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Danger of Islam!

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion zezt
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It just seems as if some are infected by it. You don't get rid of it by merging and deleting.
Sorry for offtopic, Fork
an anti-relativist?
Can we agree on the term "nazi"? You may prove me wrong but for me, this term (anti-relativism) is on the same wave as Social Darwinism. Read a speech by Disraeli (if I remember).
restin a dit:

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Look in the mirror my fellow Christian.

For fuck's sake who are you to judge any culture?

NO, he didn't listen again, this time closely. And I am not saying that. What we ARE saying is this: that the very religion AS political system--Shariah Law is barbaric and evil and is actually HAPPENING!! it IS happening. And there are now calls from Islamic Muslims to have this law in our culture which believes in freedom --ok, relative to that oppression anyhow. So this is a major warning to nopt be politcally correct and and make these people know that we will NOT stand for this oppression here. Please see that?
GOD a dit:
"Spreading anti-islamic propaganda is not what the world needs. There is enough hatred in this world already. Spreading hate against a religion shows no cultural or ethical understanding.

Watching such propaganda movies makes me as sick as reading mein Kampf."

+ 1 .

This is a repeat of the "Fitna" thread where the secret nazis here came out of their shit holes and started spreading poison . Again .

First you wipe out the moslems , then the meat eaters , then the homosexuals , then the jews , then the christians , then the nazis , then the comunists and eventualy you end up on your own being lonely in your own little world full of hate .

Open your mind , open your heart and stop spreading hate and confusion . First learn to forgive yourself , then learn to love yourself and then learn to spread love , light and healing .

This thread is a zestpit .

Oh GOD. this really hits nerve with your usually free Amsterdam spirit, yes?

Look, do you really think i am saying 'kill all the muslims?' am I hell. I am saying that we do NOT want Sharia law here. Please check out what Shariah law means. it means that you will CAN be killed for speaking out against Islam

You are really being very typically politically correct. WHY aren't you speaking out against what the Islamiists actually DO to women, and gays, and children, etc etc?? Do you not think that is worthy of standing up against?

Bye bye .
That post was edited ?

Dude... I'm not saying you should accept their law in your place... but for them where they live its the only thing that keeps them a family.

You really don't understand do you...
I am not listening? You post a zionist (!) anti-islamic (!) video and tell me I am not listening?

You make 2 statements.
Shariah Law is barbaric and evil and is actually HAPPENING!! it IS happening.
And there are now calls from Islamic Muslims to have this law in our culture which believes in freedom
2 VERY different statements and you do them BOTH. First, you criticize their culture and then you tell us that they want to invade you. There won't be any islamic laws in Europe, as we split religion and politics, OK? Just because some mad fundamentals say so, it won't happen. And your first statement is what was previously said.
"You really don't understand do you..."

I think he doesnt want to .

Dont tell me what i`m for or against , use your "brain" and ask instead of branding people .
I tell you what I understand. That I am appalled and shamed how people who know and use psychedelics can be as lost as what i am hearing here

It really shows that psychedelics alone cannot give insigght!

HOW the living hell can you lot just not care about the barbarism which is Islam?
Dya fancy being a woman, a gay, living in their countries. I would love to arrange it for you. Maybe THEN you might wake

you are fallin over each other supporting this evil foul stinking religion. and the stupid fukin Koran. Do you know what i would like to do with that stupid piece of shit?
" the barbarism which is Islam"

Thats rasism . Personaly i think that you are barbaric .

That thing under your nose is your mouth not your arse so stop talking shit .
GOD a dit:
" the barbarism which is Islam"

Thats rasism . Personaly i think that you are barbaric .

That thing under your nose is your mouth not your arse so stop talking shit .

Kuwaiti Islamist: Homosexuals Should Be Tortured in Public Squares
Since you came to this site the great majority of the posts you have posted were inflametry .

Why dont you just tell us about the problems you seem to have had throughout your life that caused you to be so blind , maybe we can help you .
Well well well ZionZest... it seems you would like to burn it... like they do burn books, they love to do that. Or perhaps even worse ?

You know what that means... if you're gay, of you're a "woman", if you're a whatever they don't like... get the heck away from their land.

How simple can that be ?
zest a dit:
Oh for god's sake. DO SOME RESEARCH

Man, your not knowing what your saying. You should have to live in Holland, and then you know how fucking sicko Geert really is.
Drink a few cups of coffee, and then smoke some DMT, you'll feel what politics is. "Damn, my body.:cry: " is politics.

The maintenance of your mind makes up the quality of your physical senses and impulses. The body itself = life and nothing else. The mind is only the operator.

Geert has no body anymore, he's fighting for his last fucking chance to save it by trying to take it all for his own sake.
zezt a dit:
I tell you what I understand. That I am appalled and shamed how people who know and use psychedelics can be as lost as what i am hearing here
every thread of yours usually ends up in this statement. Go figure.
HOW the living hell can you lot just not care about the barbarism which is Islam?
Dya fancy being a woman, a gay, living in their countries. I would love to arrange it for you. Maybe THEN you might wake

you are fallin over each other supporting this evil foul stinking religion. and the stupid fukin Koran. Do you know what i would like to do with that stupid piece of shit?
What I said before was that these things were wrong, but that the way Geert Wilders is fighting it is just as wrong. He fights fire with fire. You'd be an idiot not to see that.

Example: Wilders wants to send Dutch people of Moroccan descent (who hold a DUTCH passport) back to Morocco when they commit a crime. Dutch criminals get free cable in their jailcells, but if they are somehow different, it MUST be their religion that causes the crimes and not just the fact that they grew up hungry because their parents couldn't get a job in this country where racism is still alive.

Example2: Wilders wants to close all coffeeshops, ban smartshops and growshops and tighten police controls around ANY use of drugs other than alcohol, sugar and nicotine. How's that for freedom?

Question: if Wilders thinks women and gays are so wonderful and should be defended from the evils of Islam, why do gays and women generally NOT vote for Wilders?
Yes zezt, if you want to discuss Islam and the Koran on a forum that has a lot of Dutch people around, don't cite Geert Wilders please. Especially on a forum where the members really appreciate the coffeeshops, growshops and smartshops.

I agree Islam poses a serious threat to the world, like you said not because of the current followers but because of how the scripture and the tradition around it are set up. I don't believe in 'moderate islam' anymore. Moderate muslims are simply those who have become too absorbed with modern life to find time to read the Quran. And that may be our only hope: that future generations just lose interest. I don't think anyone should actively 'fight' islam, because that's just going to reinforce the main mythology of the Quran: that Islam is threatened by unbelievers etc. Instead younger generations should be 'lured' with scientific understanding, psychological insights, psychedelic experiences, good music and all the other things their grandparents detest. Same for the Christians and Jews.
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
Yes zezt, if you want to discuss Islam and the Koran on a forum that has a lot of Dutch people around, don't cite Geert Wilders please. Especially on a forum where the members really appreciate the coffeeshops, growshops and smartshops.

I agree Islam poses a serious threat to the world, like you said not because of the current followers but because of how the scripture and the tradition around it are set up. I don't believe in 'moderate islam' anymore. Moderate muslims are simply those who have become too absorbed with modern life to find time to read the Quran. And that may be our only hope: that future generations just lose interest. I don't think anyone should actively 'fight' islam, because that's just going to reinforce the main mythology of the Quran: that Islam is threatened by unbelievers etc. Instead younger generations should be 'lured' with scientific understanding, psychological insights, psychedelic experiences, good music and all the other things their grandparents detest. Same for the Christians and Jews.

THANK WHOEVER IS THERE YOU EXIST!!! a sensible statement that isn't about countering and hate...
as much as i fear religious extremisms that aim to control the planet, you can't support such a narrowminded individual as Wilders!!!
before supporting someone on a point they bring forth make sure he's not some fundamentalist himself...
That is a GREAT reply CM!!!

Ok, to you and all, I had never ever heard OF Geert Wilder's before I extremely recently heard of that film, Fitna. And after watching it, I checked out an interview he recently did to. I wasn't crazy about his work ethic, and felt it too reminiscent of what the political mood is here, but as for his feelings about Islam, I think he IS very courageous to point this out. At least admit that?

I had no idea of his views about closing shops that sell ganja (and USED to sell sacred mushrooms!!--was he responsible??) etc. THAT I am very against and if any of you know his email address I will tell him why. That is total contradcition of what he feels about Islamic totalitarianism!! THE most vital thing to heal the oppressiveness of patriarchal belief systems, particularly Islam is INTELLIGENT understanding of psychedelics and their use.
But maybe he is not aware of this? He does look fairly straight.

Now, I have been acused of being Zionist by at least one other member here.
Lol, no I am not. It just so happens that the ONLY video available that shows Geert Wilder's film has the Zionist logo. I dont know who the YT member is, but I dont share his love for Zionism at all.

I need to give you'll an intro of where I was before it dawned on me about Islam, just a few days ago:

I am very into trying to uncover and expose what really happened on 9/11. I have been since that day, and have gone through many phases of learning. Strangley enough, very soon after I DID find an online source about Islamic extremism, but later, as I began to dig that 9/11 was a false flag, then I began to see that it SEEMED Islamicists were being scapegoated.

Also, I have been very aware of Israel's conflict with Palestine, and the unequal might of Zionist Israel against a battered Palestine. Years back, my sympathies were with Israel, because I had been VERY upset when growing up about the 'Holocaust'--seeing the images, reading about it, etc. But when I was in 2nd year of art school, I met and became friendly with a Palestinian exhange artist, and he told me that Jews played the 'Holocaust card' and he told me that people in Palestine got sniped at from Israeli helicopters, etc etc etc. So my views changed dramatically.

As I continued post 9/11 to find out about Zionism, and about its possible exploitation OF Jews so as to get 'Israel' and their strang connection with Rothschild and the Illuminati, etc all this made me have a kind of BLIND EYE to ISlam...! Get me??.......I was in a defensive mode to them, though at the back of my mind i was aware of their treatment of women, gays and so on, i IMAGINED this was just 'radical' Islam.........

But the other day, I did such defending after seeing this video, and a female member was suddenly on my case telling me that as a European, I was very naive about Islam, and she mentioned the 'Shariah Law'

At first I defended myself against her, but I was intrigued to find out about this law, so I watched this video--all ten parts of it which took me all day.

Islam: What the WORLD NEEDS TO KNOW part 1

I encourage you'll to watch it!

So it suddenly dawned on me the real danger of Islam in our midst. This DOESN'T mean that now I love Zionism, Christianity. But it DOES mean that ACTUALLY, Islamic Shariah Law will treate women as 'chattel', and men can beat them, and murder them for 'honour'; they can execute minors, they can torture and execute peoples who are gay; amputate the limbs of criminals, kill 'infidels' for 'Allah, and execute those who leave their theocratic/political system, and send out and carry out death threats to anyone who speaks out against their barabaric religion/politics (because in Islam, the two are totally the same!) etc

Now all of that--which is REAL--has no place in our 'free' culture.

Do I think WE are free? No I don't. BUT incomparison with that, I would sooner this. Not that I will stay complacant with 'this', but first I will fight againt such barbarity as the Shariah law!!
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