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Danger of Islam!

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion zezt
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So the 911-never-happened zezt mutated to it-were-the-evil-islamists zezt? I liked the first theory better...it was more...adventurous.

Claude Lévi-Strauss said that if you call someone else barbarian, you are barbarian yourself.

Instead of watching zionist (I didn't say you were zionist but the movie) propaganda material, you shoulr rather really inform yourself about islam, talking with muslems, reading books, talking with historians etc.

First of all, ask yourself: why did islamistic extremism evolve? When?

Then compare the historic past of the middle east and Europe. First, think about the areas where religion is strong nowadays, also consider the USA. I give you an allusion: 1789, Kant.

Then think, even if it is hard.
Too bad the extremists don't repay you the courtesy....
Zezt, Wilders is a typical zionist himself. He's big friends with Israeli officials and goes there regularly.

Restin, that "9/11 was orchestrated and allowed by White House officials" does not contradict the fact that it "involved devoted Quran readers blowing themselves up to become martyrs".
or devoted CIA agents that were brainwashed to act so...you never know.
I never liked Wilders and his way's of doing politics and getting attention from the media. :evil:
On the other hand, I am not so naïve to believe that Islam isn't a danger to freedom.
I think Islam is a dangerous ideology. But it's not the only ideology that's dangerous to freedom.
Wilders is obsessed by the evils of Islam, but he doesn't talk about other religions/ or ideology's.
I am saddened and shocked by the amount of hatred and fear against another culture :(
I will leave this thread and let you play your nazi games,

Auf wiedersehen

"I am saddened and shocked by the amount of hatred and fear against another culture

I will leave this thread and let you play your nazi games,

Auf wiedersehen "
So I can't say anything about Islam.

Why :?:

Am i the racist now. And you the good guy :lol:

First of all Wilders is NOT courageous, he is just a dumb fuck...

Islamic extremist and fundamentalist are bad, just as bad as christian and jewish extremists. BUT the islam nor the Quran is bad, it's the people that interpret it in extreme ways. Mind you, there is a perfect reaction to Fitna, called Schism which is practically the same bullshit but about christians.

Extremists will always be there, whether it be animal rights extremists or religious extremists. The point is you simply can not blame the extremism on the Quran or Islam(or bible etc...) just like you can't blame mushrooms for a suicidal girl jumping off a bridge.

Klu-klux-klan members are white, does that make every white person rascist? That's the way you and Wilders draw your conclusions.
magickmumu a dit:
I never liked Wilders and his way's of doing politics and getting attention from the media. :evil:
On the other hand, I am not so naïve to believe that Islam isn't a danger to freedom.
I think Islam is a dangerous ideology. But it's not the only ideology that's dangerous to freedom.
Wilders is obsessed by the evils of Islam, but he doesn't talk about other religions/ or ideology's.

READ MY POST :evil: :evil: :evil:

I AM NO FCKNG NAZI :evil: :evil: :evil:
Calm down Magick my post wasn't aimed at you...

And you are free to say whatever you think of the Islam, but do support your statements with more proper argumentation than Wilders uses.(I'm not implying you don't by the way, but I have yet to hear a good reason why the 'Islam' is so dangerous, even more dangerous than christianity or judeism)

VersusDeus? Was that typ-o meant to be there, because it drastically changes my silly name :lol:
VerusDeus a dit:
Extremists will always be there, whether it be animal rights extremists or religious extremists. The point is you simply can not blame the extremism on the Quran or Islam(or bible etc...)
True, extremists will always be there, but certainly one can pinpoint the root of some problems to scriptural injunctions.

From "The Qur'an's Self-Image: Writing and Authority in Islam's Scripture" by Daniel A. Madigan: "Islam is frequently characterized as a 'religion of the Book'. Many scholars consider it the most developed example of this kind of religion, probably because the words of scripture occupy a more central position in the faith and practice of Muslims than in other religions."

The Quran is very emphatic about its own authority (see also below: "The Qur'an's authority in the Muslim world far surpasses the authority the Bible has held in the West"), while at the same time being stuffed with outdated cultural ideas (regarding women, slavery, racism, sexism etc.) and statements that encourage war till the end of time.

“Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of truth, from among the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission.
There's no doubt that Islam has it's aspects to fire critical notes on. But only if there's a certain reason to do so and against those who oppress the freedom of the inner lifes of others. The same as we should do on the government of Israel. I have my critic on both, Judaism and Islam.

Wilders wants to nuke every individual who's not entirely negative about Islam and it's people.

Wilders believes that people have no self responsibility or capabilities, and need to learn everything through practise in detention. Which implies laws of bondage with no space.

Besides his Islam views, he believes we need to be made, for every diplomatical question he comes up with a solution which includes extreme authorities and strict supervision.

He wants a possibility for detention if the government believes it's for the national safety, with no invention of any court or any process.

It is such a shame that this idiot made it to this forum. We're giving him fuel.

I'd ask everyone not to mention his name anymore on this entire board after this thread. He pulls the attention to himself. In his youth he was isolated but always wanted to be a leader in vain.

We know him, and nothing is new.
Without early Islam there would never have been a Renaissance, a Reformation and a French Revolution & Enlightenment in the West. They shaped modern culture in many ways and led Europe out of the Dark Ages. You can say their scripture is violent, but do you have proof as to how many muslims strictly adhere to the more violent passages?
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