Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
GOD a dit:
Your not open minded . Your not neutral . Your not objective . Your not willing to look at the fanatical things that you preach .
Last night I spent one and a half hours looking at a more or less positive documentary on Islam, by the History Channel. It was extremely positive about Mohammed actually, and pointed out how the Islamic period in Spain actually played a major role in the European Enlightenment. Quite ironic... That documentary wasn't on TV, it was a DVD I rented. I also bought a book two weeks ago by an Arabic scholar, Nasr Abu Zaid, for the purpose of broadening my view. You may disagree, but I am trying to get a broad perspective here.
haha CM

I love your spirit of openmindedness. For me that is what debate, learning, exploration is, It is like a winding road around cliffs, or a labyrinthe, paths into the, it is tenuous. You HAVE to be flexible, and be aware that it is very easy to get lost on path/worldview, and once there cling like dear fuck to it. Etc. Anyone honest will agree
I am aware of this: That for many women and gays and children and criminals, and males in certain Islamic countries they
are oppressed. That is not made up (and see the article I posted above). That is real.
Now, usually, as you say, it has been assumed that the reason for that brutality is because the Islamic traditions missed out on the 'European' Enlightenement, and that is because the Qu'ran is not to be contradicted because its believed to be the word of 'God'.
YET you say you have watched that History channel that claims Muslims were very much involved with and even
influenced the Enlightenment. And I have just read an article that also says the same:
Islam and the Enlightenment ... umber=9680
and fished out this video:
The Islamic Enlightenment: The Beginning of Modernity
So...where are we? How does this argument help us with our understanding of Islamic shariah law? With the Qu'ran and its violent passages which are very xenophobic?
yeah let us get a broader view