was noon and he was hungover as hell, puking in the shower. Awesome, why do we drink? Why do I drink? I need to stop drinking. I did stop drinking, something else does it for me. Jesus that is a statement. We took our bikes and went to a friends house. I don't really know if she knew I was on acid, but she was there. Giggling. She took us in the back yard and there was the most energetic puppy I've ever met in my life. So full of energy, so happy, had no idea who I was but wanted every bit of his soul to be playing with me. Running - screaming across the yard with ball in mouth, happy as can be, and same with me.

I'll end it there, as I feel good in recollection. :D
Long story short:

I wanted to have a learning experience and I wanted to come out motivated to finish school, get some art work done, and over-all become more prepared for my future.

My thoughts seemed slightly cloudy and muttered. Although I did find msyelf making head way and examining things in great detail along the rail road tracks, on my bike, and so on, I did not have enough time for introspection. I had this awful stomach cramp and I was afraid if I stopped to think about my nausea I would succumb to some of my common fears and paranoia.

I avoided the fear for about 6 hours, and it wasn't until I was nearly sober till I realized I needed to have a crisis to gain; without a crisis I was not going to change, but rather maintain my exact path.

As I was coming down I tried to sleep. I received a text message from my girlfriend that seemed odd and I started to cry. I really, really wanted to cry. I wanted to feel sadness, I wanted to feel something... I had my crisis. I felt awful for the last duration of the trip. My thoughts were very cloudy due to lack of sleep the past few days (bad planning on my part to trip while no sleep) but I woke up the next day (today) with great ambition. Although not a transformed man I was able to come out level headed, with some positive outcomes. I thought about a LOT of things, many things, but little conclusions came.

empathy was extremely low in comparison to other trips, probably due to low levels of THC in my system.
Sounds like you had a good time mate :)

I found with my first meaningfull LSD trip, I cried.

But truthfully, It was al l the emotion and hurt that I had bottled up and held on to.
I cried and I let go, I realised what I had to do.

When your not carrying that bag of emotion with you, You walk with a spring in your step and you go with the flow :D

Like Good Old Mr Lee said "Be like water my friend, Water can flow or Water can crash. Be like water my friend... :)"
Awesome to hear that you finally got to try the LSD molecule. I have been dying to find the time for a good mental reset but between college and life in general I haven't been able to find the time to sit back and enjoy myself. It is always nice to turn the brain into a living amusement park. Sadly I havent been able to do that for about two years now. I imagine that when I finally am able to that it will have all the warm feelings that one gets when they come home for the first time in a very long time.
Good stuff man. Ive cried during quite afew trips aswell. Tears of joy and beauty, and tears of sorrow and pitty.
Thats usually a good sign ive learned. You never really know how many things make it past the filter that is our brain untill a nice trip.
Just reading your report brings me back. The way you discribed things, the graffiti, the dog, remind me of the beauty that is LSD. Ive been looking past alot of things lately unless its smacking me in the face it seems.
Glad to hear of your experience man. I think im going to try to remember a bit of that simple mindfulness again. Even long after you do LSD, its still there, its just a matter of finding it. :)

EDIT: And be careful with those pain meds. :?
yeah. I was somewhat, am somewhat, disappointed in the trip though, well not the trip, more so myself.

I felt as if I was pursuing the same thing I was running from. My intentions were to go in and blast myself, but when the time came, I became too nervous and woke my friend up to distract myself with a nice walk and bike ride. I was glad he was so enthusiastic to do so, he's a good friend like that - wasn't going to let me down.

But - a part of me wanted to stop moving, go deep, and realize some important things, but I couldn't. Always on the move!

I think just now the real impacts are hitting me. I'm more motivated in everything, I'm more complex (in that I'm picking up my old hobbies as well as doing school).. I tend to get into these slumps where I seem cloudy and, well, rather stupid. I don't learn very fast, I become lazy and just play video games or something, and don't get anything done. Now I've gotten off my ass just in the past 4, 5 days and been doing things, pursuing what I say Im actually going to do, spreading myself out, partaking in life.

I won't directly say that lsd did this - but it is definitely possible. I seem to go in waves, though, sometimes lasting weeks, sometimes lasting months where I'm very up - happy - intelligent. Then I don't become depressed or sad, but I become lethargic, lazy, unambitious.

I'm thinking about possibly taking it again on my winter vacation. I get to go to mexico (wooo!) and perhaps my girlfriend would enjoy an experience as well. We'll see :)
in short words: why would you need something else.... skip first 5 hours...
can't stop listening album


never was listening this band before

reach out and touch faith :wink: